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The I'm Annoyed Thread


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I don't feel like I should gripe about this anywhere out loud because it is such a first world problem but our local starbucks has the worst designed parking lot I have ever seen.  It is a very busy place and every single parking space is blocked by the drive thru.  I always wonder...who designed this place?

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it is a pain if it takes me half an hour to get my phone call answered, throws out my morning.


Then if the stupid cat catches a mouse and lets it go IN THE SCHOOL ROOM, that also throws out my day...


Then, if you try to call me and I miss the important call, don't turn off your phone so I can't call you back! (it was within 10mins) I need this document done ASAP, don't call once and then be uncontactable!



Not the most productive day.

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Dd3: mom


Me: yes


Dd3: ummm....uhhhh....well...


I forgot.


This happens 6 times a day. My two youngest are the worst.


I need a nap.



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My four year old (DS4): Mom.

Me: Mmm hmm?

DS4: Mom.

Me: Mmm Hmm?




Me: DS4!  "Mmm Hmm" means "Yes! Go ahead! What!?"


Me: (big sigh).  Yes, DS4.

DS4: My shirt is wet.


We have this same discussion, only varying the last line, every other day.

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I don't feel like I should gripe about this anywhere out loud because it is such a first world problem but our local starbucks has the worst designed parking lot I have ever seen.  It is a very busy place and every single parking space is blocked by the drive thru.  I always wonder...who designed this place?


The one we used to live near was super well designed, flew in the morning rush, and they were pretty nice. 


Unfortunately, they forgot to put sugar in my tea 50% of the time.

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Annoyed at myself right now for being such a rule follower that I am loosing sleep over a conversation I need to have with the school later. Nothing earth shattering, pretty minor really but to many what if scenarios going on in my head. Then I'm annoyed with ds for not just doing what he was suppose to do the first place. Sigh....

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I don't feel like I should gripe about this anywhere out loud because it is such a first world problem but our local starbucks has the worst designed parking lot I have ever seen.  It is a very busy place and every single parking space is blocked by the drive thru.  I always wonder...who designed this place?


Two summers ago we went to Panama City, Florida for our dance nationals.  I cleverly booked a hotel on a road that would take us right past Starbucks each time we went to the venue.   Except that it ended up being on mall property, so it wasn't intuitive to get to in the first place, but THEN we discovered it had no drive thru!  I waited in line behind 15 people that first day.  After that, if the parking lot was full we skipped it and I bought the bottled stuff at the grocery store. 


A Starbucks without a drive thru? What were they thinking?

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Two summers ago we went to Panama City, Florida for our dance nationals.  I cleverly booked a hotel on a road that would take us right past Starbucks each time we went to the venue.   Except that it ended up being on mall property, so it wasn't intuitive to get to in the first place, but THEN we discovered it had no drive thru!  I waited in line behind 15 people that first day.  After that, if the parking lot was full we skipped it and I bought the bottled stuff at the grocery store. 


A Starbucks without a drive thru? What were they thinking?


The Starbucks (which is one of the worst ever) and the local coffee shop (which is awesome unless that young, blonde woman is working--and yes, I just turn around and walk back out) near me don't have drive thrus. It's sad. My friend lives in a town near Boston that forbids drive-thrus for any business. Weird.

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Everything is going wrong at the HS where I work.  I can't even post it all on a public board, but it isn't going well.  


I have always worked in year round schools so when I was told that after Spring break things will speed up and go haywire, I wasn't sure what to expect.


I am shocked.  Some teachers have decided they will only come 3 days per week and have said they have no intention of coming on Fridays or Mondays until next year.  WHAT????  I didn't realize that was an option!!!!  


And I am applying for a transfer and it isn't going well.  I am frustrated.


And I can't lose weight to save my life.   I don't know what to do.  I did low carb, felt like garbage, and didn't lose any weight.  


It all SUCKS right now.

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Everything is going wrong at the HS where I work. I can't even post it all on a public board, but it isn't going well.


I have always worked in year round schools so when I was told that after Spring break things will speed up and go haywire, I wasn't sure what to expect.


I am shocked. Some teachers have decided they will only come 3 days per week and have said they have no intention of coming on Fridays or Mondays until next year. WHAT???? I didn't realize that was an option!!!!


And I am applying for a transfer and it isn't going well. I am frustrated.


And I can't lose weight to save my life. I don't know what to do. I did low carb, felt like garbage, and didn't lose any weight.


It all SUCKS right now.

I have to ask - do these teachers get paid sick or vacation days that they will lose if they don't use them before the end of term? Are they responsible to find substitutes?


I'm just asking because I JAWY that it is ridiculous, and in wondering if there is some reasoning involved or if they really are just bailing.

