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These are my boots:



I love them. Like I want to marry them, love them. They actually make feet look small and petite. They don't come up to high on the calf. They are pretty and understated and durable. I wear them all the time in the winter because Wisconsin and pretty.


I am actually considering getting another pair but I am afraid that no one will be selling them :crying: We should probably figure out who gets them when I die. I wear a 6.5. Let the grovelling begin!

Honey, I'm sorry no one ever told you this before, but your feet ARE small and petite! :hat:

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:scared: There's a really good reason I gave up drinking so long ago. I'm not even allowed to use this smiley:




ETA: Oh dear! An alcoholic booya(h)! :leaving:

Oh jeez. So sorry. Dh and I talk about drinking a lot more than we do it, lol. Carryover from a wild youth. We have friends who don't drink for that reason or because of convictions. We just roll with it. Our friends are more important than our drinks:-) Unless of course, someone of the conviction persuasion gets all holier than thou on us. Then, we can be a little less accommodating:-D


So to solve the original problem...


I will make you lovely and satisfying alcohol free drinks. And wrap you in a soft blanket. In front of the fire. Will that be better?

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Honey, I'm sorry no one ever told you this before, but your feet ARE small and petite! :hat:

You make me smile:-)


They used to be smaller. I was a 5.5 my whole life until kids. I had always heard people say their feet got bigger after kids. I actually think they get smushed from preggo weight as well as ligament spread. They went up to 7 when I was pregnant and have now settled at 6.5.


Having babies is no joke.

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Good Morning, ITT! It's a beautiful day here in Central California. Blue skies, frosty grass. I love winter mornings like this!


Heather, love the boots! I suppose I won't be getting them when you die. My feet are size 8.


I get to babysit my dad today. Mom's going to Fresno to sit with my aunt in the hospital (she still hasn't woken up from surgery, it's been over 2 weeks now) so Dad's coming here. He's fine, but Mom's just afraid he'd fall and no one would be there to help him.


Have a great day!

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Good Morning, ITT! It's a beautiful day here in Central California. Blue skies, frosty grass. I love winter mornings like this!


Heather, love the boots! I suppose I won't be getting them when you die. My feet are size 8.


I get to babysit my dad today. Mom's going to Fresno to sit with my aunt in the hospital (she still hasn't woken up from surgery, it's been over 2 weeks now) so Dad's coming here. He's fine, but Mom's just afraid he'd fall and no one would be there to help him.


Have a great day!

They are magic boots, so they of course will fit you:-)


You are a good daughter. You guys have really been through the ringer. Hope you and Dad have a nice day together:-)

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You make me smile:-)


They used to be smaller. I was a 5.5 my whole life until kids. I had always heard people say their feet got bigger after kids. I actually think they get smushed from preggo weight as well as ligament spread. They went up to 7 when I was pregnant and have now settled at 6.5.


Having babies is no joke.

I had to get rid of 40 pairs of cute shoes because of pregnancy. I only went up half a size, but I think my feet spread more than "grew".  :crying:

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I had duck boots in college too!  I have purchased two pairs of favorite shoes at a time a couple of times. I would love to have my shoes resoled instead, but the last cobbler in our town retired about a decade ago. I was SO SAD when he quit!


I totally wish that my budget could handle a WTMA class, but it can't, at least not this year.  This push for outsourcing a lot of high school is really frustrating to me as it's changing the dynamic of expectations in college applications.

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I had fallen asleep after last night's posts I made, because I was surviving on 2.5 hours of sleep the night before. Because district consultant was in yesterday. I don't know, I though I was over her, but she just rubs me all wrong. I can't even be civil.


If the bazooka is really not an option for you, can we just Elephant Ninja Duct Tape her?


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Oh jeez. So sorry. Dh and I talk about drinking a lot more than we do it, lol. Carryover from a wild youth. We have friends who don't drink for that reason or because of convictions. We just roll with it. Our friends are more important than our drinks:-) Unless of course, someone of the conviction persuasion gets all holier than thou on us. Then, we can be a little less accommodating:-D


So to solve the original problem...


I will make you lovely and satisfying alcohol free drinks. And wrap you in a soft blanket. In front of the fire. Will that be better?


