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Texasmama, you were right.


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He just really, really hates the way they look. He can accept that I've evolved into a crunchy granola hippie over the years, and he never really puts his foot down about anything. He has, however, put his foot down about Birks and having chickens.


This is the first summer the ON flip flops aren't cutting it. It's possible that if I deal with what I think is burgeoning PF and get any inflammation under control, I could go back to them eventually. But my heels ache all the time now :( I'm really a barefoot kinda gal, but it's not doing me any favors.


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One thing to watch with these is that they fall apart pretty quickly. They don't have the sturdiness that real orthodontics have.

Do I need to start my own thread about insoles? ;-) I've decided I need one pair of quality sandals and a couple pairs of quality insoles for the shoes I already have. I have already spent too much time on Amazon reading reviews. It's a bit shocking to think I could pay more for insoles than for any pair of shoes I own. But those superfeet are tempting. Of course, if I bought quality shoes to begin with, I might not be in this predicament.

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:seeya: hi lulu!


you have no idea who i am, but i am friending you. i know your evil twin and i'd like to complete the set on my profile page.



As long as you understand the awesome power of our evilness is exponentially greater when we're together. (I'm big on truth in advertising.)



I will need your word that your word that we don't "talk" to snakes. Not even the cute ones. (Some people who shall remain nameless *cough**cough* struggle with that.) Also that you are in agreement with my sweet Bug who says, "You can't play with dead friends".

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As long as you understand the awesome power of our evilness is exponentially greater when we're together. (I'm big on truth in advertising.)



I will need your word that your word that we don't "talk" to snakes. Not even the cute ones. (Some people who shall remain nameless *cough**cough* struggle with that.) Also that you are in agreement with my sweet Bug who says, "You can't play with dead friends".

Duckie's cool.  You can let her in the secret club.   Thanks for hipping her to the inherent dangers in our combined powers.


One of us must have Snake Super Powers.  And Keens.  (Cuz no one will accuse me of being off topic!)

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As long as you understand the awesome power of our evilness is exponentially greater when we're together. (I'm big on truth in advertising.)


Of course.  Why else would I have friended you?  My life does not need more boring.  


I will need your word that your word that we don't "talk" to snakes. Not even the cute ones. (Some people who shall remain nameless *cough**cough* struggle with that.) Also that you are in agreement with my sweet Bug who says, "You can't play with dead friends".


You have my word.   ;)  ;)  ;)    And I do not play with dead friends.  I rarely even play with the living ones.  


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The first company that manages to design truly cute shoes that really are good for your feet is going to clean out my bank account.




Have you tried Ecco shoes?  When I had my office job I had several pair of Ecco shoes and sandals that looked quite appropriate and were VERY kind to my feet.  Their price range is in the neighborhood of the Keens and Birks discussed here.

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In honor of the honor bestowed upon me for being, AHEM, right ( :D ), I have altered my above avatar title accordingly.


You are all welcome, and you can say you knew me when.


When what?  When you were wrong?

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Duckie's cool.  Way.


You can let her in the secret club.   All the secret clubs want me. 


Thanks for hipping her to the inherent dangers in our combined powers.    Precisely the reason YOUR secret club stood out amount the rest. 


One of us must have Snake Super Powers.   I do not know what this means.  But I am a smart duck and I will find out.  


And Keens.  Mine are currently in the garage caked with mud.  Which just proves again my way coolness.  


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I cannot see switching to open shoes.  Despite the PNW stereotype of socks with sandals, I'm not brave enough to do that, I would have to do that for a good portion of the year because even if it is temperate in temperature here, it rains a lot.  And it's cold rain.  But then your feet would get wet and if you did wear socks, your socks would get wet and soggy.  


Back in my Colorado college days I used to wear Birks with wool socks in the winter.  Then I broke down and wore closed shoes until the weather warmed up again.  I got really tired of the toes of my sandals scooping up snow as I walked.  The snow gets under your toes and not only soaks your socks, but ices them down, too.  On non-snowy days they were wonderfully comfortable with or without socks (because I tried on all sizes until I found the right sandal for my feet -- different sandals fit differently) and very good for my flat feet.

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10,000 points for carrying the Arrgh convention to another thread!

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As long as you understand the awesome power of our evilness is exponentially greater when we're together. (I'm big on truth in advertising.)



I will need your word that your word that we don't "talk" to snakes. Not even the cute ones. (Some people who shall remain nameless *cough**cough* struggle with that.) Also that you are in agreement with my sweet Bug who says, "You can't play with dead friends".


So, who had the dead friends who wanted to play?

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I might just be stupid or crazy.   ;)


I did this while my dad and dh watched.


Just goes to show ya who REALLY runs the show!


I performed the Heimlich maneuver on my own mother when I was 9 months pregnant and in early labor, with a mall food court full of people (including 2 security guards) just sitting and watching.  Really, fellas, you are going to leave that task up to the gal whose belly is massively extended?  Yup, they did.  They didn't even think to radio for help.

