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Decorating for the holidays

Night Elf

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Do you decorate your home for all holidays? Most? Some? None? I was talking to my mom about it because she was saying she wasn't putting out fall decorations this year. I realized I decorated when the kids were little and they made most of the decorations but now the only holidays I decorate for is Christmas and even that is very little. I put out one tree, one wreath, and two small knick knacks that I actually don't bother to put away when Christmas is over.

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Yes, almost all holidays. I have a large mantle so I might as well do something with it. Fall decor is up in my house. Decorating is more fun than cleaning!!

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I mostly just do Christmas decorations, and that's mostly just the tree. Once upon a time I had a few fall things but I don't think I do anymore. Dh will often get some Halloween decorations with the boys but they rarely get moved so we don't have them for the next year. I did get some papel picado here that I use for Mexican Independence Day and Dia de los Muertos.


Holidays are more about food at our house. No special stuff has to be kept from year to year to eat the right things.

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No, just Christmas really. The kids do little things.... like for Halloween we do jack o lanterns and maybe some felt something-or-other to hang in the window.


Change stresses me out, honestly. Putting up and taking down a lot decorations is like an ordeal iykwim. Even at Christmas we keep it very light. Just enough to happily "say" Christmas! without screaming "this used to be your living room, now it's where all this sutff goes..."

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I would if it wasn't so freaking expensive. Last fall I hoped to put out some pumpkins and mums on my front porch and I just couldn't justify the cost. :(


Yeah, this.  I always promise myself and my daughter that we'll do that, and then we go to get the stuff.... and I just can't.  I do have some fall decor items but the season seems to be half over before we notice it's time to put those things out, so it seems foolish to keep it out for a short time only to put it away for Christmas stuff.  Which is weird because I like fall decor much more than Christmas.


I've planted mums a few times but they are not perennial here (or I seem to buy ones that aren't) so that hasn't been a good solution!

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Do you decorate your home for all holidays? Most? Some? None? I was talking to my mom about it because she was saying she wasn't putting out fall decorations this year. I realized I decorated when the kids were little and they made most of the decorations but now the only holidays I decorate for is Christmas and even that is very little. I put out one tree, one wreath, and two small knick knacks that I actually don't bother to put away when Christmas is over.


Fall/Thanksgiving...not a bunch. Sometimes I have a wreath for the front door, a few pumpkin and Pilgrim doodahs; sometimes I tie little bundles of wheat to the balusters of my stairs, depending on how much time I want to spend, lol. I also have dishes for fall, inexpensive ones I bought at Garden Ridge.


Christmas. Um...my house looks like an explosion in a Christmas factory. :lol:

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When the kids were little we did decorate for most holidays.  But now we're down to putting up a Christmas tree, a seasonal table runner, and the manger scene I made 30+ years ago.    It's funny- I always thought that when the kids were grown I would decorate for every holiday- now they're all adults and I have more time and money than when they were little. But I have no desire. Guess that ship has sailed. 


The mom of one family I tutor for decorates for every holiday and even changes stuff between holidays.  So she has stuff for after Easter but before July 4th. I mainly see the entry, kitchen, and guest bathroom. This lady decorates her guest bathroom and kitchen, people.  For every holiday.  That is not a talent I have.   I admire people who have that skill and ambition, though. 



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Christmas, because it is the one time of the year that I put up with (and embrace) clutter and sentimentality.


For July 4th, I hang buntings across the front porch.  We have a two-story white house with a one-story porch running across the front, and it seems made for buntings.  It takes five minutes (I put my nails up Year 1 have reused them every year since), but I get tons of compliments on them.  Lots of bang for the buck.

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Well, this year I redid one of our front flower beds.  The things I planted got some sort of fungus and now the whole bed is dying.  I'm thinking I will fill it with mums for fall and some sort of annuals in the spring until I come up with a different plan. 


But normally not much.  I like the idea of doing something for more than just Christmas, but I rarely get around to it.

