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Escaped hamster! FOUND HER!

Susan in TN

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When ours escaped, we put some food out near the cage and propped the door open in case he came back to his home. We looked under furniture, beside the fridge, and in other places he might hide. We didn't find him that day, but later that night I heard him scrabbling around in the kitchen while thinking, "Please let that be the hamster."


As an aside, my sisters each got a hamster for Christmas one year, and Santa left them under the tree. Unfortunately, all my sisters found under the tree was an empty cage; we found one but never did find the other.

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What kind of hamster? The slow, bumbly kind or the crazy, zippy kind? Was the door to the room it was in closed?


I would say to keep the house fairly quiet and calm for awhile. If you can manage it, have the kids spread out by room and sit and listen for a bit. Ours is the slow, bumbly kind, and she'll come eventually if I make kissy noises and talk calmly to her. Do you have some nuts or treats that she likes, particularly a kind that she might smell from a distance? You might put those out in a few open spaces and see if she'll find her way to them. 


Ooh, she'll also always pop up if we crinkle her food bag or a treat bag (she knows the refrigerator and gets crazy when I open it :lol:). Maybe have the kid in each room try that? 

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As an aside, my sisters each got a hamster for Christmas one year, and Santa left them under the tree. Unfortunately, all my sisters found under the tree was an empty cage; we found one but never did find the other.


Oh no, that's terrible!!! Ours is in a tank, partly for this reason, although I've been told they can chew through the metal mesh of the lid. Until now we've hard gerbils, and they have not been terribly persistent pets. This hamster is a very different story! She's the sweetest, funniest thing, but boy, she does not take no for an answer and will not be thwarted when she wants something. I keep waiting for her to find a way to make a break for it.

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When I was a kid we had a few escaped hamsters. We found ours under a dresser in a bedroom. He had pulled up quite a bit of carpet in efforts to make himself a nice little nest. We also found one in the sump pump. :( So putting some water out might be a good idea if you have a sump pump. Good luck!


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What kind of hamster? The slow, bumbly kind or the crazy, zippy kind? Was the door to the room it was in closed?


I would say to keep the house fairly quiet and calm for awhile. If you can manage it, have the kids spread out by room and sit and listen for a bit. Ours is the slow, bumbly kind, and she'll come eventually if I make kissy noises and talk calmly to her. Do you have some nuts or treats that she likes, particularly a kind that she might smell from a distance? You might put those out in a few open spaces and see if she'll find her way to them.


Ooh, she'll also always pop up if we crinkle her food bag or a treat bag (she knows the refrigerator and gets crazy when I open it :lol:). Maybe have the kid in each room try that?

She's more of the slow bumbly kind. The bedroom doors were all open, but the door to the basement and upstairs were closed, so hopefully she is quietly resting in a corner here on the main floor. There are waaaaaaaay to many places for a small critter to hide!

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My college student took apart his built-in bed and a few walls to "rescue" our hamster. I'm not sure it was worth it.

The Gruesome Pictures


This reminds me of when I was a kid and my brother's hampster got out.  I could hear it trying to eat through the wall until it eventually did make a hole and came out.  I remember standing on my bed screaming when that thing would go running through my room.  :scared:


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She's more of the slow bumbly kind. The bedroom doors were all open, but the door to the basement and upstairs were closed, so hopefully she is quietly resting in a corner here on the main floor. There are waaaaaaaay to many places for a small critter to hide!


I know it. Suddenly the house seems cavernous and hopelessly cluttered when things like this happen! Slow and bumbly works in your favor though.


The other thing to think about is when your hamster is usually active. She's probably curled up somewhere sleeping right now, but she may be more likely to scurry around at certain times. Left to her own devices, ours sleeps all day, roams her tank for a bit around dinnertime and then sleeps again until around 10 p.m. So if you have someone who can stay up late in a quiet house, you might have more luck. 


Also, see if you can lift any wires away from the floor. We lost a gerbil that way :( Hamsters do chew less than gerbils, but ours is a tester and will bite on anything a few times, just to see what it is. 

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Since they are nocturnal, you may have a better chance at catching them in the evening. They typically hide in dark places during the day where they sleep and keep their food stash. This may mean you have to check every lower kitchen cabinet, the couch, and behind hutches and shelves.

Put out food and monitor closely. That hamster trap looks like fun. :)

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Okay, as a teen I used to babysit for a little girl who lost her hamster every week or so. I would put out a shoebox on a stick, with a very long string attached to the stick, and put something tasty under the box. Then I would sit very quietly watching tv until the hamster came out to get the treat, pull the string, catch the hamster. Worked every single time, but it was always late at night and the room was dark.

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My dwarf/robo hamster hid under my piano. My syrian hamster hid under my sofa bed. We had to corner the area, shine a flashlight in, and put food to lure the hamster out. Look for the darkest places in the house, they avoid bright areas.


Now I only have a guinea pig which is easier to find if she escapes.

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We found ours two floors down, hiding under the stairs in a dark corner in the basement. They can travel! I know doors won't stop mice (they just squeeze under), but maybe they are more of an obstacle for a chubby hamster. You'll have to take a flashlight and peer into every nook and cranny you can find.


Live traps are a great idea, too.


Good luck, and keep us updated!

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I had a habitrail type cage.  the escapee made it into our basement - with lots of tight spaces.   I set up the cage  like a live animal trap, so the only entrance was on top, with a tube leading to the opening from the ground - and once inside, wouldn't be able to climb back out.  I put shavings in the bottom, so when it fell in, it wouldn't get hurt - and also put it's most favorite treats inside.  next morning - we had a gerbil in a cage.

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Any ideas on finding a pet hamster who left her cage over night?


Found her in our bathroom! Actually, dh found her despite the fact that I had just been in there for several mintues. She was playing with a tweezer. :D Dd9 will be so relieved!

Grooming for a big date? :lol:


Yay for found hamster!

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