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Give me your armchair diagnosis subtitled: bad timing dental problem


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I would like to inform the Universe that I have had quite enough for the time being. Really, I do not need one more problem.

I have a dodgy lower molar. About a year or so ago, I noted to my dentist it is sensitive to some crunchy foods and I often don’t chew certain things on that side. She x-rayed and found no evidence of decay, although one problem is multiple fillings have made this a weak, hot mess of a tooth in the first place. 

Well, Christmas Eve, whatever was the problem has blossomed into new levels of aggravation. My tooth was hurting at all times and I could not chew on it without some pain. Obviously, it would have been difficult to do anything about this on Christmas, so I kept to ibuprofen and didn’t each chewy/crunchy things on that side. 

Today is a whole new level of misery. I called my dentist’s personal number because the office is closed. She has prescribed antibiotics, which I have onboard now, along with Tylanol. I have the number of an emergency dentist if the meds do not improve the problem by tomorrow-Friday. 

This is a bad situation, friends. My tooth and jaw hurt like a @!#%§ I don’t know if this is a crack, an abscess (this is looking likely), or a previous undiscovered cavity that has met the nerve. But really, no matter the casue, the eventual remedy is high on my list of Things I Never Want to Experience. 

And also, I’m supposed to start radiation Monday. So I have no idea if tooth extraction or root canal can or should conincide with radiation therapy, but I really don’t want any further delays on radiationa and I really cannot go on with the state of my mouth as it is. 


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I had the same kind of symptoms and my dentist thought it was a tooth with a hairline crack in it, and that he should grind it down and fit it with a crown.

I asked him whether there was a risk to waiting.

He said the crack could extend to the extent that we would not be able to rescue the tooth with a crown and then I would need a new tooth.  I decided to risk it.  This is still in progress.  My issue has been, the diagnosis was really fast (I complained for the second visit in a row, he had me bite down on a pencil like rod on each tooth until we figured out which one hurt, he assumes it is a crack due to the fact that he doesn't see anything on an x ray.), and also the crown costs between $800 and $900 AFTER insurance, plus I have never had any dental surgery before so it's an adjustment in thinking for me.

And.  It's getting worse.  I have a feeling I'm going to regret not doing it sooner when I get around to it, which will probably be the year after next.

Anyway, if it is hurting all the time, if it's an abcess it might be clearable with antibiotics.  And if it's a badly cracked tooth, they should be able to see it in the x ray at this point.  I would suggest going in to find out which one it is.  DH has a cavity at the bottom of an old root canal that infects sometimes.  He is much more resistant to dentistry than I am, so he takes antibiotics to clear the infection and continues to let the cavity stay there rather than have the root canal redone.  This is stupid, but he has managed to limp it along for 4 years that way now, and if you found you could limp yours along until after your chemo is done that would be great.

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I had a molar that was hurting and then the dentist took out the 20 year old filling and replaced it.  It started to hurt like you are describing and so he refilled it and put some antibiotics in it.  I had some terrible medicated mouthwash I used for awhile.  It still was too tender to chew and hot/cold sensitive for months.  I started to water pik the tooth daily and use hydrogen peroxide.  I really didn't want to root canal.  It is better now.  Not perfect but it seems to be a lot better for chewing.  I am probably being stupid, but that's my story!

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12 minutes ago, happysmileylady said:

Good Dentist is VITAL for this.  First dentist to do a root canal for me.....ok.  Not nearly as terrible as they say, but certainly not falling asleep.  Second dentist, AMAZING.  Most recent dentist...in tears the entire time.  Ironically, third dentist was GREAT for extractions.  Like amazingly gentle, while dentist 2, not so much.  If I ever need another root canal, I would drive 2.5 hrs to get to the second dentist, but never would I have him yank a tooth again.



I’ve been fortunate enough to never have needed one, but literally every person I know here who has ever had one has been to the same highly recommended specialist in our city. Not a general dentist, but an endotontist. If you do end up needing a root canal, I would find the most highly recommended specialist in your area. The last thing you need at this time is anyone but the very best working on your teeth. I hope everything is resolved soon. You are in my thoughts.

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Quill--you should be fine with managing your dental work concurrently with your radiotherapy. It would be a bit more complicated if you were having head/neck radiotherapy but I think you're just up for axillary/chest therapy, right? (Even then it's manageable as dd developed a cavity during her brain radiotherapy.)

Get in to an endodontist this week (they nearly always have next day openings) just to get this off your sh*t list, iykwim.  You don't need the mental load of anxiety + pain this week when this is a solvable problem.  

