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When you get totally stressed out, do you sometimes cry?


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I cried today and I'm humiliated. My kitten is sick, and I spoke to the vet on Monday. He'd told me what to do if she didn't seem to improve, and yesterday I did exactly what he said. I called and left a message that I wanted to start the meds he was going to try next (Clavamox) because the Amoxil didn't work. I made sure to weigh the kitten (2 lb!) and tell the receptionist because I knew they'd need that info for the correct dose. So...I never got a call back yesterday. Kitten was worse this morning.


This morning I called when the office opened and asked if the vet had gotten my message. I got the same receptionist. She said that yeah, the meds had been ready since yesterday, and she didn't know why no one had called (no apology, btw). I asked her to go look at the meds to make sure they were the right kind, because I was becoming concerned that she hadn't talked to the right doctor. She came back and said that there was Amoxil waiting for me. I told her that was the wrong med and she got a bit perturbed with me, "The doctor tells us what to give the cat and that's what he wants her to have." I told her she was wrong and to go find the doctor. She said he was in surgery and if I wanted to get a different medication I'd have to make an appt. I was so frustrated that I started to cry. I don't cry easily, mind you, but my tiny kitten had green goop flowing out of her nose and this stupid bimbo was not listening to me. I had to leave for work shortly and wanted to dose kitty before I left for the day.


They got the office manager on the phone (someone I know and like). She was upset when I told her the saga, went and talked to the doctor, came back and said that I was right, the drug was wrong, etc. Then when I went to pick up the meds I noticed that the dose was wrong...yet another part of my earlier message that didn't get to my doc.


Anyway, the point is that I'm embarrassed to have been so emotional. I feel stupid. I was so worried and upset. And this stupid perimenopause hormonal stuff is whacking me out.


Has anyone else ever cried over something so stupid in front of (or on the phone with) a total stranger? Am I some kind of freak? :(



Edited by Ria
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I've cried on public transport and while walking down the street if I've felt miserable or frustrated enough. Tears happen for a reason, and don't always wait for your convenience. Better to cry that thump someone, eh?




Edited by Rosie_0801
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I'm there with you. I cry at Mass. I cried tears of frustration when I couldn't get off the phone with the DirectTV guy who wouldn't take, "no" for an answer after the 4th time, I'm getting ready to cry because of all the crap going on at this house.


Right now I'm walking around in a depressive state that is going to end up in a melt down shortly which will inevitably produce tears.

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Yes indeed.


In my case, I am more apt to cry about stupid things (mindless automatons, bureacracy, that sort of thing) than about much larger life-changing things. For me tears come out of helpless frustration. For example, I have cried when I could not convince the post office to deliver my package or when a city worker insisted he could not find our water pipe that was clearly marked with spray paint (and yes, he drove away and it was months before I could convince the city to please come look at my clearly marked, collapsed pipe). :banghead:


Actually, I have cried many times when dealing with city workers--they have a special knack for getting under my skin.


I'm glad you got the meds for your kitty, and so sorry you had to deal with the poor behavior and poor manners.

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I do, & I have a story. It involves crying, but it's not relevant. It's meant to be a cheer-me-up.


My bro got married a couple of weeks ago. Besides the usual family-strain-ish-ness of that, I just had a baby. Well, 2, actually. I'm ginormous. But I found a cheap white, knee-length skirt & went & smiled.


The wedding was in bro's back yard. There were some rocks & seashells for decoration around the hot tub, where chairs were set up. Very unstable. We hung on to the grmothers as they went back & forth over it.


Once the wedding was over & we were eating, I headed back that way to sit w/ my grm. And lost my footing. My sandwich went flying, my feet were in the air, & I can only hope no one knows what color underwear I was wearing.


My grmother (the one in the hosp now, but unrelated!) reached out to grab me. A cousin turned just in time to get slapped in the face w/ cold sandwich meat. Her bro, in the military, saw it all from a distance & came rushing in to help.


And me? I was laughing & crying & shaking so hard, that everybody's faces twisted around w/ even MORE concern. I was fine, not a bruise or anything to speak of, but boy I wished I wouldn't cry, because it sure made me look hurt. Oh my goodness, I bet that was funny-looking.


:grouphug: I hope your cat gets well!

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I cried once when I was at the airport and I was missing my connection. I had just flown London - San Francisco with my 8mo ds. The plane was late leaving London because of some technical problem. San Fran is one of the few airports where you actually have to collect your luggage from baggage claim, go through customs, find your way to the front desk to check in for your connection and re-check your luggage, then go back through security to catch the next flight. I had requested help with the transfer, but as we were waiting for my luggage, my 'helper' got called away to help someone with a wheelchair. By the time I got to the front desk, the connection was just about to take off. I asked if they could hold the flight, but they wouldn't. I was so overtired and upset. I started crying. Then I told them that I wanted the airline to pay for a rental car so I could drive. The lady talked me down from the rental car idea because she could tell I was not fit to drive, even though it was only a few hours away. I had to sit in an empty airport with my 8mo for 5 hours waiting for the next flight. It was a nightmare.


