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Dang it. This is why I don't clean.


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:lol:  :lol:  :lol:


Yesterday I spent a couple of hours cleaning in my house.  There were areas with MAJOR dust.....you know, those areas where you just pile stuff on dressers and never move the junk so you don't bother?  Well, maybe you don't.  In which case, this is a JAWM post...... :glare:


So, back to my poor housekeeping skills (or laziness, or whatever).  I dusted out dressers and our fireplace mantle in our bedroom and I now need my inhaler and I think I may be getting sick.




My goal this weekend is to finish cleaning (deep cleaning) our master bedroom/ master bathroom, and the common areas.  The common areas aren't too bad as we try to keep those relatively clean in case we end up with company, but the bedroom......OY!

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I had to take a bookshelf down to maneuver a large piece for another project.  It was my "just in case I need these resources" bookshelf, so my throat is on fire from all the dust. It used to get worse when we had 2 large dogs, but it turns out we still make enough dust material to make me think I'm dying!


By the way, I'm trying to convince myself to purge a good portion of that set so I don't have to put it back up.  It's not going well!

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I have dust allergies, too. I try to vacuum what I can to prevent some of it from just floating into the air. Otherwise, I never "dry dust," rather wipe surfaces with a wet cloth so some of the dust sticks to the cloth.  And I have to pop an allergy pill either before or after the job. ;)

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I have dust allergies, too. I try to vacuum what I can to prevent some of it from just floating into the air. Otherwise, I never "dry dust," rather wipe surfaces with a wet cloth so some of the dust sticks to the cloth.  And I have to pop an allergy pill either before or after the job. ;)



I DID do that!  I have a dust attachment on our vacuum and used it first, then sprayed with Endust and cleaned.  

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Crap, forgot about the ceiling fans.....



My SIL's house is always beautiful...no c!utter, clean, seasonally decorated*.


One time she made a horrified noise and said, "Do NOT look at the chandelier!" But since I would be a pillar of salt if I was Lot's wife, I looked. There was one little smudge of dust, that she had missed when she dusted! A teeny tiny smidgey-smidgen!


*she decorates for thanksgiving and I give her thanksgiving-y knick knacks and tchotchkes to thank her for always hosting. I've given her the cutest stuff bc she loves it and uses. But every couple years, I'm like... "Where did you get these miniature turkey S&P shakers?!" And she has to remind me they are from me. :lol:

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My SIL's house is always beautiful...no c!utter, clean, seasonally decorated*.


One time she made a horrified noise and said, "Do NOT look at the chandelier!" But since I would be a pillar of salt if I was Lot's wife, I looked. There was one little smudge of dust, that she had missed when she dusted! A teeny tiny smidgey-smidgen!


*she decorates for thanksgiving and I give her thanksgiving-y knick knacks and tchotchkes to thank her for always hosting. I've given her the cutest stuff bc she loves it and uses. But every couple years, I'm like... "Where did you get these miniature turkey S&P shakers?!" And she has to remind me they are from me. :lol:



I will try not to hate her.  Is she thin too?   :glare:


I do have a story to tell.  My friend and I were at sweet frog this week and it is clean, but I looked at the hanging lights and lampshades (made of glass) hanging over the toppings and it was COVERED in nasty, thick DUST!


I need to get a note off to the owner to clean that WITH the food covered.  

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Aaack! I've had that happen! And DS gets a pass on vacuuming and dusting because it's not good for asthma. Lucky boy.


We have a turtle tank, and cleaning that is off limits for me. Every time I've done it, I've gotten sick. Yuck. Not salmonella, always an upper respiratory thing. I have a compromised immune system. It's not worth it, so thankfully no more tank cleaning for me.

Edited by Spryte
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I will try not to hate her. Is she thin too? :glare:


I do have a story to tell. My friend and I were at sweet frog this week and it is clean, but I looked at the hanging lights and lampshades (made of glass) hanging over the toppings and it was COVERED in nasty, thick DUST!


I need to get a note off to the owner to clean that WITH the food covered.

I had to Google Sweet Frog. We don't have those here. I was picturing a quirky breakfast place.


She and I (after all these years) make a good team. She provides the location and I provide the food for family gatherings.


I like my contribution! I couldn't do her. After everyone leaves Thanksgiving night, she takes down all the decorations and starts decorating for Christmas.

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I had to Google Sweet Frog. We don't have those here. I was picturing a quirky breakfast place.


She and I (after all these years) make a good team. She provides the location and I provide the food for family gatherings.


I like my contribution! I couldn't do her. After everyone leaves Thanksgiving night, she takes down all the decorations and starts decorating for Christmas.

This reminds me of my mom and me as a team. She enjoys cleaning and decorating, and I enjoy cooking. It really works out well.



OP, cleaning also sets off my allergies. Of course, not cleaning doesn't do said allergies any favors either. Bah.

Edited by Penguin
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I had to Google Sweet Frog. We don't have those here. I was picturing a quirky breakfast place.


She and I (after all these years) make a good team. She provides the location and I provide the food for family gatherings.


I like my contribution! I couldn't do her. After everyone leaves Thanksgiving night, she takes down all the decorations and starts decorating for Christmas.

I am so sad for you. We are all crazy about sweet frog right now. My oldest son gets like every topping available. My secod son get plain chocolate frozen yogurt and not 1 topping. Their differences ammuse me.



On topic. Yeah, as soon as I move something that belongs to dh that has been in the same spot for a solid month, he instantly needs it.


Lol I am distracted. I thought you said you lost your inhaler.

Edited by Elizabeth86
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I am so sad for you. We are all crazy about sweet frog right now. My oldest son gets like every topping available. My secod son get plain chocolate frozen yogurt and not 1 topping. Their differences ammuse me.



On topic. Yeah, as soon as I move something that belongs to dh that has been in the same spot for a solid month, he instantly needs it.


Lol I am distracted. I thought you said you lost your inhaler.

Hahaha...you have a "Less is More" kid and a "More is More" kid!


We do have a couple of frozen yogurt places where you can top your own dishes. But I also live in the land of Cannoli Ice Cream. Or Sponge Candy Ice Cream. We don't lack for yummy treats.

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We had our carpets professionally cleaned last weekend and had to move all the furniture out of the living room.  Including an antique hutch that hadn't budged in years, and our snakes tank and stand that also hadn't moved in years.   Thick, thick layers of dust had to be cleaned up.  And I do have dust allergies. and asthma.  I can relate.


We live in a very small house so we follow the usual advice about "look up" and have shelves high up along almost every wall.  What you don't think about until you're living with it, is high shelves are a PITA to keep clean.  Having to get a step stool every single time you need to get something down or put it back up, and because it's such a pita, and you can't actually see what the surface of the shelf looks like, it doesn't get cleaned very often.  Kind of like the top of your kitchen cabinets or your refrigerator.  It's one of those things that in the back of your mind you know needs to be cleaned every so often, but out of sight/out of mind until you go to grab something off of there and it's sticky with dust.


I'm not winning any awards in the housekeeping department. 

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Geez, yes and yes.

The bedrooms don't get much attention beyond the main pathways. But the other day I was reminded that we spend hours in there, supposedly rejuvenating our bodies through restful sleep and I ran in there and snatched the sheers off the windows and ran them through the wash. They are supposed to be cream colored - mine were were ash-colored...

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I deep cleaned some stuff yesterday. After not sleeping well last night, I got up, took my nasalcort and steroid inhaler and rubbed cortisone onto my angry skin. I feel better. It is late summer, that never helps either, its just too much for daily Zyrtec to keep under control. Keep breathing ladies, with the help of your pharmaceutical friends! [emoji106]



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