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Any just-for-you Christmas traditions?


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There are lots of family traditions surrounding the holidays, but is there anything you do just for yourself during the holidays?


Mine is to stuff the kids' stockings Christmas Eve while watching a Christmas Special that is as not-meant-for-kids as I can find. Jeff Dunham's Very Special Christmas Special, Black Adder Christmas, etc. This year I'm stretching a bit and watching Life of Brian. (You see a bit of the Christmas story in the very beginning, so I'm letting it count.  :001_tt2: ) 


Any other just-for-you traditions out there? :)

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For the past ten or so years I've made a batch of Baileys type creme to split between my sister and me. We attend Midnight Mass, and our "tradition" has been to send the kids with the other adults to the church in advance of us (to be there early to serve Mass or to save seats). She and I stay back to do final touches on (nothing really, that's just our excuse to stay behind LOL) and in that blessedly unhurried, quiet, family-free 45 minutes we enjoy a few drinks before heading over to the church just in time for the service. 



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I haven't been able to do this in a while, but I used to enjoy just walking around the city looking at the Christmas decorations, having a nice coffee and pastry in a cafe. Actually even a nice shopping center, not an enclosed mall but an outdoor center like Stanford Shopping Center in Palo Alto CA (which for all I know is now an enclosed mall, it's been almost 20 years since I was there).

Edited by marbel
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Every evening after the kids are in bed or when dh is putting them to bed I turn off all the lights downstairs but the christmas lights and just sit in peace. Usually I just admire the tree while enjoying the relaxing mood. but sometimes I wrap presents

Oooh, I do this too! And before we moved into our current place, where the spot for our tree and the spot for our TV are in different rooms, I used to do Yoga by the light of the Christmas tree (and the TV, because I cannot self-guide myself through a Vinyasa! lol)

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In Australia Christmas is often all about the seafood. I can't afford to do a seafood feast for everyone and DH hates it anyway. But on Christmas Eve we take the kids to look at lights one last time and then once the kids go to bed my husband makes me a prawn, mango and avocado salad just for myself. Last year he branched out and actually got me in-shell lobster (enough for just one person isn't so expensive). It's my reward for a crazy day of cooking and a week of work previously lol. I watch the christmas eve carols in peace while he blows up balloons. 


I also love just sitting in front of the tree in the evening, its peaceful and calming and lovely. 

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Well, it's not alone, but tomorrow DH is taking me out to eat and I have planned a route to see Christmas lights based on facebook recommendations of the best places :)  I LOVE to look at Christmas lights, but the kids get crazy in the car so we only do short tours with them.  I drive the older kids and my stepmom to a special display on Christmas night, but tomorrow - tomorrow I get to just look and enjoy!!  

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Lights off, Christmas tree on, watching Christmas in Connecticut.  It's not the best movie, but I like it.  Sometimes I watch You've Got Mail, too, or instead.  (Or Shop Around the Corner)


Also, every December I take advantage of the Yankee Candle coupons that come out:  Buy 1, 2, or 3 and get 1, 2, or 3 free!!  I spend a good long time in the store deciding what to get, too.   :P

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Every evening after the kids are in bed or when dh is putting them to bed I turn off all the lights downstairs but the christmas lights and just sit in peace. Usually I just admire the tree while enjoying the relaxing mood. but sometimes I wrap presents

My husband does this. And I look and look for him, thinking he's in the garage or basement and then realize he's in the living room with the tree. Shhhh...🎅
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I enjoy staying up late on Christmas Eve to wrap gifts.


A few years ago DH decided to join me which is nice!

Dh and I love this too. We exchange gifts with each other after midnight Mass then we wrap the rest of the presents. This year we're getting the wrapping done Saturday because we are stringing lights all over the living room for the kids to wake up to.

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There are lots of family traditions surrounding the holidays, but is there anything you do just for yourself during the holidays?


Mine is to stuff the kids' stockings Christmas Eve while watching a Christmas Special that is as not-meant-for-kids as I can find. Jeff Dunham's Very Special Christmas Special, Black Adder Christmas, etc. This year I'm stretching a bit and watching Life of Brian. (You see a bit of the Christmas story in the very beginning, so I'm letting it count.  :001_tt2: ) 


Any other just-for-you traditions out there? :)


Well "Life of Brian" is definitely NOT for kids, to it fits in that part of your requirement.

And as a side note, as a devoted follower of Jesus, I am not in the least offended by this movie. Nor did I really find it sacreligious. When I watched it aeons ago, I found it pretty funny, in spite of the language. that group of followers was truly clueless and I think we all know people like that.

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Just for me? None that I can think of at the moment. Although, I may have started one this year.