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I have to ask - do these teachers get paid sick or vacation days that they will lose if they don't use them before the end of term? Are they responsible to find substitutes?


I'm just asking because I JAWY that it is ridiculous, and in wondering if there is some reasoning involved or if they really are just bailing.


I don't know all the situations, but two of them have announced they are leaving and simply don't care anymore.  I think they are calling in sick, but apparently, from what I am hearing, subs are hard to get after Spring break as well, so teachers cover during their prep/planning time.  I honestly only know about it because the teachers having to cover are complaining, and I get it!

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My newborn sleeps wonderfully during the day.  She falls asleep at the drop of a hat.  Why can't she do that at night?  Why must she be nursed to sleep, but then wake up when she loses the latch, and then want to nurse again only to wake up when she loses the latch.... It's an endless cycle that hurts, because it still hurts when she nurses.  Sometimes I can give her to my husband and he'll walk with her until she falls asleep, but for the past two nights that hasn't worked.  I'm running on fumes and my immune system is compromised so it can't fight the cold that's going around.  I can't take a nap until the oldest gets done with his work or it won't get done.  Perhaps this is more of a whiny post, not so much annoying.  But, I'm annoyed at her for sleeping great during he day and not at night.  And, I'm easily annoyed by little things, because I'm running on fumes.

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Two summers ago we went to Panama City, Florida for our dance nationals.  I cleverly booked a hotel on a road that would take us right past Starbucks each time we went to the venue.   Except that it ended up being on mall property, so it wasn't intuitive to get to in the first place, but THEN we discovered it had no drive thru!  I waited in line behind 15 people that first day.  After that, if the parking lot was full we skipped it and I bought the bottled stuff at the grocery store. 


A Starbucks without a drive thru? What were they thinking?



Man, I hate when I think through it all and plan it just right and it fails.  


Mobile order is the bomb.  You've tried it right?  

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I'm feeling achy, annoyed and bloated.


If my period comes when due, it will be the day we leave to drive from NJ to NC with three kids in the car.  My first day is always SUPER heavy.  That should make it fun spending the day in the car.  If it doesn't come that day, it will probably come while we are out on a 4 mile hike in the Appalachian Mountains.  Or the day we are going caving and river rafting.  Don't those sound like fun days to be bleeding like a stuck pig?


One of the kids isn't ours, and I'm having trouble getting answers to questions about the trip.  I sent one text, reply made no sense.  So now I'm sending one question a day, waiting for an answer then texting the next.  Can't call, have to do it by text.


My dad called me yesterday to ask what year I was born.  Kind of thought he should already know that information.


I'm trying to get through Egypt before we leave so I can return the library books.  So of course the kids all of a sudden completely forgot how to do any math, so that's taking us twice as long as usual, so we don't have the all the time I wanted to do the history.


I found out my library system does have some of the Great Courses DVDs.  But you only get to borrow them for 2 weeks and there are no renewals.  Since I borrow from different libraries in the system, to get them out again I have to wait for them to reach their home library, then put in a new request.


I hate that I had a nice weekend away all by myself but instead of feeling calm and relaxed, I'm hormonal and cranky.  What a waste of a free weekend.

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DD, an 18 year old technically adult person, not only leaves things wherever she touches them but LEAVES THE LIDS OFF sitting beside them.  I went into the laundry this morning to find the laundry soap on top of the washer with the lid sitting beside it.  She leaves lids off toothpaste, makeup, food items...


She leaves her contact holder and contact solution open with the lids off in her dirty bathroom!  She is going to get an eye disease and go blind and it WILL NOT be my fault.  

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Maybe this goes a little beyond annoyance, but ... when you run a cold red and crunch the rear corner of the minivan just clearing the intersection, it is annoying to zoom off and leave your hit -and-run victim family to pay the repair bill ($1000 deductible! Whee!).


But hey, thanks for not running the red a second sooner and killing my family.

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Maybe this goes a little beyond annoyance, but ... when you run a cold red and crunch the rear corner of the minivan just clearing the intersection, it is annoying to zoom off and leave your hit -and-run victim family to pay the repair bill ($1000 deductible! Whee!).


But hey, thanks for not running the red a second sooner and killing my family.


Your insurance won't waive it for a crime? Might be worth checking. What a pain in the rear. :(

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Your insurance won't waive it for a crime? Might be worth checking. What a pain in the rear. :(

You might be able to get a traffic cam image to support your claim, that's at least worth a call to the police. They may require you to make a police report, if you haven't already.

Edited by Seasider
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You might be able to get a traffic cam image to support your claim, that's at least worth a call to the police. They may require you to make a police report, if you haven't already.

It was at a highway access road intersection in a part of rural Texas far, far from where traffic cameras roam.

