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If you are in an illegal fireworks county, is it enforced?


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Pure curiosity here: How often is the no fireworks law actually enforced?


Fireworks are illegal in my entire county.  It seems to be enforced in some cities, but not at all in others.  I am in a metropolitan area and the usage is blatant and obvious and widespread.  I'm talking big, loud fireworks, not what I would call firecrackers. 


The local police department posted warnings on Facebook and such, but they do not patrol at all.  They will do a quick drive-by warning if someone calls and complains with a specific address, but that's all (and people just start up again as soon as they drive away or give what they have left to their neighbor to finish setting off). 


It drives me crazy.  People have been setting them off for about a week and a half now (often until midnight or so) and I'm just tired, ya know? 


And my 2 year old keeps saying, "No more fireworks, mama" :sad:

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It is enforced in my area because it is densely populated and we have conservation areas that looks "wildfire ready" (very dry) if someone is careless.

Because people are afraid of fire hazards from illegal fireworks, people are taking videos of them using drones and posting on Facebook as well as emailing to the local police.


The hand held small sparklers are not enforced.



There are currently wildfires going on in California. It would be stupid for my local police to blatantly ignore illegal fireworks.

Edited by Arcadia
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Anything aerial is banned in my county. Our neighbors had a pretty spectacular show two nights in a row. A police officer lives three doors down. They weren't the only neighbors with fireworks. So no, it isn't enforced.

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we have cities with fireworks bans, but the county allows them.  we also have indian reservations that sell the "big stuff".  it's legal on the reservations, but most people buy them there and set them off somewhere else.


1dd and 1ds did call the police (in their city) on neighbors because of just how often (for how many days before) and how many (and at what hours) they were setting them off.  the police didn't care.  it can be just too many to enforce.

Edited by gardenmom5
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OP- try some white noise to help cover the noise. Put a noisy fan outside her room, play music, run a vacuum. I'm fortunate that my kids sleep right through them, but I understand where you are coming from.


She's scared of them in general, not just at bedtime.  Actually, when she's in bed is probably when she hears them the least due to a sound machine and the fact that she's in the basement.  That I have been thankful for!


They have been getting less and less each day, so I'm quite sure the end is in site.  I just tend to wonder why bother having a law, and multiple warnings posted about the dangers, if there is no plan to enforce it?


Perhaps I'll just plan to visit Australia next 4th of July!

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I just tend to wonder why bother having a law, and multiple warnings posted about the dangers, if there is no plan to enforce it?

Some laws affect homeowners insurance. The fireworks laws probably does. Also without a ban on fireworks, law enforcement can't do anything. So it is a case of better than nothing even though it is still bad.


Below are recent local to me news

"Fire spokesman Anthony Shair-Ali said the fire was reported about 1:15 a.m. on the 100 block Dieninger Street after fireworks were set off at the side of the house. No one was injured, but he estimated there was $100,000 in property loss and the two adults and one child were forced to evacuate.


Throughout the Bay Area, firefighters were racing to stamp out fires, also started by illegal fireworks. One of those was a grass fire in Pittsburg, another was a fire that spread to a roofing company in Brentwood."


"All fireworks in San Jose are illegal, and this year city officials adopted more stringent regulations in an effort to reduce the number of explosions that rock neighborhoods throughout the city. The rules made it easier to fine anyone caught using, possessing or selling fireworks, with more officials able to hand out fines, and a bump in the fine for offenders. A first offense is $500, a second offense $700 and a third offense $1,000."

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How would you want it enforced?


I'm not sure I understand what you're getting at here?


It's a law so I would expect it to be enforced as any other law is.  Offenders would supposedly be given a ticket, a fine and have their fireworks confiscated (according to the police department website).


My municipality is small.  It is fairly obvious where fireworks are being shot from.  Simple police patrol would discourage the behavior, one would think.  As it stands, everybody knows that it is a largely ignored law so they feel free to break it as desired.


A neighboring county legalizes fireworks for a certain amount of days leading up to and on the 4th.  Outside of that the ban is enforced and people are fined.  They also enforce the time constraints associated with noise offenses, so no fireworks after 11 pm, I believe.


