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Talk about mental health days

Night Elf

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I've been acting strange and having physical signs of anxiety so I finally emailed my doctor last night. Today while I was working at the thrift store, a nurse called my landline, cell phone and sent me an email telling me if the symptoms persist or worsen to call an advice or go to the Kaiser Advance Care Center or an ER. I know I've not been feeling well, but good grief, I thought 3 messages were overkill. Then I get an email from my actual doctor who told me I was in a hypomanic episode. Really? Why do I not SEE these things? I was very logical about the weird symptoms I was having but I just thought it was anxiety as I've been worried about my ds lately. Now that she's pointed it out to me, I can look back over the last few days and know exactly what I've done that points to hypomania and it makes total sense. But when I'm immersed in it, it's difficult to recognize. I wasn't even going to email her last night but my DH insisted. So I'm happy he watches out for me. So this means yet another medication increase. At least with these slow increases, I haven't been feeling any side effects. I'm scared to death she's going to change my med cocktail completely though. I do NOT want to go through transitions of new meds.


So now I know why I've been sensitive these past few days. I started a couple of threads and had to back out of reading them because they were causing my anxiety to shoot through the roof. So if you directed a question to me and I didn't answer, that is why. I'm sorry.

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Hope your meds adjustment will be relatively smooth. Take care of yourself. I think you are being pretty brave about life right now, judging from your posts - it's not easy to get out of your comfort zone anyway, throw in an illness and it's even harder. Plenty of hugs.




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Y'all are kind. I wish I felt brave. Instead I just feel stupid. DH says I shouldn't feel that way but I can't help it. I don't like when other people can tell me how I'm behaving and I can't see it for myself.

It’s not just you, Beth — it happens to all of us! :grouphug:

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Y'all are kind. I wish I felt brave. Instead I just feel stupid. DH says I shouldn't feel that way but I can't help it. I don't like when other people can tell me how I'm behaving and I can't see it for myself.

The brave part is doing the hard things even when you feel scared or stupid or anxious.

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Beth, I have to say how much I admire you. You've always been someone I enjoy chatting with here.


I am so impressed that you trust the people who love you and that you reach out for help when things don't feel quite right.


And I am delighted and impressed with the way you have been expanding your horizons lately with your volunteer work.


As you are struggling right now, be kind to yourself. I hope the meds adjustment goes smoothly.



Edited by Harriet Vane
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I wish I felt brave too.  I just thought this morning that "I don't have to feel brave to be brave..... bravery and courage is something I do, not something I feel"

It's hard to feel blindsided repeatedly by not 'seeing' or 'knowing' something you feel you should somehow have seen or anticipated.  I'm so thankful you have a DH & tuned in medical care walking along side of you.  Most of the time we don't see what something is until AFTER something has passed and we can examine and reflect. 

Hugs & High Fives

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