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Why are people so impatient?!


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I know I am fortunate to rarely be in a hurry, but man people have zero patience for anything.  If they have to wait in a line at the store and there is more than one person in front of them they freak out.  At restaurants it's never fast enough.  Today my son asked to go to Taco Bell.  We did wait a very long time for the food and I get that people are in a hurry during lunch breaks, but people were saying the cruelest things and clearly the people working there were really trying.  They were probably just short staffed. 


I don't get why people have to be so nasty all the time.


Makes me not want to leave the damn house.



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Well, the world revolves around them, don't ya know?


Or, in other words (said with a huge sigh, slumping shoulders, and an air of defeat)


People are a$$holes. Or choose to act like they are.


Just look at the grocery store thread. Or the creepy people thread. Or any newspaper. We're surrounded by them. Sometimes we probably even are them. It's just life.

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I don't know, but I put these folks in the same category as the lady who was so rude to EmmaNZ in the other thread.


This type of person is just rude and cruel and like to bully people.  If they can't say something constructive, they should keep their mouths shut.


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Well, the world revolves around them, don't ya know?


Or, in other words (said with a huge sigh, slumping shoulders, and an air of defeat)


People are a$$holes. Or choose to act like they are.


Just look at the grocery store thread. Or the creepy people thread. Or any newspaper. We're surrounded by them. Sometimes we probably even are them. It's just life.


Yep and people on the road.  Ugh that's another one.  So tired of it.


I try to think before I act.  And one thing I avoid is doing anything when I just don't have the time for it.  It just puts me on edge and puts me in a bad mood.  I know, not everyone has that luxury.  I think that is often what it comes down to.  They are really just in a hurry. 

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I don't know, but I put these folks in the same category as the lady who was so rude to EmmaNZ in the other thread.


This type of person is just rude and cruel and like to bully people.  If they can't say something constructive, they should keep their mouths shut.



Yeah one woman there made this obnoxious comment that no way do fast food workers deserve $15 an hour and she works for minimum wage and she doesn't moan about it, and blah blah.  Well freaking good for you stupid lady.  There was nothing wrong with the way the people were working.  Probably someone didn't show up to work.  Maybe because they found a better paying job!

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I was waiting to check out the other day and and there was an older lady waiting in the line next to us. My turn came, but I offered the older lady to go next, trying to be polite and be an example to my littles. She gave me a mean look and said, "Well, I WAS next!" Wow. Okay, you're welcome - have a nice day.

Or in traffic? Someone gave me the finger the other day when I know I did nothing wrong. But like I've always said, rudeness says more about the one being rude than it does about me.

I really appreciated the ?! at the end of your thread title. "Tell me! Tell me now!!" is what I heard in my head. :-)

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I was waiting to check out the other day and and there was an older lady waiting in the line next to us. My turn came, but I offered the older lady to go next, trying to be polite and be an example to my littles. She gave me a mean look and said, "Well, I WAS next!" Wow. Okay, you're welcome - have a nice day.

Or in traffic? Someone gave me the finger the other day when I know I did nothing wrong. But like I've always said, rudeness says more about the one being rude than it does about me.

I really appreciated the ?! at the end of your thread title. "Tell me! Tell me now!!" is what I heard in my head. :-)


Oh gawd.  What's funny is sometimes when I let someone go ahead of me because maybe they don't have much and my cart is full or whatever they are in shock and can't comprehend what I've offered. 

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Yep and people on the road.  Ugh that's another one.  So tired of it.


I try to think before I act.  And one thing I avoid is doing anything when I just don't have the time for it.  It just puts me on edge and puts me in a bad mood.  I know, not everyone has that luxury.  I think that is often what it comes down to.  They are really just in a hurry. 


Yes to the bolded.


A cashier at Walmart (yes, I shop at Walmart and don't mind admitting it) once told me I was the most patient person who ever came in there.  I told her I didn't think anyone should ever come to Walmart when they're in a hurry.  Of course it probably helps that I'm usually done with my shopping by 9:00 a.m. ;)  I like to get out of the way of all the people who are so rushed and stressed. :lol:


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Yes to the bolded.