I am honestly just curious as to how often these illegal fireworks are stopped.  I'm not necessarily anti-fireworks, but I am pro-peacefulness and common courtesy.  And safety.  I do believe there are real dangers associated with fireworks. 

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I think part of the problem with enforcement is that so many people are shooting off fireworks it's difficult for the police to handle that and more serious things, they have to prioritize. I would imagine in places with burn bans in place the police are more vigilant because more lives are at risk. I also suspect that unless the police are getting multiple calls about a specific location, it would be a little like going on a wild goose chase to cite everyone shooting fireworks. At least in my area there isn't one person who is shooting fireworks for 4 hours every night. It's 30 people shooting them off for 20-30 minutes each with some overlap.


I don't really understand where all the illegal fireworks are coming from in my area. You can have sparklers, smoke bombs, poppers, and a few other things, you can buy them at the grocery store or from one of several firework stands. I don't get where the big Roman candles and bottle rockets are coming from if they aren't legal in our county or the surrounding counties.

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They are legal in some of our surrounding counties so they are easy to access.  Anything that explodes is illegal in my county.


I realize the enforcement issue would be difficult in larger municipalities.  Mine is quite small.  I'd bet that simple patrolling would solve most of the problem.  Aren't police supposed to patrol anyway?  Or is that antiquated? 


I have one neighbor, two houses down, who has shot them off nearly every day for a week (on July 3rd he shot them off on and off throughout most of the day).  He's a special kind of neighbor though, so it wasn't a complete shock.


At this point, I think most people are just getting rid of all of their leftovers.

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we have cities with fireworks bans, but the county allows them. we also have indian reservations that sell the "big stuff". it's legal on the reservations, but most people buy them there and set them off somewhere else.


1dd and 1ds did call the police (in their city) on neighbors because of just how often (for how many days before) and how many (and at what hours) they were setting them off. the police didn't care. it can be just too many to enforce.

Same experience here, though we didn't call the police. Because we know it's futile.


Garden and I are in the same county, in different cities/parts of the county. My "city" and the three adjacent cities have total bans. Which I think is overkill- sparklers and such should be allowed IMO. But the bans are not enforced and people drive two towns over or to a reservation and stock up. And not on the little stuff. Given that the entire area is fairly densely popuated with people and zillions of trees, the big stuff seems...unwise.


The other thing that cracks me up is that on our community page, people will post that they think they heard of gunshot *every single time* they hear a car backfire or a firecracker go off. Which given the almost zero rate of murder and armed robbery in my community is just so absurd.

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You answered me. You want them ticketed, fined and the contraband confiscated. That's what I was asking.


That's not necessarily what I WANT, I was simply stating what they claimed the consequences would be.


If it were me (well, I would be very unlikely to break the law in the first place) a simple visit from the police reprimanding me for participating in illegal activity would be sufficient.  Unfortunately, I know that isn't the case across the board.


Otherwise, I believe the punishment for breaking the law should be as stated.  If they are going to post on Facebook that you will be ticketed, fined and lose your fireworks then yes, I believe that is what they should do.  If not, they are just making idle threats which leads to a host of other problems, imo.

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Same experience here, though we didn't call the police. Because we know it's futile.


Garden and I are in the same county, in different cities/parts of the county. My "city" and the three adjacent cities have total bans. Which I think is overkill- sparklers and such should be allowed IMO. But the bans are not enforced and people drive two towns over or to a reservation and stock up. And not on the little stuff. Given that the entire area is fairly densely popuated with people and zillions of trees, the big stuff seems...unwise.


The other thing that cracks me up is that on our community page, people will post that they think they heard of gunshot *every single time* they hear a car backfire or a firecracker go off. Which given the almost zero rate of murder and armed robbery in my community is just so absurd.


we have friends with a large parcel (at least a couple acres with a quarter of it clear lawn) in a neighboring town. I think it's actually county.  but there are LOTS of fireworks going off there.  on both sides and across the street/arterial. (neighbors are the ones setting off firecrackers all at once, or m80s.)  we've gone there for the 4th the last few years.  potluck,catch up with everyone.  the first  year, there were firetrucks going up and down the arterial several times.  eventually the parked in front.  they were watching too.


they are very safe the way they set them off.  last year, parents weren't very good about keeping their little ones behind the caution tape line.  this year, they set them off behind a row of shrubs to keep kids away.  they had a drone flying around to make sure nothing untoward happened.

