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For those of you missing politics...

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Here's a fun sort of 'how old are you' thread with Presidential twist!!!


Who was President of the US the year you were born?


(For those of you who live outside the US, you'll have to use Google or Wikipedia for the answer to who was President of the US during that year!)


I'll go first --- John F. Kennedy was president when I was born

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Here's a fun sort of 'how old are you' thread with Presidential twist!!!


Who was President of the US the year you were born?


(For those of you who live outside the US, you'll have to use Google or Wikipedia for the answer to who was President of the US during that year!)


I'll go first --- John F. Kennedy was president when I was born


JFK for me, too!

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Well, I live in the US and still had to google it. Are you telling me that people know that stuff, just like that?!

President: Lyndon B. Johnson Vice President: Hubert H. Humphrey


Well, my 14yo son is a political science whiz. Name the year, and he can tell you who was president in 15 seconds or less. Some of it has rubbed off on me! :)

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You young whippersnapper!!!


He was elected about 6 months before I graduated from high school!


:looking for Geritol and her reading glasses:






I was working with a lady once who happened to mention that she had been at high school in the states in '81. My reply was that that was the year I was born. If I looks could kill I wouldn't be here today:D

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Yeesh. What a depressing thread. I feel old.


Lyndon Johnson was President when I was born.


On another forum, there was a poll about voting, kids, politics. A mom remembered "being very excited" about the Reagan election results when she was 5! I *voted* in that election!


My first real memory was Watergate. Coverage about it pre-empted my cartoons. :lol:


OTOH, I don't remember what I was doing when JFK was shot; I wasn't living.

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I remember Reagan being shot. Was in high school and skipped study hall to watch TV in teacher's workroom. Ran down to office to announce president was shot. Amazingly, nobody asked how I knew. Principal verified and made the sad announcement to the student body. I just loved Reagan. He was a true hero.

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Who was President of the US the year you were born?


I was born in March '69, six weeks after Nixon was inaugurated. I blame my multiple political personality syndrome (it's an official disorder ~ MPPS;)) on the fact that I spent my formative years in the Reagan era whereas my roaring 20s coincided with Clinton. Since I was in college in New Orleans during Bush I, those years are but a hazy recollection.:tongue_smilie:

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JFK was assassinated just after I turned one year old. I remember my parents recounting the events following the death of the president. My mom held me and hovered in the corner of the bedroom with the older kids while dad crouched on the floor with a shotgun pointed out the second story window. There were many riots in our city following the assassination including one right down the street from our house. People were terrified. My family moved to the suburbs shortly thereafter.

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