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Has anyone fell pregnant just before their periods?


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I do have a short one, but even then the maths still doesn't add up.


As, we had TeA on day before period, then 5 days of it. I actually even felt the ovulation day! And it was around day 12. So technically impossible. ...


I'm mid forties too! You'd think my fertile years would be way over! Far ou,t my eldest turns 28 this month!!!!!!


I totally misread this at first!  :lol:

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I do have a short one, but even then the maths still doesn't add up.


As, we had TeA on day before period, then 5 days of it. I actually even felt the ovulation day! And it was around day 12. So technically impossible. ...


I'm mid forties too! You'd think my fertile years would be way over! Far ou,t my eldest turns 28 this month!!!!!!

No wonder you are exhausted and out of sorts.  :lol:


I do NOT think you are pg.  However, you are not "too old" to get pg so mind your p's and q's in the prevention department.

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It's much more likely that whatever you're going through is related to menopause coming on than a pregnancy.  I suppose there's a remote possibility that you ovulated during your period and there were already sperm in your fallopian tubes, that the ovulation you felt was actually implantation, and that you're pregnant, but that seems pretty remote.  Go get a test.  Then you'll know.

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Can't. ..not yet....


I can just pretend that I'm late. Once it's confirmed.... I'm done- emotionally and physically etc...


I'm concerned now, but don't want to be devastated. KWIM anyone? :-(

It's probably just a missed period and nothing to worry about. I know it's stressful to take a test, but I think it's worse to keep waiting and worrying. :grouphug:

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No, couldn't happen unless you didn't really have a period (a lot of people think 3 days of spotting is a period because their doctor has falsely told them that it is). But if you're having fake periods (like people do on the pill or when having anovulatory cycles or in early pregnancy) then there's no ovulation of course. 


Sperm can last 3-7 days and ovulation typically happens at the 10th-18th day of the cycle, sometimes later but almost never earlier. Even if say a woman ovulated on cycle day 7....not as common but definitely possible....the sperm would have needed to last 8 days since the first day of the period is cycle day 1. 


There's also the fact that the day before your period you'd have dry cervical fluid, which is a poor environment for sperm to survive long. Then bleeding isn't a great ph environment for them. So between unfavorable environment + super long time between s*x and conception then it'd be crazy unlikely. 


Now, if you had not ovulated yet and ovulated super late that cycle (I think my personal record is like cycle day 26, haha!) then conceived and then had spotting you thought was a period because of the timing then yes it's possible. Ovulating late is very common and can happen in times of stress or anything even if it isn't your norm. 


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The environment would be hostile to sperm right before a period. They can survive 5 days but in good cervical fluid. It is possible though that you ovulated late and then had really bad ovulation spotting instead of a period. I guess anything is possible but it isn't very likely.

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I am 46 and my last period was Christmas day it is not because I am pregnant believe me. That said if you are nearing menopause (or just starting your cycle) things can be a bit random. According to my scans ds7 was conceived 10 days after his dad left and ds5 a week before he arrived so I don't have much faith in scans or claims made based on them.

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I have had a full cycle while pregnant for a month or two. It threw hte Dr's for a huge loop who then freaked out when they realised I was 13 weeks along. Made that particular pregnancy seem less lengthy except I was horrifically "all day" sick for the first 6 months.

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I got pregnant just a few days before I was due to start. I had to go to the doctor for some tests during that time, and they told me I hadn't even ovulated that month.. but I was already pregnant . 

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I got pregnant just a few days before I was due to start. I had to go to the doctor for some tests during that time, and they told me I hadn't even ovulated that month.. but I was already pregnant .

So, you got pregnant the month before? Sorry, not following.

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I already knew that you could get pregnant while pregnant, but it's so rare.



I've heard that happens more often than you'd think...  apparently a high percentage of fraternal twins have different conception dates, sometimes even a month or two apart.


Okay, I wonder if that explains the great mystery about my gestation/birth?


Apparently, my mother went to the doctor when she suspected she was pregnant and had a test done in the office. (This was back in the dark ages before you could buy a home test at the drug store.) The test was positive and, based on that and the date of her last period, she was given a due date of mid-August. However, I was not born until toward the end of October.


I know that pregnancies vary a bit in length, but 10 weeks longer than average has always struck me as odd.

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So... I went to the docs today, and did an urine test. So brave. ;-)


And it's *negative* YAY! but she said it's not that accurate until really over due. So how long is that? I forgot to ask.


ETA: My periods are normally like Swiss clock work. So I'm non the wiser, really. Waiting game....

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yay....it finally came, though, unusually late.


Phew! Sigh of relief!! ! :-D


Dh is talking about having a vasectomy now, lol.

I'm glad that you can stop worrying.


Mine are/were like clockwork as well. Last month I was scheduled for an endometrial ablation and my period decided that was the time to be 5 days late. I wasn't totally freaked until DH suggested that I test. The only times he's ever said that, I was pregnant. I held out hope that I wasn't going to have to kill his urologist (he had the big v right before my holy cr@p baby was born). I was going to give in on Sunday with the procedure on Monday but I thankfully started overnight Saturday. As I've never had a negative pregnancy test (I lived in denial for all of them), I carry much anxiety when peeing on any kind of a stick. Well, I take that back, the one they did right before the procedure was a negative but there was no stick involved with that on my end.

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  • 6 years later...

This is a homeschooling forum, mostly about education, and this is a very old conversation, so you may not find the information you need here.

You should get a pregnancy test if you're concerned, but I doubt it will be positive. You can get a quick home test at any drug store or dollar store. They're pretty accurate if you follow the instructions carefully. 




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