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Does it bother you when people change their WTM ID?

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I have had this log in ID for ages but kept putting off changing it because I didn't want

people to think I am hiding. Honestly I never thought I would be around this long and

some people actually might say I am not because I post so sporadically. I wanted

something more ME than just my name.


What is your opinion on name changing?



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I don't like it when someone changes a name and then refers to the change without saying what the old name was. This has happened a couple of times. Someone "new" mentions the name change and I'm left wondering, "Well...what name did you use?" The only reason I care is because there are some posters who I already know are on the same page with me in certain areas, and some I know are not.


And then, if they're going to tell everyone they changed their name, then I wish they'd just say what the old name was. Once or twice, other people posted, "Oh, I knew it was you! I could tell by your posts!" but again, did not mention the old name. Who was it?!?!




So, as the previous poster said, it wouldn't bother me if you put the old name in your signature somewhere, "FKA: christina NY"

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As long as you leave your avatar the same, it doesn't bother me, although I appreciate having the old name in your signature line for a while, until my brain makes the connection. But when people change both name and avatar in close succession I get confused.

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I know I shouldn't care, but it does bother me a bit.  Perhaps if they put their old name in the siggy line that would help.  There does seem to be a bit of that cliquish - "I knew who you were all along."  Like everyone else is in on the secret but me (which I know isn't true...but that's how it comes across sometimes). 


Anyway, I usually just try to move on... If someone wants to change their names, that's fine.  I think it's a nice feature.


Avatars are much more distinctive and memorable ... but not everyone has one. of those.



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Uh oh, I was considering changing my avatar since it's four years old :lol:


I dislike when names are changed without notice/reference, especially when I see someone with a name I don't recognize but with oodles of posts. I feel like I'm missing backstory to their posts, you know?

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I don't like it when someone changes a name and then refers to the change without saying what the old name was. This has happened a couple of times. Someone "new" mentions the name change and I'm left wondering, "Well...what name did you use?" The only reason I care is because there are some posters who I already know are on the same page with me in certain areas, and some I know are not.


And then, if they're going to tell everyone they changed their name, then I wish they'd just say what the old name was. Once or twice, other people posted, "Oh, I knew it was you! I could tell by your posts!" but again, did not mention the old name. Who was it?!?!




So, as the previous poster said, it wouldn't bother me if you put the old name in your signature somewhere, "FKA: christina NY"


I completely agree with this. I have seen this happen a few times over the years and it has also frustrated me. It is really bad because I have

been here for eight years or so and you'd think I would have some idea how people post but because my days are crazy and I can't get online enough I am unable to distinguish between a lot of people.

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I don't care.  If someone wants to change her online name, she probably has a good reason.  I'm more bothered by people changing their avatars.   



As long as you leave your avatar the same, it doesn't bother me, although I appreciate having the old name in your signature line for a while, until my brain makes the connection. But when people change both name and avatar in close succession I get confused.


Rest assured, I have no thoughts of changing my avatar. I have never been one to post pictures of myself or my family and I am not very creative so.......

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I wish we still had the part on the page that tells what the former name was. Why was that dropped, anyone know?


Yes, I believe it was dropped because some people do need to change their IDs for safety reasons. Having a way to find former names so easily seemed illogical if someone truly does need a fresh start. 


I'll admit it confuses me, although I'm not bothered by it. I know people by their names and after knowing someone for a while, I feel I can converse with them differently than someone who hasn't been posting long. So when the name change happens, it changes the way I interact with them, if I'm not familiar with the name. 


I think as people become more cautious about Internet activities, they may change names so they're not the same ID or easily identifiable via many forums or sites. 

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I changed my name from Sis to Slartibartfast in the middle of a thread involving fake dinosaur bones and some dinosaurs eating watermelon. 


I didn't change it for privacy but Sis is my IRL nickname, I kept the same avatar and I said I was changing my name in the thread. 


I have no illusions about online privacy, if I don't feel comfortable enough somewhere that I have to hide who I am then I have no real interest in being there.

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It doesn't bother me, though sometimes I can't remember who they were before the change. Changing an avatar (I'm guilty of that) throws me off more than a name change because I often quickly identify a poster by avatar. Still, if they want to change it, I don't really care. I'll learn the new name or avatar soon enough.


I remember a bunch of people changed theirs after a thread on privacy Like Slartibartfast I have no illusions about online privacy. I changed mine from Floridamom to Lady Florida after another poster referred to me as Lady Florida in a social group. I liked the way it sounded (and I like her) so I changed it. 


It was nice when profiles would show name history because if I did forget who someone was, I could go and check. 

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