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The End of 2015 - What's on Your Agenda?


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Pure curiosity thread.  How are you spending your last day of 2015?


We'll be headed out to a lunch buffet.  For supper we'll be doing beef stick sandwiches and cheese curd, then having a pomegranate for dessert.  (These are both choices of youngest son since he heads back to college Monday.)


For other things on my "To Do" list I need to:


- do two more loads of laundry

- get to the grocery store to buy milk, bread, sour cream & onion potato chips, and water (well water on our farm is high in nitrates, so we buy drinking water)

- call and ask how my favorite uncle is doing (he had heart bypass surgery on Monday)

- visitors are coming to look at ponies, so they should be groomed and looking pretty

- dig deep into my brain to figure out how I got a nasty bruise on my hip  :glare:  (it bugs me that I can't remember - it bugs my hubby that it's there without explanation - he's not buying alien abduction or wild Startrooper shot from Star Wars)

- make another batch of "Christmas" cookies for us all to enjoy today and tomorrow (this will be a family effort)

- watch another Brain with David Eagleman video - we adults have seen them, but the boys are catching up


I think that's it outside of the normal critter chores, dishes, etc.


Then... after supper, we play family games up until the New Year's arrival.  After midnight we sit around our Christmas tree and reminisce the previous year plus talk about what we look forward to in the new one.


All in all I think it will be a pretty relaxing day to end the year with!

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We're celebrating a late Christmas with my oldest and his wife as we were away on the week of Christmas.  So ravioli for lunch (we usually have this on Christmas Eve but missed it this year) and then tonight two fondues (chocolate and cheese) for supper with other snacks.  We'll play games or watch movies until the New Year.  


I need to prepare said fondues, and two dishes for tomorrow as we have another Christmas with my extended family then.  I would also love to do my traditional cleaning of the file cabinet but I think I'm going to have to put it off until Saturday.  I'm also still trying to get out from the mound of laundry that resulted from out being gone for 10 days without access to a washing machine so there's that to do also.  

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I work this morning. Then I need to go to Target and buy underwear because all three kids told me this week that they have approximately 1 pair of underwear that fits. It always seems like they do this, where all of a sudden all three will grow out of something. I'll take the dog on a good long walk this afternoon. I hope to get some school planning done this afternoon as well. Not sure what we're having for dinner, the kids all want some kind of "cheesy noodles". Then tonight we are planning on watching The Hobbit. Our NYE tradition is to watch a movie together and then the kids have a sleepover in the family room. 

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Daytime will be normal routine. Tonight we will have stuffed cabbage rolls for dinner. And olliebollen for desert. These are traditional New Year's eve fare in different parts of Europe. I picked them out last night while surfing the net for suggestions. I refuse to eat black eyed peas and collards, even if I do live in the south. Then we will play games and probably watch Duck Soup, a suggestion from other boardies that got approval from the family. Sparkling cider at midnight. Bed at 12:01, well actually more like 12:30 by the time everyone brushes their teeth.

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Then I need to go to Target and buy underwear because all three kids told me this week that they have approximately 1 pair of underwear that fits. 


This had me chuckling.  Should you ever write a comedy book on parenting, it needs to be included!


At least yours tell you... I only found out when I got an accidental glance at mine.  "Hey, those look way too small - do you want some new larger ones?"  Once one lad went up two sizes.  I have no idea how he managed through the days without realizing something needed fixing.


Of course, had I been a more thoughtful mom I would have realized that if junior needed new pants, he likely could use new underwear, but we won't spend too much time on that thought.  I think I'm more of a visual person.  Things like that only become clear when I see them.

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I need to go pick up a couple of prescriptions at the drug store and a few things at the grocery store.  Not sure what we're having for dinner -- we don't really do the traditional stuff, but I need to get something or we'll be having PB sandwiches. ;)  I'm thinking something really simple like maybe pork chops on the George Foreman, salad and rolls/biscuits.


Do a load of laundry or two and some minimal tidying up.


Take the dog on a long walk (assuming the rain stops this afternoon like it's supposed to).


DH and the boys will watch a lot of football and I'll probably spend too much time on the computer.


Read a lot.

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I will probably run some errands (or sit on the couch).  I should do some laundry.  Our family will watch Clemson play in the Orange Bowl at 4 pm (DH and I both went to school there), and then at 9 pm  DH and I will go out with some friends. 


Food will have a tailgate theme while we watch the Orange Bowl and no doubt every other second of college football on today.

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Well, I've already been to the gym and the grocery store.  Other things on the list for today...


* Clean the playroom (it looks like it's been hit by a tornado - or possibly by three tornado-like small people)

* Kids' laundry

* Play date / lunch at Chick-fil-A with a family we haven't seen in a while

* Call my doctor's office so I can ask for a lab order to recheck my thyroid

* Do some planning for Math Circle



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DD and I will be preparing copious amounts of food for our New years' Eve party. I invited lots of friends. Many are out of town, but 20 have RSVPd yes, several are maybe. So, we shall be prepared. She will bake crackers from scratch, onion tartlets, pie crust for baked brie, and assemble black forest parfait desert for which she already baked the sponge yesterday.

