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High school plans for 2015-2016

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I'm feeling really lost right now. I should be planning next year, scrambling to find deals on curriculum, and generally panicking over what comes next. Instead, I'm here with nothing to plan, so I want to live vicariously through the rest of you. What are your plans for next year? Does anyone need any help planning :)


Ds - starting the college of his dreams



English Comp CC

Sign Language 2 CC

American Government CC

College Algebra CC

Trigonometry CC

Anatomy & Physiology - Apologia +some great resources available through the CC

Physics - Derek Owens

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We will have one less at home next year, so it'll just be my 11th grader.  We are waiting to hear if she was accepted for dual-credit.  If she's not, this is our tentative plan:




World Literature

ASL 4 or Speech

World History (haven't decided which)



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For Ds 10th grade:

Literature--TOG yr 1 literature-lite discussion through Lampstand

Composition--possibly IEW SWICc-c-a friend and I will trade our children's papers so they have some outside accountability Lit and Comp will be combined into a 1 credit English class.

Teaching Textbooks Pre-calculus

Pre-AP Chemistry through AIM Academy

Ancient History-TOG yr 1 with local discussion group

AP Computer Science-Amplify

PE-daily fitness and possibly Climbing Team

spanish 2- probably continue with BJU online


DS has hit the "needs someone other than Mom to be accountable to" stage, so I am hoping this will work for us. he wants to keep homeschooling, but this year I have started carrying too much of the emotional energy for his work and he has checked out a bit. nothing horrible-but we need to get our roles straight which means I need to step back.


Sorry for typos-I can only post using my phone!

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10th grade, version 3.7ish :lol:


With me

Biology (block; first semester)

AP Environmental Science (block; second semester; syllabus for College Board approval)

AP Psychology (ditto syllabus)

AP Comparative Government and Politics (ditto syllabus)



Arabic at the University of Our State (won't be certain of her starting level until after the summer immersion program)

AP English Language and Comp with Blue Tent

Calculus with Derek Owens (self-paced; will take AP Calc AB exam)

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Dd 17 will be a senior and all of her classes are dual enrollment. She is most excited about her poetry class. It is the most advanced level at the university and offered by invitation. As a DE student she isn't allowed to register before the first day of classes, so they are holding her seat for her. These are her plans (fall/spring) though see can't register yet.


Classes that fill in gaps for her high school transcript:


Precalculus / Calculus Survey

Macroeconomics / American Government

Oral Literature / science elective


And her fun classes:


Darkroom Photography / Photography elective

Drawing 2 / arts elective

Advanced poetry / advanced poetry




Dd 15 will be a sophomore and this is her last year before full time dual enrollment.


Algebra 1     (Math U See)

Geometry     (Math U See)

Biology         (Florida Virtual School)

Chinese 1    (Florida Virtual School)

Japanese 1  (Classical Learning Resource Center)

U.S. History  (Kolbe/Teaching Company)

Government  (Kolbe/Teaching Company) - half credit

World Lit       (Kolbe /Teaching Company) - half credit

Adv. Theater (local high school)

Theater Tech (local high school)


The only thing left to figure out is how to fit it all in, in one year.

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Although I have a written-down list of curriculum I thought we would use (and still might use), I think I'm just going to put it aside and completely unschool during the high school years (much to ds's delight).  My girls attended top high schools and I've come to many realizations.  Hope I can still stay here.    






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Although I have a written-down list of curriculum I thought we would use (and still might use), I think I'm just going to put it aside and completely unschool during the high school years (much to ds's delight).  My girls attended top high schools and I've come to many realizations.  Hope I can still stay here.    





Only if you share your realizations... ;)


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We had a much earlier thread like this, but I think I've got it now.  Just one kid (sniff).  The other is registered for college, and we're waiting to hear on one more scholarship.