So, yes, I have been known to lose it in public. Don't feel embarrassed.


Hope your kitty is better soon.

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Your story was frustrating to ME and I didn't even experience it first hand. That is so WRONG.


Oh and to answer your question, yes I cry when I'm mad. Which you have a million reasons to be at your vet office! I would write a letter to ?? the office manager? somebody and (calmly) communicate your experience.

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Crying? The worst time was about 12 years ago when my oldest ds caught me crying and throwing myself on my bed while moaning, "I just can't take it anymore!". He says that at first I scared him, then he went to his older sister and told her "Mom has completely lost it, now we can really have some fun!"


Having graduated the two of them, I no longer pitch such pity fits as I homeschool my younger three. They are my reward for making it through the first two! :D


(But I truly love them all!)


Yvonne in Alabama

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BTW, I think I posted 5 years ago about standing in the grocery store and sobbing because the spread that said "100% canola" on the front had soy protein in it, and I had been counting on it to make frosting for a birthday cake for ds the next day. I didn't have a back-up plan and I was so totally overwhelmed with all the food allergies and the emotional aspect of thinking my baby would never eat the birthday cake at a party again (or go to camp or eat the regular food at any event or gathering, etc, etc)...


Yeah, okay, so it was silly to cry about margarine. And I felt even worse crying in the middle of Trader Joe's...


But it was just everything at once... All the frustration and fear...


sigh... So year, I've cried in public. :)

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Awww, Ria, you shouldn't feel bad. You're just worried about your kitty.


I don't cry often, but I emotionally lost it today. I'm 10.5 wks pregnant, and I've had spotting and cramping a handful of times so far during this pregnancy. It's not something that I've ever experienced before, so it's been unnerving. I had spotting on Monday, and I had a little bit this morning. Anyway, today I went to in for a doctor's appointment, and they told me they couldn't see me because they didn't have records from one doctor's visit that I had with another doctor from three weeks ago. I drove 45 minutes for this appointment, my husband came with me and was taking time from work, my toddler was with me, and I made arrangements for another homeschooling mom to get my 12 yo dd to an art class so I could go to the appointment. I had made this appointment a few weeks ago, and the tears started flowing. I felt silly for crying in the waiting room. I got on the phone with the previous doctor's office and they were rude and snotty and refused to fax the records today. After sitting in the waiting room for an hour and a half dealing with this issue, they finally decided to make an exception and see me. My blood pressure was sky high, probably from the worry and stress. I had an ultrasound and got to see the little one's heartbeat, so that was a really good feeling.


Anyway, I think it's very normal to get emotional when you are worried or concerned. I hope your kitty is doing better soon.

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I hate to say it, but I've never been an emotional one either until 4 years ago when the 40s hit, big move away from familiar/family/friends/physical problems.

this past July I had a hysterectomy and while it's not fool proof (I did cry the entire first week the kids were in school) it's been better.... hang in there. and yea, your scenario would've really ticked me off or made me cry

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:grouphug: I'm so sorry you had to go through that!!


Yes, the same thing happens to me. I've cried at the dmv, in front of my old boss, on the phone trying to get my cell phone bill fixed....the list goes on. Any time I get very upset about something and the other person isn't being sympathetic about it, I cry. It's incredibly frustrating because I wish that I could just matter-of-factly get things sorted out instead of turning into a blubbering mess.

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Well, I am not a big crier but there is no rhyme or reason to when it happens. I once cried for an hour because one of our baby fry got sucked into the filter and died. I also became a blubbering idiot once because I misunderstood a post on here. Someone had posted that they were getting a divorce. I misread who the OP was and broke into tears. It took me an hour to calm down and reread the post and discover that it was not the person that I thought it was. Of course, it was still terrible that this person was getting a divorce but it was someone I didn't know well as opposed to a friend.


I understand your frustration though and I am glad you got the problem resolved. :grouphug:

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Yes, I cry. I used to feel like crying occasionally, but I held it together really well, no matter how angry/sad/frustrated I was. Now, I cry very easily with any kind of strong emotion, good or bad. It's that 40-something stage. I'm hoping that once real menopause hits, or is over, I'll get over this. Then, my grandchildren will think I'm this calm, cool, collected granny that's lots of fun, and they won't believe my dc's stories about my crying fits. :)

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What's wrong with crying?


I've reacted to stress and distress all my life by crying. Yes, it can be embarrassing, and I'd like to be in better control of it. Still, the older I get, the more I think that our society's negative reaction to tears (they're "girly," they show you're too emotional, they show you're not in control) is a primarily male reaction which tends to devalue perfectly good reactions more typical of women.


does that make sense?


If you're upset and angry, it isn't inappropriate to shed a tear, IMO.