DH is doing his annual finance review; every year on Dec 31, he does a detailed listing of all our accounts and debts.

DS is sleeping in since he got home late last night. He will work in the afternoon.

Edited by regentrude
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Staying home because the rivers and creeks have formed quite the effective moat, and my county is now a sovereign island.


Maybe I'll bake something.


Couldn't bring myself to "like" your post... glad your county is above water though - and you still have electric, etc.


We just came home from the lunch buffet and I'll be content if I don't see food again for a couple of days.  We ended up meeting a friend there (by chance), so that was additional fun.  She'd recently come back from visiting her family in China, so there was a bit to talk about.


However, going to the grocery store got scrapped for the day...no one feels the need to get more food!  We're transitioning to laundry and ponies now.


Also figured out the culprit for my bruise.  The dishwasher did it!  A few years back hubby tripped over the door when it was open so it takes extra effort to close now.  I do it with my hip...  Closing it this morning answered my puzzle (ouch!).  Of course why it gave me a bruise this time when I close it daily or thereabouts is still an enigma, but not one worth worrying about.  Last night we were all pondering if I'd taken up sleepwalking/tripping.   :glare:


For us east coast US folks... a little less than 11 hours left.


I think I'm sneaking out of helping with the ponies and getting a nap in after I start laundry.  The boys invited friends to see the ponies... the boys can groom the ponies!  I definitely ate too much, so a nap is incredibly appealing.  It will also help me stay up until midnight without being cranky...

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Today I have:

gone for a run

made homemade waffles

cleaned out the cupboards in the laundry room/pantry and done laundry

showered and cleaned out under my sink (see a theme?)

gone to Goodwill searching for a sleeping bag...the search continues

gone to Aldi and Kroger

stopped at the bank

I am now eating a late lunch

Dinner is snacky stuff. Only one kiddo is staying home and at 14 he can fend for himself.

I may go to a movie with dh or just stay home. It all depends on how tired he is after work.


Such excitement. I did however book a massage for  my birthday in Jan which makes me pretty happy.

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Dh and I went shoe shopping at the locally-owned running store this afternoon. We were both in dire need of new sneakers!


While downtown, dh asked if I'd like to go out tonight, so we popped into a non-chain place we enjoy and booked their last table for 2 :D We have never gone out in our 26 New Year's Eves! And we're going to dress up :party:


Dinner is at 9. We'll get takeout for the girls at a more normal time. Ds, home from the other coast, is out with The Girlfriend and friends tonight.

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The only way we could get together with all of our kids (who live in various states and countries) is to meet in a major metro area.  So we are staying in a hotel and will eat out for dinner.  Back to the hotel for games and snacks til midnight.  :)



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Well, we were all going to the circus and then doing finger foods. However, DS8 has a stomach bug and I have a bad cold, so we stayed home and everyone else went to the circus. I really don't like the circus, so I don't mind, but I'm bummed for DS.


Another post I can't bring myself to add a "like" to, so I'll offer  :grouphug: and best wishes for feeling better soon!


I enjoyed my nap and still got out with the ponies a little bit.


The cookies are cooling, laundry is done, and the boys are watching some of the Brain videos.  Soon we'll swap to starting our game night!  Rook is on tap first.


Seven hours to go for us east coasties.  

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Spent a good part of the day at the rehabilitation center. OT is going to signoff on me but I need to work on writing more and cutting veggies and such. Going to be seeing psych, PT and ST. Came home and napped. DH gave our bigger dog a much needed bath, helped Meg with her basket project and math, went and got a new ear piece for his phone. Meg and I had ham, baked potatoes, collard greens and black eyed peas for dinner. DH is at work until about 3am and I will be asleep. I will probably be asleep before midnight. But it is a good thing because I need the sleep. :)


However, I am looking forward to this coming year unlike several years before!


Happy New Years!

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Staying home. Quiet day and night. Ds is at a teen New Year's Eve party where everyone will sleep over (I trust the parents completely.They had one last year and it went over well so they offered to host one again this year). Dh has to go into work at midnight so he's been sleeping most of the day. It's not his usual midnight shift but the overtime plus holiday pay was hard to pass up when he was asked. We wouldn't have been doing much at home anyway.


I've reached a point where I like to ring in the new year without fanfare. 

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Spent the day dyeing fabric for Wizard of Oz set -- the forest.  Also painting platforms for the set.  Shopping for fun foods (and also more dye).


Tonight:  Old movies, frozen pizza, homemade lemon jello (for some reason dd likes to do this on NYE; also, funny that we're making frozen pizza but have jello lovingly made from organic lemons, etc.).  

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Well, I've already been to the gym and the grocery store.  Other things on the list for today...


