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The Effect of Reading Harry Potter on Behavior

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That's really interesting, and it helps show that media really can make a difference in our perceptions of the world.  And it highlights the point people like Tanaqui have been making recently about the importance of using good media to help change children's perspectives- the media shouldn't just be specifically about race or poverty or whatever to change attitudes towards different groups of people.


I was raised in an very homogeneous place with almost no religious diversity, only slightly more racial and ethnic diversity, and not much more economic diversity.  I am forever grateful that my mother made sure my reading wasn't as limited even if the movies and TV of the 70s and 80s weren't much more diverse than my town.  

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I found that the HP books had a big impact on my kids' behavior.  The books inspired a tremendous amount of foolish wand-waving and ambushing each other from trees yelling "Stupify!".    And good luck finding a broom when it came time to sweep!




My kids are older, so they were actually reading the books as they came out.  Oh! The agony of waiting for book 7!

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I found that the HP books had a big impact on my kids' behavior.  The books inspired a tremendous amount of foolish wand-waving and ambushing each other from trees yelling "Stupify!".    And good luck finding a broom when it came time to sweep!




My kids are older, so they were actually reading the books as they came out.  Oh! The agony of waiting for book 7!


No joke, I've been known to try to accio my glasses when I can't find them. It never, ever works. Ugh!


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I found that the HP books had a big impact on my kids' behavior. The books inspired a tremendous amount of foolish wand-waving and ambushing each other from trees yelling "Stupify!". And good luck finding a broom when it came time to sweep!




My kids are older, so they were actually reading the books as they came out. Oh! The agony of waiting for book 7!

I remember the midnight lines at the bookstore waiting for books 4-7. Agony is right!


Recently we made wands... And they are a favorite toy here. Even the 3yo who listened to book 1 runs around shouting stupify. He's also quick to tell people he can fly... But only with his wand and broom (makes for interesting conversation at Wal-Mart when he stops random people!)

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I remember the midnight lines at the bookstore waiting for books 4-7. Agony is right


When book 5 came out I discovered the 24 hour grocery store was selling it. I waited in line for 5 minutes. By book 7 I waited in line for 20 minutes. It would have been less but the manager was taking pictures.

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I am cracking up at this thread. We're making our way through HP now (currently listening to the Book 5 audiobook) and my kids looooove playing Harry Potter. Just tonight while we were getting them ready for bed, DS7 told DS3, "Now you point the wand at me and say 'Expecto patronum!'"

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When book 5 came out I discovered the 24 hour grocery store was selling it. I waited in line for 5 minutes. By book 7 I waited in line for 20 minutes. It would have been less but the manager was taking pictures.

My book 7 was delivered by owl on July 17, 2007. I read it continuously until two in the morning; then, when I woke up, I had to re-read the last couple chapters because I was pretty much reading in my sleep by then.




Okay, it wasn't really delivered by owl. It was regular post. But how awesome would it have been if they had delivered by owl?

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It is funny because my daughter has been having a Harry Potter telethon this past week and weekend.


But I have to ask...did the Dobby thing really make you cry??? I was really sad reading the books, but they had him as such a small part of the movies that I didn't really feel anything..

I sobbed for Dobby in every reading, plus the movie. Dobby! He is the most wonderful character!

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My book 7 was delivered by owl on July 17, 2007. I read it continuously until two in the morning; then, when I woke up, I had to re-read the last couple chapters because I was pretty much reading in my sleep by then.




Okay, it wasn't really delivered by owl. It was regular post. But how awesome would it have been if they had delivered by owl?


I drove 40 miles to a bookstore to get book 7 the night it was released (at midnight).  In preparation, I reread the other 6 books in the several weeks beforehand. 


There were some great costumes at that bookstore!  Everyone was having a blast.


At midnight I grabbed my book, drove straight home with the windows up and the radio off, and told everyone in the family that no radio, computer, or TV input was allowed into the house until I finished reading it.  I read for hours, finally fell asleep, got up and finished it by around 2 or 3 PM the next day.  


Happy sigh!

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I sobbed for Dobby in every reading, plus the movie. Dobby! He is the most wonderful character!



And this is why I was most surprised when we went to Universal Orlando a few years ago that they did not have a stuffed Dobby!  I would have bought one.  For me!

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It is funny because my daughter has been having a Harry Potter telethon this past week and weekend.   


But I have to ask...did the Dobby thing really make you cry???  I was really sad reading the books, but they had him as such a small part of the movies that I didn't really feel anything..  


Dobby's death killed me. We left the theater in tears repeating, "Dobby is a free elf." See, can't even type it without tearing up.


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And this is why I was most surprised when we went to Universal Orlando a few years ago that they did not have a stuffed Dobby!  I would have bought one.  For me!


I happen to know one of the moms on this site is a very talented artist, and she makes a needle felted Dobby that will melt your heart.  I bought one from her and it is the most commented-upon item in my house.  Most people can't get over how real he seems. I don't know if this is considered advertising, since I'm posting from someone else's site, but you have to see her Dobby.  



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I happen to know one of the moms on this site is a very talented artist, and she makes a needle felted Dobby that will melt your heart. I bought one from her and it is the most commented-upon item in my house. Most people can't get over how real he seems. I don't know if this is considered advertising, since I'm posting from someone else's site, but you have to see her Dobby.



Wow, that is amazing!

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But I have to ask...did the Dobby thing really make you cry???  I was really sad reading the books, but they had him as such a small part of the movies that I didn't really feel anything..  


