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How about those Worst Movie Endings?

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Some of mine are showing up on the "Best endings ever" thread.






Somewhere in Time


My personal qualification for a "worst possible ending" is that everyone dies miserably, followed by a close second of everyone living miserably for the rest of their lives.


Somewhere in Time was recommended here ages ago and I finally got around to watching it on Netflix online. It had a very young Christopher Reeves and Dr. Quinn (I'm too lazy to go looking for her name right now.) I really liked it.....right up until the ending. My eyes bugged out and I started stuttering and sputtering as the credits rolled. !?!?!?!?


I want a gloriously messy plot with everything tied up nice and tidy with a pretty bow at the end. I know it's not real life. I know it's probably a sign of immature taste. Am I the only one?

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Pay It Forward. Gag. If a few scenes were rearranged, I'd have gotten the bittersweet joy of it. For example, if the guy being talked out of jumping off the bridge were the last scene, I'd feel that the 'pay it forward' thing had truly taken root and would live on, despite the demise of the boy.


Blech. I will never watch that again.

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Ooooo, I loved the ending of Atonement! It definitely wasn't the most uplifting, but I certainly did not see it coming, and it fit into the whole "atonement" theme. She gave them the ending they deserved but that she had messed up. Made me cry, too. Well done.


One of my recent worst endings was No Country for Old Men. I couldn't believe it ended there. Talk about loose ends and abrupt ending.

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How about all the old, classic movies? We recently watched Some Like It Hot and Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, and several others. When they get to the end of the story they just end the movie and you're left thinking the director just said, "Okay, that's our story. Bye!" It's weird. I still enjoyed the movies but they end so abruptly.


I can't read the rest of this thread though. Talk about spoilers! :D

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Victor Sjostrom's The Wind with Lilliam Gish and hunk Lars Hanson - ok, a silent film but very good - the studio made him reshoot a new ending that is stupid sentimental claptrap. Instead of Gish's character going bonkers from the harsh life in the pioneer desert area where the wind blows and blows and blows and sand gets everywhere and there is rape and murder and more sand blowing....the studio had a happy ending shot in which Gish's characters appears ready to live happily ever after. if you have seen this film you know what I mean.

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The Perfect Storm


It fits your qualifications: Everyone dies. I honestly believed, even when the water was up to their necks in the bowels of that boat, that they were going to get out of it. I was simply stunned when they did not, and I had the "perfect storm" of a fit after the movie ended.

Edited by Chika
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How about all the old, classic movies? We recently watched Some Like It Hot and Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, and several others. When they get to the end of the story they just end the movie and you're left thinking the director just said, "Okay, that's our story. Bye!" It's weird. I still enjoyed the movies but they end so abruptly.


I can't read the rest of this thread though. Talk about spoilers! :D


[wild stereotyping based on relatively limited experience ahead]


German films are even worse. They seem to end in the middle of the story. Usually at a really depressing place.


Character standing on a bridge contemplating suicide? Roll credits.


Now, the above is based on watching a lot of foreign films in college. I'm sure there are many, many German films for which this is not true. Those just aren't the ones I saw. :D

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We watched "Gone with the Wind" over the weekend and while I knew how it ended, I still wish it really had come together. The kids were dumbfounded that it didn't wrap up nicely.


I never watch the ending of GWTW anymore. I usually quit watching just after Bonnie is born. All is good and I can believe eventually Scarlett will realize how much Rhett loves her and how much she loves him.


How's that for denial?;)

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The Perfect Storm


It fits your qualifications: Everyone dies. I honestly believed, even when the water was up to their necks in the bowels of that boat, that they were going to get out of it. I was simply stunned when they did not, and I had the "perfect storm" of a fit after the movie ended.


Me too! Ironically I knew the story before I watched the movie and I still wanted the happy ending.


Another one...


Wicker Man. The whole story had an interesting premise, but the ending was JUST PLAIN STUPID! I felt like I had wasted my time, fortunately it was on cable and watching it was free.

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Another movie that I didn't like the ending was "Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull". We watched it this weekend and I was so disappointed in about 75% of the movie.


