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What are activities you enjoy with just your DH?

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No, I am not talking about THOSE kind of activities! But I need to come up with a list of enjoyable/fun activities DH and I could do together. The fact that I"m having a hard time thinking of such things tells you how much we need it!


So, I would love to hear what you enjoy doing with your DH/DW. Mind you, I know most of us don't get to actually DO enough of these activities, so I'm not asking what you actually get to do, but what you would LIKE to do, if you KWIM.

Michelle T

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Dh and I really like baseball. So, a Detroit Tigers baseball game with dinner beforehand is really nice!


Theater. We both love live theater.


We both LOVE to travel. But, we won't do that alone for a while!! So, for now, we visit places that have childcare! (All inclusive places usually do.) After the kids are older we plan to travel a LOT!!! (Both with and without the kids.)


We also enjoy a simple night out at Lowes! Seriously - looking at paint samples, sinks, toilets, bathtubs, etc. is nice without kids!!!


Good luck finding something to do with dh!

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If only it were free!!!

Bowling (even though I'm horrible). Shopping - mostly window shopping, or for birthdays, holidays. Eating. Walking around town, or through a nice park. Trolling through antique shops. Just taking a drive to explore our new town/area!

If money's not an issue: theatre, concert. We've really enjoyed these opportunities, but they're just not usually in budget. (I think DH just likes to see me dress up!

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We enjoy walks together, going out for supper, strolling through Target (LOL, it's fun without the kids!), going to a coffee shop and visiting... Anything alone! Last week dh had an eye doctor appt. and I went along just to have time alone with him in the car. :001_smile: Oh, we enjoy turning off the TV, computer, putting our books away and just talking in the evening.

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Dh would like to backpack more--if he didn't have such a physically demanding job. That's something we both love doing and we did take a backpacking trip with just the two of us once. We often go for walks around our land or into town (1 1/2 miles away) and back. Sometimes we walk down to the gravel bar on the river and pick up interesting rocks, fossils, and bits of broken glass. We used to take long drives together. He has said that someday he might be interested in taking ballroom dancing lessons, and it's something I've always wanted to know how to do.

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Go out to a movie.

Go out to eat.

Go to the gym together.

Travel! (Favorite, though we don't get to do it super-often.)

Take a walk together.

Window shop/plan for the house (Lowe's/Home Depot/Ikea)

Go get a coffee.

Go to a show of some sort (symphony, play, etc...).


I've always thought it might be fun to take a continuing education type class together (dancing, landscaping, massage, foreign language, etc...).


Some couples like to cook together. (Lol -- not me because I'm a terrible cook!)


How about a drive-in theater or a picnic?



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Our favorite thing to do is go to concerts. We especially love going to see the bands of our high school years. The older we get, the cheaper those tickets are, lol. Nothing makes me feel as young and in love as going to see a band that dh and I enjoyed together when we were teenagers.

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My hubby and I go grocery shopping together!! (Ain't THAT romantic? :D)


We also love to play golf...although that takes longer than grocery shopping!


We're not movie-goers (the last movie we saw in a theatre was "Titanic" :blushing:)


We do like to go out to dinner occasionally and we LOVE going to the sports bar when the Washington Redskins are playing!! It's a lot of fun. I'll drink my Coke and my hubby will have a few beers, and we'll eat alot of hot wings, and I drive home.


What else? Ummm.... We like to sit on the front porch at night and talk -- and that's free! :)

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and I'm really excited. I'm so hoping we can buy the season tickets and get 4 or 5 dates out this school year. That is my idea of a fabulous date. As for activities, we talk a lot together, but right now our kids are around in most activities. We will watch an occasional movie at home, and we teach together which is a real learning experience.

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We really enjoy sending all the kids in the house, and then gardening together. Dh "picks weeds", and I follow him around carrying the bucket and chatting.


We also actually enjoy running errands together. We usually stop for a quick dinner or lunch, and the rest of the time we listen to '80's music and run errands.


