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Home school kids and their books

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My sister-in-law was over yesterday and got a big kick out of my boys.


The younger boy is a little afraid of being in the basement by himself so he asked his brother to go with him to get a book he had checked out from the library.


Said older brother was reading a book at the time so he went along, reading as he went slowly down the stairs. Then they both came up the stairs, reading as they came up them. They sat together on the couch and discussed the books they were reading and asked if they could read the others book when they were done with their own. (Henry Huggins and Beast Quest). Kind pleasant responses were given and they went back to reading.


She commented on how the kids in her neighborhood are engrossed in their video games to excess since its summer.


Makes me feel good. :)


(We do have video game time allotted  each week, but it's not a main focus.)





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My kids were so excited to participate in the library reading program and had big plans to turn in a ton of logs to win the prizes. When we got the information it turned out that you could earn 2 hours for every library hosted event that you attended! My kids have no chance of catching up with the kids whose parents drop them at these events (which include things like watching a Hunger Games Marathon). The events themselves are not terrible or anything, but they aren't reading and I find it crazy unfair that a reading incentive would have ways to win without ever having to pick up a book. My guess is that they would just not have the teen turn out if they didn't offer these.

Sorry, I guess that was a bit of a tangent rant. My kiddos are readers as well and it blows my mind when concessions are made in a reading program for those who don't want to have to read...

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That's an awesome story!  I had a similar situation last night when we were at the pool.  Several tweens were engrossed in their phone while my kids and a few others were in the pool, laughing and goofing around.  After the pool closed, these kids could not pull themselves away from the phones; the conversation was so, well, not a conversation, and they were completely unable to function socially when the parents pulled the phones away.  It's worrisome that the kids aren't able to develop any personal social skills and everything has to be mediated by electronics.

My sister-in-law was over yesterday and got a big kick out of my boys.


The younger boy is a little afraid of being in the basement by himself so he asked his brother to go with him to get a book he had checked out from the library.


Said older brother was reading a book at the time so he went along, reading as he went slowly down the stairs. Then they both came up the stairs, reading as they came up them. They sat together on the couch and discussed the books they were reading and asked if they could read the others book when they were done with their own. (Henry Huggins and Beast Quest). Kind pleasant responses were given and they went back to reading.


She commented on how the kids in her neighborhood are engrossed in their video games to excess since its summer.


Makes me feel good. :)


(We do have video game time allotted  each week, but it's not a main focus.)


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We had a similiar story we do swim lessons with 2 other homeschool families who we are close to every year.  The other day while the 3 preschoolers were having their lesson we noticed it was awful quiet.  They had raided one of the vans and found books for everyone and were all reading under a shady tree. 

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We have a rule in our house - "no walking while reading." Around here it doesn't matter if you can read or not. Non-readers will carry around books to look at and will look at them while walking somewhere. Life is apparently too short to stop for silly things like walking. Far better to multi-task.

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We have a rule in our house - "no walking while reading." Around here it doesn't matter if you can read or not. Non-readers will carry around books to look at and will look at them while walking somewhere. Life is apparently too short to stop for silly things like walking. Far better to multi-task.


Um. I would get in trouble at your house daily.  :leaving:


I guess I'm a member of Walking-While-Reading Anonymous.


(But I don't really want to quit . . .) :huh:

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My kids are getting to be crazy readers too, and the best part is they read to the 3yo!!!  


We were coming home form the library and we ran into our neighbours taking care of their granddaughter at the playground by our building.  As soon as I stopped to talk, all the kids raided the library books and immediately sat down to begin reading.  When we finally went in, they did the whole walk-and-read thing.  Proud mommy moment.  :-)  

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Um. I would get in trouble at your house daily. :leaving:


I guess I'm a member of Walking-While-Reading Anonymous.


(But I don't really want to quit . . .) :huh:


Well, are you prone to walking into things and/or frequently falling down whilst read-walking? If not, you could be the exception. My kids tend to trip or something, hence the rule.


Which is broken often.


Probably not a rule so much as an exasperated exclamation.


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I let DD walk around the grocery store with me while reading a book earlier this week.  She wanted to sit outside the store and read, but the spot where this store is attracts some questionable characters, and I wasn't sure that was such a good idea to have her outside the store alone.   Had we been coming right from home she probably would have stayed home to read, but we were stopping to shop after another event.  Anyway, she managed not to run into anyone or anything while doing this.  I was impressed.


