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capri pants in court


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Something similar happened to me when I was on grand jury.  We had to listen to a case involving child porn.  It was horrifying and it still upsets me to this day - almost five years later.  I wish I had never heard the things I heard in that room.  



I have been called at least three times and could not get off for childcare issues.  They told me to make arrangements.  The only time I was excused was when I was eight months pregnant.  


At the time I could not make arrangements.  I would have had to bring my kids to court with me.  I don't care what the hell they would have done to me, there was no choice.  I have no family nearby.  I was new to the area so I literally knew NOBODY.  There is no last minute daycare places.  There was also some delay in getting the notice to me so I had 3 days until I was supposed to be there. 


Thankfully they weren't unreasonable. 

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At the time I could not make arrangements.  I would have had to bring my kids to court with me.  I don't care what the hell they would have done to me, there was no choice.  I have no family nearby.  I was new to the area so I literally knew NOBODY.  There is no last minute daycare places.  There was also some delay in getting the notice to me so I had 3 days until I was supposed to be there. 


Thankfully they weren't unreasonable. 


You were very fortunate.  We are in a similar situation and my DH had to take off from work to provide childcare.  


On, one other thing I forgot to mention - this doesn't have to do with clothes, but when I was on grand jury there was one woman who was on her phone much of the time.  I was stunned.

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You were very fortunate.  We are in a similar situation and my DH had to take off from work to provide childcare.  


On, one other thing I forgot to mention - this doesn't have to do with clothes, but when I was on grand jury there was one woman who was on her phone much of the time.  I was stunned.


Yeah well my husband had just started at the job too.  There was no way to take time off.  Money aside, most people are reasonably worried about taking time off as a new employee.  There would have been no protections for him to take time off. 


NOW, on the other hand he could work from home if need be (different job with more flexibility that he has been at for years).  Plus my kids aren't that young. 


I don't know if it is being fortunate.  It's more like not dealing with total douche bags.  I explained the situation, asked for a postponement, and they just let me off the hook. 

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Jury duty. Ugh. I got out of it several times when I had nurslings and/or little ones at home FT with no available sitter . . . I haven't been called since my kids . I super resent that my 18 yo son will have to register for the draft any day now when his notice arrives . . .


They didn't send my boys a notice. We got the forms at the post office.

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There is $40 per day stipend for jurors here, but that really doesn't cover a full day's pay for most people. Caregivers of children here are exempt but only until the children are 16.

And there isn't any pay for jurors?

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And there isn't any pay for jurors?


The places we've lived, it payed $15-20 per day. I believe local law will dictate whether or not your employer must pay you your wages while on jury duty. Federal law prohibits them from firing you.

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Jury duty. Ugh. I got out of it several times when I had nurslings and/or little ones at home FT with no available sitter . . . I haven't been called since my kids were old enough to leave alone . . . not looking forward to that particular civic duty. 


Like most dress codes, that one is arbitrary and ridiculous, IMHO. I'd likely wear whatever I had on hand that seemed reasonable. Since I have lots of clothes, I'd follow the guidelines (resentfully). If I didn't own clothes that fit the guidelines, I'd call the court and tell them so, and see if that got me out of duty. If that didn't work, I'd borrow something or wear the best I could come up with, resentfully. 


I resent plenty of my civic duties, like, say, taxes and DMV visits, etc. I super resent that my 18 yo son will have to register for the draft any day now when his notice arrives . . . I still do them, even when I resent them. Some of them I even totally agree with (most of them in fact), but that doesn't mean they don't get under my skin. Similarly, I'd resent, but comply with, the jury duty requirements. 



They didn't send my boys a notice. We got the forms at the post office.


Both of mine registered online. I had no idea any sort of notice was sent out. I don't remember either of them getting one.

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At the time I could not make arrangements.  I would have had to bring my kids to court with me.  I don't care what the hell they would have done to me, there was no choice.  I have no family nearby.  I was new to the area so I literally knew NOBODY.  There is no last minute daycare places.  There was also some delay in getting the notice to me so I had 3 days until I was supposed to be there. 


Thankfully they weren't unreasonable. 



You were very fortunate.  We are in a similar situation and my DH had to take off from work to provide childcare.  


On, one other thing I forgot to mention - this doesn't have to do with clothes, but when I was on grand jury there was one woman who was on her phone much of the time.  I was stunned.



Yeah well my husband had just started at the job too.  There was no way to take time off.  Money aside, most people are reasonably worried about taking time off as a new employee.  There would have been no protections for him to take time off. 


NOW, on the other hand he could work from home if need be (different job with more flexibility that he has been at for years).  Plus my kids aren't that young. 


I don't know if it is being fortunate.  It's more like not dealing with total douche bags.  I explained the situation, asked for a postponement, and they just let me off the hook. 


I can't remember if it was Alabama, Georgia or Tennessee but one of those, in the county we lived in, provided free childcare, onsite for jurors, for babies/children that were 8 weeks and older. Under 8 weeks and you could get a delay in serving.

