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CC - Do you write/mark in your Bible when reading?

Just Kate

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I ha e been more consistent about reading my Bible each morning and I've even started a journal where copy specific verses that are important to me. I thought about highlighting those verses in my Bible and I googled this to see how others write in their Bibles. I learned that there are all of these systems out there for highlighting (using different colors to mark certain types of verses). So now, I'm not sure what to do!


If you write in your Bible, what does it look like? Do you use a specific system or just mark whatever speaks to you?

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I just mark whatever strikes my fancy. I do that with textbooks too. I also write notes in the margin. Writing in books helps me process the information.


I also love going back though my bible to see what verses I've found significant in the past.


I don't have a system. Systems for this kind of thing bug me because I worry to much about keeping the system neat and tidy instead of using it as a tool.


ETA, If you don't want to mark it up, for whatever reason, you might consider keeping a journal to write verses and thoughts down in.

Edited by carriede
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I have one for study that is full of notes and such.  It is my favorite. The writing is usually a clarification of a passage, or other passage references that pertain to the passage I'm reading.  


Then I have another that I take to church that I don't really write in, other than writing down sermon dates.  (I am kind of obsessed with writing down sermon dates next to the verses that are preached).

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These are all good ideas!   


I used to underline (with a pen) certain verses.  But, I didn't like the underline and was hard to find (it didn't stand out).   


For some time now I've been highlighting.  I do not use a system as Carrie said b/c I'd have to memorize "how" to use the system - LOL!  My highlighters are pink, blue, yellow, etc.  Phil 4:8 is purple.  No, I don't have a purple highlighter but I used pink and blue to yield purple.   Pretty.


I was going to try and highlight OT God's words in one color and other passages in other colors but it didn't work out.  Now I just find a passage and pull out any color.  For me it works.   Certain favorite verses are still favored and I re-read them.  We all know that verses are like onions in that you read a passage one time and 5 years later re-read it and a "layer" has been peeled back rendering an even greater meaning and/or different perspective. 


Also, I continue to highlight.  


There are single words that I write down and plan on doing a topical chain reference (like Thompsons). 


Hope this makes sense, I just woke up.  LOL!

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no, I don't underline or highlight. I find it distracting when I go back to re-read that passage. What was important to me once may not be the thing that stands out the next time and the underlining is like a "Look at Me!!" sign.

This. On a similar note, I don't even like red-letter Bibles.

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I don't write much in my Bible, but I do for two reasons. I mark the start and end of passages that I'm reading aloud (lightly, in pencil), and I mark places where I have learned substantive actual information about the translation itself -- ie alternate word meanings.


I don't make personal notes, or underline for emphasis.

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My bible is 15 years old, I vary how I write or highlight. I frequently write the date near a verse that means something to me and a brief note. I'll write down how a word is translated differently or what the original Greek/Hebrew word was or meant. Sometimes I underline, sometimes I highlight, I am not consistent at all. I do the same thing when I read through my Bible Gateway app.


A church I visited had a beautiful display in their lobby, they took photographs of people's bibles opened up to a meaningful passage. A paragraph was posted near it explaining why they had chosen that passage. Some bibles had mulit-color highlighting, others simple underlines, some had a drawing, some had folded down wrinkly pages, some were covered in handwritten notes, it was beautiful. I want to recreate something like it from my grandfather's bible (he's a pastor of 60 years) but haven't had a chance. He did send me a several page letter about passages he had underlined in his bible and why. It is one of my prized possessions and he used it to preach his last lesson before retiring for a 3rd time a couple weeks ago.

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I hadn't been religious very long before dh and I met and started dating.  I asked him what he did for marking - and he repeated one church leaders comment when he was asked what he did.

"I don't mark my scriptures - I know my scriptures."  


dh pointed out, if you use the same set over the years, and mark meaningful scriptures - eventually they're so marked you can't find anything from the markings. - unless you already know where to look.


one thing that dh was doing when we married was going through verse by verse - and making his own concordance.  it could take an hour for a short verse. - he had each topic/word on an index card (this was before PCs)


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Thanks everyone! I think I will just use a colored pencil to highlight/underline passages that are particularly important to me. While I like the idea of a system, after thinking about it, I feel that it would probably take away from my reading, rather than adding to it. I would become a slave to the system, ya know?


I like the idea of my kids having my marked up Bible when I'm gone. It seems like a nice thing to pass down.

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I have a hard time convincing myself it's okay to write in my Bible. Not that I think it's too sacred or anything. It's more that I'm afraid I'll look back and think to myself, "that was a dumb thought" or "why did I write that?" But won't be able to erase. I have a thing about looking back at my old thoughts and seeing them as immature. I guess I should see it as growth but most of the time it's just cringe-worthy to me.


So I have a good study Bible that I don't write in. Instead I'll write in a notebook. Then I have an old, cheapie women's Bible that I tell myself is no big deal to mark up. I use Crayola Twistable crayons to highlights verses that stick out to me. Gel highlighters are nice, too. No color coding or anything. Maybe I'll work up to actually writing notes in it, lol.

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What is the Daily Bible Program?

It is a Chronological Bible divided into 365 daily readings with just a bit of commentary.  http://www.christianbook.com/the-daily-bible-softcover/9780736944311/pd/944311?dv=c&en=google-pla&event=SHOP&kw=bibles-0-20&p=1179710&gclid=CKCy9br7kMoCFcIjgQod0OMAXw  


I also bought the Daily Bible Devotional  http://www.amazon.com/The-Daily-Bible%C2%AE-Devotional-Chronological/dp/0736927913to go with it for this year but the Bible alone is a great program.


The Devotional book is out of print but I got a used one through Amazon that arrived very quickly and was in almost brand new condition.

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I have several different ones but one I use for taking notes and marking things. I will underline and make a note, and I try to remember to date and put the pastor's initials as well. It gives me a better idea of what the thought was behind it at the time.


My grandma recently gave me her father's Bible, and I have loved having a look at his thoughts from in some places, 75 years ago.

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