I know a few families that have a "no reading books at the dinner table" rule.  I don't do that because we have a hard time having actual family dinner conversation anyway with the two older boys incessantly talking about their imaginary worlds and the three year old having a hard time not interrupting everyone.  Our funny rule -- no singing at the table.  Because people breaking out in song at the table just personally drives me crazy.  And you would not believe how many times i have had to invoke that rule.  Rarely a week goes by that I don't have to remind someone that in our house, we don't sing at the table.  :lol:

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We have a rule in our house - "no walking while reading." Around here it doesn't matter if you can read or not. Non-readers will carry around books to look at and will look at them while walking somewhere. Life is apparently too short to stop for silly things like walking. Far better to multi-task.


I'd like you post, but I agree with the kids.  Life is too short.  Audiobooks on an mp3 player is the compromise with myself as an adult.  

I park 20 ft away from the door at work.  I work for a small company of 60 people so my desk isn't that far away.   But, I feel angst if I forget my mp3 player and I have to walk without book

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I was that kid. I am that adult.


I was convinced my kids would be, too. Not yet, not yet. I recently downloaded a book about how to get your kid interested in reading. Per the books' advice, I'm about to find the most twaddly twaddle I can find to try to entice them to be avid readers.

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We have a lot of rules at the table:  no reading, no singing, no humming.  This is because this is about the only time that we are all in the same room in the same time.  Thanks to this board, I have started doing read-alouds at lunch.


A few weeks ago we had a notary come to our house for some paperwork.  She looked at me and asked if I homeschooled.   I truly wondered what gave me away.  :eek:  I asked her and she said something about all of the books.  We have one small bookcase (maybe 100 elementary-age books) in the living room.  I told her that was just the beginning...   :lol:


Most of my dc read a lot.  Trying to get the last couple on board.

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No joke, one day I was driving down a busy street and I saw a kid skateboarding in the bike lane in the street, rather than on the sidewalk. He was going rather fast, so I understood why he must have thought it safer to be away from pedestrians. As I caught up and passed him I glanced over to see who was riding so fast and realized he was reading a book at the same time! While skateboarding. In the street. I felt for his mother.

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My slower reader spend four weeks of his leisure reading time on "Among Penguins: A Bird Man in Antarctica"



My bookworm read so fast that he hasn't update his summer reading log for the library online.


I'm about to find the most twaddly twaddle I can find to try to entice them to be avid readers.

My boys enjoy Mamashiba graphics novels



Twaddle has no negative effect so far on standaedised tests. The graphics novel row at the libraries are boys dominated :lol:


My boys read all the Garfield comic books too. Wish I have kept my cousins' copies of Dennis the Menace comic yearbooks.

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My mother in law took my oldest two to a bookshop. She rang me a couple of hours later, very annoyed that my 7 year old had already almost finished the 200ish page book she purchased for him! Like she wasn't getting her moneys worth!

He's inhaling books lately, I bought him 2 on our expedition to a 2nd hand bookstore on Thursday and now (Saturday) he's nearly finished both!


Reading confession: I've nearly cut myself reading whilst preparing dinner!

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uh oh, I always read while brushing my teeth. ;)



DH does occassionally, too. But we've noticed that DS doesn't do nearly as good of a job when he's distracted by reading, so... Personally I'd rather hurry up and get the brushing over with so I can fully concentrate on my book (rather than divide my attention), but apparently I'm in the minority on that one (at least in my house)!

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My little brother used to link arms with me and guide me along uneven footpaths in the inner suburbs of Melbourne so that I could read aloud whilst walking him to school. So, it's not just a homeschool thing, but we were a kinda notorious family for that reason, among others. :p


Young DS has taken to calling any formal bookish activity "book sports", which I think is a bit cute! We do book sports in the evenings to tire out our brains and help them feel ready for sleep.

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My DS10 was walking and reading a library book while we were at the mall shopping for gifts. He is a bookworm regardless of whether he was in private preschool, public school, public charter or homeschool. It's just who he is.


Both my boys finish their online AoPS class homework just now as fast as possible so that they can go back to reading the library books. We are thankful the neighboring cities have better libraries and don't charge a fee for non-residents. My kids have library cards to three library systems and the librarians have seen them since they were in diapers.



My extended family is a mix of book readers, newspaper readers, and those that read everything in sight including magazine covers at newsstand while waiting for public busses to come.

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