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We got our first "Shouldn't you be in school?" today!

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I guess my girls managed to fly under everyone's radar last year. Now, with all 4 kids tagging along, we seem to be a bit more noticeable.


A grocery store employee looked at the kids and said "Shouldn't you guys be in school?" I tried to get away with a simple "Nope," but ds felt the need to explain that they were homeschooled. The "Oh, boy!" reaction wasn't exactly a positive one.:glare:


Oh, well. Ds doesn't pick up on social cues, anyway, lol.

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Today we got our first one for the year. It's funny, because my kids were saying they didn't want to go out in public because they feel like people stare at them. :001_huh: I had to go out though, so we did the other things and then stopped at the grocery store. Just as we were leaving the cashier said "Is school out already? Did you have a half day?" My kids were all like this :blink: and I said "No, we homeschool, so we go wherever we want whenever we like." She said "Ohhh, you're on your own schedule, right? ;)" And I smiled and said "Yes, we are." So it wasn't bad.


I still wish that people wouldn't feel the need to verbalize every thought that enters their head, you know?

Sometimes I see kids out during "school hours" and I wonder if they're homeschooled, but that doesn't mean I go running over to ask them about it. It's really none of my business. :glare:

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Congratulations. I'm looking forward to the first time we get asked that. :D


And just remember, *anj*, that some people lack that part of the brain that prevents them from saying things that others find offensive. I frequently demonstrate this fact. :lol:


Ummm....I think I'll demonstrate that ability right now, Chris!!!




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You could have said, "Look where public school got you." Of course you would have had to smile nicely when you said it. :D mwahahaha*


*Now for my disclaimer before anyone sends me a negative rep: The above statement was just a lame attempt at humor on my part. I actually have the utmost respect and admiration for anyone who works serving the unappreciative public all day. In no way do I view them as beneath me or lesser than me.

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It really does not bother me. Most people are simply interested, I do not get negative responses when I say they are home schooled.


I'm in your camp. I will accept most comments as an attempt to make conversation. The same way that my lame, "Looks like you're having a busy day," comments when the grocery line back up through the freezer section are just an attempt to treat the cashier as a real person, who might be tired.


(I will confess, though that my flip answer seeing the thread was, "We're working on abnormal psych." But that wouldn't really fit in with my attempts to control my tongue.)

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I always wonder when someone says this if they live in area without many homeschoolers. I live in an area with many homeschoolers, and I've never gotten a negative response, even at the grocery store. Just this morning an older lady I'd never met spoke with us as we walked by her house. When she asked where the kids went to school and I told her we homeschooled, she started beaming and praising homeschooling and us, telling us that it was absolutely the best choice ever. She went on to say that her dds were public school teachers and that she couldn't understand why they stayed with it. It was a great way to start the morning!


OP- I hope the next person who speaks to you about homeschooling has something nice to say!

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Im fortunate to live in an area with a lot of homeschoolers, and a lot of year round schools. So if we see other kids out, they might be homeschoolers, or they might be tracked out. So adults cant assume that your child should be in school, they generally assume you're tracked out.


Ive never gotten a question about why they arent in school today, I figure its because of that.

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I always wonder when someone says this if they live in area without many homeschoolers. I live in an area with many homeschoolers, and I've never gotten a negative response, even at the grocery store. Just this morning an older lady I'd never met spoke with us as we walked by her house. When she asked where the kids went to school and I told her we homeschooled, she started beaming and praising homeschooling and us, telling us that it was absolutely the best choice ever. She went on to say that her dds were public school teachers and that she couldn't understand why they stayed with it. It was a great way to start the morning!


OP- I hope the next person who speaks to you about homeschooling has something nice to say!


We actually do live in an area with a good number of homeschoolers. When I was looking over our district information a few months ago, the numbers were something like 1.5% homeschoolers (and remember, PA only requires reporting children 8 and above) and around 5% cyber charter students. That's nearly 7% of the kids in our district. I think the rest of 'em must be in hiding. ;)

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It was another customer behind us in the grocery store line. My dd answered, "I'm homeschooled." The lady proceeded to tell me how her sil had homeschooled her nephew, had to put him back in ps in 3rd grade, and found that he had to drop back a grade. She ended with the summary, "I guess she wasn't doing a good job, hmm?" To which I could simply smile and agree.




Mama Anna

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Im fortunate to live in an area with a lot of homeschoolers, and a lot of year round schools. So if we see other kids out, they might be homeschoolers, or they might be tracked out. So adults cant assume that your child should be in school, they generally assume you're tracked out.


Ive never gotten a question about why they arent in school today, I figure its because of that.



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How about "Shouldn't you be minding your own business?"


I know, I know, not PC, put me on ignore.


Not sure what that has to do with political correctness....


But, I'm happy to say we homeschool. I am an "out of the closet" type who thinks that general exposure is to our benefit. I would say the reaction is 99% positive. I can think of only one glare, and she was a jerk, anyway.

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I've always received positive comments....well except for that one middle school teacher at my 20 year reunion this year, whew she was a pill!


Anyway, a friend once told me her kids respond with a "no, we don't go to school" answer. They are a funny family anyway, so I'd love to be by them when they responded that way.


Alison in KY

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We get it somewhat often around here. Almost all the time it's just chit-chat at the cash register or in the aisles. "Is school out today" or "Are you guys out of school today". Also almost all the time the responses are generic or positive. On a rare occasion you can feel that someone is disapproving or they verbally need to share a "failure" they know of.


For me, I never dread or avoid the question. It's not alway an attack waiting to happen. Most of the time it's nothing but chit-chat and almost all of those responses are positive with sometimes being extremely positive.

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