Normally, each year, for about the past 10 years or so, I've requested a book from whichever author

I'm following at the time. This year, my fave author has not put out a new book in the series I've been following.

So . .. I took a book a local author gave me a couple of months ago, that I had not yet delved into, wrapped it,

and put it under to tree with my name on it. THAT is going to be my Christmas book this year. 

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Well "Life of Brian" is definitely NOT for kids, to it fits in that part of your requirement.

And as a side note, as a devoted follower of Jesus, I am not in the least offended by this movie. Nor did I really find it sacreligious. When I watched it aeons ago, I found it pretty funny, in spite of the language. that group of followers was truly clueless and I think we all know people like that.

Ya, I'm a devout Christian, will be attending Midnight Mass (earlier in the evening. ;) ) and will feel no guilt laughing at Life of Brian. :)

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I go to a movie a day or two before while my husband takes the kids gift shopping for me.

The one I remember most is Lord of the Rings.

This year I'm going to see Star Wars on IMAX.  Even if it's not a great movie, it'll be an experience!


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I always get my seed catalogs just before Christmas and I go through them usually Christmas eve marking the varieties to buy next. It feels like a shopping spree because I can choose so many since they are only 2-3 dollars a packet. Not much cost has to go into my garden each year really so I love the feeling I get with the seed catalogs that they are the one catalog I can open and literally pick anything I want from and in the end hardly spend much at all.

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My Christmas tradition in the evenings is to tell the family that I'm "upstairs wrapping" so that everyone gives me plenty of alone time in my bedroom. Then I read, color my hair, do my nails and get a little wrapping done.


I do this two or three times. Just today DH goes, "How much wrapping do you have?!" :laugh:


Love this tradition.



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In Australia Christmas is often all about the seafood. I can't afford to do a seafood feast for everyone and DH hates it anyway. But on Christmas Eve we take the kids to look at lights one last time and then once the kids go to bed my husband makes me a prawn, mango and avocado salad just for myself. Last year he branched out and actually got me in-shell lobster (enough for just one person isn't so expensive). It's my reward for a crazy day of cooking and a week of work previously lol. I watch the christmas eve carols in peace while he blows up balloons.


I also love just sitting in front of the tree in the evening, its peaceful and calming and lovely.

Christmas balloons? 🎈

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I love to go to Valley View Farms, a wonderful garden center with extensive Christmas set-ups and decorations to purchase. It is very nostalgic for me as I remember going there as a kid and thinking it was just such a wonder. But my family doesn’t care about it one way or the other. I have rallied them to go a few times the past few years, but this year, I just went by myself. I enjoyed it way more! I “wasted†all the time I wanted to just looking very carefully at the animated village set-ups and thematic trees.


I have decided this is my tradition now. I’m going to go alone and stare at the pretty things as long as I want.

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Any to recommend?


I like a few of Anne Perry's Christmas novels:

A Christmas Visitor

Christmas Journey

Christmas Hope


There are a few more but these are all I can remember at the moment. They are set in Victorian times and usually involve some kind of mystery. Typically no language and well written.

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Christmas balloons? 🎈

Yup, I'm legally blind, my parents started the tradition as a decoration I could see and interact with, balloons covering the lounge room floor in front of the tree on Christmas morning. It kinda just stuck

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I have my own Christmas tree.  Our main Christmas tree has all the kids' handmade ornaments and the ornaments we collect from every place we visit.


My own tree has all pink, green, and/or silver ornaments, and pink and green plaid ribbon wound around it.  Like my screen name, I love pink and green and this is my "preppy" tree - I collect ornaments that I like that fit the theme.

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I have my own Christmas tree. Our main Christmas tree has all the kids' handmade ornaments and the ornaments we collect from every place we visit.


My own tree has all pink, green, and/or silver ornaments, and pink and green plaid ribbon wound around it. Like my screen name, I love pink and green and this is my "preppy" tree - I collect ornaments that I like that fit the theme.

I have my own tree, too. It is all white, silver and glass ornaments. I love themed trees, but of course I also love the family tree with it’s mish-mash of ornaments with a story. But I love my pretty tree, too.

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We have a 2' tree we used for a few years. Now I love it more than when it was our only tree. I put it in the kids' bathroom on a timer and I just realized while reading this thread that it is for me. I thought it was for the kids (who are now in college, but ever since we moved to this house ~ 9 years ago, I've put it in their bathroom). 


Their bathroom is right outside our bedroom. I set the timer so the tree lights come on before I go down to make breakfast for DH and me and pack his lunch. It's also set to come on when it gets dark. 


It's a cheap little tree and DH found lights for it a few years ago when they died, but it has become a sweet little tradition that makes me happy. 

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