* Clean the playroom (it looks like it's been hit by a tornado - or possibly by three tornado-like small people)

* Kids' laundry

* Play date / lunch at Chick-fil-A with a family we haven't seen in a while

* Call my doctor's office so I can ask for a lab order to recheck my thyroid

* Do some planning for Math Circle


I did all but the last one. :p  Plus a lot more.  It seemed like I barely sat down today, though I did manage to play a game of Ticket to Ride with DH and DD#1 before dinner.  It's 8:30 here, the kids are in bed, and my brain is too tired to do Math Circle planning now.  The rest of me is also tired, so I will not see the new year until I wake up. ;)

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I worked for a while this morning/early afternoon. Then I went to the grocery store to get snacks and such for the small group my son has at the house this evening. I had lunch with a friend. I baked an impromptu birthday cake for one of my son's friends. Since early evening, we've been hanging out here chatting with and feeding the teens. 


We're just about to head outside to set off some small-scale fireworks and do a sparkling cider toast, after which I intend to sleep.

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We got to bed at 1:40 this morning.  It was a wonderful evening...


I tried to sleep in this morning and made it until 6am.   :hurray:   Then I tried staying in bed for a bit seeing if I could return to sleep.  One of our cats was NOT pleased with that decision and made me get up around 6:30.  I suppose I could have ignored him, but it's difficult working meows into a dream.


Stepping on the scale this morning showed me 2.4 lbs heavier than yesterday... so I have 7lbs to come off from the beginning of my mom's visit (20th of Dec).  I'm not worried as it'll all come off easily within a couple of weeks, but it still looked weird on the scale. :glare:   It's amazing how much weight can change in one day (or 12) of eating/drinking wildly!


Of course, my eating habits won't get back to normal until after next Saturday (9th) when our last college boy returns to school, but it's only the super special "stuff yourself and by the way, here's some drinks, snacks and desserts too" that causes such gain!  I guess that's why we call it feasting?  It was worth it - since the camaraderie came with it.  I doubt I'd do it on my own.

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Plans changed. Dd's sleepover was cancelled because of her friend's fever. Dh fell asleep. The three youngest dd's and I went to their theater group's party. We came home and Happy New Yeared dh and ds. The kids did party poppers and we made it to bed buy 2am. I, however, woke up at 6 so here I sit with coffee. Not a bad start to the year.

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I haven't even begun to think about food or drinks this morning - unless you count cat food (for them!).  I'm still quite stuffed.


For lunch the request is chipped beef & gravy served over pasta... If I were to eat something now, there's no way I could enjoy our New Year's Meal then.


Fortunately, I've never needed caffeine to get going in the morning.  I needed it to stay awake last night though.  My supplier of choice was Coke...

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NYE ds16 came home from the grandparents house. He ran his laundry and practiced bass for Sunday. I had two pet-sitting jobs to do. DH and I went out to pick up door stoppers and cabinet pulls. Then we had to spend the last $30 of our FSA and ended up at the pharmacy for about an hour. For dinner we went to a Chinese buffet and then over to a friend's house for a NYE bonfire. I came home around 9pm and they stayed through midnight.


This morning, I'm watching Breakfast With the Mummers/The Mummers Parade, DH and I will go to some thrift stores, and then we're planning to go to a nice restaurant we've been dying to try for an early dinner.


Sent from my VS985 4G using Tapatalk

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The old folks here went to bed between 1:00 (mu husband) and 2:00 (me) after the fireworks and our toast. I made another round of snacks and left the young folks strewn about on the couches in the living room watching a movie while I retired to my "office" with Netflix.


I managed to sleep until about 7:30 this morning and, having taken the dog outside and fed her and both cats, I've set the breakfast cinnamon bread to rise and am now sitting here with a VERY large cup of Coke Zero. My husband is in the shower, but the teens are still conked out. I don't expect to see any of them with their eyes open until 10:00 or later, by which time the bread will be ready for their breakfast.


I'm hoping to start de-Christmas-izing the house today, although it may have to wait until tomorrow. I suspect our guests will hang around until at least early afternoon, and my husband has his role-playing group coming over this evening. I'd prefer not to be mid-process while we have people here. 

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I settled for a small bowl of leftover BBQ chips for breakfast mainly because they are tasty and nothing else was appealing to eat.  I justified it by telling myself I hate waste.   :coolgleamA:   I'm positive the Green Tea I had with it will erase anything awful health-wise in the chips.


We'll watch the Rose Bowl Parade in another hour, then start taking down our Christmas tree.  It'll get planted outside today.  Normally we'd give it time to adjust to the outdoor temps, but the boys will be leaving and I don't want hubby tackling that himself (or with me).  It's heavy and awkward.


I think the only other thing on our agenda aside from normal chores is more game playing... it's a true holiday for us.


We'll get a couple mile walk in too - missed those when with each set of parents as they have limited mobility.


I think I need to wake the boys up soon...

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