My dh also really likes car racing, so we sometimes go to "the drags" on a Saturday night. He has his car from high school (a 1971 Chevelle musclecar), and sometimes he likes to go cruising around on summer evenings.


And ok, I should admit, while I'm in nostalgia mode, that sometimes we go "parking" and make out as we did when we were young and carefree! :lol: :001_wub:


Most of what we do costs little to no money, but we do occasionally see a movie and indulge in theatre popcorn & M&M's.


ETA: Batting cages are also pretty fun, as is playing in a co-ed sport from the local recreation dept.

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Playing Scrabble!! Very competetive.

Playing cards

watching videos, especially british tv murder mystery series

sitting on the couch drinking coffee

doing crossword puzzles together

eating take out while sitting on the kitchen floor & drinking beer

eating popcorn and listening to the radio



we used to go on walks together all the time, but no more

we used to go on drives, too, but no more of that, either


doing housework together, cooking together


if i had my choice we'd go out to dinner alone and go bowling or to a blues bar--this would be a very special date:001_smile:

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We go out to eat, to the store, whatever. For us just being together away from the kids is nice. Of course we talk about them the whole time but then they can't eavesdrop.


When we were struggling in our marriage we went out more to nicer places (and also the marriage counselor). But now that we are done with our mid-life angsts we can relaxe and be ourselves.


If you guys just want to do casual things that don't seem huge that is really okay. It's just about being together.

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The BOOKSTORE!!! (books, not booKs LOL)


We read in bed together every night--right now we're reading one *together* that is so fun! It's a mystery with Sherlock Holmes as a character and we go through the clues and fake newspaper clippings, etc. to try and solve it together. We dig that stuff.


We like to watch football. We love the theatre, but can't usually afford to go. We used to play the Myst computer games together! lol Strolling around the mall, usually ending up at the bookstore! ;)


Sometimes we play a game together or do nerdy stuff like organize our reading lists or take on a writing challenge together.

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Well this last weekend we went to a Gamers Convention (PAX) together...my folks watched the kids and we had an awesome weekend together! We often play video games together...go out to eat...watch movies...play pool...hike...go to the casino...go to concerts....ummmmm, yeah, that's pretty much it... we aren't terribly exciting, but we generally have a good time together still...:D

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No, I am not talking about THOSE kind of activities! But I need to come up with a list of enjoyable/fun activities DH and I could do together. The fact that I"m having a hard time thinking of such things tells you how much we need it!


So, I would love to hear what you enjoy doing with your DH/DW. Mind you, I know most of us don't get to actually DO enough of these activities, so I'm not asking what you actually get to do, but what you would LIKE to do, if you KWIM.

Michelle T


We don't really have a lot of specific things that we love to do together, but we do like to be together. We like to take walks together, sit side-by-side on our own computers together :-)(chatting off and on as we do this), run errands together, just be together, etc. But, in terms of hobbies that we both like, not so much! :001_smile:

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Most of the year we have two daily spas together. At the moment it is winter, the spa costs too much to run (it's in the garden) so instead, we go for two daily walks around the block together, 15 mins each- which is probably better for us both anyway. We have found that by meeting and talking twice a day as a ritual, without kids (they would love to have a spa or a walk with us but dh is strict about it being adult time, and it's good that he does that) we stay connected and up to date with each other.

Other than that, on Sundays, sometime after our family ritual of swapmeet and breakfast, Dh and I often go for either a motorbike ride or a drive in his tiny little red sportscar that is older than me.

Also, I tend to be up first in the mornings, and by the time dh gets up I am usually checking my email. He usually brings his cup of tea and comes and sits with me and reads me bts from the newspaper.

Its the little things :)


My parents always used to sit in our formal loungeroom and drink sherry or scotch and dry in the evenings for a while, and talk, and us kids knew to leave them be.


