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Internet trolls


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I'm wondering what everyone does when they encounter internet trolls?  Usually I just ignore and move on, but recently there have a been a few occasions around the internet where a simple ignore would've complicated my own participation in conversations. At the same time, calling them out would create excess drama I don't really want or need.


Do you ignore them?

Call them out?

Just roll your eyes?



I'm just curious what others do.

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I kind of lost interest in messing with them when I found out about Astroturfing. I've wasted too much time on trolls who were probably being paid to use persona management software to sway public opinion or sell stuff when all I wanted to do was make friends and share unusual experiences and unpopular opinions with people who could understand.


It's just not worth the stress.


It makes me sad because the internet had so much potential that I see wasted, but my octogenarian parents probably feel the same way about television and their parents felt the same way about industrialization.


I have objectively and dispassionately identified links to Mimi Rothschild's products when I found them on the WTM boards, but left it to the mods to handle it beyond that.

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Are you saying you usually snort in response to internet trolls or are you snorting at this thread?


Because if its the former, I'd say you were leaving out a lot of details including pm other posters (which I used to be one of) to ask their opinion - at least for starters. Incessantly badgering the suspected troll would come next.

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Are you saying you usually snort in response to internet trolls or are you snorting at this thread?


Because if its the former, I'd say you were leaving out a lot of details including pm other posters (which I used to be one of) to ask their opinion - at least for starters. Incessantly badgering the suspected troll would come next.

Wow, nice.

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I think it depends on which kinds of troll you're talking about... Not everyone defines them the same.

Ha! So true. There is still one gal on here who tries to call me a troll anytime she can get a chance. Whereas I always define trolls as either lying to stir up drama or intentionally and flagrantly breaking forum rules to try and get a swipe at other posters. Regular members in good standing aren't trolls by that definition.


But really, life is too short to be baited by anyone - including trolls. Ignoring them generally discourages the attention seeking ones.


I've never tried snorting one, though. That could be effective!

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I think it depends on which kinds of troll you're talking about... Not everyone defines them the same.

Yup. The cute little furry ones are fun to bait out and throw a net over.

The ones with the pointy teeth seem to attract more and band together. I wish they'd just find a bridge to crawl under.

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Ha! So true. There is still one gal on here who tries to call me a troll anytime she can get a chance. Whereas I always define trolls as either lying to stir up drama or intentionally and flagrantly breaking forum rules to try and get a swipe at other posters. Regular members in good standing aren't trolls by that definition.


But really, life is too short to be baited by anyone - including trolls. Ignoring them generally discourages the attention seeking ones.


I've never tried snorting one, though. That could be effective!

I might have maybe possibly thought you were trolling when I first saw you here. Maybe. Yeah, that may have been the case. Don't remember the thread or topic, though.



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They amuse me sometimes.


The first time I ever heard about trolls, was on this board a few years ago. At first I had no idea what a troll even was! Then, I thought " oh my goodness, I hope I never get called a troll" lol


I was really careful what I posted for a while, but then I got over it. ;) haha

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I thoroughly enjoy them. With a little hot sauce and beer batter.


Seriously, I miss most of the best ones on this board due to being too many time zones removed from the action. The threads end up deleted or the troll removes their posts before I get a chance to be entertained.

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I mostly ignore but there have been some bad ones I've seen on Facebook recently where friends have got caught up in things that if they didn't reply to the troll it would have left this record of what looked like a nasty accusation against the friend, just the way the interaction read. These people were pot stirring but ignoring it was worse than replying. Frustrating when it's like that and such a waste of time and stress. 

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I miss the kilt pictures.

I miss the super trolls with triplets born on holidays, pastor approved taxi service, and so on.


I also think that we, on the whole, do not have a massive troll issue on this board.


We have some serious pot stirrers and a few deliberately obtuse posters, some with staggering post counts. Those are the ones I have to self edit with.


As far as facebook is concerned, I rarely see trolls in my feed. I see posts from people who genuinely hold opinions that make we want to find the nearest brick wall to beat my head against, but that is another matter entirely. :P

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I mostly ignore but there have been some bad ones I've seen on Facebook recently where friends have got caught up in things that if they didn't reply to the troll it would have left this record of what looked like a nasty accusation against the friend, just the way the interaction read. These people were pot stirring but ignoring it was worse than replying. Frustrating when it's like that and such a waste of time and stress. 


Explain to me what a Facebook troll is. The only people I communicate with are known friends and family--how do trolls enter the picture?

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Pastor-approved taxi service? What? Why?


And was that the same troll as the triplets?

Someone posted about getting thier pastor's approval to use thier family vehicle with a taxi service.


It was really hard to know which part was more out there, taxi services renting private vehicles for use or the neccesity of a pastor's approval to make a family decision.


I am not even sure that was the most outrageous thing to come out of that particular poster.


Good times, good times. Back when creating tags that were snarky without getting you banned was possible for everyone, not just the OP.

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Pastor-approved taxi service? What? Why?