Snort.  Me, too.  But I didn't have a wild youth.  (Although I never, ever drink until I had short person in the home.  Now, a glass of wine in the evening is no longer unheard of! ;) )



(Okay.  I just looked at that and realized that it makes DD seem challenging.  She's not.  Since I could only have one, God gave me a really, really easy kid.  But parenting is still hard.  Or I'm a whiney wienie.  Could go either way. [That's what I'm telling myself anyway.])

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I get to babysit my dad today. Mom's going to Fresno to sit with my aunt in the hospital (she still hasn't woken up from surgery, it's been over 2 weeks now) so Dad's coming here. He's fine, but Mom's just afraid he'd fall and no one would be there to help him.

  :grouphug:  :grouphug: :grouphug:  :grouphug:  

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I like the free lunch I get on audit days.  And the local deli has White Chicken Chili as a special today.  I may/may not have ordered two meals and justified it as a soup/sandwich combo.


Have a great day everyone.  Stepping in poop (and being pooped on) is a lucky omen.

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Buddy update:


We still don’t know what’s wrong.


He is still not normal; he is passing urine but not normally, and he leaks a bit.  He has to wear a doggy diaper in the house which wears on his dignity.  I am getting up with him 1-2 times per night, which is manageable.  This is the new normal, I suspect.  Basically, he’s okay.  Not in crisis, but not quite his usual self either.


I think I mentioned that his bladder wall doubled in thickness over a two week period.  To figure it out, I had to make some choices.  We could do a surgical biopsy, which would be definitive.  Unfortunately, if it’s cancer, there are really not a lot of treatment options; there is no distinct tumor (it would be a quality of life management issue).  Recovery would be really hard on him.  He’s very active and goes everywhere on the property with me. I could not imagine forcing him to stay inside every day while I was out doing the chores.  When the weather gets super cold, I am forced to send him in after only a while and it devastates him.  So I refused that option.


Option 2 was a needle biopsy. It is not necessarily definitive, but could give us our answers. The danger is that, if it’s cancer, the procedure could seed cancer cells throughout the abdomen.  But, if it’s cancer, it’s only a matter of time anyway. I went with this option and got inconclusive results. Oops.


So:  It could be cancer or it could be an inflammatory cystitis.  The treatment/management is the same-NSAID and continue on the drug that helps him pee (prazosin.)  FWIW, our vet is consulting regularly with the guy who is the doggy equivalent of the head of internal medicine at WSU (teaching vet hospital) and he’s totally stumped, too.  Which is the same place we were 3 years ago when the pee problem was at crisis. 


I wonder if the weird person attracted the weird dog or if living with a weird person made the dog weird.  Chicken/egg.  Sigh.


This could probably go down in the annals of the WTM forum as oddest post ever, but I suspect that some people here have been thinking of my Buddy dog and I wanted to keep you informed.

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Good Morning, ITT! It's a beautiful day here in Central California. Blue skies, frosty grass. I love winter mornings like this!


Heather, love the boots! I suppose I won't be getting them when you die. My feet are size 8.


I get to babysit my dad today. Mom's going to Fresno to sit with my aunt in the hospital (she still hasn't woken up from surgery, it's been over 2 weeks now) so Dad's coming here. He's fine, but Mom's just afraid he'd fall and no one would be there to help him.


Have a great day!


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

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I like the free lunch I get on audit days.  And the local deli has White Chicken Chili as a special today.  I may/may not have ordered two meals and justified it as a soup/sandwich combo.


Have a great day everyone.  Stepping in poop (and being pooped on) is a lucky omen.


I step in poop all the time.  I must be the luckiest woman alive!!!!



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Oh jeez. So sorry. Dh and I talk about drinking a lot more than we do it, lol. Carryover from a wild youth. We have friends who don't drink for that reason or because of convictions. We just roll with it. Our friends are more important than our drinks:-) Unless of course, someone of the conviction persuasion gets all holier than thou on us. Then, we can be a little less accommodating:-D


So to solve the original problem...


I will make you lovely and satisfying alcohol free drinks. And wrap you in a soft blanket. In front of the fire. Will that be better?

That sounds great!!!  :D


You make me smile:-)


They used to be smaller. I was a 5.5 my whole life until kids. I had always heard people say their feet got bigger after kids. I actually think they get smushed from preggo weight as well as ligament spread. They went up to 7 when I was pregnant and have now settled at 6.5.