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When I first heard about Keens and saw the prices I thought, "No way!" but I got a pair for $2 at a garage sale and love them! I could totally see myself paying $110 to replace them eventually but I did get to try them first!


Oh, so jealous! 



Does this basically all boil down to "Wear better quality shoes and don't walk around barefoot all day"?  :D

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Have you tried Ecco shoes?  When I had my office job I had several pair of Ecco shoes and sandals that looked quite appropriate and were VERY kind to my feet.  Their price range is in the neighborhood of the Keens and Birks discussed here.


i do love my Eccos, but I admit they have an unfair advantage over other shoes.  I had a surprise weekend in D.C. while on a business trip so I didn't have any walking shoes, just sandals.  On my way from the hotel where Reagan was shot to the subway for a day of tourist walking, I saw a shoe store and thought "I should buy some walking shoes" and then I kept on walking.  Later that afternoon I hobbled back into that same store and bought some Eccos.  I will never forget that bliss.  I truly paid zero attention to the price.  


Reminds me of the time at the wharf in San Francisco I saw those guys with the bike carts and thought that they were outrageously expensive.  After a day of tourist walking, I was dead tired and my car seemed Miles and Miles away.   Not only did I get a bike cart, I gave him a big tip for taking me to the door of my car.  

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Oh, so jealous!



Does this basically all boil down to "Wear better quality shoes and don't walk around barefoot all day"? :D

Not at all, actually.


Because your feet are fubared from shoes, here's the exercises to make them not hurt as you transition back to how we were made - to walk barefoot!

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I cannot see switching to open shoes.

I wore Reebok freestyle hi-cut aerobics shoes as school shoes for high school due to my loose right ankle and the need for more heel cushioning. This 80s model is still selling well. I think I had water retardant sprayed on all my school shoes and school bags because of monsoon rain.



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So, who had the dead friends who wanted to play?

Long and off topic story:


Lenten season before last Bug's favorite and most special stuffed tiger "died". (He was bitten by the stuffed snake. Don't ask.) Bug declared him "dead". No amount of discussion would change his mind about this and he insisted on making tiger a coffin out of a shoe box. I refused to bury it, but offered to keep it in my closet/mausoleum indefinitely. He carried it with him to church and told me he wanted to take him out, pet him, and then put him back. (This was when he was trying to convince me we needed to bury tiger.)


At one point I told him he could always change his mind and play with tiger again. To which he responded, "Mom. You can't play with dead friends."


Then a couple of days before Easter Bug announced that Jesus had resurrected tiger.


No, life is rarely dull at our house.


(We had a conversation about my grandfather's death just before tiger died. It had beenabout a year at that point and we think Bug was processing. It was a very interesting couple of weeks.)


I am personally relieved Jesus is in the stuffed animal resurrection buisness. The idea of explaining zombie tiger to the rest of the world was not appealing.

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I had a lovely pair of Ecco sandals that died at the end of last summer after years of faithful service (got compliments every time I wore them and they were comfortable - even standing up through an entire swim meet).  I searched online and they don't make anything like them now.  :(   So, I ended up with an "economical" pair of something from chain shoe store.  I'm still adjusting to them.  (Literally, they adjust three places and I still don't think they fit exactly right.) :nopity:   The Keens look nice, but I have I wear a 10 (or bigger) and my feet are crazy narrow.  I would definitely have to try them on. 



I am not at all surprised that Tex was right about something or about many somethings.  :gnorsi:

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I woke up in the middle of the night (and it was not to get myself a cold pop). Dh was screaming and flinging himself around screaming, "It stung me!!!" I jumped up, and I knew at once what it was. He felt it crawling on his neck, so when he brushed it away he was stung.


So I ran for my life and grabbed my trusty Keens out of the closet and came back to scorpion hunt. It was the last place I looked. (Dun, dun, dun)


Under my pillow.


I am undecided between killing myself and burning the house down or moving to Alaska.


The point, to tie it all together, is that I knew my sturdy Keens would protect me, the scorpion (a baby one!) got flushed, I no longer like my bed, and we are calling a pest control company today. I also confess to some Pulp Fiction-worthy language. Sweet Brown would understand.

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I woke up in the middle of the night (and it was not to get myself a cold pop). Dh was screaming and flinging himself around screaming, "It stung me!!!" I jumped up, and I knew at once what it was. He felt it crawling on his neck, so when he brushed it away he was stung.


So I ran for my life and grabbed my trusty Keens out of the closet and came back to scorpion hunt. It was the last place I looked. (Dun, dun, dun)


Under my pillow.


I am undecided between killing myself and burning the house down or moving to Alaska.


The point, to tie it all together, is that I knew my sturdy Keens would protect me, the scorpion (a baby one!) got flushed, I no longer like my bed, and we are calling a pest control company today. I also confess to some Pulp Fiction-worthy language. Sweet Brown would understand.

