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Struggling with questions about Palin's last pregnancy

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I'm sure that many here have already heard the rumors surrounding Sarah Palin's last pregnancy. According to the story, she concocted the pregnancy to cover for her teenage daughter. There are lots of pictures floating around the web purporting to prove that Palin didn't look pregnant late in her pregnancy and others proving that she did. I admit to being very torn on the subject. A big part of me feels that her personal family business should have no bearing on the race. But another part of me feels that if the rumor is true, then we've all been manipulated in a most deceitful way. I'm wondering if there is some credible information on the topic, especially on this particular point...


I don't understand why a woman, upon the discovery that her amniotic fluid is leaking a full month before her due date, would then:


-choose to deliver a speech at a conference as scheduled

-choose to take an 8 hour flight from Texas to Alaska

-choose to drive 45 minutes to the planned birth place instead of a closer hospital

-and do all this knowing that the baby has Down Syndrome and might need special care.


I remember hearing this story before long before SP was chosen by McCain, and it didn't sound quite right to me back then. It defies all logic and what I would consider normal maternal concern for a mother in labor to act like this, or for her husband to stand by and let her do it. As crazy as it sounds those choices would make more sense if she were pretending to be in labor while her daughter was actually laboring under medical supervision elsewhere.


On one hand I think it can't be true because who would go to all the trouble of inventing a pregnancy in this day and age. Why not just say, "Our daughter's having a baby and we are dealing with it as a family." Surely this would only win points for a staunchly anti-abortion political family. Then five minutes later I think there must be some truth to the allegations since no reasonable woman in labor with a sick baby would take such reckless chances with the health of both mother and child. There are both rumor and rumor-debunking sites on both sides, and most of them would not qualify as reliable news sources. I'm guessing that the good people of the Hive will be able to shed some light on this.

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I think at this point all of this falls under the umbrella of gossip and we should leave it alone.


The other side of that coin, however, is that any investigative journalist who wants to make a name for her- or him-self is digging into this story, and if there is any fact to it (or other explanation for the unusual behavior) I'm sure it will be public knowledge before too long. Then it won't be gossip, and you could base your opinion of Palin accordingly.

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Yes, I've read the stories and seen the photos. At this point, there is *zero* *evidence* that she has not been truthful. What is floating around out there consists solely of tabloid-level speculation. Until a reputable news source comes out with something more than "but, gosh, she didn't look very fat under that bulky brown jacket", I refuse to give these rumors any weight.


As to the medical stuff... The only thing that gives me pause is the 8 hour flight. I leaked amniotic fluid from Tuesday to Sunday morning before going into labor with my first child (who was born at almost midnight Monday night). Yes, many doctors would insist on inducing labor at that point, but not all. "Leaking" is not the same as "water breaking"... And with a sick baby, I can definitely understand *either* getting to the nearest hospital *or* doing everything one can (especially if one isn't experiencing any contractions yet) to get to the hospital and doctors with whom one has the strongest rapport.


But truly, until I read something with more substance behind it than "zomg!", I'm not willing to give this story any weight. I feel *certain* that if there *is* truth to it, the major news networks will do just about anything to get it out to the public within the next few weeks.


And if there isn't... Gosh, how incredibly damaging to that poor family!

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I have read some of the rumors. At this point it is just gossip and rumors. If it is more than that, I'm sure we will be enlightened to the facts soon enough.


That said, I'm sure if I :lol: or DH was running for office, "they" would find plenty of supposed skeletons in our closets also. :D We've lived a pretty boring life, but given the facts that I went boating (in a speed boat) AFTER my water gushed with DS#2 (but no other signs of labor), I suppose I set myself up as suspect. It was 19 hours later that he finally arrived, only 3 days before his due date.


Our next child will be 6 1/2 years younger than our next youngest. Since we didn't keep up with our pattern, that would be brought up also.


Guess what? My kids haven't been photographed "in public" in months. Hmmmm.


I don't know what is up with SP & family, but at this point I'm not going to waste any more time fretting over it. If it is something I really need to know, hopefully someone besides the tabloids will tell me about it.


If it is not true, my heart breaks for her children that have been dragged through the mud.

