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In need of some serious prayers...


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Update in post 19


Some of you may have seen my post about all of the things going on in our family, and then my post about dd having pre-eclampsia and an induction last week.


Well, my dd's BP has NOT dropped as expected and she sees the midwife/doctor team tomorrow. If her pressure isn't looking good, they will readmit her for a magnesium drip. I have been beyond worried about her BP and would really appreciate prayers that it will be within a safe level, but, if not, that they will be able to get it under control without too much trouble. She is nursing and is going to be devastated if that is affected after everything else that has happened. I'd really be grateful for prayers.


Also, my mother (87 with acute leukemia, diabetes, and alzheimer's), who has actually seen some overall improvement since they spaced out her chemo treatments, had a fall yesterday evening in a restaurant parking lot. When she fell she hit her head on the running board of a truck next to my sister's vehicle (it looks HORRIBLE but is superficial praise the Lord), broke her left hip and has an impact fracture in her left humerus. She is having a total hip replacement and plates put in her shoulder tomorrow morning (they said she'd never be able to do the therapy for the hip if she couldn't use the left arm for a month). She is just a mess, in a lot of pain, and very scared and confused about everything that is going on.


I'm having a really difficult time knowing where I need to be and with whom. My stress level has been through the roof.


If any of you have it in your hearts to keep our family in prayer over the next few days, I would really be thankful.


P.S. Throw in a few prayers for my other dd and her 3 sick kiddos too - they have had the funk for over a week and it turned into ear infections for her and two of the kids (thank goodness not the baby). We really are starting this year off with a bang!

Edited by StaceyinLA
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Stacy it is possible to go back to nursing if your dd has to stop for treatment. I had to do that with my first two dc. The oldest I had preeclampsia like your dd. Ds had to be taught how to nurse after I got through my treatment -- I worked with a lactation consultant to do this. With dd I had to have surgery at 6 weeks post partem. I pumped and threw away the milk during the treatment. I was able to start nursing both within a few days. I wanted you to know stopping and starting nursing again can work out just fine. The hard part is clear logical thought during a very emotional time. The most important thing is healthy mom and healthy baby.


Prayers for your family.

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Praying for your family! Your daughter might not have to stop nursing if she does need additional treatment. I was on magnesium during delivery and for the first 24 hours after my first was born, and I was still able to nurse. Can the baby be in the hospital with her if she has to be re-admitted? She would need someone else there to do all other baby care because magnesium can make you loopy. I was also able to nurse on the short term BP meds that I was put on for postpartum hypertension that I just had with my third. If she's not still spilling protein, maybe other meds would be enough.

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Thank you all for the prayers.


We are going to look at the least invasive treatment possible, and yes, they would absolutely let baby be with her. She's really heard some negative things about the magnesium and I think it has her a bit scared. If she doesn't have a spike today (the backup OB told her he does see that sometimes), I think they may look for some alternatives because she hasn't been 150/100. What's weird is that it is PERFECT when she's lying down (like 120/75 or 80) then when she's up, 145/95. It's so weird.


I have just been so worried about this.

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Thank you for the prayers. Dd's BP had lowered a little, and bleeding is minimal so she is able to start a magnesium supplement at home. She will monitor her BP twice daily and be seen again in a week as long as she doesn't have any pressures 150/100 or greater.


My mom's surgery was successful. It wound up being later today so they won't even try to get her up until tomorrow. She had a good bit of agitation afterward and was trying to hit the nurses and telling them to stop trying to kill her. She ripped off her oxygen and pulled her IV and things like that. It was very awful, but we were told it is probably her Alzheimer's in combination with the pain Meds. I was able to settle her down a little, but ultimately the dose of Ativan (not sure if I'm spelling that correctly) got her to relax enough to rest, and she is still asleep 6 hours later (much needed).


Hopefully we will get some positive news about recovery prospects tomorrow.

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Thank you for the prayers. Dd's BP had lowered a little, and bleeding is minimal so she is able to start a magnesium supplement at home. She will monitor her BP twice daily and be seen again in a week as long as she doesn't have any pressures 150/100 or greater.