11th grade:


Modern Literature (local class)

Modern History (local class combined with above)

Logic I (local class combined with above)

Geometry with Advanced Algebra (Saxon)

Chemistry with Lab (DIVE with BJUP book)

Latin Readings (Classic Academic Press class)

AP English (PA Homeschoolers class)

Dual Enrollment IT

Health (Total Health with the MFW lesson plans)


I actually have all of the books because we had to make decisions in December and January because of deposits and registration.  


Besides, next comes the college books for the oldest.  Eeeks!

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Although I have a written-down list of curriculum I thought we would use (and still might use), I think I'm just going to put it aside and completely unschool during the high school years (much to ds's delight).  My girls attended top high schools and I've come to many realizations.  Hope I can still stay here.    





I think this takes enormous courage. My kids spent too much time in ps to have the right mindset to unschool. For those who are curious and self-driven, I think it is a terrific option!

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My half-baked plans for 9th:


Bio - Campbell with Quarks and Quirks (or Quirks and Quarks ... I can't seem to remember the order correctly), and some labs from Illustrated Guide to Home Bio


Math - AoPS and Khan; finish Alg I and then start Geometry (pretty sure I bought Jurgensen)


Lit/Comp - I chose 8 Renaissance-era books to go with history, and the rest will be free choice or just whatever occurs to me to assign, including lots of short stories.  Writing will be reader responses, lit analysis, and argumentative essays in history & lit.  Oh, and a couple longer research papers.  We'll probably phase out grammar & vocab to an as-needed level.


History - Spielvogel and TTC's Western Civ II with whatever supplements I can squeeze in.


AP Human Geography - PA Homeschoolers.


Health - No "program," just a mishmash of resources that will cover the areas I deem important.  Mostly books & videos.  Maybe a CPR class at the Fire Dept if they offer it.


Art - he'll probably continue to attend small-group drawing classes (very informal), and I think I want to cover Jazz in music.




My still-raw plans:  ;)


Spanish, either continue with Madrigal's or do something online (currently interested in Ray Leven, but maybe Destinos instead)


Logic - I bought Dover's Intro to Mathematical Logic, but I'm not sure that will be quite right for DS.  Just today I came across Logic Self Taught (free pdfs, mentioned by another poster), which may work better.


I am still considering making my own interdisciplinary "creative process" half-credit course, and still considering Auburn U's online engineering.


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My son will only need a semester of Government and a year of Trig/Pre-Calc to finish up his requirements for graduation.  I told him that I wanted him to pick a subject that he was really interested in and that I wanted him to spend a semester researching, writing, and presenting information on the topic.  He will present brief talks on the subject each month and be required to write a research paper along with giving a oral presentation on the subject.  He was thrilled with the idea and has decided on Asian History.  He wants to start out looking at the broad scope of Asian History and gradually focus in on one aspect.  He has already started researching and gathering items for presentations.  We also told him that he could pick whatever else he wanted to study but we also wanted him to have a semester on personal financing and investing.  He has decided that he wants to delve deeper into Early Civilizations and also wants to study Marine Biology.  


His will start taking classes at the junior college during his second semester.  He is a plumbing apprentice and works quite a bit so he will receive an on the job training/work study credit as well.  He also plans to continue to compete in cross country and track at the local high school as well.


My upcoming freshman also wants to compete in cross country and track.  His academic classes will be: Algebra, American HIstory, American Literature, Apologia Physical Science, IEW Medieval Writings, Logic, and a to be determined elective that we will add to the schedule after cross country season is over.  He also takes a robotics class at the local engagement center.


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Dd will be in eleventh grade.


She will do English-no idea on what curriculum

Algebra 2- no idea

American History maybe Walch Short Lessons in US History

Biology- maybe Paradigm or Power Basics

Spanish- I don't know


An elective of some sort.



As you can see, I do not mind "get it done" curriculum.

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DS will be 10th grade


English: Blue Tent Honors2

Math: Wilson Hill Algebra2

Science: Wilson Hill Honors Chemistry

Foreign Language: Latin 3 Lukeion

History: Ancient History Lukeion


He will have to finish up Geometry, keep working on Physics, we will continue to practice German and since we will be moving to Japan this summer, I am sure we will have Japanese lessons somewhere on the schedule.  He will need some type of physical activity and you never know what you come across for a 1/2 credit in Fine Arts.


