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this morning's grocery shopping adventure


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When I went to unload my groceries at the checkout counter I spotted something large and many legged and hairy and very dead and falling apart (some legs were missing) on my bunch of bananas. I'm not usually easily spooked but apparently big dead tarantulas on my produce are an exception--next thing I knew I was about six feet away from the cart. Fortunately the check out clerk took care of them while I went and found a new bunch.


Don't know how I missed that when picking out the bananas!

Edited by maize
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At least it was dead!


My DD will spend hours in the produce or garden section if I let her, checking for any introduced critters. She's read one too many articles where someone found something in a plant or bag of lettuce and wants to "rescue" a new pet. So far, no luck.

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Ugh!  Did you have all the kids with you or were you able to freak out in peace?  




I try very hard not to freak about bugs near my kids.  My younger one especially freaks if I freak.


One time several years ago he was screaming bloody murder.  Seriously I thought something extremely awful happened.  Turned out there was a bee in the house. 

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. She's read one too many articles where someone found something in a plant or bag of lettuce and wants to "rescue" a new pet. So far, no luck.

Try looking in hydroponic butter lettuce with roots, we had worms a few time :)


We had worms in tomatoes and apples rarely, usually we see holes but no critter.

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At least it was dead!


My DD will spend hours in the produce or garden section if I let her, checking for any introduced critters. She's read one too many articles where someone found something in a plant or bag of lettuce and wants to "rescue" a new pet. So far, no luck.

While working at a nature center, I got a call from Home Depot asking if I could identify a frog from their garden center. It was a Cuban tree frog and I'm in Ohio. He became mine personally because the nature center only educated on native or local species.

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My DD will spend hours in the produce or garden section if I let her, checking for any introduced critters. She's read one too many articles where someone found something in a plant or bag of lettuce and wants to "rescue" a new pet. So far, no luck.


I once found a slug in a bunch of mint. No, strike that, I found half a slug - the other half was in the part I'd already chopped! (And now I shake all bunched produce thoroughly when rinsing it.)


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