I'm an huge Indiana Jones fan but there were so many things I would have chosen to do differently. I almost couldn't watch, which makes me very sad. I felt like it was just a bone thrown to all those Indy fans who begged for part 4. Shame on the writers, I could have done better.


I could devote pages to the badness (is that a word?) of this movie, but I'll save it for my blog. :D

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I like all of my movie (and book, for that matter) endings tied up with a neat little bow. I want the endings happy too, because truthfully, there are enough hard things in life for me to be sad about and I don't want to waste my sorrow on movies!


I'm with whoever said they just quit watching GWTW after Bonnie is born. That really makes it just right for me.


Recently, I've seen and hated: 3:10 to Yuma, Swing Kids, and Green Card.

I just found all of the endings either sad, or totally unsatisfying.


When people are talking about movies that they liked, I always ask if the movie has a happy ending. Most of the time people don't really believe me that I want to know ahead of time how the movie ends, but I really *really* do! I'm just not wasting my emotions on movies that will make me cry. :glare:

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I have seen very, very few movies. But the worst last line of the movie for me was Four Weddings and a Funeral, where that hot little model who can't act says, "oh, is it raining?" as they're standing ogling each other in the pouring rain. Gag me. I was fine with suspending belief and moving right along with the silliness right up until that point, then the whole thing was ruined for me. Blech.

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"City of Angels"!!!!!!!!!! (with Meg Ryan and Nicholas Cage)


This movie is rated as "the worst movie ending ever" by my hubby, who has seen many a bad movie in his time!!!!


Just hearing the title mentioned makes him groan loudly!


Well, it's a take on a German movie (Der Himmel uber Berlin aka Wings of Desire). :D

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For me it was


A.I.: Artificial Intelligence


I can't believe about 1000 years passed, all the humans are gone, and the poor robot kid who loves his adoptive mother so much only gets an imaginary day to spend with her (in his robotic head) before he's destroyed, as he doesn't want to keep on existing without her :crying:

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Wicker Man. The whole story had an interesting premise, but the ending was JUST PLAIN STUPID! I felt like I had wasted my time, fortunately it was on cable and watching it was free.


Original Wicker Man or remake?


Worse film ending for me was Unbreakable, that film with Bruce Willlis. It had a great ending point, where the superhero Willis realizes that the man who is breakable will forever be his nemesis. Thats a strong ending.


But it doesn't stop. It tacks on a more palatable ending that is less distressing and less original. Boo. It was probably an afterthought, post screening it through focus audiences, who didn't like a less then wrapped up perfect all is good ending. Some films work with that kind of ending, some don't.

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gallipoli and the perfect storm I wouldn't have expected a good ending just because they were real events. For me, my worst movie ending was Family Man ( I think that was the title)


It had Nicolas Cage and Tea Leoni in it...I hated that even though they got together in the end, the kids they had in his dream 9or whatever alternate universe he was in) would never be born...that just bugged me.

ETA I also hated the ending of Disney's, "the little mermaid". I loved the story where she actually could not stab the prince and so she dies and becomes sea foam, but God's angels see how pure her heart was and she becomes a spirit doing good and eventually becomes an angel..(even if she didn't get the guy!) I love that story..and Disney..well, Disneyfied it!

Edited by Jennifer in NH
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For me it was


A.I.: Artificial Intelligence


I can't believe about 1000 years passed, all the humans are gone, and the poor robot kid who loves his adoptive mother so much only gets an imaginary day to spend with her (in his robotic head) before he's destroyed, as he doesn't want to keep on existing without her :crying:




It could have ended 30 minutes earlier. Then it would have been good.

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Some of mine are showing up on the "Best endings ever" thread.




...about Atonement, LOL!


I would have, too, right after seeing it (I wanted my time back, lol)...but I changed my mind after I'd thought about it for a while.


It might have to do with being a writer, and seeing...well, I don't want to ruin the ending for anyone. (Grin)


But I did change my mind.


I know several people who would vote for No Country for Old Men, as the movie with the worst possible ending...but I thought it was fitting. (I'd also read the book, and so I wasn't as stunned as most everyone else in the theater was, lol.)


I can't think of any offhand that I'd vote for...I might be back, though.