No clue how he will get it done but he will have to work at least through the five subjects listed above plus geometry plus 1/4 of his physics class.

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You can help me....:-P   I am working on my son's who will be in 10th grade next year.  He is very advanced, motivated and likes to do self paced learning.  I have been contemplating whether or not to let him take college courses or continue on with me (he has been accepted in several online dual enrollment programs and our local cc who would allow him to take them online since he isn't driving yet).  Granted he is surpassing me...:-(   What I was thinking and then you can help me decide...:)


Hist/Lit - either Romans Road Media (Yr. 2 Romans)  or would you let him take DE classes and what?

Writing - Intro to Writing DE

Pre-Calculus - Derek Owens

Physics - Derek Owens

AP Latin - Wilson Hill

German I - with me & local German teacher

Bible - finishing OT with me


What History or Lit. would you have him take World or U.S?


He has had in regards to his HS credits for History/Lit so far:  U.S. History, American Literature, World History & U.S. & British Literature, Ancient History and Literature (he started HS classes in MS)


Should I add anything else?  Thanks!!!

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You can help me....:-P   I am working on my son's who will be in 10th grade next year.  He is very advanced, motivated and likes to do self paced learning.  I have been contemplating whether or not to let him take college courses or continue on with me (he has been accepted in several online dual enrollment programs and our local cc who would allow him to take them online since he isn't driving yet).  Granted he is surpassing me...:-(   What I was thinking and then you can help me decide... :)


Hist/Lit - either Romans Road Media (Yr. 2 Romans)  or would you let him take DE classes and what?

Writing - Intro to Writing DE

Pre-Calculus - Derek Owens

Physics - Derek Owens

AP Latin - Wilson Hill

German I - with me & local German teacher

Bible - finishing OT with me


What History or Lit. would you have him take World or U.S?


He has had in regards to his HS credits for History/Lit so far:  U.S. History, American Literature, World History & U.S. & British Literature, Ancient History and Literature (he started HS classes in MS)


Should I add anything else?  Thanks!!!


I think your schedule looks solid. I wouldn't count history classes for high school credit prior to 9th grade. Not because you can't, but hopefully because he'll have all the history credits he needs between 9th-12th at a still higher level than what he did in MS (even if those were high school level).


So what history did he do last year? I wouldn't repeat that. Since he has had a good round of high school history already, I would consider dual enrollment, as long as his writing is ready for any papers that might be assigned. He could take it 2nd semester if his DE writing class is first semester. 

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Thanks, yes his writing is good.  He took Rhetoric this year and was in class with all 12th graders.  He did really well, so I think he is ready.  What history would you take?  U.S or World?  This year we did Ancient History/World......He is thinking of majoring in aeronautics or law.  But who knows right, they change their minds each year!  ha!

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DS 12th grade plans:


Calculus II - CC

Calculus based Physics I - CC

World Literature - CC

Computer Science - CC

Calculus based Physics II (2nd Semester) - CC

Intro to Mechanical Engineering (2nd Semester) - CC

Dave Ramsey's Personal Finance - Home

Art History - Home


Calculus III (maybe) (2nd Semester) - CC

C++ (in Intro to Mech. Engineering is not offered) - CC


This is it for me as planning high school goes. :crying:  My middle ds will be entering public high school for 9th grade and my youngest ds will be doing 7th and 8th grade at home and then entering public high school.

