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S/O: what temp do you keep your heat on at night?

What do you keep your heat set on at night?  

  1. 1. What do you keep your heat set on at night?

    • 75-80
    • 73-74
    • 71-72
    • 69-70
    • 67-68
    • 65-66
    • 60-64
    • below 59

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I don't let the house go below 60. Now that both kids keep their covers on, I'll probably let it go down that far in the evening. For the past few years I've set the thermostat to 64 at night.

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There should be an option for those who don't "set a thermostat" so to speak. We crank our woodstove down (close it up), and sometimes the house gets below 50. It warms up quickly in the morning. Down comforters, flannel sheets, lots of pets, everyone's plenty warm.


We don't have a thermostat either. We have a little Warm Morning gas stove in the living room that tries its best to heat the whole house (which is only 700sq ft. or so, so it isn't too bad.)

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What about those of us who live in Centigrade? I can never figure out your temperatures.....




Now that my kids are reliably not waking me up at night, I set the heat for 16 overnight. But it's programmed to take us back up to 22 half an hour before I have to get up because I really hate, hate getting up to a cold house.


I have down quilts, a dog, a cat & a really warm man..... Without those, I'd be keeping it at 18 overnight.

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We have ours set to drop to sixty. I wish we had a woodstove! We planned to install one this year, but then had to replace our thirteen year old van, instead.


My goal right now is to get down comforters/featherbeds on every bed...my daughter kicks everything off anyway, but my oldest ds sleeps under an insulated sleeping bag, and the toddler, my dh and I have a down comforter. We're always warm.

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I didn't turn our heat on until the inside temp was 60, the outside was 34'-36'. But in the winter when the outside temp falls below zero at night, we keep the heat set on 71'. (With our thermostat that means the heat kicks on when it dips to 70' and stops at 72'.)


Our local utility company recommends not swinging the temps more that 4 degrees either way ie...2 up or down to save money.


When we lived in warmer places we kept the heat at around 69'. I don't know why, but it feels colder here.

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I broke down and put our heat on this morning. - it was 59 in the house when I got up. The dog was shaved last week and now sports a sweater, since he has been shivering in the house. Now that we have to pay for our own heat, the girls are required to have the down comforters on their beds. :tongue_smilie:


Oh, and I set the thermostat to 62 to take the chill off the air.


While it was nice to not have to use the A/C this summer because our house is cool, it is not such a nice feature in the winter.

Edited by Brigitte
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I used to set it at 70 (day) and 68 (night). Do to money issues, I went down to 68 (day) and 64 (night).


Our house is so drafty that it gets really cold in here quickly. Even at 64, it is on and off constantly. When our thermostat broke in the spring, our inside temp. dropped down to the low 50s so I had to take the kids out to get warm.


On a side note...

My microwave freaks out when it gets down to 64/65 degrees in the house so we have to remember to unplug it every night.

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We don't have the heat on at night at all. Instead we have a wood-burning stove in the basement that keeps us quite warm. We stoke it up at 10 when we turn lights out, I add wood on my 1 or 2 am potty run, and then dh checks it around 6 when he gets up. We keep it going all the time, and it keeps the edge off nicely. We haven't turned our heat on yet, but if and when we do, it will stay at about 60 during the day, and 50 at night.

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Curious as we turned on the heat last night...what temperature do you keep your heat at during the night?



You didn't! When I got up, the inside temp was 68. We are putting off turning on the heat. I personally could go a lot longer than my husband. He'd probably have it on at 68 degrees.


I tend to roast in people's houses in the winter. I mean, there are cozy sweaters and such to wear this time of year, but I'm usually in short sleeves b/c if I were to wear a sweater to someone's house, I'd sweat like crazy.


It's a curse, I tell you.

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I personally could go a lot longer than my husband. He'd probably have it on at 68 degrees.


I tend to roast in people's houses in the winter. I mean, there are cozy sweaters and such to wear this time of year, but I'm usually in short sleeves b/c if I were to wear a sweater to someone's house, I'd sweat like crazy.


It's a curse, I tell you.


That's me. DH would turn the heat on the instant the outside temp drops below 70. The man wears sweat shirts in the summer! I, on the other hand, *think* about putting socks on with my sandals about the time the outside temp is 40ish....


We keep our thermostat at 68 during the day and a bit lower at night. We may be moving that down a tad to help with the costs as heating our older home is VERY expensive.

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There's no 'other'! We don't have the heat on at night at all. It probably gets down to the low 60's in the house I would guess. The problem with our house is that we don't have a thermostat. The heat is either on or it's off. If it's on it can turn into a sauna in a few hours so I can't keep it on all the time. Usually it's on for a couple of hours in the morning and a couple of hours in the evening. If I get unbearably cold in the middle of the day I may turn it on for an hour or two to take the chill off.


I long for a house with a thermostat.



ETA: I'm revising my answer to 59 or below. I just looked at the thermometer and it's reading 60. I know it gets colder than this at night. But right now is one of those times that I'm turning the heat on in the middle of the day. I'm FREEZING!

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