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I try to put out the same things each year, so it has a tradition-like feel to it for my kids. A big part of me thinks it's hokey but my kids get into it so I try to play along. We have a bunch of Christmas things passed down from grandparents and extended family members so I enjoy putting those things out. I don't decorate at all for Halloween but that's mostly laziness and feeling like I'm already scrambling to have enough candy and the perfect costumes picked out for the kids. I don't even dress up for Halloween which I catch a lot of flak for from family/friends. I'm just not really into the holidays. I do get excited about putting out my cranberry-colored Pampered Chef baking dish for Thanksgiving...but I'm not sure if that counts as a decoration  :lol:

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I used to do other holidays - now it's just Christmas.


but I do decorate for Christmas.  we downsized to a 9' tree.  I have silk assorted boughs for my mantel, nativities,  we'll make tissue snowflakes for the living room, dining room windows.  it's about as close to snow as we get.


I have a box or ornaments for a tree in my family room - if I do one.  it does get used every year for a week by our churches festival of the nativities.  (I didn't have a nativity set I could lend, so I asked if the person in charge would be interested in my snowflake themed tree.)


and I just bought a Charlie brown's Christmas pagent nativity .  .(which I'll probably send over to the nativity festival.)

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I don't decorate for all of the seasons.  I have two  kitchen cupboards with glass windows and try to put something seasonal in those or something small on the window ledge above my sink. I do more for Christmas throughout the house but not as much as I used to do (too much work and the kids are not good at helping take it down).

Fall is my least favorite season (actually strongly dislike it!) and I don't like many decorations for that time of year. I do have a couple of pumpkin ceramic pieces dd made a few years ago and a couple of candles. I don't put those out til late October and Christmas decorations don't come out til after Thanksgiving. Living in a northern  climate we try to make summer  last as long as we can (still have my 4th of July things out!) and fall decorations just seem to spoil what we have left of it!  

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Lots for Christmas, a little bit for Halloween but no others.  I would LOVE to decorate big for all the holidays but we really don't have the space.  Christmas really disrupts the household for the entire time it's set up and I just can't do that all year round.   We also live down a small deadend street and never have company over so no one would see any of our decorations except us.  And I know we can even if it's just to please ourselves but it's soooo much work.

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We usually decorate for Halloween and Christmas, but since most of our stuff has been packed since the year before last, I'm not sure what we'll be decorating for this year if at all. Usually for Halloween we put up those cobwebs you can buy at the store, some skeletons, and then we make "Grandpa". (Grandpa is basically a pair of overalls stuffed with towels, some old shoes, gloves and a scary mask with a cowboy hat and he sits in the shadows under the webs in a chair). For Christmas, we usually hang garland, put up the tree, lights outside, and tons of decorations that cover 5 tables and like 10 stockings (4 we use, the rest are just decoration).

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I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who doesn't decorate a lot. I was feeling like a fuddy duddy.


I'm really happy this thread isn't chock full of folks who spend days decorating for every holiday.   And on that note, I wish more people would embrace using holiday wrapping paper year round. I consider it a success when I have a gift before the event- and think using Christmas paper just makes it stand out.  Everyone tells me to just use and reuse gift bags but I swear every time I need a bag all I can find in my stash is Disney Princesses or Victoria's Secret bags.  

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I'm not really a knick knack person but I do like to decorate for the holidays. I switch out the art on my walls. I frame the kids' art and now have pieces for fall, summer, 4th of July, Easter, and Christmas. I also put out several photos when the kids were little at Christmas or 4th of July, etc. It's an easy way to decorate yet maintain our comfortable/minimal look. :)

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It is August.  I refuse to think about decorating for any holiday in August.




That said, I do love decorating for Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving and birthdays, but spring and fall don't count as decoration-worthy events in my home.

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I only decorate for Christmas. In the fall I sometimes buy cool squashes or gourds and put them on the table or I might have flowers from our yard on the table in the spring and summer. 


A lot of people in our neighborhood and town go crazy decorating for Halloween. Our kids would love it if we decorated more but it's not really my favorite holiday and I'm not really into putting time and money into decorating so I never do it.



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Sometimes I put a bowl of those decorative squash on my dining room table. That's it for fall decoration.


Christmas - a tree if we're going to be home, but no tree if we will be gone. Other decorations completely depend on my energy/interest levels, which vary. I focus on what brings me joy at the time, and not feeling obliged to anything.



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