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Are there foods you eat (almost) every day?


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I have chickens and also eat eggs for breakfast often but not every day. I go on a jag and do every day for a week or two. Then I get tired of cleaning the pan every morning!

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Grape juice...Welch's.  About half a glass per day.


Breakfast is usually peanut butter on whole grain toast with a banana and glass of milk.  In the summer time, i'll freeze the banana ahead of time, and then blend it with the milk and a bit of vanilla.


In the summer, I eat berries of some kind every day.  In the winter, it's usually a pear, mandarin, orange, or apple.


Almost every day I eat a basic Egyptian-style chopped salad... onions with a bit of vinegar, salt and pepper....set aside.  Then chopped romaine, cucumbers, and tomatoes....sometimes carrots....sometimes parsley....add back in the onions....then add a lemon juice, garlic, and olive oil vinaigrette. 


Diet Dr. Pepper. :)



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Irish Breakfast Tea with milk and sugar EVERY day, and usually twice. Sometimes my afternoon cup is something different, but usually 'other' teas are a second afternoon cup or I have them in the evening.


DS has eggs for breakfast every day AFTER his tea; never WITH it.


Dd tends to work grilled chicken and raw spinach into most of her days.


DH eats whatever I put in front of him. He has no food loyalties beyond his morning coffee and he'll miss that sometimes without complaint.

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I eat eggs almost every morning, and I eat some sort of cheese pretty much every day.


I eat mushrooms many, many days. Very often for breakfast. I sauté them with salt and pepper, and then I put them on my plate while I start my omelet. But I have a tendency to snack on them because they're so delicious, freshly hot and sautéed, so sometimes there don't end up being many for the omelet.


I drink a cup of coffee with a generous splash of cream and a squirt of flavored stevia (lately it's hazelnut coffee and toffee stevia) pretty much every morning too.


Breakfast is the best meal of the day, LOL!

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My kids have greek yogurt with a bit of honey as a before bed snack every night. We've done that for a really long time.

I drink milk daily. I actually wish I could stop that habit, but I really enjoy it.  I don't like meat protein sources. Milk is just so convenient.

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Coffee, but it may be iced, blended or hot.  With vanilla, caramel, peppermint, hazelnut, chocolate, etc flavor added.  So, while I do have coffee everyday, it is really like saying I have eggs everyday, because they will be an ingredient in something I eat (even if it is just a muffin). 



Probably the most repetition I have is toast. It is the one thing I can eat most days, but with different types of bread or flavors of jam, again, it isn't really all that repetitive. And I eat it at different times of day, so sometimes it is at 7am for breakfast but other times it is 11pm for a snack.   


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Those of you who mentioned "grilled chicken", do you grill up a bunch at once to have on hand or do you buy a package of pre-grilled?


If you grill it yourself, do you season it or marinate it with anything?  Do share.   :)


Last summer I grilled it once a week but this summer I got lazy and used my panini grill. It's close enough for me. g


I brush it with olive oil and season it with Penzey's Ruth Ann's Muskego Ave chicken and fish seasoning. (I use that stuff for meat and veggies- it's yummy!) It has salt, pepper, garlic, lemon peel and onion. It gives it some flavor but allows me to add other things when I use the chicken. 


Sometimes I want a bbq chicken salad like Wendy's makes and I brush some bbq sauce on the chicken and reheat it. Or add some vidalia onion sauce or something.  Having boneless breasts or tenders already grilled makes it super easy to throw together a meal. 

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No. Unless I'm suffering from a. poverty b. seasonal depression or c. an overload of CSA apples (or whatever else they gave us way too much of, but it's usually apples), I'm big on eating Something Different Every Day, preferably with no repeats throughout the week.


Even if I have us eat apples two days in a week (or three... we have a lot of apples), I try to mix it up - one day apple crumble for dessert, another day apples in oatmeal for breakfast, a third day sliced apples with lunch.


In the winter this sometimes will fall by the wayside on those days when I struggle a bit, and then we'll have a surfeit of eggs, potatoes, pasta, pizza, pancakes, and rice with lentils - six very easy dishes for me to make (or order) even when I want to crawl back under the blanket. Heck, the girls can make all of those things, giving me more spoons to spend on things like schooling.

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Those of you who mentioned "grilled chicken", do you grill up a bunch at once to have on hand or do you buy a package of pre-grilled?


If you grill it yourself, do you season it or marinate it with anything? Do share. :)

I marinate in Italian dressing and grill a bunch at once erring on the side of less done. After it rests I slice, cool, flash-freeze and put into gallon-sized freezer bags.

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Fruit and cheese.


I think I could live off of nothing but fruit and cheese. 


There is no cheese in my house today, it is a very sad day...

Sending virtual fruit and cheese your way today maize...



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I eat nuts every day


I'm running low on cashews.  This morning I was debating if I need to stop by the store or if substituting another nut would work.  We have almonds, pecans, and walnuts plentifully on hand.


I'm thinking a day or two this week will be walnuts... I really don't want to head to the store and I like walnuts.

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Nilla wafers and vanilla pudding cups are always and forever tied in my head to standardized testing. I never had Nilla wafer at home but I went to more than one school where the teacher or class mom brought snacks on testing day. And those snacks were almost always something with Nilla wafers. Maybe they were popular with teachers in the 80s, I dunno.


If I am sitting in front of a scantron form, I see that color and taste that taste.


I haven't had Nilla wafers since the 4th grade.

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When I moved down South, I remember going to a traditional Southern restaurant/hole in the wall, and on the dessert menu was homemade banana pudding.  It had, of course, Nilla wafers in it and was so gosh darn good.  I had never had homemade banana pudding up until that point.  When I was first married, I made it for my husband and it became a family favorite.  I haven't made it in a few years, come to think of it.  Time to revisit. :)

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