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Do you get a really awful feeling in your body at the moment right after


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No, but I had to remove a barn swallow nest (no eggs) from my porch eaves. I felt bad about that. They had put so much work into it! But, dang it, stop pooping all over my porch!!! They're going to have to find someone else to build their nest.

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No, I don't feel badly.  I do move spiders, and stink bugs and lady bugs and even wasps outside if I can catch them with a glass and a piece of cardboard slid underneath.  If I can't, or the spider is too big (sorry, wolf spiders) then they get killed with no compunction at all because they were dumb enough to enter my domain.  

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Not one iota. I don't kill them outside and will try to move them if they're not poisonous, but I have the health and safety of my family to consider. A spider about to crawl on my infant? Even with my enormous arachnophobia I instantly spring to squash it and feel not a moment of guilt.

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Yes, I do. I dislike killing anything and will generally try to remove insects rather than kill them. The exception here is roaches, ubiquitous in Florida. I do kill them, although I still feel bad about it when I watch their little legs wiggling futilely. 


My son has to leave the room while I kill them, because it bothers him so much.

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Not me... It I did I'd probably be severely depressed because it's a constant event around here. If they are outside doing their thing I prefer to leave them be.


We have a bit of war in the house because my son always wants to kill the bugs and my daughter always wants to catch and release them outside.

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I don't like killing them, and I'll release them to the outside if I can.  Or just leave them be.  Though sometimes I have to do the evil deed, and it is a gross feeling.

Somehow using ant poison doesn't feel as bad to me.

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Not really.

First I explain to the now deceased that we (him and I) had an agreement (you don't bother me; I won't bother you) and that had he held up his end of the agreement, he wouldn't now be riding the water slide (i.e. the toilet).

Unfortunately, the ants are a few watts short on the bright-o-meter which means I have the conversation often.


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So funny you posted this.  I just let a little beetle crawl away to who knows where because I felt bad about squishing it.  


I do kill spiders, but I always feel a little sad about it.


Bees and things that will hurt are different.  I fell less bad about that.

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This just reminded me of a funny/sad story.  Our youngest (he's a toddler) found a mosquito eater before we noticed.  I turned and saw him tossing something up in the air, then I saw it fluttering down to the floor, and then he would toss it up again (and of course it fluttered back down).  Apparently, he decided to play with it and accidentally killed it.  He didn't understand why it wouldn't fly again.  

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