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I am overwhelmed w kitten adorableness. Want to share. update post # 7


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Edited: baby kitten pics starting post #7!!!


So my question is, how do you post pics so that you can see them in the actual post and not have to click a link?

You may remember we had rats and hastily adopted a pregnant stray to help the situation. We haven't seen a rat since, the kids allergies have been ok and there's 5 ridiculously cute baby kittens being raised in our home now.

Just thought I'd share.

Edited by pinkmint
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I feel like it's my duty to share some of this cuteness. This is our first family pet situation (we are keeping the mom, one of the babies and finding homes for the other kittens) and I must say, there's really something to the happiness that animals can bring. Especially baby ones. Oh my word. They are so precious. My DDs dream has basically come true. 

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Oh my gosh -- how sweet!  


And can I say this is the best thread currently on the board?  Because KITTENS!!


(I have managed to make my Instagram feed about 90% cat pictures -- after a long day there's nothing like scrolling through dozens of kitty pics.)

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This post made me so happy!!! You did such a good and kind thing adopting a pregnant momma, and it sounds like she is doing her job very well! And, oh my, the kittens are adorable and the momma is absolutely gorgeous!!! 


Best thing I've read today, hands down. 

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Well that is just the cutest way to get rid of rats!



I love them all. I bet you are all having so much fun with them.


How hard is it to potty train a kitten?

Very easy. if the mama will use a litter box, the babies will do it, too. I never had a kitten who did not figure this out immediately.

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I think you live on the opposite side of the country from me; otherwise I would be seriously considering making one our forever furbaby.

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Yeah it's sobering to think of mama cat about to deliver sitting there at the animal shelter. She and those kittens might not have been alive today. Overcrowding and kitten season and all. It was not a "no kill" shelter.


When we saw her we just loved her. We also knew things were not looking good for a pregnant stray. So glad they got a chance. Mama cat is doing a remarkable job. Nursing them well.

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I think you live on the opposite side of the country from me; otherwise I would be seriously considering making one our forever furbaby.


Come on Quill, planes, trains, automobiles...


Edited by Liz CA
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So fun! A neighborhood stray brought her two kittens literally to our doorstep in early April, so they are almost 10 weeks old now. We got mom fixed, kittens are next. We are keeping both, because we are crazy people - we already have 2 cats, plus the 3 strays we got fixed and feed. And the two sugar gliders. 


They are jumping, pouncing, running, climbing MANIACS at 10 weeks. But seriously adorable and fun. 

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GAHHH!  How can you stand the cute!?  I don't think I could stop handling them!  :001_tt1: :001_wub: :blushing:


LOL it's hard to stand it. DD especially... she would hold them 24/7 if I didn't intervene to let them nurse and sleep. 

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Have you decided which kitten you're keeping? It must be so hard to choose!


The favorite right now is the all gray kitten, who is also the largest. The kids change their minds all the time though. Their little personalities are easy to fall in love with. 


BTW does anyone know how to tell what their genders are? We looked at how-to's and youtube videos about it and I seriously have no idea when I look at their little private areas. 

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Wow sounds way easier than a dog.

Way, way easier than a dog. Cats generally are way, way easier than dogs. (And I say this though I like dogs and look forward to having a dog again soon.)

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The favorite right now is the all gray kitten, who is also the largest. The kids change their minds all the time though. Their little personalities are easy to fall in love with.


BTW does anyone know how to tell what their genders are? We looked at how-to's and youtube videos about it and I seriously have no idea when I look at their little private areas.

It's hard to tell before they are six or so weeks old, and even then, it is hard. Comparing two side-by-side is a little easier. Also, color patterns help; the kittens with calico patterns are almost certainly females. If you hold a boy kitten and a girl side by side, hold the tail up and look directly at the personal area under the tail, the boy kitten(s) will look a little "bumpier" around the bottom hole. (Think of a punctuation mark. The top hole is the anus and the bottom one is their eventual sex orifice.) the females will look like a smooth two holes, but the males will have a bumpier area around the hole, which will be testes eventually.


My guess is the grey one is a male. The two with calico patterns are almost definitely females.


ETA: check out this wikihow: http://m.wikihow.com/Determine-the-Sex-of-a-Kitten

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Very easy. if the mama will use a litter box, the babies will do it, too. I never had a kitten who did not figure this out immediately.


They usually figure it out just fine even if mama doesn't use a litter box. We just plonked ours down on the litter and somehow they get the idea, even though they had not seen another cat use a box. One of them had a few near-misses right outside the box, lol, but we figure that was like a toddler waiting too long because they were busy playing. 


Cats are pretty easy once they're past the kitten stage! The kitten stage is fun, but if they knock over one more glass of water . . . 

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They are absolutely adorable.   The mama cat looks just like the cat that belonged to my sister when we were growing up, who looked just like the cat that my mom had when SHE was growing up.  I rescued a pregnant cat when I was in college, and she had two very adorable kittens, that my mom ended up keeping even when I moved away.   I think stray mama cats make some of the sweetest pets!


I've had a bunch of cats in my life, and don't think I can remember having to actually teach a cat or kitten how to use a litter box.   We had at least one growing up who strongly preferred to do her business outside and only used a litter box if it was raining or she was inside for longer periods of time, but it's strangely instinctual.   MUCH easier than housebreaking a puppy.



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And get mama spayed ASAP. They get pregnant again so very quickly.


Yes!! They can get pregnant even while nursing kittens. We were trying to wait and get mama cat spayed when done or nearly done nursing, but she is a stray and goes in and out. Turns out we were wrong to think nursing had a birth control effect, it does not. She did seem to continue nursing with no problems after being fixed. 


If your mama cat is less wild and stays inside all the time, you are safer. 


FYI, get the kittens fixed ASAP too. They can breed before 6 months, and they aren't bothered by kitty-cest.


Edited to add: call or google and look for low-cost spay/neuter. We have a really great program here, with some vets providing it free for strays (with ear tip) and only $15 for pets. We can also borrow a trap for free (all strays have to be brought in a trap, because so many are wild at the vet even if friendly with you, and they have a special tool that forces them to one side of the trap to be sedated). We have done 3 strays in the last 2 months! 


We may keep our senior kitty with her long term vet, but the two kittens will go to the vet practice that provides this service. We figure they deserve the business. 

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Thanks for the tip about spaying while nursing. I was told to wait until the kittens are fully weaned. We definitely want to get her spayed. We're vigilant about not letting her outside at all for now.


I will contact a local ad I saw for low cost spay and neuter. I was going to wait a bit but I'll call Monday.


Oh and I'm using "yesterday's news" non clumping cat litter. It's recommended for kittens apparently and I actually like it way better than clay litter.

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