Having babies is no joke.


You have tiny, cute, little feet.  :D

I had to get rid of 40 pairs of cute shoes because of pregnancy. I only went up half a size, but I think my feet spread more than "grew".  :crying:

Mine grew a size, as well.  Not cool.  That's why my college cowboy boots dont' fit.


I don't drink and never really wanted to. But I do overindulge in caffeine and chocolate.

THis is what I do now.

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I'd say you're between a rock and a hard place with Buddy. You are treating both conditions as best as you can. Pee problems are just really frustrating things to treat. I often tell owners that it's a little like an automatic window on your car. You never think about it until it breaks and then you are really stumped as to how to fix it since it's mechanical and electrical at the same time.  :grouphug:


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Saving is always a good idea. But, paying off the debt is better as interest on debt is higher than interest earned on savings. And, it also depends on if there already is a savings. If not, put it in savings, if so, pay debt.

I can put $1,200 in savings, but I don't know if that's enough to move. The debts we're paying off are very small but equal out to > $300 in payments.


Did I show ya'll this? Tell me what you think.http://santafe.craigslist.org/cto/5423199985.html

Slache approved. I would not get a stick if my husband could not drive a stick and his truck had problems. Unless I really, really didn't want him driving my car.


I wrote a whole post and lost it :crying:

I copy each long post before hitting Post.


I had to get rid of 40 pairs of cute shoes because of pregnancy. I only went up half a size, but I think my feet spread more than "grew".  :crying:

I own 2 pairs of shoes. I don't think I've ever owned more than 2 pairs of shoes.

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See Heather! I can copy quotes too!


Saving is always a good idea. But, paying off the debt is better as interest on debt is higher than interest earned on savings. And, it also depends on if there already is a savings. If not, put it in savings, if so, pay debt.

I can put $1,200 in savings, but I don't know if that's enough to move. The debts we're paying off are very small but equal out to > $300 in payments.


Did I show ya'll this? Tell me what you think.http://santafe.craigslist.org/cto/5423199985.html

Slache approved. I would not get a stick if my husband could not drive a stick and his truck had problems. Unless I really, really didn't want him driving my car.


I wrote a whole post and lost it  :crying:

I copy each long post before hitting Post.


I had to get rid of 40 pairs of cute shoes because of pregnancy. I only went up half a size, but I think my feet spread more than "grew".   :crying:

I own 2 pairs of shoes. I don't think I've ever owned more than 2 pairs of shoes.

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MIL's school books are here. She spent $18 to ship books I'll probably never use. I haven't opened it yet. She's coming to visit when Alexander (?) is born. I think I'll have Matt do school those days so she'll see what we do and that might make her feel better. It really hit me when she said "She's gonna have to teach all this stuff" that she's uncomfortable. She probably thinks I have no idea what I'm doing, don't have a plan, and will ruin her grandkids.


Miss Linsey is going to be here in an hour and fifteen minutes. I have to...


Unload the dishwasher

Pick up and make beds

Clean the microwave

Lay the bath mats out

Read 3 commentaries on Philippians 2

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I need to clean the fish bowl. I have had the "clean the fishbowl" chore card on my ribbon since Saturday. Bad, bad fish mommy.


I need to hand-wash several large pans and the slow cooker.


Must put away the laminator and figure out what to have for dinner.


I have 35 minutes. On your mark, get set, GO!

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I don't drink.


I have never had a pet, so while I can sympathize, I have no knowledge of animal biology.


I have more than 2 pairs of shoes; I don't have boots because they are so hard to put on.  (My hands are weak.)


I wear 8 1/2 wide shoes and I have flat feet.  It is hard to find shoes.


Oh, and I don't do taxes.  That's dh's job.

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Slache approved. I would not get a stick if my husband could not drive a stick and his truck had problems. Unless I really, really didn't want him driving my car.


I really don't want him driving my car. What's mine is mine. Basically, that's like the only thing that is ever really mine.

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My ideal used car is a Toyota Camry or a Honda Civic. Volkswagon repairs are crazy expensive both in parts and labor.

I loved my Honda Civic. It would still be in our family if we hadn't been screwed over by some mechanics. (We had the timing belt changed and they did a crappy job. It broke and completely destroyed the engine.) 