I cried in the movie because I knew how it went down in the book, and like you said because he had a bigger role in the books overall. I don't know if I would have cried if I hadn't read the books. 


There were several scenes in the books that make me cry but one of the hardest for me is Molly's boggart. It brings tears to my eyes every time.


Oh good grief... I meant marathon not telethon... what should we raise money for... Oh, I know equal rights for House Elves.


Yes! A telethon for S.P.E.W.!

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There were several scenes in the books that make me cry but one of the hardest for me is Molly's boggart. It brings tears to my eyes every time.


Made me cry a lot because even Molly doesn't consider the twins individuals, just interchangeable parts of one unit. /gripe (I'm not a fan of Molly Weasley's parenting. But seriously, don't let me get started, because 2 hours later you'll still be here listening to me rant. Reading me rant.)


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Made me cry a lot because even Molly doesn't consider the twins individuals, just interchangeable parts of one unit. /gripe (I'm not a fan of Molly Weasley's parenting. But seriously, don't let me get started, because 2 hours later you'll still be here listening to me rant. Reading me rant.)



If you don't rant about Molly I won't rant about Snape (and the love people have for him which I'll never understand). :)

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If you don't rant about Molly I won't rant about Snape (and the love people have for him which I'll never understand). :)


Deal. And now, back to our regularly scheduled Harry Potter squee session. (And, geez, Dumbledore, I get you want to keep Snape close, but that man should never have been a teacher. Do you feel no sense of responsibility for the other children in your care?)


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If you don't rant about Molly I won't rant about Snape (and the love people have for him which I'll never understand). :)

I don't understand it, either.  I find every single explanation I have ever heard for it grossly unconvincing and totally damning with faint praise.  


But then, I'm so beyond the 'it's soooo romantic that it covers all the disgusting jerkiness' phase of thought.

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I can't multi quote from my phone-this comment about milky had NEVER crossed mind. Interesting. I need to consider this.

If you don't rant about Molly I won't rant about Snape (and the love people have for him which I'll never understand). :)

I love snape in a way even I don't understand. I would really like to understand it-as he is my all time favorite literary character. He breaks my heart.


*** this entire thread makes me want to go reread-sigh. This is one series I would love to read again for the first time.

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I still have my first books. They are falling apart. I have another set but it is unlock and key and no one is allowed to touch. I also have paperbacks but after reading how they "fixed" book 4 I gave up on reading them.

Can you explain the last sentence? I am reading HP for the first time ever with my kids (we're on Book 5) and I've never heard of this! Fill me in! :)

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Can you explain the last sentence? I am reading HP for the first time ever with my kids (we're on Book 5) and I've never heard of this! Fill me in! :)

In book 4 when Harry and Voldemort’s wands met and created the “Priori Incantatem,†the ghosts of those that Voldemort killed came from his wand in reverse order, from Cedric until Lily. But she was supposed to come out before James, as she was killed last protecting Harry.


And yes I just copied and pasted that rather then type it up on my phone. Do not judge me. I took time away from rereading the books to answer.

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Deal. And now, back to our regularly scheduled Harry Potter squee session. (And, geez, Dumbledore, I get you want to keep Snape close, but that man should never have been a teacher. Do you feel no sense of responsibility for the other children in your care?)


I think a few of the teachers ought not have been teachers. At least Snape was competent even if he was a bit nasty. 


I think Dumbledore treated him rather badly.

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In book 4 when Harry and Voldemort’s wands met and created the “Priori Incantatem,†the ghosts of those that Voldemort killed came from his wand in reverse order, from Cedric until Lily. But she was supposed to come out before James, as she was killed last protecting Harry.


And yes I just copied and pasted that rather then type it up on my phone. Do not judge me. I took time away from rereading the books to answer.

No judgement! Thanks for taking the time to answer! I appreciate it!

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I am reading the series for the first time with my son. I like it a lot more then I thought I would. My son loves the series. It is definitely affecting his behavior already with him saying spells and various sayings. :) I do think the messages are good for him though. We are halfway through book 4 so we haven't got to any of the deaths yet. I feel mixed about Snape so far.

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I am reading the series for the first time with my son. I like it a lot more then I thought I would. My son loves the series. It is definitely affecting his behavior already with him saying spells and various sayings. :) I do think the messages are good for him though. We are halfway through book 4 so we haven't got to any of the deaths yet. I feel mixed about Snape so far.


I did not love Snape until book 7. And even then not until the end. There is simply so much to him. And it was interesting to me to reread the books with my daughter and to view them through the eyes of a mom and not a young adult reading them for the first time. I love the complexity of his character more than I can say. When you finish the series, you'll know and then you should come back here and tell us about it. In that way we can relive it with you :thumbup:

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But I have to ask...did the Dobby thing really make you cry???  I was really sad reading the books, but they had him as such a small part of the movies that I didn't really feel anything..  


Dobby did make me cry in the movie, and I remember thinking it was silly and must be due to hormones.  Can't remember if it was due to pregnancy or PMS at the time though.

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I had a critical call the other day with a patient quite literally dying in front of my eyes. My partner, the firemen, and I were preparing to intubate this patient and, due to the circumstances and logistics of the call, I had laid down a particular medicine vial in a place I wouldn't normally place it. Inevitably, I couldn't find it when I needed it. In frustration I said (apparently louder than I thought), "Accio succs!" And, lo and behold, the medicine vial appeared! It was like magic!


Actually, once the fire lieutenant stopped laughing he found where I had placed the medicine and handed it to me. I was quite surprised that no one else seemed to understand the reference.

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