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Food ideas for new braces, no uncooked dairy


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My daughter just got braces a couple of days ago and I'm about at my wit's end with finding food she is willing to eat. I never had them, so this is new territory for us. She had to have four teeth pulled at the beginning of the week and the braces are making her teeth in general sore. They put bite extensions on her back molars because her upper teeth were hitting one of her lower brackets, and it's making it hard to chew anything because it hurts. Another recent issue that compounds this is that we believe her digestive issues may be caused by uncooked dairy, so we are avoiding cheese, milk, etc unless they are thoroughly cooked into something. I bought soft bread for sandwiches, but she found even pretty moist sliced chicken too hard to chew today (making it into a chicken salad is out because she won't eat mayo).


I'm expecting the soreness to get better after a few days as the muscles adjust to the new situation, but that it will recur as the braces are tightened. Currently, applesauce, soft canned fruit, pancakes, soup, and non-dairy ice cream are working, but that's not a long-term solution, and generally not as easy to grab quickly (other than pancakes). I need to find something protein-based that can be easily and quickly grabbed in the morning, as she has an early class 4 days a week, but often finds eating early nauseates her, particularly eggs. She also is rarely willing to eat beef or pork.


Help?? I know I have a tendency to focus only on what can't be eaten when starting some new food regimen and this is basically two new ones almost at once, so I am guessing I'm overthinking this.


What can I do to make the pancakes more protein-packed? Would smooth peanut butter be okay cooked into things? I am concerned it's too sticky for just plain use due to the braces. 

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What a challenge!


You can buy high protein pancake mix. It's tastes like a whole grain. Or add protein powder to your mix.


There are lots and lots of protein drinks, powders, etc. look for whey protein isolate vs just whey concentrate. You body can absorb the protein in the isolate but only about half of the concentrate.

Edited by KatieinMich
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I second (or third) getting some good quality protein powder to put into stuff. Also the liquid meal replacements. You will probably only have to deal with it for a few days, up to a week, after each adjustment. My dd had them and she was always fine after a few days. 

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Peanut butter and other nut butters are fine.  My braces kids eats them all the time including when he first got braces.  We did smooties quite a bit and I made some of his favorite soups.  I will say the first week was the worst.  He rarely has more than 48 hours of pretty minor discomfort with adjustments. 

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I regularly make things like waffles and pancakes with amped up flour.  In a 1 cup measuring cup


1 TBSP Wheat Germ

1 TBSP Almond or Soy Flour

1 TBSP ground flax

1 tsp brewer's yeast

fill measuring cup with whole wheat pastry flour 


You can put other ground nuts in too. 

Edited by WoolySocks
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DS had a can of soup for dinner after he got his braces on, and by the next day his teeth felt fine. The first adjustment or two caused minor discomfort (again, soup) but they don't bother him anymore. Maybe adjustments won't be a big deal for her either.


Nuts and nut butters are not an issue. I wouldn't think her discomfort would last long.

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DS had a can of soup for dinner after he got his braces on, and by the next day his teeth felt fine. The first adjustment or two caused minor discomfort (again, soup) but they don't bother him anymore. Maybe adjustments won't be a big deal for her either.


Nuts and nut butters are not an issue. I wouldn't think her discomfort would last lon



I hope not. She had them put on Thursday and it's now Saturday afternoon. Even with ibuprofen, she's still finding chewing painful and her teeth are in general very sore. Wax is helping with soreness in her cheek from the hooks and one bracket that the ortho said would get better as the teeth moved.


Her biggest complaint is from where they built up her bite a bit. I imagine it takes a bit more for those muscles to adjust. If it's still a problem on Monday, I'll call the ortho's office.

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I've found (I had braces, ds16 got his off 2 years ago, and ds18 & ds15 have them now) the the pain from getting them on is the worst.  The adjustments cause pain for about 12-36 hours, and then it gets better.  They move the teeth quite a bit in the first 2-3 months, and then the rest of the time is small adjustments.


Sorry I don't have any other food suggestions.  I do add this protein powder to baked goods, though.



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I just had dental surgery and am eating eggs, oatmeal, and cream of wheat for breakfast.  This may not help you dairy wise, but I am eating macaroni and cheese, macaroni salad, and ham salad -- LOL.  I miss eating a real meal...


I can eat veggies that are chopped small and cooked until mushy.  Mashed potatoes.  I can't use a straw and that is hard too.



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When I had kids in braces, I would take any meat we were eating and put it in my mini food processor. The meat would be ground finely and the child could then spoon it into his mouth. I did not mix it with anything. Maybe this would help. I second the other ideas in the thread also.

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Canned soup sounds good. When I got braces as a kid, it took days for the extreme soreness to go away. It was awful and I was starving all the time. Canned Progresso chicken soup has really soft chicken pieces, and it'll feel more like a real meal. Good luck!

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Like others have said, the worst part is the beginning.  Not only did your dd have teeth pulled, but the teeth move much more at the beginning of the braces treatment.   My DD has had her braces on for a year and a half now, and the adjustments barely phase her anymore.   The first few months she was very sore after every adjustment.   My DS had a palate expander for the first few months of his treatment, which was also very painful, but by the end of his treatment he was fine after adjustments.


Nut butters are great.   Will she eat non-dairy yogurt like soy or coconut milk yogurt?   Spaghetti with ground beef in the sauce (chopped up fine so she doesn't have to chew much), soups, stews, etc. would all be good.   You can also make a smoothie with non-dairy yogurt, non-dairy milk, a frozen banana, some protein shake powder, some peanut butter, and some chocolate syrup.   Throw all of that in the blender and it makes a great shake.   

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Protein pancakes:

Equal parts:


oatmeal (not instant)

Egg whites

Cottage cheese


And a few drops vanilla extract.


Blend all ingredients in a blender and cook as you would normal pancakes. I usually serve with jam on top.


I would think this would cook the cottage cheese enough where it would not cause an issue, but YMMV.

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You can transport soups and other hot foods in this device, they stay warm for hours. I use mine often because of my food allergies and it is very durable, I have had it for 2 years.



Edited by ElizabethB
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Peanut butter and other nut butters are fine. My braces kids eats them all the time including when he first got braces. We did smooties quite a bit and I made some of his favorite soups. I will say the first wetek was the worst. He rarely has more than 48 hours of pretty minor discomfort with adjustments.

I had braces and have two kids currently in them. The first week is the worst. Adjustments cause some dicomfort for a day or two, but not as bad as the first week.

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