And was that the same troll as the triplets?


CarolfromIL (she's been banned) said her pastor didn't want them to go to R rated movies. And she wanted to rent her van out as a taxi during the school day since she wasn't using it.


triplet mom was AnnMarie also banned...but the triplets thing was an exaggeration. She did have twins, tho. With names like Dylan and Thomas.

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CarolfromIL (she's been banned) said her pastor didn't want them to go to R rated movies. And she wanted to rent her van out as a taxi during the school day since she wasn't using it.


triplet mom was AnnMarie also banned...but the triplets thing was an exaggeration. She did have twins, tho. With names like Dylan and Thomas.

Thank you, I could not remember the second's username.


Didn't she claim to have multiple sets of twins?

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I think so. Her signature disappeared when she was banned...and my memory fails...

I remember her because that final massively crazy spin out before her banning coincided with an extended visit to my in-laws...let's just say I was on the board a.lot. during that visit. :)


I want to say she was the one moving to the ten bedroom house, worried about the kids getting into the pond, and had more than one child/set of children with a holiday birthday.

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I miss CarolfromIL. She was a complete wackadoodle, but her stories were priceless. She had an amazing imagination.


Other trolls would do well to study her posts. They all seem to be so boring these days. My feeling is that trolls should be required to be entertaining. There should be some sort of rule.

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One of the first troll posts I recall reading here was a new poster who posted a poll about the order that food should be served at a restaurant. She was apoplectic with the burning rage of 1000 suns that her waiter had brought her salad before her soup or some such nonsense. Honestly, I wasn't sure if she was a troll or an anger management student. Probably both. The thread went poof and she never came back.

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CarolfromIL (she's been banned) said her pastor didn't want them to go to R rated movies. And she wanted to rent her van out as a taxi during the school day since she wasn't using it.


triplet mom was AnnMarie also banned...but the triplets thing was an exaggeration. She did have twins, tho. With names like Dylan and Thomas.


I think she had multiple multiples, too.  And, she was house hunting for a 10,000 s/f house.  Or maybe she was buying one or selling one??  Not sure, but I remember 10K s/f house.  *snort*  That was a hoot and half watching that one get taken apart. 


There was also a guy(?) who would turn just about any thread into a chance to talk about t@too$ and e@r g@uge$.   I'm purposefully misspelling those just in case it should bring back that particular brand of squirrel bait.  He was a real piece of work, that one.  Yowzers. :blink:

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OK, just got back from visiting Google. CarolfromIL is hilarious and I love that the threads were a mix of serious posters and people who were on to her.

She really had quite a talent for passing from the acceptable to the dubious. And then, iirc, she would become combative. Okay now I'll have to go google a trip down memory lane.

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OK at the risk of dating myself I will mention (again, as this came up recently) the incredible troll from the old boards who said her 12 yo had gotten pregnant in the bathroom of their church during co-op.  She invented alter egos (several!) who posted messages in support on the massive, huge thread when she announced the pregnancy.  Someone here (I thought Mrs. Mungo) did some research and discovered IP addresses for several of the posters in the thread, including of course the troll OP, were identical, and exposed her. 


The aftermath of that lasted for awhile.  People here felt so incredibly betrayed. 


But it was like watching a slow motion train wreck.  I could NOT turn away. 


C'mon everyone.  I need to be entertained here.  Could someone please start a thread about sex or self-administered bikini waxing or something??

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OK, just got back from visiting Google. CarolfromIL is hilarious and I love that the threads were a mix of serious posters and people who were on to her.


I MUST remember this next time I'm bored somewhere with computer access... It's seriously a better idea than checking out all the weird news stories on the various news outlets.


C'mon everyone.  I need to be entertained here.  Could someone please start a thread about sex or self-administered bikini waxing or something??


Hmm, there's no reason you couldn't start one.  ;)  


I don't expect today to be one of my "bored" days as I actually need to be getting some things done as soon as daylight arrives and we have a benefit dinner we're attending this evening.  


I will, however, try to keep up with it.  I'm not sure those topics can keep up with crockpots & cupcakes & 10,000sqft houses, but perhaps if someone invents multiple personalities...

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Explain to me what a Facebook troll is. The only people I communicate with are known friends and family--how do trolls enter the picture?


Tends to be in groups. I am finding a lot of people in my immediate circles don't use facebook for friends/family anymore as they've gone back to communicating with them the old fashioned way, they just use them to be in groups. The groups seem to have all the same problems a forum can have. 

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I have a college friend/acquaintance (We're Facebook friends, but I've only seen him a few times since graduation,) who I think Facebook trolls the pages of opposing sports teams. He'll post really inflammatory things that sometimes get him banned. I consider him a really good guy otherwise, but I think he's bored with his job that takes him away from his family for months at a time in the middle of nowhere. I figure being stupid on the internet is better for him than the drugs that a lot of his co-workers have gotten into.

As a rule though, trolls are obnoxious, and really need to find better things to do with their time.

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