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Yup. I was waiting for whatever-miraculous-ending-could-possibly-happen to happen right up until the last possible second.


Compounding the frustration was watching this with my dh and realizing afterward that he knew there was no miracle forthcoming. He wasn't taken by surprise at all -- so he was sort of chuckling at me in my frustration.

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With that said....


I hated the end of the last Pirates of the Carribean movie. I mean really?! They're going to spend the rest of their lives apart except for one night every 10 or so years. Ugh!


Family Stone. I hated that movie. It could be that it was in the comedy catagory and when I found out the Diane Keaton was dying I cried through the rest. Blah.


Those are my picks, as unpopular as they might be!

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*Some* of us did not know this when we hit "Play". :glare:





oops, sorry! I am from that area of the country and have relatives in the fishing industry so i did know that it was real...I also actually remember the actual storm when it hit here ( I lived on the coast then)...so sorry...I watched the movie and even though I knew the story, it was still sad. dh and I said, we are glad we saw it, but we never have to watch it again!

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Oh, yes. Another bad ending. But it ends with the "inspiring line" about how it all depends on how you spend that one night.


I was okay with the ending because I just KNEW they would come out with another movie and make everything all better. It wasn't until this last year that I learned they weren't going to tidy it all up with a pretty bow. No sequel. THAT's when it hit me that this movie had an awful ending!

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For me it was


A.I.: Artificial Intelligence


I can't believe about 1000 years passed, all the humans are gone, and the poor robot kid who loves his adoptive mother so much only gets an imaginary day to spend with her (in his robotic head) before he's destroyed, as he doesn't want to keep on existing without her :crying:


Yes! That film is far too sad for me!!!!!

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Another movie that I didn't like the ending was "Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull". We watched it this weekend and I was so disappointed in about 75% of the movie.


I'm an huge Indiana Jones fan but there were so many things I would have chosen to do differently. I almost couldn't watch, which makes me very sad. I felt like it was just a bone thrown to all those Indy fans who begged for part 4. Shame on the writers, I could have done better.


I could devote pages to the badness (is that a word?) of this movie, but I'll save it for my blog. :D


Ack! As soon as I saw this post, this is what I wanted to post! We bought the movie without seeing it (b/c the other's are great!) and we watched it last night. I agree, we were disappointed with at least 75% of it, but the ending???? Aliens???? After it was over, I turned to DH: "I did not just see that." Yikes.

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I have seen very, very few movies. But the worst last line of the movie for me was Four Weddings and a Funeral, where that hot little model who can't act says, "oh, is it raining?" as they're standing ogling each other in the pouring rain. Gag me. I was fine with suspending belief and moving right along with the silliness right up until that point, then the whole thing was ruined for me. Blech.




That part was so annoying. The way she said it was really insincere, I didn't believe her at all. And I loved the rest of the movie!

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August Rush.


I actually hated the whole movie, I bawled the whole way through even though I felt completely manipulated by the plot, and I found the kid really annoying. Robin Williams' character was creepy and out of place. The romance between his parents was unbelievable (when the guy serenades her at the beginning, I laughed, it was so cheesy).


I sat through the whole thing, to get some sort of closure...and they ended the movie as soon as the kid finds his parents. No payoff, or anything!! Worst movie I've seen in years.

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I have seen very, very few movies. But the worst last line of the movie for me was Four Weddings and a Funeral, where that hot little model who can't act says, "oh, is it raining?" as they're standing ogling each other in the pouring rain. Gag me. I was fine with suspending belief and moving right along with the silliness right up until that point, then the whole thing was ruined for me. Blech.



Ackk!! My all time fave movie!!!


And I agree completely with "City of Angels"!!! That is the worst!!!!!!! Did I cry!! And rant!!

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We watched "Gone with the Wind" over the weekend and while I knew how it ended, I still wish it really had come together. The kids were dumbfounded that it didn't wrap up nicely.


But "tomorrow is another day!" I always figured that Scarlett went back to Tara, cleaned up her act and eventually found Rhett again, they had more beautiful babies and lived happily ever after. And don't tell me any different! :001_smile:

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