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For the senior:


Calc 1 first semester

Calc 2 second semester

English and Literature - Great Courses plus essay writing and a large term paper due at the end of the year

American Government and Economics

Marine Biology

Anatomy and Physiology

Danish 1 since we don't have the resources for a 3rd year of Icelandic




Algebra 2 first semester

Pre-calc second semester

Astronomy - MIT opencourseware likely unless I find something else we like better

Conceptual Chemistry - he is VERY uninterested in this subject and wants to move quickly to physics

Physics 1 for the 2nd semester

English using Easy Grammar and Editor in Chief plus literature studies to match history

World History

French 1

Art Appreciation - checking the box here...he is not even remotely oriented to Fine Arts but needs a Fine Arts credit for several of the colleges he will be applying to so I'm doing something I've not embraced before - boxed, workbook style curriculum. He'll have Art through Alpha Omega, and then do some drawing and sculpting with my sister-in-law who has a BA in Art. Given his science studies, we need to legitimately award a credit of high school fine art without it taxing his schedule or impacting other subjects in the core.

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My very tentative plans for 10th next year; this may be the last year before CC.  DD has the option of getting her associate's degree through the middle college, and that may be the best option for her, so we are planning more life skills next year in place of more rigorous classes.


AoPS (DD's request; honestly it's the only time she attempts to apply herself in math)

Rhetoric I- WTM Academy

French 2- AIM Academy


Medieval History TOG Y2

Medieval Literature with added vocabulary, grammar, and writing to make it an full credit

Photography 1/2 credit 1st semester (DD's request)


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Um, my oldest will be 9th grade and I have no friggin clue. Well, yes I do but I'm in denial that he will be high school. I vacillate between feeling fine about doing high school to full on panic. 


He is very behind in writing due to being dyslexic. He's about half way through WWS 1 right now. I also haven't done any formal lit study with him so I'm looking around for that. I was just happy getting him to *learn* to read and then enjoy reading. That was my main focus. 


So I'm thinking...(gulp)


WWS 2 (maybe go back to IEW?)


Teaching the Classics and using Ready Readers to hold my hand a bit


Continue with MCT vocab (maybe add Excavating English)


Latin ?? We did Lively Latin 1 and now he's taking an online Latin course but he hates it. He wants to do Lively Latin 2.


He's finishing Foerster's Algebra with a local co-op class. I plan on having him do VideoText Algebra and then VideoText Geometry (over a few years of course)


Daily Grammar Practice 9th grade 


We will still be doing spelling


The Big History Project


Mr. Q Chemistry (because I already have it) 


Keep plugging along with Duolingo German


Logic...no idea. Taking suggestions. 


Did I get everything? 







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 Wow I know I should be planning , however we are just trying to get through this year! One more quarter to go! :hurray:


 10th grade  ( I just cant believe I am going to have a tenth grader! :ohmy:  Feels like I just sent her off to Kindergarten)


 Global II  finishing up our current text.

 Math we are most likely heading to do a Consumer Math


 Unsure about Literature ( will probably continue the next text of current program)

 Not sure how long or if we should continue Grammar?

 Will definitely continue Wordly Wise

 Science ???


 She wants to do a Makeup Artistry Class for an elective


 So we have a lot of planning


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He's finishing Foerster's Algebra with a local co-op class. I plan on having him do VideoText Algebra and then VideoText Geometry (over a few years of course)


I'm curious about this. If he is finishing Foerster's why move to Video Text? Obviously he needs something for Geometry, but why not stay with Foerster's for Algebra? It is much stronger program. VT runs pre-algebra all the way through algebra 2 as one sequence. Is there a placement test? I would think after Foerster's Algebra 1 he would place out of at least 75% of VT Algebra.


Sorry, this seemed like an odd change to me and it really sparked my curiosity. :)

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10th grade, version 3.7ish


With me

Biology (block; first semester)

AP Environmental Science (block; second semester; syllabus for College Board approval)

AP Psychology (ditto syllabus)

AP Comparative Government and Politics (ditto syllabus)



Arabic at the University of Our State (won't be certain of her starting level until after the summer immersion program)

AP English Language and Comp with Blue Tent

Calculus with Derek Owens (self-paced; will take AP Calc AB exam)


I have two questions about this:


(1) Did you find that the AP curricula really matched what you wanted to do for DC for so many classes, or was it more that you thought it was good college prep and looked good on the transcript?  (I'm just wondering as I put together a high school plan for my DS who will be starting 9th and wondering how many and which AP classes to put in the plan.)