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Family Friend/Dad To My Extra Preschoolers:


When you come to pick up your girls after I've been wrangling 6 kids ages 2 to 8 for the past 4 hours, and I have two hours before I will be meeting you and a bunch of other folks to run the kids' Shakespeare group, please please please do not show up half an hour late and then hang around to chat, jump with the kids on the trampoline, etc. for the next hour.  I like you, you're a nice person that I enjoy in social situations, but please take your kids and get out of here.  I am an extremely introverted person, and if I can't have my quiet time for an hour in between getting places and managing large groups of kids all day, I will go crazy!

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To a certain group in my area-  The no soliciting, no exceptions sign on my door does apply to you.   While you seem to think that my sign don't apply to charities and organizations, it does.  And when confronted by me that angry person who you decided to bang on the dang door repeatedly this week, don't dare you tell me that you haven't received my donation yet. Let me give you my version on your donation by explaining to you what exactly my sign means.  

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My newborn sleeps wonderfully during the day.  She falls asleep at the drop of a hat.  Why can't she do that at night?  Why must she be nursed to sleep, but then wake up when she loses the latch, and then want to nurse again only to wake up when she loses the latch.... It's an endless cycle that hurts, because it still hurts when she nurses.  Sometimes I can give her to my husband and he'll walk with her until she falls asleep, but for the past two nights that hasn't worked.  I'm running on fumes and my immune system is compromised so it can't fight the cold that's going around.  I can't take a nap until the oldest gets done with his work or it won't get done.  Perhaps this is more of a whiny post, not so much annoying.  But, I'm annoyed at her for sleeping great during he day and not at night.  And, I'm easily annoyed by little things, because I'm running on fumes.




I don't know if this will help at all but I've heard that going outside in the morning helps us "reset" (like if our nights/days are confused. This applies to the jetlag as well).


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If I didn't ask about your medical condition or diet it's because I don't care about the details.  Stop volunteering to tell me all about it.

Learn how to upload a group of pics in one post on FB.  The 15 consecutive daily pics of your grandkid are cute, but I don't want to see that many every time I scroll. Newsflash: No one other than you thinks your grandkid is all that special.  It's a run of the mill kid to the rest of us.

I never want to hear about a MLM party or product again.  Parties are fun-shopping isn't.  I don't need or want loud clothing, "special" lip gloss/lipstick, jewelry, kitchen gadgets, bags, books, or anything else from you.  You have all flooded the market even if I did.



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Can I join the vent? Why do people think that because you have a cell phone, that you are tethered to it and will answer their texts immediately?


Or, why is it that I am on my way to where we are supposed to meet, and you text me, and because I am driving I don't read the texts, but call you since you obviously are trying to get to me, but you don't answer the actual phone, but keep texting me so that I have to PULL OVER so I can read the #@* text only to find out you are thinking of canceling, so I call you again to figure out what you want, but you don't answer, then send me another text to say that you are definitely canceling?


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I've got more...


it is a pain if it takes me half an hour to get my phone call answered, throws out my morning.


Then if the stupid cat catches a mouse and lets it go IN THE SCHOOL ROOM, that also throws out my day...


Then, if you try to call me and I miss the important call, don't turn off your phone so I can't call you back! (it was within 10mins) I need this document done ASAP, don't call once and then be uncontactable!



Not the most productive day.


Can I join the vent? Why do people think that because you have a cell phone, that you are tethered to it and will answer their texts immediately?


Or, why is it that I am on my way to where we are supposed to meet, and you text me, and because I am driving I don't read the texts, but call you since you obviously are trying to get to me, but you don't answer the actual phone, but keep texting me so that I have to PULL OVER so I can read the #@* text only to find out you are thinking of canceling, so I call you again to figure out what you want, but you don't answer, then send me another text to say that you are definitely canceling?



My dh does this crap and it's the most annoying thing ever lol. Or I send more than one ques. and only get one answered. Then don't know how long it will be before they get back to their phone. 

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#1.  6yo spends entire school year having to be dragged out of the house at 7:15 to get to co-op.  Same 6yo spends hours whining about how upset he is that it's over for the year. Of course, this provides room to transfer that routine to baseball practice.


#2. I DO NOT NEED 29 individual texts from two teams that say "okay".  I just don't!  Or the 30th text that's a personal question to the coach but somehow needs to be sent to an entire team because you're too special to start a new message, and then a half dozen people need to reply with conflicting answers to something that has nothing to do with them. Or me.


#3. I can be proud of a child's win and still be annoyed that it destroys my next two weeks.  Also, I'm not a bad mom for hoping you don't make it to the next level, shredding my summer plans.  And I'm a good mom for not saying these things, even though my face totally gives them away.


#4. I'm mad at the mean moms thread, which clearly messed with my juju and now has me wading through mean mom garbage.  Take it back!

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