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50 minutes ago, moonflower said:

good news is root canal (assuming you have never had one) is not painful or scary, not nearly as bad as they make it seem.  I literally fell asleep during mine, without anything  but local anaesthetic!

I haven’t ever had one, but I have severe anxiety about dental work and root canals or extractions are my two least favorite things to imagine ever. I had the great good fortune that when I needed my wisdom teeth out, I was in a pain study at NIH and so was under general anesthesia and did not have to hear, see, smell, taste or in any way be aware of the bloody mayhem going on during my dreamless sleep. 

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15 hours ago, Quill said:

I haven’t ever had one, but I have severe anxiety about dental work and root canals or extractions are my two least favorite things to imagine ever. I had the great good fortune that when I needed my wisdom teeth out, I was in a pain study at NIH and so was under general anesthesia and did not have to hear, see, smell, taste or in any way be aware of the bloody mayhem going on during my dreamless sleep. 

I *always* get put under IV sedation for any kind of dental work. There are only two or three dentists in my area who do it, but it is so worth it for me. I go to sleep and wake up with everything done. It is technically conscious sedation because I can still respond to requests from the dentist, but it pretty much feels like general anesthesia. Maybe you can find someone who does that?

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8 minutes ago, MercyA said:

I *always* get put under IV sedation for any kind of dental work. There are only two or three dentists in my area who do it, but it is so worth it for me. I go to sleep and wake up with everything done. It is technically conscious sedation because I can still respond to requests from the dentist, but it pretty much feels like general anesthesia. Maybe you can find someone who does that?

I get nitrous oxide every time, even for fillings.  There is ZERO REASON to make ourselves miserable with stress.

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2 hours ago, MercyA said:

I *always* get put under IV sedation for any kind of dental work. There are only two or three dentists in my area who do it, but it is so worth it for me. I go to sleep and wake up with everything done. It is technically conscious sedation because I can still respond to requests from the dentist, but it pretty much feels like general anesthesia. Maybe you can find someone who does that?

I have a game plan, but it’s not happening until tomorrow. I see an endodontist for evaluation at 12:30, then, assuming a root canal is the plan, will have the RC at 3:00. He is using an oral heavy sedative. 

This is the worst physical agony I have ever had to endure for this long. My face hurts from my neck to my eye. I am playing mental games with myself to try and make tomorrow come sooner. I also just took some leftover pain meds of my husband’s, which, strict rule-follower that I am, I never, ever do. But I might cut my own head off if I don’t get some abatement, so prescription Tylanol with Codein it is. 

I can’t be held responsible for whatever wacky sh!t I may post later. 

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2 minutes ago, EmseB said:

You may have already tried this and are beyond it now, but cloves or clove oil can help temporarily at the site of the pain (along with whatever pain meds you have onboard). 

How would I use cloves? Make a tea and hold it in my mouth? 

Eta: I have been making Sleepytime tea, lukewarm, and holding it in my mouth. It does help a little bit. 

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9 minutes ago, Quill said:

How would I use cloves? Make a tea and hold it in my mouth? 

1. Whole Cloves For Toothache

This is where you will be using cloves in their whole herbal form.

Take one to three whole pieces of this spice and place them next to the tooth that is causing pain.

Now, wait for a while. The clove pieces will slowly soften. Gently grind them. This releases the clove oils into your mouth. They run over the affected area and ease the inflammation and pain.

You can leave the clove pieces in the area for about 20 minutes.

You can also chew and eat the cloves. Otherwise, you can rinse your mouth with a warm salt solution (½ teaspoon of salt in 30 ml of water) and spit the pieces out. Don’t worry if you experience a tingling sensation lingering in your mouth. That’s common. It will subside in 10 minutes.

From the very scientific https://www.stylecraze.com/articles/cloves-to-take-care-of-toothache/#gref  (they had the best instructions)

The only reason I know this is because a co-worker of mine used clove oil on a cotton ball to help with dry socket pain from wisdom tooth removal, but I am not a doctor or a dentist, so.

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51 minutes ago, EmseB said:

1. Whole Cloves For Toothache

This is where you will be using cloves in their whole herbal form.

Take one to three whole pieces of this spice and place them next to the tooth that is causing pain.

Now, wait for a while. The clove pieces will slowly soften. Gently grind them. This releases the clove oils into your mouth. They run over the affected area and ease the inflammation and pain.

You can leave the clove pieces in the area for about 20 minutes.