(2) Are you going to be able to fit in the AP testing for five classes next year?  Are there enough time slots available for that much AP testing in your area?


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Are you going to be able to fit in the AP testing for five classes next year?  Are there enough time slots available for that much AP testing in your area?


The AP test schedule for next year is up. They will have 2 tests the first Monday and one that Thursday. During week 2, they will have one test Wednesday and on Thursday. So, yes, they can do that many tests. There are actually no conflicts. 


Ds was just taking 2 exams this year, but because of extended time accommodations he was going to have to take one on a make up day. Just our luck the only two exams he was taking were scheduled on the same day.  :rolleyes:

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Oh, and no AP's. I give up...I can't get seats anywhere north of Detroit. Too many schools in this abyss have dropped their AP courses in order to make those teachers provide more remedial hours. So I end up hoping to get in somewhere in the city, and then bam, can't get a spot.


Those two Calc classes and the one physics class are online from a decent regional university, and we have to pay full freight because this particular one does not do DE for homeschoolers. Ouch expensive since they will get no financial aid and taking only course per semester no merit aid either. But, it can't be helped.



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Oh, and no AP's. I give up...I can't get seats anywhere north of Detroit. Too many schools in this abyss have dropped their AP courses in order to make those teachers provide more remedial hours. So I end up hoping to get in somewhere in the city, and then bam, can't get a spot.


Those two Calc classes and the one physics class are online from a decent regional university, and we have to pay full freight because this particular one does not do DE for homeschoolers. Ouch expensive since they will get no financial aid and taking only course per semester no merit aid either. But, it can't be helped.


I paid ridiculous prices for one DE class at a time through the local State U last year. I did manage to get ds a seat for an AP exam this year after a Catholic school had a change in principal. I think she would continue to let us test, but ds is graduating and dd hates high stakes testing and prefers DE. 


I feel your pain.

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I have two questions about this:


(1) Did you find that the AP curricula really matched what you wanted to do for DC for so many classes, or was it more that you thought it was good college prep and looked good on the transcript? (I'm just wondering as I put together a high school plan for my DS who will be starting 9th and wondering how many and which AP classes to put in the plan.)


(2) Are you going to be able to fit in the AP testing for five classes next year? Are there enough time slots available for that much AP testing in your area?

(1) Dd chose the courses for next year :)

-- Dd wanted Environmental Science more than physics next year. I insisted on bio first, so we came up with the idea of block-scheduling the two science courses.

--She has interests in sooooooooooooooooooooooo many areas---right now she's interested in why individuals and groups such as countries act the way they do (thank you, AP Human Geography!), thus the psychology and comparative government. If she's going to study the topics, she might as well take approved AP courses and sit the exams.

--AP calculus is next in her math progression. We already went deeper and wider with AoPS number theory and counting & probability.

--Dd's current English teacher assures me she is prepared for the AP English Lang course and exam.

--Some students find their appropriate level of challenge through AP courses. Our CC would not be a challenging situation for dd, but the University of Our State will be. We have to pay the full cost of the university credits, thus one class per semester to start.

--Dd is aiming for highly selective universities and/or full tuition offers.


(2) Others have addressed the AP exam schedule. I am going to begin looking for next year's seats this May, when dd takes her first AP exam, by talking with the very helpful AP coordinator for the school where she's testing. I'll approach other schools beginning in September (I already know some not to ask from this year's search!) One of dd's planned exams, Comparative Government, is only being offered by six schools in our state this year :eek:

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(2) Others have addressed the AP exam schedule. I am going to begin looking for next year's seats this May, when dd takes her first AP exam, by talking with the very helpful AP coordinator for the school where she's testing. I'll approach other schools beginning in September (I already know some not to ask from this year's search!) One of dd's planned exams, Comparative Government, is only being offered by six schools in our state this year :eek:


Just because a school doesn't offer the exam to their students, doesn't mean they won't proctor it for yours. The school where ds is taking exams offered 1 of 2 exams he needed but agreed to proctor both.