A cashier at Walmart (yes, I shop at Walmart and don't mind admitting it) once told me I was the most patient person who ever came in there.  I told her I didn't think anyone should ever come to Walmart when they're in a hurry.  Of course it probably helps that I'm usually done with my shopping by 9:00 a.m. ;)  I like to get out of the way of all the people who are so rushed and stressed. :lol:


Hah yeah.  I often go there when one of mine is in drama class.  I've got about an hour and I'm usually in and out of there in 15 minutes.  But once I had a coupon for contact lens solution.  Oh goodness.  It took them 15 minutes just to figure out the damn coupon.  I still had enough time, but I admit I did feel a bit on edge about it.

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Hah yeah.  I often go there when one of mine is in drama class.  I've got about an hour and I'm usually in and out of there in 15 minutes.  But once I had a coupon for contact lens solution.  Oh goodness.  It took them 15 minutes just to figure out the damn coupon.  I still had enough time, but I admit I did feel a bit on edge about it.


So imagine you have a full busy life with many children and many responsibilities, and you deal with this general incompetence from other people all day every day making you feel on edge all day every day.  And what normally should have taken 15 minutes while your kid is at drama has now taken an hour, and you're late picking them up which adds to your edginess, and then the person in front of you is going 10-15 miles an hour under the speed limit so you're even later.  And if you had been on time you wouldn't now be running late for another appointment.


Welcome to the lives of the impatient people.

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So imagine you have a full busy life with many children and many responsibilities, and you deal with this general incompetence from other people all day every day making you feel on edge all day every day.  And what normally should have taken 15 minutes while your kid is at drama has now taken an hour, and you're late picking them up which adds to your edginess, and then the person in front of you is going 10-15 miles an hour under the speed limit so you're even later.  And if you had been on time you wouldn't now be running late for another appointment.


Welcome to the lives of the impatient people.


:iagree: this. Why is everyone around me SO SLOW and clued out and inefficient? :laugh:

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It's not OK to be rude and nasty - but I can see different causes for impatience.

First, as others have already noted, there is simply the time itself; people have busy lives and allocate a certain amount of time to a certain task, and if that task takes longer, it messes up the entire schedule.

Second, and maybe even more importantly: many people value efficiency as a principle and have no patience for incompetence.


I went to lunch today and they had one checkout staffed at the busiest lunch time of the day. That bugs me, because it is incompetent management; it is entirely forseeable that noon is the busiest lunch time because it is every day ( and they had plenty of people around doing other tasks). If, OTOH, they would have had all checkouts staffed but a huge unannounced tour bus had arrived, causing us to wait the same amount of time, I would have chalked that up to just bad luck and not have been as irritated.


And yes, I get irritated when people drive way below the speed limit. If you must drive slowly for whatever reason, pull over and let people behind you pass.

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People are just...ugh....anymore.  


I had a woman cuss me out with every expletive I've ever heard the other day.  My offense?  I pulled into a parking lot that she was pulling out of, and stopped so she could get her big honkin' SUV pulled out into the road.  I in no way impeded her exit, and in fact aided in her ability to get out onto the road by stopping long enough for her to get out.  But yeah, apparently I'm a @#(*Q$)Q$%*. 

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I'm impatient if running behind, but I try not to blame the person waiting on me, it's not their fault the lady ahead of me had 50 coupons and wanted to price match everything and argue about it all in the 20 items or less line. Actually I think the cashier was about as angry as I was😡 and yes that was Wednesday when I was already running behind for everything. I only had a gallon of milk but was using WIC so I couldn't use self check out (which is a complaint all its own).