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I'm sure that many here have already heard the rumors surrounding Sarah Palin's last pregnancy. According to the story, she concocted the pregnancy to cover for her teenage daughter. There are lots of pictures floating around the web purporting to prove that Palin didn't look pregnant late in her pregnancy and others proving that she did. I admit to being very torn on the subject. A big part of me feels that her personal family business should have no bearing on the race. But another part of me feels that if the rumor is true, then we've all been manipulated in a most deceitful way. I'm wondering if there is some credible information on the topic, especially on this particular point...


I don't understand why a woman, upon the discovery that her amniotic fluid is leaking a full month before her due date, would then:


-choose to deliver a speech at a conference as scheduled

-choose to take an 8 hour flight from Texas to Alaska

-choose to drive 45 minutes to the planned birth place instead of a closer hospital

-and do all this knowing that the baby has Down Syndrome and might need special care.


I remember hearing this story before long before SP was chosen by McCain, and it didn't sound quite right to me back then. It defies all logic and what I would consider normal maternal concern for a mother in labor to act like this, or for her husband to stand by and let her do it. As crazy as it sounds those choices would make more sense if she were pretending to be in labor while her daughter was actually laboring under medical supervision elsewhere.


On one hand I think it can't be true because who would go to all the trouble of inventing a pregnancy in this day and age. Why not just say, "Our daughter's having a baby and we are dealing with it as a family." Surely this would only win points for a staunchly anti-abortion political family. Then five minutes later I think there must be some truth to the allegations since no reasonable woman in labor with a sick baby would take such reckless chances with the health of both mother and child. There are both rumor and rumor-debunking sites on both sides, and most of them would not qualify as reliable news sources. I'm guessing that the good people of the Hive will be able to shed some light on this.


I don't have any reason to think she invented a pregnancy. Some women just don't show. BUT I think she was extraordinarily reckless not to deliver this particular child in a hospital with a NICU. Perhaps she just didn't know how "at risk" her child's life was, though.


As to flying back to Alaska with leaking fluid with a stopover in Seattle? With the FIFTH child? I just can't imagine such a thing. It doesn't go over so well with *me*. I can understand knowing she was not in labor at the beginning of the journey. But she must have had a reason that was greater than just having her child in AK to forgo getting care in a NICU-equipped medical center in TX or AK for one without potential help for complications in AK. Knowing full well that they were going to deliver her *early*? What if her dates were off by a week or more? This happens, and then you have lung development that is compromised with a pre-term baby. I don't understand that.

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Yes, I've read the stories and seen the photos. At this point, there is *zero* *evidence* that she has not been truthful. What is floating around out there consists solely of tabloid-level speculation. Until a reputable news source comes out with something more than "but, gosh, she didn't look very fat under that bulky brown jacket", I refuse to give these rumors any weight.


As to the medical stuff... The only thing that gives me pause is the 8 hour flight. I leaked amniotic fluid from Tuesday to Sunday morning before going into labor with my first child (who was born at almost midnight Monday night). Yes, many doctors would insist on inducing labor at that point, but not all. "Leaking" is not the same as "water breaking"... And with a sick baby, I can definitely understand *either* getting to the nearest hospital *or* doing everything one can (especially if one isn't experiencing any contractions yet) to get to the hospital and doctors with whom one has the strongest rapport.


But truly, until I read something with more substance behind it than "zomg!", I'm not willing to give this story any weight. I feel *certain* that if there *is* truth to it, the major news networks will do just about anything to get it out to the public within the next few weeks.


And if there isn't... Gosh, how incredibly damaging to that poor family!


Yes, I agree. I too leaked amniotic fluid for more than 24 hours before my baby came and she was just fine. I was being monitored by my midwife and knew there was some risk, but I also felt there was risk in going to the doctor at that point. I was not willing to go to the hospital unless there was absolutely *no* other way to have the baby (at home). Had I gone, he would have induced me and I did not want that.


There are lots of things an experienced birth mother can tell either because she has been through it or because she has good care. Perhaps she had been taking meds to keep the contractions from doing anything - who knows. There are two layers to the sack and perhaps it was just obvious that both were not broken. It is pretty easy to tell when the whole sack breaks! :D


And really, if she is trying to help her daughter through a traumatic situation - I mean what if she was raped or something?! - I salute her. The whole story is complete speculation at this point and until there is some hard evidence I have no reason not to believe her.

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BUT I think she was extraordinarily reckless not to deliver this particular child in a hospital with a NICU.