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Both of mine registered online. I had no idea any sort of notice was sent out. I don't remember either of them getting one.


Mine did their updates online when they moved. The only notice they got was confirming their registration. Never one telling them that they needed to register.

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I've been excused from jury duty because my children are under 16 so I haven't really had to deal with jury duty. But I was wondering what everyone's experiences are for vacations where you have paid a deposit on airfare and so on? What are people's experiences with that? It seems trivial, but that can amount to thousands of dollars in airfare and hotel deposits.

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I can't remember if it was Alabama, Georgia or Tennessee but one of those, in the county we lived in, provided free childcare, onsite for jurors, for babies/children that were 8 weeks and older. Under 8 weeks and you could get a delay in serving.


Now that would have been good. 


Heck I would have been willing to pay for childcare.  But where does one find temporary childcare (that is safe) with a three day notice?  You just don't.  Doesn't exist. 

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I've been excused from jury duty because my children are under 16 so I haven't really had to deal with jury duty. But I was wondering what everyone's experiences are for vacations where you have paid a deposit on airfare and so on? What are people's experiences with that? It seems trivial, but that can amount to thousands of dollars in airfare and hotel deposits.


We haven't personally encountered it, but from what I've heard you have to send the clerk of court some sort of proof--a confirmation of a hotel reservation or receipt for plane tickets, etc. And then it's pretty much an automatic deferral.

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They didn't send my boys a notice. We got the forms at the post office.


I don't think my son got a notice either.  I think that's one of those things that high schools remind students to do - like taking SATs and such.  But I'm not sure. I think there are penalties for not registering by a certain time after the 18th birthday. 


ETA: I think I saw a poster about registering for the draft in a local high school once.  Maybe that's what I'm thinking of.  

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There is $40 per day stipend for jurors here, but that really doesn't cover a full day's pay for most people. Caregivers of children here are exempt but only until the children are 16.


It's only $12 a day here and they pay mileage at $.10 per mile (but you have to live in the county so I'm sure it's not much). 


Caregivers aren't automatically exempted, but I was excused two different times when I had children under 1 year of age.  The last time I was called just last year, I wasn't needed. The only exemptions listed: you no longer live in the county, you are not a US citizen, you have served within the last 12 months, or you are currently in jail or prison or on probation or parole.


Deferrals may be granted with judge's discretion for health or extreme hardship reasons. 

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This sounds potentially stressful as hell though.  What if you need to arrange for child care?  You won't know until the day before?  Who has on demand child care? 


I agree. You'd have to have coverage for the whole two weeks.


The call-in system is how it's set up here (though only one week and a larger pool). DH was stuck in voir dire until 8pm. People were begging for permission to use their phones to find someone to pick up their kids. 

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There is $40 per day stipend for jurors here, but that really doesn't cover a full day's pay for most people. Caregivers of children here are exempt but only until the children are 16.


Ours is up to age 6. Supposedly because the kids would be school age then. Well, great, but elementary school is out by 2:30! And there are holidays and summers and...


There's a homeschooling exemption up to 12. 

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Y'all are making me glad that I live where I do - when we got our notification, we were told to choose from 6 different 2-week periods over the next quarter. I picked the time when my husband could work from home to watch the kids. They seat juries M, T, and W, so you don't go in on Th or F unless you're sitting on a jury. You call in each night to find out if you go in the next day. Our group heard 5 cases over the 2 weeks. Some people were on juries such that they went in maybe 6-7 days, but most of us didn't. And, they seated juries by 1pm, so if you weren't seated you were dismissed around lunchtime. They told us that they wanted it to be as painless as possible, to dress comfortably, and for us to ask for breaks when we needed them. The folks in the jury pool tried to do what was asked - at some point, you realize that if you 'try to get out of it' then the nice lady that you were chatting with will end up doing it in your place, because it needs to be done. People dressed like what I'd think they do to go to a casual restaurant - some in khakis and a button-up shirt, others in jeans and neat flannel shirts. Some ladies in skirts, others in jeans or corduroy pants and a knit top, sweater, turtleneck, etc. They asked before each case if there was anybody who wouldn't be able to focus for the next 2, 3, or 5 days, depending on the expected length of the case. They sent home a lady who had unexpectedly become the caregiver for a chemo patient and a couple of others. Folks - jurors, judges, lawyers, and other court officers - really seemed to have a 'we're in this together...let's make the best of it' attitude.

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… But I was wondering what everyone's experiences are for vacations where you have paid a deposit on airfare and so on? What are people's experiences with that? It seems trivial, but that can amount to thousands of dollars in airfare and hotel deposits.


This has happened to me.


1st time was before jury service had an online presence. I just called in, said I already had a vacation scheduled (a cruise!) and could I postpone. They were very nice and asked me when a good date was.


2nd time, I was able to go online and take care of changing dates myself. 


It's never been a problem for me.

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I just checked for my county, and it prohibits:



Ripped or torn jeans

Work out or exercise clothes (sweat suits, sweat pants, spandex, etc.)