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I'm impatient if running behind, but I try not to blame the person waiting on me, it's not their fault the lady ahead of me had 50 coupons and wanted to price match everything and argue about it all in the 20 items or less line. Actually I think the cashier was about as angry as I was😡 and yes that was Wednesday when I was already running behind for everything. I only had a gallon of milk but was using WIC so I couldn't use self check out (which is a complaint all its own).


I have a knack for ending up behind someone with 50 WIC checks.  I wait patiently.  Or I go and shop around while I wait.

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I have a knack for ending up behind someone with 50 WIC checks. I wait patiently. Or I go and shop around while I wait.

I had WIC but we have like EBT cards for it, I'm talking like Sunday paper coupons and all the ads to price match (which if it had been a regular line whatever but she had a cart full in the 20 items or less line and doing all of this.
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I had WIC but we have like EBT cards for it, I'm talking like Sunday paper coupons and all the ads to price match (which if it had been a regular line whatever but she had a cart full in the 20 items or less line and doing all of this.


Ah..apparently they don't yet have EBT for WIC around here.  I still see the paper coupon things.

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I almost never encounter someone driving below the speed limit.  99% of the time exactly the opposite.  And few have any respect for road conditions.


I encounter plenty of those. And the person going 20 in the 30 zone or doing 45 (!) where the limit is 65 is either yakking on her cell phone or looks like she is almost 100 years old.


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We live in the world of Amazon prime...and I admit I tend to be impatient a lot...mostly when I can see a more efficient way to do something and others can't (IE face painting the other day had like 8 people painting and instead of doing one long line they had 6 different lines that all fed the same 8 people and they randomly picked which line to grab the next kid from...so frustrating when my kids end up waiting longer because one of the other lines got picked 6 times in a row for no reason other than people not knowing how to line up).  But we as a society are use to instant access via amazon prime (anything over 2 days is too long), instant messaging (my friend should answer right now because its instant) and smart phones (I call you must answer because I know you have your phone on you).  I think its only going to get worse.

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And what about the Few times i do mess up and pull out into the highway when I should have waited? I honestly believe people would rather run me over than slow down. Is it so hard to slow down and give a little grace for someone when they make a mistake?


I've really tried to stop letting stuff on the road get to me.  It really helps ME feel less stressed about it. 


Some woman backed out of her spot in a parking lot last week.  She didn't even look behind her.  I had the cart between me and her car though so I figured that would help.  I couldn't move out of the way fast enough, but kinda pushed my kid off to the side so he wouldn't get hurt.  I was kinda angry, but she said sorry and I appreciated that.  A lot of times people won't even say sorry.  I thanked her for apologizing.  Years ago I would have probably told her she was a stupid idiot and walked off angry.  Instead I walked off feeling fine.

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We live in the world of Amazon prime...and I admit I tend to be impatient a lot...mostly when I can see a more efficient way to do something and others can't (IE face painting the other day had like 8 people painting and instead of doing one long line they had 6 different lines that all fed the same 8 people and they randomly picked which line to grab the next kid from...so frustrating when my kids end up waiting longer because one of the other lines got picked 6 times in a row for no reason other than people not knowing how to line up).  But we as a society are use to instant access via amazon prime (anything over 2 days is too long), instant messaging (my friend should answer right now because its instant) and smart phones (I call you must answer because I know you have your phone on you).  I think its only going to get worse.


Oh yes Amazon has spoiled me for shipping times.  Everyone else seems to take FOREVER. 

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Yes to the bolded.


A cashier at Walmart (yes, I shop at Walmart and don't mind admitting it) once told me I was the most patient person who ever came in there.  I told her I didn't think anyone should ever come to Walmart when they're in a hurry.  Of course it probably helps that I'm usually done with my shopping by 9:00 a.m. ;)  I like to get out of the way of all the people who are so rushed and stressed. :lol:


Before I gave up Walmart for good, I used to shop at the one that was open 24 hours. I would go at midnight-ish, after I was done with an evening shift at my own retail job, both because it was the only way I could shop without taking two young kids with me and because it was my best shot at checking out without waiting an hour in line. When even that stopped working, I swore off shopping there again.