Do we really have enough medical information about this woman and her baby to know better than she and her doctors did about where and how she should deliver her baby? :confused:


Why not give her the benefit of the doubt regarding personal medical and family matters? There is plenty to debate regarding her experience, education, and politics, without second guessing her medical choices.



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Don't many women leak a little fluid? I didn't think it was a big deal. I'd like to give her the benefit of the doubt that she knows what is best (but that said, flying that close to labor wouldn't be my choice--of course, I wouldn't have gone back to work at 3 days postpartum, either. THAT is insane, plain and simple :D)


Other than an "I wonder" attitude about those two particular choices, I just won't go there with the gossipy carp.

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I don't understand why a woman, upon the discovery that her amniotic fluid is leaking a full month before her due date, would then:


-choose to deliver a speech at a conference as scheduled

-choose to take an 8 hour flight from Texas to Alaska

-choose to drive 45 minutes to the planned birth place instead of a closer hospital

-and do all this knowing that the baby has Down Syndrome and might need special care.




Maybe the planned birth place was a better hospital facility, more able to handle a premature delivery and infant?


Pure speculation - I know nothing about this story or Palin at all. But I had a severe bleed due to complete placenta previa at 32 weeks and my DH chose to drive us to our planned birth place instead of the local hospital because frankly the local place would not have been able to handle that kind of OB emergency. Our planned birth hospital, on the other hand, is the top one in the area for babies.


On one hand, I hate that we (the public) are probing into this woman's reproductive history. On the other hand, I know that it comes with the political territory. Has McCain (or Obama) had a vasectomy? We'd probably know it, wouldn't we? So unpleasant though it may be, fair's fair.

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First I've heard of this rumor. Some women just don't look pregnant. And while its possible for a teen (or any age woman) to have a Down's baby, the chances are much, much higher with an older mother- ie, someone Sarah Palin's age.


IMO, gossip. I put it in the same category of "Obama is a Muslim because his middle name is Hussein".

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Do we really have enough medical information about this woman and her baby to know better than she and her doctors did about where and how she should deliver her baby? :confused:


Why not give her the benefit of the doubt regarding personal medical and family matters? There is plenty to debate regarding her experience, education, and politics, without second guessing her medical choices.




I know the baby had Downs. That's an awful lot of information for me. I said, of course, that she must have had a reason that I don't know about. But that particular piece of MEDICAL information I do know.


I'm sure I should not have posted, or only posted favorably. But I still stand by what I said in my first post. I do not understand why she took this risk. If Senator McCain decided to take care of his previous cancers with neutraceuticals, I would be also saying, "I do not understand that choice."

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I'm surprised you would struggle with another woman's private reproduction issues. This seems pretty gossipy.


It is troublesome, and I can see how you would say that. I'll admit to taking a big risk in posting about this topic. However, I feel that I tried to ask my question in a respectful way. I'm sorry if you were offended.

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IMO, gossip. I put it in the same category of "Obama is a Muslim because his middle name is Hussein".


I had the same exact thought. I agree with the above thoughts (and I won't be voting for her either way). It sounds to me like she's just a hard driver all around, KWIM? I don't think she's a woman who lets much of anything derail her plans. I admire her for that, though I disagree nearly 100% with her politics.

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I'm sure that many here have already heard the rumors surrounding Sarah Palin's last pregnancy. According to the story, she concocted the pregnancy to cover for her teenage daughter. There are lots of pictures floating around the web purporting to prove that Palin didn't look pregnant late in her pregnancy and others proving that she did.


I was running a small business when I went into labor a month early. When I called my clients a week or so later to tell them I was sorry I "disappeared" but I had the baby unexpectedly, almost all of them said, "What baby?" Obviously, though I thought I was big as a house, very few others noticed. :D


I admit to being very torn on the subject. A big part of me feels that her personal family business should have no bearing on the race. But another part of me feels that if the rumor is true, then we've all been manipulated in a most deceitful way. I'm wondering if there is some credible information on the topic, especially on this particular point...


I really doubt that anyone will be satisfied or convinced one way or the other. People who don't like her will think the worst, and people who do like her won't -- no matter what the "facts" are.


. . .or for her husband to stand by and let her do it.


I had to chuckle at this statement, since I probably come from a completely different mindset, being in the non-Christian minority here. The first thing that popped into my mind was if he "let's her" run Alaska, too? :)


You say you're struggling with this issue. Is it because you feel you've been manipulated and deceived (if the story is true), or is it because you would question her judgment in other things, as well?