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If fireworks are heard going off here you are likely to have police on your doorstep pretty quickly. You may just get a warning if you are lucky. If they are heard going of in bushfire season you are likely to get a delegation of vigilante neighbours. Also possibly the volunteer fireys. And maybe the police too.

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Here I have seen children as young as 8 or 9 shooting off the big stuff in the middle of a house and tree lined street.  I would prefer my house NOT catch on fire anytime soon, thank you ;)


We have a plethora of options to go watch professionally launched firework shows.  Every city in the entire area has several displays during the holiday week (I am in a suburb of St. Louis).

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I'm guessing it's not enforced (unofficially) for a couple days on each side of the holiday because people set off a lot of obvious and illegal things July 2ish-5ish, mostly July 3 & 4 though.


I think the cops respond when called and keep an eye out for crazy stuff.




Edited by happi duck
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we have friends with a large parcel (at least a couple acres with a quarter of it clear lawn) in a neighboring town. I think it's actually county. but there are LOTS of fireworks going off there. on both sides and across the street/arterial. (neighbors are the ones setting off firecrackers all at once, or m80s.) we've gone there for the 4th the last few years. potluck,catch up with everyone. the first year, there were firetrucks going up and down the arterial several times. eventually the parked in front. they were watching too.


they are very safe the way they set them off. last year, parents weren't very good about keeping their little ones behind the caution tape line. this year, they set them off behind a row of shrubs to keep kids away. they had a drone flying around to make sure nothing untoward happened.

There are definitely better and worse places to set them off in the county. Where we are is not one of the better places because of the rapidly increasing population density. Smallish lots are being rapidly converted into 3+ tiny lots or no yard townhouses and apartments. There's just not enough room to be certain you won't hit a house and every single residential street is blanketed with trees, some of which are standing dead or in poor condition. The somewhat larger lots are heavily treed. When I was a child we lived for a time right where Kirkland and Woodinville run together where the wineries and breweries are. There was a huge open field people would use to set them off. That was safer. We have friends who lived right on the north part of the lake and they would set them off on their dock. We used to go there on the 4th but they packed up and bought a farm way north so now we are not quite so fortunate in the 4th of July day invite department. We don't like driving too far on the 4th so we decline invites farther away that will get us stuck in traffic with drunk drivers post fireworks, lol. Edited by LucyStoner
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Interestingly, they were legalized recently.  Which was absolutely awful.  On the news they said they got almost 200 fire calls so now some people are calling for a ban again.  Prior they allowed certain sparkler type fireworks.  Nothing that was too loud or too dangerous.  They now allow more stuff.  There always were people not following the law, but it was never a complete nightmare like it was this past holiday.  I doubt enforcement was awesome, but probably part of it was that prior they didn't sell the stuff everywhere so fewer people had them to begin with.  Plus sure if someone calls to complain they will go there and they will enforce it. 


I hate fireworks.  It's one thing if someone has a spacious yard, but here nobody does.  So you hold your breath that you don't end up with your house burning.  It's stupid.



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Last year someone on the street called about our neighbor lighting them off.  Firefighters stormed through our house . We did not initiate the call.  It was a confusing and scary few moments.  My husband was pretty mad about it, but that's just it.  The houses are so close they can't tell where something is going on. 

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They are illegal in my entire state.  In years past, there would be one or two set off in our vicinity and that would be about it.  The police would come and stop it if a complaint was made but most people set off just a couple to avoid complaints (at least that's my theory why they only do a couple, maybe it's the expense too).


I don't know how it was this year because we were in PA for the weekend.  I did see some complaints on a local page on Facebook.

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Anything aerial is illegal in our state, but it's never enforced locally - nor do I wish it were even though we never set any off ourselves since I'm too cheap to buy them.  I enjoy watching them though.  I think it's good for our ponies to get used to them.  Future show ponies have to be acclimated to many different things since shows can happen at fairs and similar.


My opinion would change if we were in a drought and fire danger were real.  One year it was that way.  Usually it isn't.


I think it's mainly illegal so if something does go wrong, the offender can be blamed.

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