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Speaking for myself? I'm impatient because I genuinely am in a hurry the vast majority of the time. And when I'm not in a hurry, I'm exhausted and miserable because I've spent so much of the rest of my time being in a hurry.


I'm working a full-time temp job this month. I leave the house at 7:15 in order to be in my seat in the office at 8:30. From that point on, I am stuck in the building until I leave at 4:30. I get two 15-minute breaks and 30 minutes for lunch. I am not allowed to use the computers or internet for anything personal and am not allowed to keep my cell phone on while I am at the desk. So, there is no opportunity for me to take care of anything personal during normal business hours.


I am still keeping my hand in with a few hours a week at both of my regular part-time jobs, too.


We moved into a new rental house two weeks ago and are still trying to finish cleaning stuff out of the old place, which has to be done before we turn over the keys on Monday. So, all of the time I am not working or grabbing what sleep I can is devoted to either working at the old house or unpacking and trying to make the new place livable.


Today, I left the office at 4:30. I had to stop on the way home for cat food (because I've been too busy to shop). It was supposed to be a "quick stop." There was an accident on the highway, and so I decided to get off a couple of exits early and go to a different grocery store, figuring it might save a few minutes by allowing me to avoid the traffic build-up on the highway. 


That was a bad plan.


The traffic on the surface streets was horrific. It took me 30 minutes from the time I got off the highway to make it to the grocery store just a few miles down the road. I ran through the store at breakneck speed, collecting the cat food and a few other luxury items (like soap, shampoo and toothpaste, which we were also more or less out of at home) and then made it to the front of the store . . . only to realize that there were exactly two check-out lanes open and both had lines several people deep. 


Although I tried really, REALLY hard to remain polite, you can bet your boots that I was "impatient" by the time I finally got to the cashier. 


All told, it took me two hours to make it home from work, including that "quick stop" to keep my cats from starving. By the time I got here, I found my dog had relieved herself on the floor in two places (because, I'm willing to bet, my son did not take her outside before he left for the evening as I had asked him to do) and that one of the cats has mysterious lost his collar somewhere in the house. And, of course, both cats were frantic to be fed the second I made it through the door. 


So, yeah, I'm afraid you'll have to excuse me if you see me standing in line at Publix tapping my foot and checking my watch. I'm tired and stressed and out in a hurry to get home before any more disasters or messes are created that I have to handle.

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It's not OK to be rude and nasty - but I can see different causes for impatience.

First, as others have already noted, there is simply the time itself; people have busy lives and allocate a certain amount of time to a certain task, and if that task takes longer, it messes up the entire schedule.

Second, and maybe even more importantly: many people value efficiency as a principle and have no patience for incompetence.


This is me.


I'm not normally in an extraordinary hurry (except that I'm usually shopping/traveling with three small children who might start screaming, peeing or poking at each other any second), but inefficiency still drives me batty.


I have no problem waiting an extra minute or five if you want to pay by check or with coupons, but for goodness sake, if we have been in the line for 10 minutes you should be using that time to dig through your five gallon purse and find your check book and organize your coupons before you get up to the register.


If you are having three dozen fabrics cut at the cutting counter ahead of me, that is unlucky for me, but I will be patient.  I will quickly become impatient, however, if you have given no thought to how much of any of those fabrics you might want and, in fact, are only planning to buy six fabrics, but are holding up the whole line while you spread them all out to decide which ones you want.


I'm impatient with grocery store cashiers who have to look up the code for bananas.  They're bananas, not kohlrabi.


I'm impatient with fellow shoppers who block an entire aisle with their carts while they stop to chat.


I'm impatient with traffic delays that when you get to the front you realize were entirely caused by gawkers watching someone change a tire.   :huh:


I don't mind when life is legitimately slow - long lines and road work and complicated transactions that take extra time don't bug me - but I get very annoyed when someone's inefficiency delays me for no reason.



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Yep and people on the road. Ugh that's another one. So tired of it.


