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What do you do on a free Saturday?


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For most of our children's childhood, Saturdays have been filled with sports so we didn't often get to go things.


Now that we are down to two kids, we do have free Saturdays. Dh and I are happy to do nothing on those days, but the kids, want to be out and about.


Oldest dd is home today, very rare, and doesn't want to sit at home all day. She has plans in the evening. I have been searching for stuff to do, but can't find anything.


We have snow on the ground. We need whatever we do to be low cost - the dd who wants to do something would probably be happiest to walk around a mall, but that's not low cost! I am wiped out from this week and just want to nap. I am trying to force myself to find something to do, but no one else is helping - it gets left to me, which is irritating.

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Driver's ed lesson with child,or help dad do vehicle maintenance.

Make a side dish or dessert.

Volunteer service project.

Edited by Heigh Ho
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Take a ride -- in the country, to the lake etc.

Fishing -- guess that out with snow


We are big on tossing drinks in a cooler and snacks in a bag and heading out. Just see where the road takes us. If it is nice the fishing poles go too.


Fishing here you need a permit, so I don't think you can just go do that on a whim.


Taking a ride with no destination in mind does not work between dh and I! He will want to know where to turn, etc... and it will drive me crazy.

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It's rainy and gross here today.  We woke up, I exercised.  Made cinnamon rolls and watched Kung Fu Panda.  Played some fitness games on the Wii. Now we're eating lunch.  But we do tend to be homebodies. :p


(We do outings to the lake/zoo/museum but tend to do them during the week when they are less busy overall...)

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We don't have a lot of free saturdays but when we do we like to hike or bike. On a day too cold to do outdoor stuff we will play games, watch movies, do projects around the house. Make a fire. Go to the cheap theater. Go downtown to museums. Go to a library or bookstore. Get our art supplies. Make cookies.

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We have a small mountain nearby with lovely trails. There are short trails and longer ones. We also have a greenway for walking/running/biking. We also have gone to museums, but some of those can be costly. My kids have always liked to eat out so we'd sometimes hit a cheap fast food place.


If you want to stay in, have snacks and play some board games. Sometimes we weren't in the mood to do it but once we started we enjoy it.


My DH and kids love doing puzzles. I don't have the thought process to match pieces so I don't enjoy it at all.


An old movie that is a favorite of the family. Our good old standby is Clue. I can't say how many times we've watched that movie.

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Today this is what is happening:


- We Played, and will play few rounds of the board game, "Pathfinder and adventure card game"

- Dh and the boys are currently playing a computer game called, "Battle bots".

- the recreation centre which is a three minute walk away is having a chance to try out diving for free. (As in jumping off a diving board, not wearing scuba gear). But no one is interested. I was earlier, but I'm feeling a bit cold and I don't want to get wet.

- earlie I read the boys my share of the forth Brotherband book, I will likely read a few more chapters before I go out.

- Tonight at 6 I leave to go out dancing. I have never done this before. I always just dance at the local dance hall. This time I'm meeting three ladies and we are going to another town to dance. I will be home after midnight.

- when I'm gone I think the boys will listen to daddy read his book, and maybe watch some of the Great course I just bought about Japan. (Dh is learning Japanese, so I thought this course would be interesting to him)

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When the kids were still home, we sometimes passed a very pleasant Saturday by heading to the grocery store for "special" snacks -- usually stuff we didn't normally buy -- then coming home and munching while watching a movie or two. Often, we'd rent something to watch, but we might also just raid our own stash of DVDs. The kids enjoyed making nests of blankets and pillows on the floor to lounge upon for the afternoon/evening.


We also like/liked board games.



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When the weather is cold the options are limited. We'd usually find a small museum - so our drive might be an hour but that's ok. We have a TON of those kinds of things here- John Deere Pavilion, small art museums, car museums, history museums, etc.  Our visitor center has a lot of ideas for things like that. We always pack sandwiches, drinks, and snacks. 


But honestly when our kids were the age you're talking about, if we had a free Saturday they were on their own to find entertainment. Especially since she has plans for tonight. 



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Take a ride -- in the country, to the lake etc.