My mom's surgery was successful. It wound up being later today so they won't even try to get her up until tomorrow. She had a good bit of agitation afterward and was trying to hit the nurses and telling them to stop trying to kill her. She ripped off her oxygen and pulled her IV and things like that. It was very awful, but we were told it is probably her Alzheimer's in combination with the pain Meds. I was able to settle her down a little, but ultimately the dose of Ativan (not sure if I'm spelling that correctly) got her to relax enough to rest, and she is still asleep 6 hours later (much needed).


Hopefully we will get some positive news about recovery prospects tomorrow.



She also might find magnesium lotion handy (obviously not in place of the prescription) but it's very readily absorbed through the skin.  There is significant research linking pre-eclampsia to sugar intake so water.  Water, water, water, and no sweet tea, teas, sodas, etc.   And, if you read a lot about eating green leafies, you'll find they have an impact on pre-eclampsia as well. There is strong suspicion that many pre-eclampsia cases are VERY diet related and not just salt related as previously thought.  And any amount of additional days pregnant is a move in the right direction.  ((((Hugs))))  I struggle to stay pregnant to 36 weeks (and had a 26 weeker years ago) and it is so stressful for her to worry all day long. :(  


Also halibut and pumpkin seeds - I haven't read up on this in a while but something they have not only helps with blood pressure but also encourages Vit. K production if I remember correctly making you less likely to hemorrhage during birth and bleeding more than normal is a risk factor with premature birth.  Just a heads up.  

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Sounds like your DD is moving in the right direction.  Will keep her and your mom in my thoughts.

Thank you for the prayers. Dd's BP had lowered a little, and bleeding is minimal so she is able to start a magnesium supplement at home. She will monitor her BP twice daily and be seen again in a week as long as she doesn't have any pressures 150/100 or greater.

My mom's surgery was successful. It wound up being later today so they won't even try to get her up until tomorrow. She had a good bit of agitation afterward and was trying to hit the nurses and telling them to stop trying to kill her. She ripped off her oxygen and pulled her IV and things like that. It was very awful, but we were told it is probably her Alzheimer's in combination with the pain Meds. I was able to settle her down a little, but ultimately the dose of Ativan (not sure if I'm spelling that correctly) got her to relax enough to rest, and she is still asleep 6 hours later (much needed).

Hopefully we will get some positive news about recovery prospects tomorrow.


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:grouphug: :grouphug:


Healing wishes and good health for your DD, your Mom, and for you. Make sure to take a few minutes each day to manage your stress, too. :grouphug: Actually, a magnesium supplement for you is probably not a bad idea in that regard.

Edited by fraidycat
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Dd's BP has come down a bit more with the supplement, so it is looking like she may finally be on the mend! I feel for her because she has felt so good since the birth (the physical recovery), but hasnt really been able to enjoy it.


Mom's update isn't as great. She is having a lot of trouble with the pain meds making her hallucinate. I stayed with her last night and she is just so agitated and unsettled because she's in an unfamiliar place. They did move her to rehab yesterday.


I'm hoping for some improvement and comfort for her. It is really difficult to watch her go through this. :(

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some encouragement on the BF issue...

I had severe pre-eclampsia also and had to remain in the hospital for a week after delivery to get it down, but we kept at nursing (I had to pump some in the hospital during the 4 days I was in the hospital and he was given formula during that time) but we ended up enjoying a successful nursing career.   It took a bit longer for my milk to come in and for my supply to keep up -- for the first 3 months I wondered where his next meal was coming from as I always seemed empty/certainly no fullness.  (He was my first child so my breasts were new to this).   But, after about 3 months, we took off.   I delivered him at 35 weeks since they had to take him early for BP issue.   He weighed 6 lbs. 4 oz at birth.    By 6 months he was in the 97% percentile for weight, so he got plenty of "groceries" (he was exclusively breastfed all that time except for the time I was in hospital for BP).  



Praying for all of these needs.


Keep us posted!






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