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Old Man Winter....


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Get out of here.


We're tired of you.


I want to go outside without wrapping yards of heavy fabric around my body.


I want bare feet, shorts, and baseball caps.


I want to plant seeds and dig in the dirt.



So just stop. It. Now.

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We are over winter here too in West Michigan.  We were 13 degrees below normal for the month of Feb.........coldest on record.  This morning it was zero again with a high of 15-17 when our normal high is about 40 this time of year.  I love cross country skiing but by March I am ready for bare ground so I can get out horseback riding again.  Snow is just way too deep here to ride and everywhere else is icy.

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I'd be happy just to be able to walk to my mailbox without worrying about busting my tailbone.


The school bus driver yesterday instructed my kids to run in the street rather than take 5 minutes walking on ice to get to the bus stop.  Needless to say, my neighbors were thrilled to see children running on the street this morning.


And we're supposed to plant a couple of trees to qualify for a scout badge in the next few weeks.  Right....


And, I hate being cold.  Brr.

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Today is one day I'm thankful for old man winter. All 4 kids have a stomach virus. The amount of vomit and diarrhea that we've had to deal with would have me in tears if dh had to go to work today. Luckily the snow has kept him home.


But the second this bug is done winter can scram

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On Tuesday I took the kids to the beach because they wanted to see if the sand and salty air would melt the snow. It doesn't, which was cool to see. But as I was standing there on the beach in 4" of snow watching my children throw ice into the ocean, I realized that it was MARCH and I was standing on the beach in 4" of SNOW. So, so wrong.


Today it is snowing again. We have 4"+ out there and hours to go. A friend got her van stuck in a snow bank and the ice on my driveway yesterday and it took us 45 minutes to get her unstuck. We have 3 feet of packed down snow covering everything and piles taller than I am around our driveway. In a normal year we get a snow storm and then it mostly melts before the next one comes. This year it's been too cold to melt so it just keeps piling up. We had a little melting yesterday but there's no where for the water to go so it just forms massive, muddy puddles that freeze overnight.


How old exactly is this old man we call Winter? Isn't it about time he died?

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YES!!!  Enough already!


Fresh air.  Outside play.  Relaxing walks.  Sunshine.  Wind on my face.  Clear roads.  Yard work.  Anything outside would be SO nice at this point.


I miss it all so much.


Not to mention, our special needs daughter who goes to PS, has not had a full week of school ALL YEAR.  It is SO disruptive to me and the schooling, and I just want to explode!  Go away Winter, just go!!!!  I could add a zillion exclamation points, but I won't.


I am off to trudge through the snow to retrieve the boys that must get something done - just a math lesson.  How I will hear about it from the boys.  How evil I am that I make them work.  But will they remember this come June when all the kids are still in school 6 hours a day.  Oh no they won't.


Forgive me, I am so irritiable today.

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Well, I guess no one's happy this winter. We have beautiful weather this spring, the sun's out, trees are blooming, but we need the rain so bad. The Sierra snow pack is at 20% of normal and the water table is shrinking. Too bad we can't trade weather for a while.

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