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I'm curious about this. If he is finishing Foerster's why move to Video Text? Obviously he needs something for Geometry, but why not stay with Foerster's for Algebra? It is much stronger program. VT runs pre-algebra all the way through algebra 2 as one sequence. Is there a placement test? I would think after Foerster's Algebra 1 he would place out of at least 75% of VT Algebra.


Sorry, this seemed like an odd change to me and it really sparked my curiosity. :)


Well, he doesn't like the class or the book. He wants to to Algebra 2 before Geometry and that is fine with me. The rep at VT said my ds would most likely zip through most of VT until he hit the algebra 2 section, but that it would probably fill any holes he has in concept. I do feel he has holes. I do not think he has a grasp on the concepts of what he's done in class. He's one of the students doing best in the class (it's a very small class though ;) ) but he's shakier than I'd like him to be. I have no idea how the teacher teaches the class as I am not able to sit in and observe due to having my two younger kids with me. 


He does well with video instruction. He is very visual. I want a math that will explain the concept behind what he is doing. He *loved* Right Start math, tolerated MM, loved Jousting, and barely tolerates this math class w/ Foerster's.


I don't think he'd like AoPS online classes. He does not like discovery method. I've never looked into it in detail for that reason. 


I'm drawn to VT because 1) It's recommended by RS, 2) It's video instruction, 3) It explains why 4) It goes all the way to pre-calc 5) I can use it for my younger kids later on (assuming here) 


Any suggestions besides VT? 

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Well, he doesn't like the class or the book. He wants to to Algebra 2 before Geometry and that is fine with me. The rep at VT said my ds would most likely zip through most of VT until he hit the algebra 2 section, but that it would probably fill any holes he has in concept. I do feel he has holes. I do not think he has a grasp on the concepts of what he's done in class. He's one of the students doing best in the class (it's a very small class though ;) ) but he's shakier than I'd like him to be. I have no idea how the teacher teaches the class as I am not able to sit in and observe due to having my two younger kids with me. 


I think your reasons make a lot of sense. If he didn't really get Algebra with Foersters then using VT as a fast review and a way to move forward could be a good choice.

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I think your reasons make a lot of sense. If he didn't really get Algebra with Foersters then using VT as a fast review and a way to move forward could be a good choice.

The thing is I'm not sure whether it's the book or the way the teacher teaches the class as being the reason he's not firm. All I know is that he says he prefers how I teach him math. He says he understands when in class but often at home he's forgotten how to do the problems. The times that I've gone over it with him he says, "Oh, okay now I get it. That makes sense." 


To be honest I have not looked at his book much. 


You're making me second guess myself! Perhaps I should do a review of the book with him over the summer along with Khan videos? Then Foerster's 2?


You said Foerster's is a stronger program. How so? More in depth? 


Math is a strength for him (but he's not gifted level), and this is the first time I've felt he didn't have a firm enough hold of concepts. This also happens to be the first time I didn't teach him.  

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Yes, I would consider Foersters to have more depth. It is known for its challenging level of word problems. I only previewed it and found it too difficult and the teaching not clear enough for us, however it is widely regarded as the most rigorous textbook option for Algebra.


VT would be put more in the average range. I looked at it at a convention. The creators are great sales people, but most of the people I have personally known to use it have ended up leaving it because the instruction was inadequate. You can search for reviews here. They are inconsistent.


There is another thread currently running in which some complains about Foersters for Algebra 2. I really don't know the best option for someone looking to follow up Foersters 1. Have you considered Math Without Borders? It is a video series that teaches based on Foersters. I don't know if it would be a good fit or not.

