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Why are mice so loud?!

Laura Corin

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There's one behind the dishwasher.  It sounds like it's about a foot long, but I've never seen a rat around here, so I'm pretty sure it's just a mouse.  I've set a trap in the nearest cupboard where I can get access - I suspect that that is more likely to be effective than to pull out the dishwasher and try to catch it.  Oh well.  Bedtime.  


Just life in the country, in an old house, surrounded by fields.

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There's one behind the dishwasher.  It sounds like it's about a foot long, but I've never seen a rat around here, so I'm pretty sure it's just a mouse.  I've set a trap in the nearest cupboard where I can get access - I suspect that that is more likely to be effective than to pull out the dishwasher and try to catch it.  Oh well.  Bedtime.  


Just life in the country, in an old house, surrounded by fields.


We had a mouse under the floorboards and behind the baseboards last winter. The scratching woke me up at night, at the other end of the house! DH finally found him when he was working in the crawl space, and moved him out to the backyard shed under which all the other mice live.


Crickets are worse, though. Can't get to sleep to begin with, when a cricket is in the house.

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We thought we had especially loud mice earlier this year, and it turns out we had flying squirrels (ugh)

What do you mean -Ugh?  Those are the cutest creatures I've ever seen, like a big eyed Pikachu.  


A mouse in the house will keep me up all night and not just because of the noise, just the idea, gives me bad dreams(but the little white ones in cages are adorable).

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I feel your pain! At our previous house the main route in and out of the attic apparently went up and down through the wall behind our headboard. So, so frustrating in the middle of the night.


If you find one in the house, then for years afterward you are forced to play my last favorite game, "Sock Fuzz or Mouse Poop?"

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This is why I have cats.  But my current one makes enough noise at night that she might not be better than your mouse.


If you do have cats, we had a mouse in the kitchen behind the cupboards and when we went to bed we just left all the cupboards and drawers wide open. I have no idea how the cat got it, but the mouse was gone in two nights.

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What do you mean -Ugh?  Those are the cutest creatures I've ever seen, like a big eyed Pikachu.  


A mouse in the house will keep me up all night and not just because of the noise, just the idea, gives me bad dreams(but the little white ones in cages are adorable).

They didn't endear themselves to me when they destroyed the trim at the corner of our house trying to make a nicer front door for themselves. However, what really spoiled their (potential) cuteness to me is that for about a month, every time I was about to fall asleep, they would start to throw a loud squirrel party in the wall right by the bed. We had a one way door (and then metal screening) installed in the corners of our house to discourage them from coming back.


Now they live and party at the neighbor's house.

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We just found out that we have mice (again).  Time to get the traps...


Bats are worse though.  Our pets could always hear them behind the walls first, before we could.  Every night around 11pm, our dog and cat both would sit at the bottom of the stairs, listening intently, cocking their heads.  Then within moments they'd come swooping through the living room.


It was really creepy.

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I had a mouse once.  For some reason it liked to come into my bedroom and rummage through my paper files.  It wouldn't start this until I had laid down and gotten settled for sleep.  It would be all quiet and I'd be thinking, "ahh, that mouse isn't here tonight" and just as I was drifting off I'd hear "scritch. scratch. scruffle."  Ugh.  Of course I would wake up and try to find it, because I couldn't just go to sleep and let it climb all over me in the night ....

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There's one behind the dishwasher. It sounds like it's about a foot long, but I've never seen a rat around here, so I'm pretty sure it's just a mouse. I've set a trap in the nearest cupboard where I can get access - I suspect that that is more likely to be effective than to pull out the dishwasher and try to catch it. Oh well. Bedtime.


Just life in the country, in an old house, surrounded by fields.

I feel your pain. Dh was in the bathroom in the middle of the night. He said a mouse came into the bathroom looked up at him and turned around and left. Sadly he died the next day in a trap.


I watch VERY carefully for signs. Somehow I never imagined them coming down the hall to our bedroom in the middle of the night!

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I hope that mice is *all* it is, and nothing worse.  My brother recently feared that squirrels had set up housekeeping in the attic, with nocturnal raids to pee/poop all over the kitchen and living room..  Reality turned out to be a family of ring-tailed cats with a snarling, vicious patriarch in charge. 

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I feel your pain. Dh was in the bathroom in the middle of the night. He said a mouse came into the bathroom looked up at him and turned around and left. Sadly he died the next day in a trap.


I watch VERY carefully for signs. Somehow I never imagined them coming down the hall to our bedroom in the middle of the night!



Am I the only one who at first, mistakenly read this as your DH died in a trap the next day?  :lol:  


My apologies for those who have lost their DH's in tragic mousetrap accidents, it's no laughing matter. :leaving:

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We had one in my parents living room right by the front door in the wall. That thing scratched and scratched for weeks! It was right beside the tv, and you could hear it over the tv. One day it finally scratched a hole right through the wall. The infernal scratching finally stopped!

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We had one in my parents living room right by the front door in the wall. That thing scratched and scratched for weeks! One day it finally scratched a hole right through the wall. The infernal scratching finally stopped!


I guess that explains why I haven't had an issue with mouse noise. There were enough ready-made gaps and holes to not need to scratch their own.

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I feel your pain! At our previous house the main route in and out of the attic apparently went up and down through the wall behind our headboard. So, so frustrating in the middle of the night.


If you find one in the house, then for years afterward you are forced to play my last favorite game, "Sock Fuzz or Mouse Poop?"

We must have purchased your old house! I listen to them scurrying around in the wall behind our headboard frequently. I keep waiting for a Little Town on the Prairie experience similar to when a mouse chewed off Pa's hair in the middle of the night.


There is a reason I let the four dogs sleep on my bed!

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Am I the only one who at first, mistakenly read this as your DH died in a trap the next day?  :lol:  


My apologies for those who have lost their DH's in tragic mousetrap accidents, it's no laughing matter. :leaving:



LOL....that would be one big trap.  

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I feel your pain...we lived in an old house in the country once upon a time, too. I hosted a small group of women one evening--city gals for the most part...during a lull in the conversation, a mice started chewing behind the walls of the living room. It was LOUD. Ugh...one of those I can't believe how embarrassed I could be moments.



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I feel your pain...we lived in an old house in the country once upon a time, too. I hosted a small group of women one evening--city gals for the most part...during a lull in the conversation, a mice started chewing behind the walls of the living room. It was LOUD. Ugh...one of those I can't believe how embarrassed I could be moments.


Prominently display a copy of "City mouse and country mouse" on your coffee table next time?

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