ETA: I forgot- Dh loves to do the grocery shopping with me. In fact, he does it even if I don't feel like it- I give him a list. It's his thing, and I go with him often. We have enjoyed waltzing our way around the supermarket isles ever since we first got together- he enjoys it more than me, but we do enjoy the time together. He loves any kind of shopping and he loves me to go with him :)

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We enjoy camping, hiking, long drives to good out of the wya bbq places, walking together, bookstores, before kids I loved riding motorcycles with him and we are just starting that again now that our kids are older and we have a babysitter for the 3 year old.

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We like to go to the flea market on Saturday mornings. Lately, we have been taking the kids because my mom has had a lot on her plate. She is our babysitter. We also like to go to Lowes or Home Depot without kids. We wander around and dream about house stuff. We sometimes go to the bookstore and browse all the hobby books, magazines and bargain section. When we are at home, I go sit in what he call "daddy's book room" and just talk his ear off. He has a rocking chair in there and he just rocks and listens to me ramble. If money weren't tight right now, we would be running off for a weekend away. We have been taking at least a weekend away alone every year since 2001. I am not sure if we can pull it off anytime soon though. Other than those things, we watch movies or tv shows together when the kids are in bed.

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We like to go out to eat, go to the movies, the bookstore, Starbucks. Some things that don't cost money: the library, watching TV or a movie without children, listening to music, going for a walk, just running errands without the kids. Unfortunately, he is only home two days a week so our time is limited. :sad:

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We love being together. As others have said, even running errands is fun when we are together. Often it leads to a simple, but nice lunch somewhere or ice cream in the afternoon.


We like funky, artsy shops...antiques, flea markets, quilting, books, cooking, art galleries, etc. Just wandering and enjoying the sights. We don't buy a lot.


We love walking together and do so every morning. The couple that exercises together gets healthy together. In the last few months, we've been heading to the nature center a couple of times a month for extended hikes. Love that. Would love to take up canoeing in the near future.


We often date here at home. Our sons are older and out of the house more and more with their lives. When we have the house to ourselves, we make a great steak and bake a sweet potato. Toss a green salad and have a feast. We pair it with a good glass of wine and a fun movie on TV. Quieter and more romantic at home anyway. You can probably guess we like cooking together, too.


And gardening. Love to garden together.


We love baseball and take in a few games per season together. The couple that shares garlic fries and a hot dog together is a happy couple. ;)

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usually it is activities that are active, because if we dont' have kids hanging us back, we like to play!

Tennis and mountain biking are the first on the list. A nice long ride is exhilirating.

If it is a cold evening, we like the Border's book store where we can hang out and look through books or music and sit and listen to music and drink some refreshing/soothing drink.

If we had money, we would go out to eat and maybe some time of concert/show, but usually that only happens when we have gift cards, or dh wins the show off the radio give aways! He's won plenty!

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go to B&N, sip our favorite drinks, page through books, and chat


go for a walk on a trail and chat


or run errands, we can get a lot done with out the kids and enjoy the time together


once in awhile go shopping, but neither of us are big shoppers


The above is about once every 3-4 months.


In between I'll make appetizers once the kids go to bed and we'll chat.


I'm cracking up at this because wasn't one of the board euphemisms "chatting"? Sounds like you guys do a lot of chatting.;) On the trail, in the bookstore.....

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I love to shoot pool with DH. He had a pool table in his basement when he was growing up, so he's good at it. I get in some lucky shots. But it's fun to head out, grab a beer, and flirt with each other. Of course, this happens about twice a year. Usually, it's just a movie on the couch after the kids are tucked in. :001_smile:

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Ski together (boys in ski school)...

Play Scrabble and Trivial Pursuit....

Watch movies that don't have animated characters...

Share glasses of wine after they go to bed...


We rarely eat out (we both had years of travel for work and don't really like eating out now) and I'd rather watch a movie at home than in the theater.


Pretty boring, eh?

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