Fishing -- guess that out with snow


We are big on tossing drinks in a cooler and snacks in a bag and heading out.  Just see where the road takes us.  If it is nice the fishing poles go too.

This, substituting photo equipment for fishing equipment. 

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Museums - we live in the land of museums so maybe that's not an option everywhere and I'm just spoiled? There is always an exhibit we haven't seen out there. Visit monuments.


Local history.


Drive to the train and hit the city. Plays. Musicals. Bookstore in city is always big.


River activities are huge here ... hiking, lake trips, mountain biking.


Archery might be fun? Frisbee golf?


We are makers, so a lot of our free Saturdays are spent tinkering in the garage, with a herd of kids running in and out asking for steampunk this or that. :D


Today is free here, and DH is out of the country. So the kids and I are having friends over for snacks and playtime.

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When the weather is bad we get a lot of snacks and have a movie marathon. Watch all the Harry Potters or all the Lord of the Rings or all the Star Wars (and argue about the order).


When the weather is good we day hike.


Go to the library.


I don't think you should feel bad about resting. You earned it.

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Some ideas I rarely / occasionally get to use:

  • Hike a trail at the nearby national park, or similar.
  • Spend some time with shelter animals.
  • Check out the temporary exhibits at the nearby museums.
  • Pick a new recipe and cook it with the kids.
  • Watch one of the classic movies I bought to share with the kids.
  • Plant something.
  • Assemble a piece of furniture that's been in the box for xx months.
  • Do some scout badge work.
  • Visit the library, rec center (pool), park, or just go for a walk or bike ride.

Reality is, I have a backlog of work (personal and professional) that will never be caught up, so the above don't happen as often as we'd like.

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Today was such a day and only one of four since the third week for August when we started student launch.


We slept in, had a leisurely breakfast, and then did some household chores here and there, nothing very taxing because we really needed some down time.


I made a really nice lunch in the crock pot, but we got pizza for supper. We have been watching movies since.

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This I did think about, but oldest dd can't do that right now (she is in season and it's not allowed).


I don't understand what this means. Is there a fear she will fall and get injured?



Cross-country skiing




Indoor rock climbing



When the snow melts:




Swimming outdoors

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I don't understand what this means. Is there a fear she will fall and get injured?



Cross-country skiing




Indoor rock climbing



When the snow melts:




Swimming outdoors

Not allowed per team rules (she's on a college sports team)


Eta: Yes, it is because of the fear of injury

Edited by school17777
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I still don't get it. Is it a time thing, injury thing? Does the coach own the athlete? Why couldn't someone go recreational ice skating with their family? Makes no sense to me.

It is in case of an injury. The coach doesn't want the player to get injured doing a recreational sport and then not be able to play.

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So, we ended up not doing anything. Well, older dd and I ran out for a birthday present, which I couldn't find, and we looked at puppies. We all went out for ice cream to the local ice cream stand that opened a couple of days ago for the season.


The only idea that dh had was to go to Harpers Ferry. I vetoed that because of the snow. A friend went today and posted pictures on facebook, and no snow there! Oh well! He came up with that idea pretty late to actually go!


I wanted to do dd's taxes while she is here, but we are missing on some of her paperwork that we took up to her at college (because we didn't know it was tax related) and she says she gave it right back to us after she opened it and saw what it was. I do not remember that and I can't find the paperwork anywhere. We were at a dinner and I hope it didn't get left there. I should be able to get another copy of the form next week, just not when she's here. This means she will probably have to run home on a Sunday afternoon between now and April 15th. This is probably our last unbusy weekend of the spring season, so it will be tough to find the time. This weekend only turned out to be open because of the weather, otherwise, this was the start to the spring season of games..

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Even our high school athletes are not allowed to do a lot of sports during season. Dh dropped basketball because he was told he couldn't ski. Dd wasn't allowed to ski over Christmas break (the entire 4 days they had off) because of DII swimming. 


I ignored the coach back in my day. If he seriously wanted me to give up my family ski holidays to swim on the high school team, he could forget it. This is not the pros, folks. We're all just having fun here, right? ;)  The number of times I can ski with my family in the Rocky Mountains are limited and should be cherished. 

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