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I don't understand why a woman, upon the discovery that her amniotic fluid is leaking a full month before her due date, would then:


-choose to deliver a speech at a conference as scheduled

-choose to take an 8 hour flight from Texas to Alaska

-choose to drive 45 minutes to the planned birth place instead of a closer hospital

-and do all this knowing that the baby has Down Syndrome and might need special care.



I agree with abbeyej. Nothing here gives me pause except the flight.


Amniotic fluid leaks didn't used to be cause for great alarm. While there was more careful monitoring and checking for infection, induction was not automatic for high leaks. They may have felt that it was safer for the baby to remain in utero with the hopes that the leak would seal over than to be delivered prematurely.


I would definitely drive farther to a birthplace that met my needs, whether it be respect for my right to INFORMED consent/refusal and staff/equipment for a special needs baby.


Also, the fact that they baby has Down's Syndrome makes it much more likely that SP gave birth to him than her daughter. While DS can appear in younger populations, the risk to a woman over 40 is more than 5 times that of someone under 30. I don't have the stats on teens.

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I wasn't offended. I was dumbfounded. Internet rumors not based on fact? Hardly something worth noting.


I think this is a party game from the Democrats. Yes, I do. Taking something unusual and selfless like bringing a downs syndrome child into the world can be twisted by people with an agenda. Are we really in a society that believes it's better to terminate a special needs baby than go to work 3 days later or leak fluid??? It just really baffles me.

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Let's say the unsubstantiated rumors *are* true. In that case, I feel for her dd in question whose complex feelings are now being exacerbated.


Hiding an unmarried, teen pregnancy - I'm guessing - is a rare occurance in recent decades. Rare and probably more difficult to "pull off". That in and of itself makes me skeptical of the rumor's authenticity.

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I wasn't offended. I was dumbfounded. Internet rumors not based on fact? Hardly something worth noting.


I think this is a party game from the Democrats. Yes, I do. Taking something unusual and selfless like bringing a downs syndrome child into the world can be twisted by people with an agenda. Are we really in a society that believes it's better to terminate a special needs baby than go to work 3 days later or leak fluid??? It just really baffles me.


I think the Dems said the same thing about the rumors about Edwards. Party games.


Is it more right to not post the whole story about the Dem's gaffe about the rain/hurricane and get more information? To post, but not the whole story but to find more info provided in that thread as Fourmother has has been provided here in this thread?


Why is posting speculation about Sen. Obama (and getting clarification) quite all right, but posting speculation about this Gov. Palen (Palin?) and requesting then GETTING more clarification wrong?


Can't have it both ways. Dems don't like it, Reps don't like it, and we Independents just sit and squirm in both directions.

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This won't hold true for everyone, but for me, I was always determined to be with the caregiver that I had a relationship with, come he## or high water! I am very odd about birthing and it would have been a hard sell to get me to go to a strange hospital. I can get away with this because I am in labor for hours and hours and hours and days.


The one time my water broke before labor started, it happened at 5AM on a Friday morning. We gave up and did a c-sec at 12PM on Saturday. I had to time to fly to Alaska and back again.


The whole story just seemed so far-fetched and improbable. And the pictures of the daughter, she has a slight pot belly, how devastating is that to a teen's self image? Sometimes one of my daughters will go through a period of time where she will get a little soft in the tummy. If people put pictures of her on the internet and speculated on whether she was pregnant...there is not a hole deep enough for her to hide in, she would be so devastated.

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It's internet rumor. I didn't buy Edwards cheating on his wife for one minute until it was confirmed. I was blown away. I don't go for rumors. Period. And I do think debating another person's pregnancy is really low. Especially when reproductive rights are almost the number 1 things Democrats run on. It's low and tacky.

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Society or people that judge her pregnancy when it's none of their business.


She's a public figure now. Like it or not, her medical history is now going to be up for scrutiny.


I agree it's nobody's business, but national elections don't work that way. And they haven't for a Looooooong time. She can't be calling for special favors in this regard.

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I should probably add that I am amenable to making birth choices that don't include what's considered standard protocol in the USA.


Alternative birth settings, researched and conscious decisions regarding level of care, not rushing to the hospital upon early signs of labor are all choices that I "get" and support.