Oh my gracious!


You are indeed a BA!

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I just showed the thread title to dh, who shook his head and said, "Isn't my life hard enough?"


All the while I am grinning from ear to ear shouting "Yes! Yes!"




You're welcome.  :thumbup:


I woke up in the middle of the night (and it was not to get myself a cold pop). Dh was screaming and flinging himself around screaming, "It stung me!!!" I jumped up, and I knew at once what it was. He felt it crawling on his neck, so when he brushed it away he was stung.


So I ran for my life and grabbed my trusty Keens out of the closet and came back to scorpion hunt. It was the last place I looked. (Dun, dun, dun)


Under my pillow.


I am undecided between killing myself and burning the house down or moving to Alaska.


The point, to tie it all together, is that I knew my sturdy Keens would protect me, the scorpion (a baby one!) got flushed, I no longer like my bed, and we are calling a pest control company today. I also confess to some Pulp Fiction-worthy language. Sweet Brown would understand.


:scared:  That sounds horrifying. Luckily you are a BA Keen wearer.


I vote for burning the house down. Clearly you need to start over with one that is more secure.

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Long and off topic story:


Lenten season before last Bug's favorite and most special stuffed tiger "died". (He was bitten by the stuffed snake. Don't ask.) Bug declared him "dead". No amount of discussion would change his mind about this and he insisted on making tiger a coffin out of a shoe box. I refused to bury it, but offered to keep it in my closet/mausoleum indefinitely. He carried it with him to church and told me he wanted to take him out, pet him, and then put him back. (This was when he was trying to convince me we needed to bury tiger.)


At one point I told him he could always change his mind and play with tiger again. To which he responded, "Mom. You can't play with dead friends."


Then a couple of days before Easter Bug announced that Jesus had resurrected tiger.


No, life is rarely dull at our house.


(We had a conversation about my grandfather's death just before tiger died. It had beenabout a year at that point and we think Bug was processing. It was a very interesting couple of weeks.)


I am personally relieved Jesus is in the stuffed animal resurrection buisness. The idea of explaining zombie tiger to the rest of the world was not appealing.



:ohmy: :w00t: :smilielol5: :smilielol5: :smilielol5:

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Back in my Colorado college days I used to wear Birks with wool socks in the winter.  Then I broke down and wore closed shoes until the weather warmed up again.  I got really tired of the toes of my sandals scooping up snow as I walked.  The snow gets under your toes and not only soaks your socks, but ices them down, too.  On non-snowy days they were wonderfully comfortable with or without socks (because I tried on all sizes until I found the right sandal for my feet -- different sandals fit differently) and very good for my flat feet.






There is a limit to my crunch capacity.

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I was at a dear friend's daughter's wedding on Saturday, celebrating and helping the bridemama with anything and everything. 


Although it was at a lovely, upscale Tuscan-style wedding venue, apparently the local fauna had not gotten the memo to make themselves scarce for the duration.


I was in the bath just off the brides' dressing room, with a curling iron in one hand, and in my own little bare feet.  A big, BIG, spider sauntered across the bathroom floor, about 5 feet from all the girls in various stages of hair, makeup, and (un)dress.  The only thing within reach to kill the spider was one of the bridesmaid's high heeled purple shoes.  I smooshed the spider and then thought it best NOT to tell the girls...no need for competing drama: icky spider proximity vs. icky spider guts on sexy shoe, ya know? 


Così è la vita in Texas, ya'll.




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I woke up in the middle of the night (and it was not to get myself a cold pop). Dh was screaming and flinging himself around screaming, "It stung me!!!" I jumped up, and I knew at once what it was. He felt it crawling on his neck, so when he brushed it away he was stung.


So I ran for my life and grabbed my trusty Keens out of the closet and came back to scorpion hunt. It was the last place I looked. (Dun, dun, dun)


Under my pillow.


I am undecided between killing myself and burning the house down or moving to Alaska.


The point, to tie it all together, is that I knew my sturdy Keens would protect me, the scorpion (a baby one!) got flushed, I no longer like my bed, and we are calling a pest control company today. I also confess to some Pulp Fiction-worthy language. Sweet Brown would understand.

I am never ever going to Texas - no matter how much Texasmama begs me to come visit.  

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There is a limit to my crunch capacity.


I bought them more for the benefits to my feet and back than for the granola crunchiness (though that element was kinda fun, too, just because).  I needed good arch supports for my feet and needed more toe room than a lot of shoes for my (then) narrow foot would provide.  I also needed some good cushioning and traction, which Birks provided, because I was carrying 2 fully loaded backpacks around campus.  Birks handled it all and took away a lot of pain and discomfort.  I had to wear something else during snowy days, but aside from that I lived in Birks for a while.  Even took them backpacking (though I hiked in boots -- I wore the Birks around camp and clamoring around).

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