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Sunday meals?

Night Elf

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Do you have a special meal you serve on Sundays? When I was growing up, we ate at my grandmother's house every Sunday for lunch and had roast beef, mashed potatoes, peas, and homemade biscuits. We didn't eat that well during the rest of the week. I haven't done that in my adult life though. Sundays are just a regular day here.

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I grew up with a Sunday dinner much like yours, made by my mom. At our house Sunday lunches are much more simple than our weekly meals. Cheese and crackers, maybe some salami or summer sausage, fruit, veggies with dip or lettuce/veggie salad. Maybe croissants if I find any on the manager's special rack in the Kroger bakery. Sometimes pita chips and hummus. My kids think this is about the most fantastic meal imaginable. :D Today we had chef salad. Dinner is typically frozen pizza, though tonight we are having Chinese take-out.

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I vacillate between wanting a big, traditional Sunday dinner and wanting Sunday to be a true day of rest for everybody, including the chef (aka, me).  But our little family is isolated from extended family and full of picky eaters, so it doesn't make sense to put a lot effort into a huge meal.  Most Sundays, we wind up getting takeout.  But then I feel bad about using other people's labor on Sunday, so we wind up frequenting little local places run by people who are not of Sunday-day-of-rest cultures.

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I LOVE roast beef and have finally found the perfect recipe. I also love that it gives us sandwich meat for at least two more days. I get the top round roast at Costo. It comes in a two-pack. I season both the night before cooking and freeze one. It's delicious meal that requires very little hands-on time from me, but SEEMS like it was more work. I scrub the potatoes and boil them whole (they hold more butter if they're not full of water) and make gravy from a package. Generally we do a slice of thick bread, some beef, then gravy on top. Yummy! Out of obligation I serve something green and make people eat it.


I try to do something big like that about once a week. It gives me another meal or two for my effort and rounds out the quick-cook nights that are all too frequent. This week is CRAZY. I have something every night, so I'll make dinner around 2 or 3 and they'll eat it again if they get hungry while I'm out. Today we're having a Chipotle because I have a craving and they can't complain about my choice on Mothers Day :-)

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When the kids were little I cooked a big Sunday dinner because we could have leftovers later in the week. And because sometimes I was pretty overwhelmed and at least I knew we had one decent meal a week.  Now the kids are all grown and scattered all over and we don't do big meals. Dh and I are about to head out to a movie, so tonight we'll be having popcorn and root beer for dinner.g

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As a kid Sunday Dinner was a thing.  When feasible it was at my grandma's house, otherwise it was one of our better home-cooked dinners.  My parents both worked outside of the home, so weekends were the only reasonable time to cook an involved dinner.


For the past few years, my sister has been coming to my house on Sundays to nanny my kids and cook dinner while I work.  She is a truly awesome cook.  (I am smelling her famous cabbage rolls right now.)  This arrangement will not continue much longer, because my kids are getting too old to need that much attention.  But I think I would still like her to come at least once a month.  ;)


I myself am not a cook.  I could cook to save our lives, but I wouldn't view most of my dishes as "Sunday Dinner."  :P  My kids are not old enough to be able to cook a meal worthy of Sunday Dinner.  I guess we could work up to it.

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I like the idea of a big Sunday dinner, but it rarely works out that way.     We have church Sunday morning and evening, so there's not a lot of time during the day to have a big meal.   One Sunday a month we have a group over for lunch right after church, but that still is not a stereotypical American Sunday dinner.  


I like to have a nice dinner Friday and/or Saturday night to take the place of Sunday dinner.    I'd love to get everyone on board with foraging for dinner on Sunday but 1/2 of us like a "real" meal of some sort  - meaning, cooked food.  Some days I do tell them we're having "leftover extravaganza" which basically means "forage."   

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We do pasta every Sunday afternoon after church.  By the time we get home the kids are pretty hungry.  Me, too. :)  Pasta is brainless.  I walk in the door and have water on to boil in less than a minute.  While we wait for the water to boil we get everything else ready.  Door to table in about 30 minutes.

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I LOVE roast beef and have finally found the perfect recipe. I also love that it gives us sandwich meat for at least two more days. I get the top round roast at Costo. It comes in a two-pack. I season both the night before cooking and freeze one. It's delicious meal that requires very little hands-on time from me, but SEEMS like it was more work. I scrub the potatoes and boil them whole (they hold more butter if they're not full of water) and make gravy from a package. Generally we do a slice of thick bread, some beef, then gravy on top. Yummy! Out of obligation I serve something green and make people eat it.


I try to do something big like that about once a week. It gives me another meal or two for my effort and rounds out the quick-cook nights that are all too frequent. This week is CRAZY. I have something every night, so I'll make dinner around 2 or 3 and they'll eat it again if they get hungry while I'm out. Today we're having a Chipotle because I have a craving and they can't complain about my choice on Mothers Day :-)

Do share that recipe!

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We used to make start bread in the breadmaker before church, and then come home and eat it with jams, honey, cheese etc. Yum! Lately I've been doing grocery shopping on Saturday, so I usually end up cooking a roast or a whole chicken on Sunday so I don't have to freeze/thaw it.

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We tend to have a big family meal but it varies as to what it is. Probably 2 weeks a month it's a roast dinner but other sundays it could be pad thai or a curry or casserole or similar. It's works well to do a big meal that day because my husband goes travels back up to work that evening and usually misses an evening meal so a big lunch just makes sense. 

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Just in the past few months I have started cooking a beef roast on low all Saturday night.  By the time we get home from church on Sunday it just falls apart and we use it to make sandwiches or to put on a salad, whatever your preference.  Then we have a munchy, lighter supper.  

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We usually have big meals on Saturday and Sunday.  Everyone is here to help cook and keep Sophia corralled.  Also we use those leftovers for Monday night supper.  


I usually do my roast during the week as it's easy to put in the crockpot and just fix the sides closer to dinner time.  

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Sunday meals are easy ones for me here, often leftovers. I need the rest! I try to make a nice meal Friday night or Saturday night, sometimes both. Soon my kids will be able to make the Sunday meals consistently. They do lunch fairly often now.


In the winter, sometimes we have a hearty, hot, traditional meal on Sundays, because they are easy in the crock pot! Roast beef with veggies is a great meal for not much work. Add green salad or a green veggie and we are done.

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Sunday is DH's day to cook.  He doesn't enjoy it all that much and he doesn't do big meals.  Every once in a while, though not for several years, DH's parents will invite us over for Sunday dinner.


Growing up my mom would make a big Sunday dinner once in a while.  Sunday was always a busy day we were gone all morning and evening at church it was usually easier to just do something simple for lunch and dinner.

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