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Update on my dad: looks like this is episodic. Went to see him this morning before church. He opened his eyes when I greeted him, recognized me, told me what he had for breakfast. We had an actual conversation for the 15 minutes I was there. We went to see him this afternoon and he was dressed and in a wheelchair, which he was able to maneuver himself. He was like his old self. Very weak, or course. Wanting to go home, or course. And just yesterday when we left him he looked like those poor people you see in nursing homes, sitting there in wheel chairs with their mouths hanging open and blank looks on their faces. He'll stay at the nursing home until he can at least get himself around on his feet a little. I'm hoping about a week or so.

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I had caffeine late afternoon while ds was in dive practice. I knew better, but I still did it. I may be up all night. I might be cranky tomorrow.

I did coffee late too. I am going to finish watching Hoarders, which will give me inspiration to finish the dishes :lol: I am a little scared to try to sleep after that:-(

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Update on my dad: looks like this is episodic. Went to see him this morning before church. He opened his eyes when I greeted him, recognized me, told me what he had for breakfast. We had an actual conversation for the 15 minutes I was there. We went to see him this afternoon and he was dressed and in a wheelchair, which he was able to maneuver himself. He was like his old self. Very weak, or course. Wanting to go home, or course. And just yesterday when we left him he looked like those poor people you see in nursing homes, sitting there in wheel chairs with their mouths hanging open and blank looks on their faces. He'll stay at the nursing home until he can at least get himself around on his feet a little. I'm hoping about a week or so.

(((hugs)))  That sounds encouraging but still very hard to see your dad like that.

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I hope you get the best and longest sleep tonight you've had in months!


Bummer the store was closed.  You'll be rockin a new pair soon.


Yay that you're a great teacher and that your boys know it.


Yay for referring friend's inlaws to someone good and nice.


Star Wars - I forgive you, lol.


And the last.  I totally get that.  My 10yo ds thinks it's funny to kiss me on the shoulder every time he passes by and it makes me want to jump out of my skin!  And now that he knows that, he does it more.  I should not complain - in another year or two he wouldn't be caught dead doing it - but it still drives me nuts.  Stop touching me before I puke on you!


Thank you, dear.


I wonder why I was not wowed by Star Wars.  I loved the original and saw it as a kid and was enthralled by it.  Maybe nothing can live up to that memory.

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Thank you, dear.


I wonder why I was not wowed by Star Wars.  I loved the original and saw it as a kid and was enthralled by it.  Maybe nothing can live up to that memory.


There were a few disappointments - Leia, for one.  And I don't really picture Han and Leia ending up that way - not having learned anything or grown at all?  I think reading the Thrawn trilogy is more enjoyable as far as thinking about the original characters.  But, I liked Rey a lot. 


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I cannot cheer for this.  That is all.


Update on my dad: looks like this is episodic. Went to see him this morning before church. He opened his eyes when I greeted him, recognized me, told me what he had for breakfast. We had an actual conversation for the 15 minutes I was there. We went to see him this afternoon and he was dressed and in a wheelchair, which he was able to maneuver himself. He was like his old self. Very weak, or course. Wanting to go home, or course. And just yesterday when we left him he looked like those poor people you see in nursing homes, sitting there in wheel chairs with their mouths hanging open and blank looks on their faces. He'll stay at the nursing home until he can at least get himself around on his feet a little. I'm hoping about a week or so.


But, I will cheer loudly for this!   :party: So glad he's doing better!

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It's been a long day here.  Headache has been mostly better.  Made a lot of photo copies (which are in no way organized).  Watched two football games.  Went to two church services, Sunday School, choir practice, and an informal wedding reception.  I think that is enough.

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It's been a long day here. Headache has been mostly better. Made a lot of photo copies (which are in no way organized). Watched two football games. Went to two church services, Sunday School, choir practice, and an informal wedding reception. I think that is enough.

Yes - enough already! Glad your head is behaving a little better.


Sometimes dh will try to hug me in the morning and put his head against my back. He has a big beard and it is scratchy. Very bad way to wake up. Very very bad.