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DS was still in private school. He had a project due that involved some video taping. DH was out of town and I was having to edit and copy this thing to make the final version. I had no idea what I was doing and I was so stressed out that I finally just burst into tears. I was just sobbing. My kids (8 and 9 at the time) were shocked and worried. They still remember it. DS even brought it up recently. Yeah, a proud, shining moment for this mom.


Oops, just realized you were asking about crying on the phone to a stranger. Oh, yeah, I've done that one, too. Stress makes me react that way. I once bawled on the phone to someone at the post office because I was going to have to go down there to pick up my mail. Long story, but I felt so stupid.

Edited by Rhonda in TX
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Yes indeed.


In my case, I am more apt to cry about stupid things (mindless automatons, bureacracy, that sort of thing) than about much larger life-changing things. For me tears come out of helpless frustration. For example, I have cried when I could not convince the post office to deliver my package or when a city worker insisted he could not find our water pipe that was clearly marked with spray paint (and yes, he drove away and it was months before I could convince the city to please come look at my clearly marked, collapsed pipe). :banghead:


Actually, I have cried many times when dealing with city workers--they have a special knack for getting under my skin.


I'm glad you got the meds for your kitty, and so sorry you had to deal with the poor behavior and poor manners.

Oh sister, this is exactly the stuff that makes me cry too! Dealing with insurance companies makes me cry. Trying to convince anyone with any bureaucratic power to do anything makes me cry. When a package I really need doesn't come when promised, and I can't do anything about it.

When anything still under warranty breaks and I can't get the manufacturer to make it right. When I can't get a store to take a return that they really should, etc, etc, and on & on. :crying:

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What's wrong with crying?


I've reacted to stress and distress all my life by crying. Yes, it can be embarrassing, and I'd like to be in better control of it. Still, the older I get, the more I think that our society's negative reaction to tears (they're "girly," they show you're too emotional, they show you're not in control) is a primarily male reaction which tends to devalue perfectly good reactions more typical of women.


does that make sense?




Perfectly. And that is why my mother, an "I am woman, hear me roar, no man is gonna push me around" product of the 60s and 70s, just cannot STAND it that her only daughter cries when angry. I think she'd prefer it if I just had a good ol' screaming fit.


It's just so. . . . . .stereotypical to cry. And I think her generation spent their souls trying not to be stereotyped.

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I cried today and I'm humiliated. My kitten is sick, and I spoke to the vet on Monday. He'd told me what to do if she didn't seem to improve, and yesterday I did exactly what he said. I called and left a message that I wanted to start the meds he was going to try next (Clavamox) because the Amoxil didn't work. I made sure to weigh the kitten (2 lb!) and tell the receptionist because I knew they'd need that info for the correct dose. So...I never got a call back yesterday. Kitten was worse this morning.


This morning I called when the office opened and asked if the vet had gotten my message. I got the same receptionist. She said that yeah, the meds had been ready since yesterday, and she didn't know why no one had called (no apology, btw). I asked her to go look at the meds to make sure they were the right kind, because I was becoming concerned that she hadn't talked to the right doctor. She came back and said that there was Amoxil waiting for me. I told her that was the wrong med and she got a bit perturbed with me, "The doctor tells us what to give the cat and that's what he wants her to have." I told her she was wrong and to go find the doctor. She said he was in surgery and if I wanted to get a different medication I'd have to make an appt. I was so frustrated that I started to cry. I don't cry easily, mind you, but my tiny kitten had green goop flowing out of her nose and this stupid bimbo was not listening to me. I had to leave for work shortly and wanted to dose kitty before I left for the day.


They got the office manager on the phone (someone I know and like). She was upset when I told her the saga, went and talked to the doctor, came back and said that I was right, the drug was wrong, etc. Then when I went to pick up the meds I noticed that the dose was wrong...yet another part of my earlier message that didn't get to my doc.


Anyway, the point is that I'm embarrassed to have been so emotional. I feel stupid. I was so worried and upset. And this stupid perimenopause hormonal stuff is whacking me out.


Has anyone else ever cried over something so stupid in front of (or on the phone with) a total stranger? Am I some kind of freak? :(




I blubber when stressed for sure. Not to worry Ria. I am so sorry your kitty is sick and I hope you are feeling stronger soon.


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Thanks to each and every one of you for your sweet (and some very, very funny) replies. I feel so much better this morning, and reading your responses has already made my day brighter! Lily kitten is responding well to her new medicine and has been absolutely wild and playful all morning...quite a switch from her previous behavior. I'm so thankful!


I appreciate all of you. Thanks for making me feel better and not freakish!




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Yes. All the time.


I cry when I'm angry at people, and I cry when I'm stressed out. It's pathetic. AND it drives my mom crazy! Not the strong woman of the 70s, kwim?


You're not strange! :grouphug:


Yep! This is me! I cry about all sorts of things. My mom doesn't really care about it, but I always think about how my mom never cried about anything. I cry because I miss my oldest son. I cry because the kids are stressing me out. I cry over sappy emails. I just cry whenever! LOL! Oh well, that is just me.

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