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I'm feeling really lost right now. I should be planning next year, scrambling to find deals on curriculum, and generally panicking over what comes next. Instead, I'm here with nothing to plan, so I want to live vicariously through the rest of you. What are your plans for next year? Does anyone need any help planning :)


Ds - starting the college of his dreams



English Comp CC

Sign Language 2 CC

American Government CC

College Algebra CC

Trigonometry CC

Anatomy & Physiology - Apologia +some great resources available through the CC

Physics - Derek Owens


Debbie, I just saw this. Are you serious? Nothing to plan for? No PAHS classes to discuss?  Wow, girl! You can lend a hand over here if you are bored. :D


We are planning for Sailor Dude's senior year. He is the last one at home and we will be wrapping up nine years of homeschooling.


This is the tentative schedule, which of course, has changed since I edited my signature:


AP Comparative Government - PAHS

AP US Government - PAHS

US History (possibly AP) - home

Honors Spanish 5 - Ray Leven

English 12 w/ Advanced Research Writing through Lukeion (lit through home, doing the happy dance!)

Precalculus/Calculus? - Derek Owens

Marine Science/Earth Science - traveling fieldwork - home


This year has been absolutely overloaded and it turned out to be okay that shoulder surgery eliminated sailing and swimming. We are trying to keep classes challenging next year, meet his interests, and still leave time for some joy. If he doesn't go to Spain this summer to stay with our exchange student, he is planning on buying his first boat and hopefully will have time to enjoy it after all the hard work in earning it.


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12th grader

AP British Literature (outside class)

MUS Pre-Calculus

Chemistry (online but haven't signed up for anything yet)

Health- not sure on this but she needs the credit

Community College classes- likely Sociology and Psychology  (one in the fall and one in the spring)


My 12th grader really doesn't need much in the way of credits.  I think she will have 23-24 credits at the end of the year and only needs 25 to graduate.   We are mostly trying to get the last necessary classes in like a 4th year of English and Math.  She hasn't had Chemistry yet so needs that but does have 3 science credits with lab already.   I think she may do Health over the summer.  She is also wanting to add a Music Theory class in there somewhere.    She is really tired of Latin and has done it the past 4 years so we aren't going to do a foreign language.  She is really good at it I'm a little sad she doesn't want to continue but I don't think it was something she was going to continue in college anyway.  


10th grader

Classical Conversations Challenge 2

MUS Algebra 1

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I have lost the ability to really tell if I'm doing too much or getting it "just right."  So, I start out with what I think will be "about right" and chip away from there.


LegoManiac - 10th


Math -- Chalkdust Pre-Calculus (doing LoF Advanced Algebra, Geometry and Trig as "warm up" before starting a lesson, will also use Alcumus 2-3x a week for about 15 minutes, and I'm ordering AoPS pre-Calc as a resource for this year).


English Composition -- WTMA course, a little Killgallon, Magic Lens/Word within the Word for grammar.  


Great American Literature -- Mine.  Using Figuratively speaking, and prepping for the Literature SAT exam. MCT Non-Fiction Trilogy: 

The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, Walden, by Henry David Thoreau, The Narrative of Frederick Douglas. Books to study include: The Scarlett Letter (Homeschool Connections) 6 weeks, Huckleberry Finn (Homeschool Connections) 6 weeks. Red Badge of Courage (Progeny Press), The Last of the Mohicans (Progeny Press), A Separate Peace (Glencoe Lit), The Yearling (Progeny Press).  Books for light discussion include:  Gone with the Wind,         Up from Slavery, Tom Sawyer, Little Women, The Grapes of Wrath, Of Mice and Men, Catch 22.  We will also have a short poetry unit, and some plays/musicals (probably performed).  Some of the books for light discussion will be Audiobooks DS will listen to while taking the bus, or running on the treadmill.


American History -- Using three courses from Homeschool Connections, plus a few books I have yet to order.  We *may* study for the American History CLEP, not planning on the APUSH exam, but I may change my mind.


