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What do you do when someone who was absolutely awful to you

Excelsior! Academy

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Yeah, I might accept and then, if anything happens, delete. But maybe not. Maybe you don't want them to access everything your "friends" can access. I have accepted people I was neutral about, but I don't know that I would from someone who was actively horrible to me.

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Accept and if they haven't changed, delete.  People change.  My brother's bully friended him on Facebook some time ago.  He apologized for being a little jerk.  He's changed a lot.  He and my brother are pretty far apart on the political spectrum, but they both greatly enjoy debating and do it quite civilly and with some amusing banter to boot.  They've ended up quite good friends.  You just never know.

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It would depend on what exactly they did in high school. If it was someone who was catty and mean, I'd probably accept the request and try to forgive them. (Though if they prove they're still catty and mean, they'd be unfriended very quickly.) If it was someone who assaulted me or something along those lines, I'd be a lot more hesitant.

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Ignore. Not worth a moment's thought. There are lots of good people in the world -- no need to dig up the past to see if maybe someone has grown up. Chances are they have (teenagers are not known for their good judgement and relationship skills), but it's still got nothing to do with me.

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Ignored the request from someone who had physically assaulted me in middle school. It was a history that I did not want to re-hash even if they had changed or maybe even wanted to apologize. It was traumatic, and I've moved on so really no need to explore the topic or find out the person hadn't changed and was just looking for an opportunity to be a jerk.

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But FYI, FB can automatically generates requests.  I have gotten requests from people, and explained that I don't really do FB, only to have them say they have no idea what I am talking about.  Someone got a friend request from me once.  I have NEVER sent a request.  EVER.  It's weird and unsettling.

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Awful all of the time? I'd probably ignore.  But if a friendship ended in an awful way, I might accept.


Facebook is a strange thing.  I am FB friends with a dozen or so people from elementary school, and childhood neighbors, although we never spoke to each other while in high school together. I completely ignored them, and it may have been mutual. I don't know.  But we had an unusual situation in elementary school that bonded us, enough to become FB friends three decades later.  I am so blessed by their (online) friendships now, friendlier with these people than some who were very good friends back then.


For me, it would depend on the person and the situation, I suppose.


The friend requests that floor me are the people who went to the same school but I swear I did not know.  Now I'm realizing I may have been on a "suggested friends" list, haha!!


On a completely different note, I became FB friends with two former classmates whom I never knew, following the death of a mutual friend. Again, friendships I now treasure.




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I've become friends with those who were not nice to me in high school. I've noticed the ones in my life have all changed and are rather awesome people now. I'm glad I took the chance. If I took a chance and they hadn't changed, I wouldn't feel guilty about unfriending them at all. 

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