Edited by Susan in TN
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Tex, the new Star Wars did not wow me either for both character and plot related reasons. Since the first Star Wars movie I remember seeing was Return of the Jedi, and I only caught up with the others much later, I don't feel that my comparisons are simple nostalgia. But they didn't ask me, and I'm a minority opinion, I'm sure.


Our kitty's name is little cat, or kitty. In French. 


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Good morning!!


Krissi, glad your dad is improving.


Good sleep is so important. I finally fell into a good deep sleep around 2:30 and slept soundly until 7:30. Good sleep is wonderful. :grouphug: Mary. I hope you sleep well tonight.


My hand is doing that numb, tingly thing again. It is aggravating.


Hope everyone has a good day!

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Go, Pack, Go!


Star Wars:  We found it to be meh here.  Long on special effects, short on story and character development.  With the exception of Rey.  She's BA.


Renai:  Congrats on the new fur baby.


Happy Birthday, Susan's Baby.  :party:



I now will go back to dealing with sick dog.  (Our GSD has periodic episodes when he cannot pee.  This is year 3, although the episodes are now highly infrequent.  We do not know why this happens.  Two Christmases ago [yes, Christmas] I rushed him to WSU.  A boatload of cash later, they rendered their diagnosis:  Sometimes the dog cannot pee.  But they put it in Latin, so it was very profound and very expensive.  Sigh.  So, as soon as the vet's office opens, I shall plead for an early non-scheduled appointment with the catheter.  Sigh again.)

Edited by JoJosMom
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Renai: happy kitten snuggles! Scout is a great name!


Star Wars: I wasn't impressed either---and not happy I'd spent the money to take all 6 of us to it.  Love the series, not impressed with character development


Olive Garden: much prefer Zios.


tingly hand: try icing and resting it; odds are it's nerve compression


my Monday: toddler threw oldest's phone into a glass of water this weekend; it does not appear to be revivable after 48h in rice. Two phones in two months. Bleh.  I have company from Florida arriving in two hours and I still haven't showered or prepped.





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Tex, the new Star Wars did not wow me either for both character and plot related reasons. Since the first Star Wars movie I remember seeing was Return of the Jedi, and I only caught up with the others much later, I don't feel that my comparisons are simple nostalgia. But they didn't ask me, and I'm a minority opinion, I'm sure.


Our kitty's name is little cat, or kitty. In French. 

Well, at least it is not just me.  Dh and a kid slept for 30 minutes during the movie. :confused1:   


I did not think that the character of Finn fit - or maybe the actor was miscast in the role.  I just didn't buy him.  I will not discuss anything else due to spoilers, but I saw the big one coming.  


Yes, the character development was lacking.  And the Darth Vader dude had too much waffling to be truly evil.


I did like the character of Rey but even that felt a bit predictable.  The character was a JLaw clone.  


Leia felt flat to me.


Okay, that is all. :leaving:

Edited by texasmama
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Y'all will appreciate this.  Since I now have no co-teacher possibility for high school English at co-op next year, the director has offered to waive all fees for all of my kids for all classes for the entire year if I will just teach the darn thing. :lol:


I found it terribly amusing.  If you will do this thing no one else wants to do, I will bribe you really well.  That amounts to two high school chemistry classes, my English class (free anyway), a stellar speech class (one semester), and either a debate/drawing/SAT prep class for the off semester of speech.  Also, whatever fun classes that little dd wants to take.


I can be bought, you know. :hat:

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My Monday definitely sucks less because of this :hurray:


Hugs to all, cheers for the birthday girl, and boo hiss to frigid temperatures. It is a whopping 3 degrees here right now. Feels about normal, but still:-(


I have coffee, week plans are done so the kids know what they are supposed to be doing, signed them up for their next tennis session. I still need to make ds11 a hair appt. This kid has awesome hair, thick and curly. Strangers used to come up and ask to touch it, lol. It is truly hobbit hair. Which he loves. But right now, it is insane. And the last time I cut it, it didn't turn out so well. It was like trying to tame a wild beast :D


I also have to fix Quicken, because apparently it is broken. Technology was easier to use in the 90s because they actually had time between updates to *make things better*. Now, they just keep releasing without full testing, it drives me batty.