I try to think before I act. And one thing I avoid is doing anything when I just don't have the time for it. It just puts me on edge and puts me in a bad mood. I know, not everyone has that luxury. I think that is often what it comes down to. They are really just in a hurry.

I really wish I had this skill!!! I don't know how many times I have made myself late by trying to fit too much in then got huffy with the roadworks or whatever. Not that I express huffy - it's all internal.

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I've seen a lot more of this lately. 


A few weeks ago, dh and I were in a Wendy's after church one evening. The girl on the register was obviously brand new to the job, so things were moving a little slowly. The guy in front of me got all bent out of shape and demanded his money back because he said that someone who came in after him got his food first. I don't think that was true, but even if it was, there was no need to get so upset. By the time the manager came and refunded his money, his food was ready. He still had to go somewhere else, order and wait. 


And I see a lot of people who are impatient drivers. I have never driven a big rig, but I think I may be one of the few people who stands amazed at what they do, and all that they put with from idiots on the road. They need more stopping and turning room, and they simply cannot accelerate as quickly as smaller vehicles. I don't see a reason why more people can't just be a little more patient with them.

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When I lived in the suburbs of a city there were just soooo many people. Everything took so long. There was always, always, always someone in the way at Walmart. Gonna buy dishrags? So were 8 other people, and we were all jostling past each other to see the rags. And the lines! Oh my! To get to the front of the checkout line often took 20 minutes or so. The frozen stuff was always thawed by the time we made it through the lines. It made me feel frenetic and as if I needed everything to be done NOW or I'd be stuck there forever.


But now I live in a very quiet, mostly farming area. People around here talk about "traffic" but they must never have been in real traffic because there is no traffic. There just isn't. There are a few cars on the road, but that's not traffic. Traffic is where you sit at the same light for a looong time before you can get through it. Traffic is being on a beltway and having to slam on brakes because the cars in front of you are slamming on theirs and you can't get to your exit because there are hundreds of cars surrounding you who won't let you over.


They complain about the lines at Walmart, but I've rarely been in one longer than 7 minutes long. I can often find aisles where no one else is in that aisle and I can browse quietly (not the medicine or toiletry aisles--those are always packed.)


I was a lot more impatient when I lived in the suburb because someone was constantly blocking what I wanted to do--traffic, people in the way, lines. But now, I often have the road entirely to myself (it's a dream.) I have plenty of space in the stores. I am not impatient anymore, but I do find myself still trying to get things done at break neck speed even when there's no need to.


So now I am trying to be very deliberate nowadays about slowing down. Even though I've been here almost 12 years, I still find myself rush-rush-rushing around to get things done as if all those obstacles are still in my way. Lately, I've been purposely slowing down. I'm a mixture of go-go-go and slow-down-and-breathe as I'm learning how to slow down.


But I've NEVER made rude comments like the customers in the OP.

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Maybe all the impatient people can have part of the country and run it like clockwork, and the people who are never in a hurry and slow can have the other part and follow their internal clock.  Me, I'll just have my own island.

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Speaking for myself? I'm impatient because I genuinely am in a hurry the vast majority of the time. And when I'm not in a hurry, I'm exhausted and miserable because I've spent so much of the rest of my time being in a hurry.




So, yeah, I'm afraid you'll have to excuse me if you see me standing in line at Publix tapping my foot and checking my watch. I'm tired and stressed and out in a hurry to get home before any more disasters or messes are created that I have to handle.


:grouphug:   I'm sorry you have so much stress right now.  I think many people are at their breaking point, and there just isn't any energy left for politeness in the face of incompetence and stupidity.  My mantra lately is "Why can't anything just ever be easy?"