Science -- Advanced Chemistry (Homeschool Connections) using: Chemistry: The Molecular Nature of Matter and Change


Russian 2 -- with Tutor


Italian -- Computer based (still deciding... only planning 1/2 credit a year)


Robotics -- at the school


Engineering Drawing -- at the school



Ponygirl -- 8th


Math -- Intermediate Algebra (AoPS), Number Theory, Counting and Probability (Intermediate Algebra is mostly review, since she completed Algebra 2 this year...she may wind up doing both Number Theory books, and AoPS Geometry...but I'm not planning on it).


Science -- Advanced Chemistry with her brother


English -- MCT Magic Lens/Word within the Word; some Homeschool Connections writing courses.


Literature -- Great works from World History 2 (still working on this)


History -- Renaissance to the Modern Age (still working on this)


German 1 & 2 with tutor


Italian -- Computer based (still deciding)


**While her English, Lit and History will be at high school level, I'm not counting this towards high school graduation requirements.  Math, science and foreign language will go towards high school graduation.  DD has no desire to graduate early and go off to college early. 

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Here's my current plan for my rising 10th grader:


Math-U-See Geometry

Tapestry of Grace History (Year 2)

Tapestry of Grace Literature

Tapestry of Grace Writing

Apologia Biology

Spanish II (co-op class using BJU Spanish)

Art History (co-op class)


We'll probably add one more class . . .

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(1) Dd chose the courses for next year :)

-- Dd wanted Environmental Science more than physics next year. I insisted on bio first, so we came up with the idea of block-scheduling the two science courses.

--She has interests in sooooooooooooooooooooooo many areas---right now she's interested in why individuals and groups such as countries act the way they do (thank you, AP Human Geography!), thus the psychology and comparative government. If she's going to study the topics, she might as well take approved AP courses and sit the exams.

--AP calculus is next in her math progression. We already went deeper and wider with AoPS number theory and counting & probability.

--Dd's current English teacher assures me she is prepared for the AP English Lang course and exam.

--Some students find their appropriate level of challenge through AP courses. Our CC would not be a challenging situation for dd, but the University of Our State will be. We have to pay the full cost of the university credits, thus one class per semester to start.

--Dd is aiming for highly selective universities and/or full tuition offers.


(2) Others have addressed the AP exam schedule. I am going to begin looking for next year's seats this May, when dd takes her first AP exam, by talking with the very helpful AP coordinator for the school where she's testing. I'll approach other schools beginning in September (I already know some not to ask from this year's search!) One of dd's planned exams, Comparative Government, is only being offered by six schools in our state this year :eek:


There is one school in our area that does Comparative Government. Thankfully, they are not in our district where I know we couldn't get a seat. :tongue_smilie:



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My Rising 10th grader


Saxon Advanced Math

World History



English -- I m' not certain what I'm doing yet, cobbling from the resources I have here


I think I need to add another class but I'm not sure what to add.


She is also in 2 choirs and might be accompanist for a third. Also piano lessons.

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DD (who will be in 10th grade) will be taking these classes next year:


IEW Research Papers

Fix-it Grammar

Saxon Algebra 2

Apologia Chemistry

History of the Ancient World

Homeschool Greek 2

Suzuki Violin (thru college program)

Ancient History Literature via WTM


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I thought I had it all worked out.  But now it is up in the air and things may be changing in a big way.  In my province we have to register with a board for home educate and there is 3 different ways to register.  We have always registered as parent directed which is the least invasive(only 2 home visits per year, no assignments to hand in can teach what we want).  My teens however want their diploma (which is issued by the gov't in they complete the gov't approved courses)  and we have been doing that this year as parent directed.  However next year I have a very heavy college year as I head towards my own graduation and it is a lot of work making sure that what I am teaching matches up with provincial outcomes in each course.  So we are looking at switching boards, and either doing full aligned (aka teacher directed) which is essentially public school at home with teachers for each subject, and homework to submit weekly etc, or blended which is a combo of the 2.  Each way has its own pros and cons, and until my son's neuropsych testing that he started yesterday is completed and scored and we know what we are dealing with I have no clue what route we are going to take and so then I have no clue what is going to be taught next year.  Other than they are doing bio with apologia no matter what.  

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