Rant over.


Happy homeschooling, my lovelies!

Edited by Professormom
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Y'all will appreciate this.  Since I now have no co-teacher possibility for high school English at co-op next year, the director has offered to waive all fees for all of my kids for all classes for the entire year if I will just teach the darn thing. :lol:


I found it terribly amusing.  If you will do this thing no one else wants to do, I will bribe you really well.  That amounts to two high school chemistry classes, my English class (free anyway), a stellar speech class (one semester), and either a debate/drawing/SAT prep class for the off semester of speech.  Also, whatever fun classes that little dd wants to take.


I can be bought, you know. :hat:



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Renai: happy kitten snuggles! Scout is a great name!


Star Wars: I wasn't impressed either---and not happy I'd spent the money to take all 6 of us to it. Love the series, not impressed with character development


Olive Garden: much prefer Zios.


tingly hand: try icing and resting it; odds are it's nerve compression


my Monday: toddler threw oldest's phone into a glass of water this weekend; it does not appear to be revivable after 48h in rice. Two phones in two months. Bleh. I have company from Florida arriving in two hours and I still haven't showered or prepped.

May the force be with you :D

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Y'all will appreciate this. Since I now have no co-teacher possibility for high school English at co-op next year, the director has offered to waive all fees for all of my kids for all classes for the entire year if I will just teach the darn thing. :lol:


I found it terribly amusing. If you will do this thing no one else wants to do, I will bribe you really well. That amounts to two high school chemistry classes, my English class (free anyway), a stellar speech class (one semester), and either a debate/drawing/SAT prep class for the off semester of speech. Also, whatever fun classes that little dd wants to take.


I can be bought, you know. :hat:


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Well, at least it is not just me.  Dh and ds15 slept for 30 minutes during the movie. :confused1:   


I did not think that the character of Finn fit - or maybe the actor was miscast in the role.  I just didn't buy him.  I will not discuss anything else due to spoilers, but I saw the big one coming.  


Yes, the character development was lacking.  And the Darth Vader dude had too much waffling to be truly evil.


I did like the character of Rey but even that felt a bit predictable.  The character was a JLaw clone.  


Leia felt flat to me.


Okay, that is all. :leaving:


I kind of feel that that was the point, especially considering his past. Just a feeling I get, but I think he is supposed to be waffling between light and dark. 



I really want waffles now. 



Edited because I killed a kitten. Hope it wasn't Ellie's kitten above. That would be sad. 

Edited by Southern Ivy
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Taking a quick break between homeschooling the Bigs and the Littles.


With the Bigs, we just had a Spanish lesson.  The dc told me that last week I taught them to tell time incorrectly.  They visited with friends of theirs yesterday between church services.  The friends' mother is from South America.  They were telling her what they had learned.  She said it wasn't right.  So now I have to talk to her to find out how to un-do last week's material.   :confused1:


In history, we discussed religious freedom.  Some of our ancestors came to America to escape religious persecution, only to find it here.  Some of the relatives on my father's side of the family were Quakers.  Strangely, although I was born in Pennsylvania, all of my Quaker ancestors were in Virginia.  They were fined, possibly imprisoned, and eventually sent packing to North Carolina where they were welcomed.


And dd9 is cleaning out all of the papers she has stashed under her bed.  She is on her 2nd or 3rd trash bag.   :huh:





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My student just now: 

"Ms. B, what's a verb?" 


REALLY? We JUST finished making a booklet about action and linking verbs. We basically spent ALL FREAKING MORNING discussing VERBS!!!!! 




Your students have figured out how to push your buttons.  :lol:

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I'm back.  Did you guys miss me?  I"m exhausted. 


I think one reason I was "up" overall on Star Wars is because I went in with expectations so low.  And yes, Rey is BA.   

Of course you were missed!!


And I agree. I was hesitant to watch it since I was so horribly disappointed by the ones with Natalie Portman. I think that's why I really enjoyed it, because it wasn't full of Hayden Christensen. :/ 

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