Low cut or revealing clothing

Shirts with inappropriate logos or advertising


I don't understand prohibiting capris or skorts.

I agree especially when many places have a hard time getting folks to serve jury duty! I would be hard pressed to wear business casual everyday if I had to serve since I mostly have mom clothes which includes a lot of capris which I need for the hot summers here.

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A jury of my peers is definitely going to include capri pants. In khaki because that is the official homeschool mom wardrobe around here (they have replaced denim jumpers). I think that it would also include athletic gear, yoga pants, leggings, and blue jeans.


How am I supposed to know I am being tried by a jury of my peers if there isn't a single pair of khaki Capri pants among the jurors?????



This is hilarious! I've been trying to dress more trendy. I wore a khaki pair of capri pants yesterday, and something felt off with the outfit. Now I know why! Those pants have been put in the donation pile. LOL 

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I would not wear capris to court.  They don't fit my personal standard of business attire,.  That doesn't mean I think anyone who wears capris to court is wrong; my standards are for me only.  


My county says this:   


Jurors should dress comfortably, but properly for a courthouse. Shorts, mini-skirts, tank tops and halters are NOT permitted.


ETA: do most people find that capris are noticeably cooler than full-length trousers?  Seems to me that the fabric would make a bigger difference than the length.  I think denim capris would be hotter than linen trousers, for example.   

I definitely find capris cooler and more comfortable than full-length trousers.  Full-length trousers are never the correct length when I buy them, meaning they have to be hemmed.  Capri lengths are not so exact and I like the fact that I can wear a variety of shoes with them (and dress them up or down).  I always feel that looser full length trousers look like pajama bottoms on me.  I also find that it is often easier to look tailored and "put together" with a pair of capris than with a skirt without hose.


Last night I picked my mom, who is 75 years old, up for dinner.  She was wearing capris and a matching top; she said that is what she wore to church on Sunday morning.  Today I went to get my hair cut and there was a women in her mid-80s who came in wearing a pair of capris, a shell, and a light cardigan; she looked very dignified.  She would have probably looked a bit frumpy in a skirt and bare legs instead. 

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I've always wondered if they ever actually follow up and verify exemptions. Here you just fill it out online and click submit it you meet any of the exemptions and poof, you're done. I mean here you can be exempt if you're the "primary caretaker of an invalid unable to care for themselves"  or are a student at a public or private institution of higher education, among other things. How do they KNOW? Do they randomly do an audit and show up at your house, or demand transcripts? I'm curious how that works. 

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This sounds potentially stressful as hell though.  What if you need to arrange for child care?  You won't know until the day before?  Who has on demand child care? 

I checked and this is how it's done in my county, too. Only you call every evening, not in the morning, and you're "on call" like this for 3 MONTHS! That sounds so stressful, to have to remember to call in to a number every single night for 3 months and have a matter of a few hours to arrange for adjusted plans the following day. Thankfully my MIL is retired and lives nearby, so I would likely be okay to just send the kids there unless she was away on vacation, but I think I'm more in the minority than not on having easily accessible, affordable, reliable, short-notice child care. 

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1st time was before jury service had an online presence. I just called in, said I already had a vacation scheduled (a cruise!) and could I postpone. They were very nice and asked me when a good date was.



This was my experience as well, no proof needed. I wasn't asking to be excused, just postponed. I never did have to go in though--our county does the "call the night before" thing.

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I've always wondered if they ever actually follow up and verify exemptions. Here you just fill it out online and click submit it you meet any of the exemptions and poof, you're done. I mean here you can be exempt if you're the "primary caretaker of an invalid unable to care for themselves"  or are a student at a public or private institution of higher education, among other things. How do they KNOW? Do they randomly do an audit and show up at your house, or demand transcripts? I'm curious how that works. 


I think, if they have a large alternate juror pool, they don't worry too much about it. It would probably be cost-prohibitive to follow up on all exemption requests to catch the liars. They never verify here either (though I've also never lied). 


I feel like talking about this here is going to ensure I get a notice in the mail sometime in the next two weeks! 



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I checked and this is how it's done in my county, too. Only you call every evening, not in the morning, and you're "on call" like this for 3 MONTHS! That sounds so stressful, to have to remember to call in to a number every single night for 3 months and have a matter of a few hours to arrange for adjusted plans the following day. Thankfully my MIL is retired and lives nearby, so I would likely be okay to just send the kids there unless she was away on vacation, but I think I'm more in the minority than not on having easily accessible, affordable, reliable, short-notice child care. 


That would put me over the edge. You can't make any plans during the week for three months! Not lunch with a friend, not a day trip, nothing. 

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when I was on grand jury there was one woman who was on her phone much of the time.  I was stunned.



Here phones (and laptops, and tablets, etc) are banned from the courtroom. They recommend you leave them at home (iirc they say there are pay phones), but if necessary they'll hold them for you and you'll get them back at the end of the day. 

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