You can also chew and eat the cloves. Otherwise, you can rinse your mouth with a warm salt solution (½ teaspoon of salt in 30 ml of water) and spit the pieces out. Don’t worry if you experience a tingling sensation lingering in your mouth. That’s common. It will subside in 10 minutes.

From the very scientific https://www.stylecraze.com/articles/cloves-to-take-care-of-toothache/#gref  (they had the best instructions)

The only reason I know this is because a co-worker of mine used clove oil on a cotton ball to help with dry socket pain from wisdom tooth removal, but I am not a doctor or a dentist, so.

Well, the bolded is a dealbreaker. There will be no chewing or grinding of any sort. But I might stick a couple in there and see if it makes any headway. 

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1 hour ago, Quill said:

I have a game plan, but it’s not happening until tomorrow. I see an endodontist for evaluation at 12:30, then, assuming a root canal is the plan, will have the RC at 3:00. He is using an oral heavy sedative. 

This is the worst physical agony I have ever had to endure for this long. My face hurts from my neck to my eye. I am playing mental games with myself to try and make tomorrow come sooner. I also just took some leftover pain meds of my husband’s, which, strict rule-follower that I am, I never, ever do. But I might cut my own head off if I don’t get some abatement, so prescription Tylanol with Codein it is. 

I can’t be held responsible for whatever wacky sh!t I may post later. 

I found a heating pad, or alternatingly an ice pack, on that side of my face helped the most. It really is terrible pain, worse than labor as far as I'm concerned. And I had an accessed tooth two weeks after giving birth to DS6, so had an easy comparison! In comparison the root canal was NOTHING. 

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53 minutes ago, Ktgrok said:

I found a heating pad, or alternatingly an ice pack, on that side of my face helped the most. It really is terrible pain, worse than labor as far as I'm concerned. And I had an accessed tooth two weeks after giving birth to DS6, so had an easy comparison! In comparison the root canal was NOTHING. 

ICE!  I recently had very similar pain from a tooth that we had already been trying to diagnose/repair but I was on a business trip when the pain flared.  I was Googling like a crazy woman and trying every internet trick out there to relieve the pain.  I was taking OTC meds that are counterindicated for me. ANYTHING to try to get some relief from the extreme pain I was in. 

I finally discovered that it felt ok (not pain free but tolerable) if I kept an ice pack on that side of my face. I couldn't take it off for more than a couple minutes before the pain came roaring back.  The flight home was so miserable I had tears running down my face.

Try ice.  And yes, a root canal was the final solution and was a HUGE relief to finally get it done. 

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1 minute ago, itsheresomewhere said:


I wonder if you are grinding your teeth at night and not realizing it.  Stress and with the upcoming radiation could have caused you to start grinding your teeth and make this tooth pain.  Something to ask your dentist to check your teeth when you see her. 


I think it is highly probable that an initial crack and a subsequent crack came about by sleep-grinding. For one thing, a former dentist told me he strongly suspected I grind them because of the flattened corners (are they called cusps?). Also, a couple months ago I woke myself up with a sharp pain in the tooth and jaw I’m talking about. I don’t know why I woke myself up but it seems very probable that I was grinding them so hard, I triggered the crack. 

Dh sleeps like the dead, so he would be unlikely to hear or notice if I’m grinding. 

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18 hours ago, Quill said:

I have a game plan, but it’s not happening until tomorrow. I see an endodontist for evaluation at 12:30, then, assuming a root canal is the plan, will have the RC at 3:00. He is using an oral heavy sedative. 

This is the worst physical agony I have ever had to endure for this long. My face hurts from my neck to my eye. I am playing mental games with myself to try and make tomorrow come sooner. I also just took some leftover pain meds of my husband’s, which, strict rule-follower that I am, I never, ever do. But I might cut my own head off if I don’t get some abatement, so prescription Tylanol with Codein it is. 

Don't be afraid to ask for more pills if you need them! If it's the usual oral sedative, they can often give more than the initial dose.

I am so sorry you're in such pain! I'm super glad you have some heavier pain meds available and you should have no guilt whatsoever about taking them. 

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I had major dental phobia to the extent that I have gone up to ten years between appointments because of the fear. I had horrible dental experiences as a child.

I have had two root canals and they weren't nearly as bad as I was expecting.

I have a wonderful dentist now. I did have a crisis start just like yours where it began on Saturday evening of Labor Day weekend. I had to manage to get through all the way to Tuesday. My dentist ending up pulling the tooth. i was dreading it, but the instant that tooth was out, the pain stopped.  


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