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Typing out posts and then not submitting?

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I do this a lot. I type it and then think the better of it. Does anyone else do this?


I've only ever typed up one post that I didn't submit. What I *do* do is write posts up in my head during the day as I'm going about my tasks and then change my mind by the time I sit down to actually type them. It's starting to drive me bonkers because I start looking forward to responses to a post that I never even typed.:D But lemme tell ya- it was all written out in my mind.:tongue_smilie::lol:

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I've only ever typed up one post that I didn't submit. What I *do* do is write posts up in my head during the day as I'm going about my tasks and then change my mind by the time I sit down to actually type them. It's starting to drive me bonkers because I start looking forward to responses to a post that I never even typed.:D But lemme tell ya- it was all written out in my mind.:tongue_smilie::lol:


LOL! This is like getting mad at dh for something he did in a dream!

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I do this alot. I'm thankful sometimes but I'm afraid it means I lurk more than I post. Which just feels weird, kwim? I'm not big on chatting irl either. I like to discuss but do not argue with people.


Rep on the other hand, I just give out whether I have posted or not that day. :tongue_smilie:

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I've typed out and even posted posts before, only to go back and delete substantial portions. Typically the reason is because I have provided details that were exceedingly personal. What with all the camaraderie here, I sometimes forget that this still is a wide-open public forum.

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Many times for me, too . . . And a variety of reasons - someone else has said it better; I agree with too many posters to paste all their quotes and add one of those cute "I agree" icons; I'm not real big on chatting, in real life or especially on a *public* forum; can't get my thoughts expressed just the way I want them; and on and on with reasons . . . :mellow:


I have done what another poster said, too, and that is compose posts in my mind during the day, then change my mind about actually posting them for real!:001_unsure:


Glad I'm not the only one!:)

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I do it often. Usually because I talk very directly to people. I use a lot of inflection in my voice and it doesn't come across well online :D


Sometimes when I am trying to be brief, I come across rude, when i don't mean to be...at all.


My MIL just had to bail me out with something I wrote to my MIL's mother. MIL told me, that she told her mother to remember that I talk very proper, and direct but am never, ever, mean..........on purpose :lol::lol:


I am one of those people who just cut to the chase and if you ask me a question, it is because you want me to tell you the truth and actually answer the question. I temper what I say, and am truly a very positive and upbeat person, but every once in a while, if someone catches me off guard, and asks a question that they didn't really want answered....well then I just end up hurting feelings.


So, that is why I delete posts that I have typed a response to about 2-3 times a day. I type it, then read it how I meant it, and then try to twist it....if it can be twisted....I delete it.

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:iagree: I regret many of my posts.


I've gone back later and deleted some of them.* :)


Actually, I feel pretty invisible here. I don't try to stir the pot, but sometimes I'm afraid I might have. When no one responds, it's a double-edged sword. I'm glad no one's upset, but most of the time I think no one bothers to read it at all. :D


ETA: *Mine, of course -- not yours. :D

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I've gone back later and deleted some of them.* :)


Actually, I feel pretty invisible here. I don't try to stir the pot, but sometimes I'm afraid I might have. When no one responds, it's a double-edged sword. I'm glad no one's upset, but most of the time I think no one bothers to read it at all. :D


ETA: *Mine, of course -- not yours. :D


You are not invisible to me because I LOVE German Shepherds!!

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I do this a lot. I type it and then think the better of it. Does anyone else do this?


Yeah...it's really a wonder I have a post count at all given the amount of self-censoring I do here. :D


Because of my work I often have to tell people things they would rather not here and, unfortunately, this tends to spill over into my off-duty life. So, I'm making a concerted effort to engage the censor button more often. Needless to say, my tongue has near permanent tooth indentations in it.

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