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Fill in this blank: The best thing I ever did for my complexion was __________.


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Never use make up. I'm convinced cheap make up starts acne, then the acne needs make up to cover it, so you use more make up to cover it, then you get more acne.


I use an exfoliating scrub and lesson e with sof every day. I have sun spots from being a sailor as a kid, but super clear skin.


My dd is a teen, and we're finding a toner made of half apple cider vinegar (Braggs) and half water helps clear up acne very well.

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Are you using Manuka honey or local honey?

I use local raw honey. I have used supermarket honey and I don't feel it worked as well for my skin.

I also stopped wearing makeup 20 or so years ago. I only wear makeup if attending an affair.

And I have been using oil of olay since I was a teenager.


Truthfully, I was lucky to be born with good skin and tiny pores.

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I have ugly skin. But, it would have been much worse without a dermatologist.


1. To help my acne, clindamycin gel or topical followed by Sulfacet R on the zits. They do not make Sulfacet R anymore, but there are still similar prescription products. I followed this regimen with my own kids, too, and neither had zits during the teenage years.


2. Sunscreen now that I am wiser and have had my face chopped up multiple times because of basal cell cancers. I had 3 more biopsies yesterday, all of which will lead me to more $2000 a pop Moh's surgery to have them removed. I am finally going to start Picato treatment for all the actinic keratosis. I had been using vinegar as a way to help this, but it is not working.

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I was lucky to be born with a lovely complexion, but I do have to maintain it.

I avoid face makeup, soap, and any chemical products. I stick with a natural moisturizer, and only wear eyeliner, mascara, and lip color. Anything on my skin looks funny (I am heavily freckled), and makes me break out. My mother was the same.

I like a honey masque on occasion, but wash with just water most days. 

I am beginning to see signs of my age. I started taking vitamin e along with my multi and B regimen.I do think it helps.


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Any particular fruit/vegie that would work? I have a juicer, but we really were only successful with juicing carrots. 


I try to stick to the 20% fruit, 80% vegetables rule when I juice. My typical recipe (which varies a bit depending on what's in the fridge) is something like an apple or an orange, two celery stalks, half a bunch of kale, five or six carrots, a handful of spinach, and a cucumber. If I have any berries in the fridge I'll throw in a few of those, too. That usually makes enough for me to have a large glass and for dd to have a small glass.

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Stop using a buff puff. 


OMG I totally damaged my skin with the buff puff back in the day.  Those things should be banned!


Best thing in my youth - stopped using "oil free" and "oily skin" products.  Once I quit over-drying my skin, my oil problem as well as breakouts went away.


In my 40s - getting my brown spots removed and becoming a faithful sunscreen user thereafter.

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The best thing I have ever done was find a dermatologist that wouldn't give up before finding something that works. For me that is clindamycin and benzoyl peroxide every morning, and benzoyl peroxide and Differin every night. It took almost nine months for the regimen to produce results, BTW. For the first nine months I was convinced my dermatologist was nuts and just didn't care to find something that worked. Sticking with it worked, though. Prior to this I had seen two different dermatologists, neither of whom persisted long enough to find something that worked. They both gave up and said that I was stuck with acne.

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I was born to a woman who passed her good skin onto me.


Luckily, this is me, too. HOwever, I started really getting a really nice glow and a nice rosy, healthy complexion when I eliminated most chemicals from my routine and went with coconut oil, castille soap and water and a moisture from a natural type company.  I also added green drinks/smoothies.  I had pretty nice skin before, but now I frequently get favorable comments about my skin.

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For my face, I make my own moisturizer, wash with very mild all natural cucumber and aloe soap, and stay well hydrated. When my pores need upkeep, I use a hot green tea compress followed by cold water to deep clean and close pores.


I have dermatitis, so I will break out with most products. It took me 20 years to perfect my regimen.


For my poor hands though, the only thing that keeps them looking nice is petroleum jelly with cocoa butter. I'm an artist and I put them through hell. The most expensive creams or herbal remedy can't compare to plain old Vaseline.


Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk

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Wet face. Smear honey on face. Rinse face. 


It's not drying like soap. I don't know why it works, but it does. I don't use fancy honey, either--just whatever.

I mix mine with baking soda for a paste and alternate with oil washing/steaming.  It feels fabulous. 


For the oil washing: Use your oil of choice (most use coconut oil, castor oil mixes, or olive oil) and massage face.  Get a clean washcloth wet and hot, wring it out, place on face until cool, repeat 2-3 times.  It's very relaxing, too. 

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Like some other posters:  Stop using soaps and toners.  Wet facecloth only.  I use Cetaphil lotion when my skin feels dry.


When I told my mother that I just use water and a facecloth, she replied that my Grandmother was the same--and she had great skin.


I do still get one zit before TOM--just to put me in my place, LOL.

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Well, this thread has been enlightening. My skin isn't terrible but it seems every year I see more need for foundation to even out and cover up as I age. I probably need to do a combination of things here.  


Consider every post liked. :)  I would have run out if I'd started. 




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... see a dermatologist this year. I was so very tired of having hormonal acne at my age! After trying many things for 2 years, including AHA and BHA, supplements, Paula's Choice, no make-up, etc, I went to a dermatologist. She put me on Aldactone and Retin A. The Retin A is also great for wrinkles so it's a win-win at my age! After a couple of months, I started seeing wonderful results.

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