Supermarkets and fast food restaurants have no excuse, IMO.  My son applied for supermarket, Walmart, and fast food day jobs for a year and didn't get a call for an interview even though they continued to keep help wanted signs up and were obviously short-staffed.  He did 3-5 rounds of applications at each of the businesses in question, and every time he called to follow up on the applications they would tell him they were "just about to look them over".  He had already graduated from our homeschool, had a GED to prove it, and had customer service, food service, and cashiering experience through five years of 4-H Teen Club - he was obviously a good candidate for an entry level position at one of those businesses.  I was told by Walmart cashiers that they had to call every day for weeks to get an interview.  The real problem is that they just don't bother to follow up with applicants who are eager to fill those jobs.

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I catch myself getting impatient sometimes and I always feel like such a jerk when I realize it. I think it's rooted in being full of yourself. JMO. And Walmart is the worst place for it.


Huh.  I always feel like people who don't have consideration for the valuable time of other people around them must be full of themselves.  They are so "self"ish that they can't see that other people have different needs and challenges than their own. 


If you want to go slow, get out of the way of people who need to go fast (not talking about traffic only, here); if you want to go fast, go around the people who need to go slow.  Either way, be considerate of others.

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Eh. I don't get the frenzy, although I am not usually in a rush.  People blocking aisles don't bug me at all; it's a couple of seconds for folks to scoot away.   I walk to work. I bring my lunch to work. I bring my own coffee, my own water bottle. I go to Target and other such places when I am not in a rush. I only visit restaurants when I am not in a rush. But you can't go by me;  I'm not even bothered by having to take off my shoes at the airport (although I do love! precheck!! LOVE).   If I end up in a long line, I people- watch. I think this is why it doesn't matter to me that some things take more time. Also, slow lines mean I can check the boards/email if the folks in line are bor-ring!


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Huh. I always feel like people who don't have consideration for the valuable time of other people around them must be full of themselves. They are so "self"ish that they can't see that other people have different needs and challenges than their own.


If you want to go slow, get out of the way of people who need to go fast (not talking about traffic only, here); if you want to go fast, go around the people who need to go slow. Either way, be considerate of others.

I think you're right, too. Common courtesy from everyone would go a long way.

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I am an inherently impatient person. Even my elementary school report card comments remark upon this. I was the kid who, once I understood the concept, wanted to move on to the next next thing and practically jumped out of my skin if made to sit through another explanation of the material.


It's probably not the best quality, but most of what you are all remarking upon here is not impatience per se. It's arrogance, selfishness, lack of grace. I feel impatient all the time. I want to finish people's sentences, and I feel that they just need to speak faster to prevent that:).


But I was taught to suppress the expression of that kind of feeling. Its just part of being nice that you don't subject others to you impatience, irritation, frustration etc. I think the girl struggling to master the register needs grace and kindness, so I fake patience. I think the guy acting like an ass because he wanted me to pull out across traffic before I thought it was safe to do so might be suffering with pain, depression, stress. I try to cut people slack.


But truly, I am not patient. I just fake it.

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This is me.


I'm not normally in an extraordinary hurry (except that I'm usually shopping/traveling with three small children who might start screaming, peeing or poking at each other any second), but inefficiency still drives me batty.


I have no problem waiting an extra minute or five if you want to pay by check or with coupons, but for goodness sake, if we have been in the line for 10 minutes you should be using that time to dig through your five gallon purse and find your check book and organize your coupons before you get up to the register.


If you are having three dozen fabrics cut at the cutting counter ahead of me, that is unlucky for me, but I will be patient. I will quickly become impatient, however, if you have given no thought to how much of any of those fabrics you might want and, in fact, are only planning to buy six fabrics, but are holding up the whole line while you spread them all out to decide which ones you want.


I'm impatient with grocery store cashiers who have to look up the code for bananas. They're bananas, not kohlrabi.


I'm impatient with fellow shoppers who block an entire aisle with their carts while they stop to chat.


I'm impatient with traffic delays that when you get to the front you realize were entirely caused by gawkers watching someone change a tire. :huh:


I don't mind when life is legitimately slow - long lines and road work and complicated transactions that take extra time don't bug me - but I get very annoyed when someone's inefficiency delays me for no reason.



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