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Do Republicans/Democrats drink wine or beer?

When they celebrate, do Democrats/Republicans drink wine/beer?  

  1. 1. When they celebrate, do Democrats/Republicans drink wine/beer?

    • Democrats drink beer; Republicans drink wine.
    • Republicans drink beer; Democrats drink wine.

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My gov't prof years ago mentioned in passing that when one party wins, they go & drink beer & eat pretzels. When the other party wins, they drink wine & eat cheese. She was joking, but there's a stereotype here that has evaded me for 15 yrs. I'm sure *everyone* else knows....? :confused:

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I'm going off the anecdotal evidence that my very Republican parents drink wine, and my most flaming liberal Democrat friend drinks beer. A lot of beer ;-)


I drink wine, am independent of any party, and am far more likely to vote third party or Republican than Democrat.

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It depends. Are we talking about the liberal New England elite Democrats or the union steelworkers Democrats? Are we talking the small-town religious conservative Republicans or the CEO Republicans?:D


See, that's what got me. That day in class, I thought I knew what she meant. Since then, I've realized that she could have meant something else. I'm just wondering if there's a stereotype I'm not aware of. Or if everyone considers themselves whichever one they think is better. If that makes sense. :lol:

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because I would just assume that if it WAS that way, the dems would drink beer and the repubs drink wine. The scientific method I have used to deduce this is:


MOST labor unions push democratic candidates. I know my hubby gets a list of who to vote for in the mail (even though we promptly shred it in the paper shredder). Most labor union workers tend to favor beer. Therefore, I think most democrats would celebrate with beer.


Isn't that one for the science books?? :tongue_smilie:

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Guest Virginia Dawn

I'm an Independent. I don't drink. :D


But if I was to take up drinking, it would probably be something with rum in it.

Edited by Virginia Dawn
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I think she was using those terms figuratively as you know!!


There has been the misconception that Republicans were the wine/cheese and the Democrats beer and pretzel...Republicans were thought of as living high on the hog...while Democrats were usually the blue collar and farmers...I can probably say that my grandfather who was a farmer never had a sip of wine...not because of his party but because of his practicality...why buy a bottle of wine when the kids need bread?


The shift is continual and you can never peg either party as such a simple statement as that...so I can't vote, because neither one is descriptive of the parties.



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I hate wine, except for cooking wine, and love beer. I'm a democrat. But most of the democrats I'm familiar with would probably drink wine, either bec. they're fancy or bec. they're old world Italians.


I also know that my brother's union would bring out the keg to celebrate democrats. My brother--so not a democrat--would not participate, I am sure. Though at one time he may have imbibed just for the buzz.


My dad, the biggest republican in the world, would definitely drink red wine, if he drank anything at all. And no cheese, please. A salad maybe or a steak. White wine is for wimps, in his opinion, I'm sure. No beer, too many carbs.:001_smile:


The stereotypes are fun to play with, but I think it just depends on the actual people and their particular regional and socio-economic culture. I don't know what your prof. envisioned with her version of the stereotype.


my 2.5 cents.

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I voted that Democrats drink beer & Republicans drink wine because of the common perception that the Republicans are the party of the rich and the Democrats are the party of the working class. Not saying I agree with that, but that's why I voted how I did.



Just what I was thinking...all of it.

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Well, fil is a hard line liberal living in San Fran. He and wife number #4 are very well off and always have a glass of wine with cheese and crackers in the evening. This is the same pattern for most of dh siblings although many of them drink beer and wine but I would guess more wine than beer.


Dh is a converted Dem and drinks neither wine or beer, with the exception of a beer once every couple of years if we are at a BBQ and the host offers it.


I have always been a republican, hate the taste of wine and beer, but once every 5 or 6 years I have indulged in a Piña colada or Amaretto Sour.


My grandparents on mom's side were dems, ranchers and oil field workers, but never took a drink of anything with alcohol all their lives with the exception of liquid Geritol and they never felt real easy doing that.


My dad's dad was a republican, he was from Norway and drank beer till he developed diabetes and then drank no alcohol from age 60 to 93. Grandma was raised Amish and drank neither beer nor wine and I am not sure how she voted.


My folks vote both ways and never drank in front of their kids and I have no idea what their drink of choice is, but I think knowing them, I would wager it is not beer. My parents loved President Kennedy and I think are really closet dems but it is expedient for them to look like they are republicans since Reagan.


So I did not vote on your poll .......

Edited by RebeccaC
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I'm a Registered Republican who has voted Democratic in every Presidential election I've been old enough to vote in. I drink beer, but not the cheap stuff. I also like wine, usually red. I have attended and hosted many a wine and cheese party.


What about liquor?

LOL Wouldn't it just be easier to register Democrat, unless you're in a swing state and it's political maneuvering (in which case, I'm highly impressed at the creativity :))

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I don't think you can really answer this. I know Democrats who drink beer, Democrats who drink wine (especially college professors), Republicans who drink beer (especially self-described "rednecks"), and Republicans who drink wine (very rich). I also know plenty in both groups who drink mixed drinks or don't drink at all.

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What immediately came to mind was Democrats drink beer and Republicans drink wine. Democrat = party of the people, Republicans = party of the rich. That was the first stereotype that I thought of.


But then I thought of the so-called "elite" democrats, and, as someone else said, the "small-town conservative" Republicans, and then it would go the other way.


I think you could say it either way and it would make sense. :confused:

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I think she was using those terms figuratively as you know!!


There has been the misconception that Republicans were the wine/cheese and the Democrats beer and pretzel...Republicans were thought of as living high on the hog...while Democrats were usually the blue collar and farmers...I can probably say that my grandfather who was a farmer never had a sip of wine...not because of his party but because of his practicality...why buy a bottle of wine when the kids need bread?


The shift is continual and you can never peg either party as such a simple statement as that...so I can't vote, because neither one is descriptive of the parties.




Funny, if I were assigning the stereotype it would be Republicans beer (mid-west red states) and Democrats wine (NE and California college educated liberals). Funny how different perceptions of the other party can be.

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Well, all my friends from NY, college, etc, are dems, and all drink wine. My friends in VA are mostly rep, and drink beer. So I would def say, if there is a dif, dems drink wine, reps, beer. But I really don't think it is one way or the other.


I used to drink both, although I much preferred wine. Now I'm a single mom, I never drink--have to have my head together all the time :).

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