I own 2 pairs of shoes. I don't think I've ever owned more than 2 pairs of shoes.

I'm fat and shoes are the only thing that "fit right". Now that I'm on a budget, I don't have nearly that many shoes. Maybe 5. It makes me sad.

I'm a shoe whore. 

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MIL's school books are here. She spent $18 to ship books I'll probably never use. I haven't opened it yet. She's coming to visit when Alexander (?) is born. I think I'll have Matt do school those days so she'll see what we do and that might make her feel better. It really hit me when she said "She's gonna have to teach all this stuff" that she's uncomfortable. She probably thinks I have no idea what I'm doing, don't have a plan, and will ruin her grandkids.



Many people think this way about homeschoolers in general, so that is nothing to sweat about. I realize you don't sweat, and wouldn't over this issue anyway, but wanted to encourage you. :D

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These are my boots:



I love them. Like I want to marry them, love them. They actually make feet look small and petite. They don't come up to high on the calf. They are pretty and understated and durable. I wear them all the time in the winter because Wisconsin and pretty.


I am actually considering getting another pair but I am afraid that no one will be selling them :crying: We should probably figure out who gets them when I die. I wear a 6.5. Let the grovelling begin!


Those are SO cute!   :drool:  But I doubt they look that cute in an 11.  :thumbdown: :D


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Need to print off my dad's charitable giving statement from an organization of missionaries in India.  He sent it to me since my dad has no computer. - Lost so there is no hope.  My odd father will not likely forget about this so I will have to fess up at some point.





Can they send another? Or email one?

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I have more than 2 pairs of shoes; I don't have boots because they are so hard to put on.  (My hands are weak.)



There's that too.  As it is, my kids are quite adept at helping me put on socks and shoes.  I even taught them from a young age to pull the tongue out as they put on my shoes so that it doesn't get all bunched up.  A bunched up tongue bothers me. 

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I gave Buddy your hug.  He licked your face.  :laugh:

I heart Buddy so much.  He and Daisy would have fun together.


I have no need for cold weather boots!  My tennie runners do just fine 90% of the time.  The rest of my time I wear my nice church shoes. Like Slashie, I only have two pairs of shoes. 


You will get boots if I say so because I am wearing my bossiest pants today!

I really don't want him driving my car. What's mine is mine. Basically, that's like the only thing that is ever really mine.


You go, girl!  I drive my odd father's car right now, and no one but me is allowed to drive it because he knows dh is a crappy driver.

Done! Did I win?


Now I have 10 minutes to loaf before story time.


Yes, you win the prize.  IT is a million dollars and some chocolate.  It's in the mail..

Many people think this way about homeschoolers in general, so that is nothing to sweat about. I realize you don't sweat, and wouldn't over this issue anyway, but wanted to encourage you. :D

I know, right???  I remember when we first started homeschooling I had to really convince Nan (former school principal) how I wasn't ruining the children.  She did get convinced.  I only try to convince the people I care about.  The rest of them can bite my butt.  :D

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I'm fat and shoes are the only thing that "fit right". Now that I'm on a budget, I don't have nearly that many shoes. Maybe 5. It makes me sad.

I'm a shoe whore. 

I do that with funny T shirts.


Many people think this way about homeschoolers in general, so that is nothing to sweat about. I realize you don't sweat, and wouldn't over this issue anyway, but wanted to encourage you. :D

But *she's* stressed. Maybe I'll buy her a copy of TWTM or something. She stresses over everything. That's how she's going to die. I know she thinks I'm a terrible mother. It's very sad. Her daughter has a LOT of problems and her son was a drug addict when I met him so I don't take her opinion seriously.

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Can they send another? Or email one?

He emailed it because he can't mail it since he's in India.  He tried three times to email it, and I am so embarrassed that I have now lost it.  He is very sweet and would do it again, but I hope to avoid it.  My odd father doesn't need the information - he has it in his records.  He only needs it if audited.  So I can ask this sweet missionary man to email me another one, fess up to my odd father, or ignore the whole thing and hope it goes away and the odd father forgets about it.  I choose number 3.  :D  He will bother me until I fess up, but I choose not to fess up today.  I am not up for the fessing.  Not today.  The rest of the week is not looking good, either.

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