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She's a public figure now. Like it or not, her medical history is now going to be up for scrutiny.


I agree it's nobody's business, but national elections don't work that way. And they haven't for a Looooooong time. She can't be calling for special favors in this regard.


It's not special favors. This rumor erodes the Democrats credibility a lot with me. It's complete hypocrisy.

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It's internet rumor. I didn't buy Edwards cheating on his wife for one minute until it was confirmed. I was blown away. I don't go for rumors. Period. And I do think debating another person's pregnancy is really low. Especially when reproductive rights are almost the number 1 things Democrats run on. It's low and tacky.


Asking for more information is hardly debating. Unless you're talking about what we're doing now. (And I'm really just chatting and am not riled up or anything. Just clarifying why I responded in a less than offended way.)


Reproductive rights are almost the number one thing (national-level) Republicans decide who will run on, certainly. That's why Gov. Palen/in (sorry) is, in my opinion, now the VP candidate for that party. You can bet Joe Biden was picked for something other than his pro-choice stance.

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It was her 5th baby, I am sure she knew what she was doing LOL I have had amniotic fluid leak and didn't rush to the hospital either and delivered along time after it started leaking. I am sure she was under the care of a Dr she trusted and probably wanted to deliver under his/her care. I can respect that.


As far as the rumor that it's her DD's baby, give me a break.

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You say you're struggling with this issue. Is it because you feel you've been manipulated and deceived (if the story is true), or is it because you would question her judgment in other things, as well?


I guess if it were true I would feel manipulated. Also it would make me question her judgment in other areas. There are quite a few positions on which she and I would disagree, but at the same time I do admire her accomplishments. So I'm honestly not trying to tear her down. It's just that with her being named to the ticket, it brought the story of the baby's birth back into my mind. I'm a headstrong woman (even a feminist), but I can tell you my husband would have hog-tied me if necessary and taken me to the nearest hospital ASAP. :)

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Are we really in a society that believes it's better to terminate a special needs baby than go to work 3 days later or leak fluid??? It just really baffles me.


I am not a Democrat (although I will be voting that way this year). I am pro-choice, and there are two Down's children in my life. I love those children, they are great kids. I also know a woman online (not from here) who terminated a pregnancy because she was advised there were serious risks involved to her life, and that there was a good chance the baby would not even make it to full term. This is a married Christian woman who has two other children. I did not know her at the time this happened but I do know this was not an easy decision for her. She still often talks about her little angel. I respect this woman very much. I also respect a woman's right to continue with a pregnancy under the same conditions, even against advisement from her doctor.


For me, saying that a woman's reproductive health is no one's business but hers means just that. Not that some women I agree with get to decide and the ones I disagree with don't. JMO

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But I will not take them seriously and I would be very disturbed if I knew that any politician or political party were spreading those types of rumors.It's just...wrong.


I don't think this is from the Democratic PARTY. It could just as easily have started from the disgruntled just-rousted-or-indicted-Republicans in her own state. Doesn't this speculation predate her making even the longshot possible VP list?


The thing is, the Democratic party (whatever that means) knows they don't need this. I mean... for one thing, it would make them look amazingly vindictive and ignorant. (Don't believe me? Read this thread, lol!) For another, well, there's more but I'll stop. This isn't like the Rove machine attacking McCain in 2000 with its "black illegitimate baby" idiocy. Stooping that low isn't business as usual for the Dem party (whatever that means).

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Are we really in a society that believes it's better to terminate a special needs baby than go to work 3 days later or leak fluid??? It just really baffles me.


Okay -- color me confused! :confused:


I don't recall anyone here saying she should have terminated the pregnancy? Is that part of the "rumor?"


If not, I'm going to have to add reading comprehension to my self-education goals. :)

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Here is a picture of her, looking quite pregnant in February. The woman is a marathoner, people! She isn't going to look like a beached whale like i do when I'm pregnant! I can't believe I am even posting this. This ticks me off. The "reproductive privacy" journalists are turning out to be some of the biggest hypocrites the world has ever seen. Alan Colmes worrying about her pre-natal care, Sarah faking her pregnancy to shield her teen - I can't find an eye-rolling emoticon big enough.

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There is no way she could possibly have believed that this would never come out if she stepped into the national political landscape. She doesn't strike me as that ignorant.


So she didn't look pregnant at 7 months - I didn't wear maternity clothes until about 7 months and then it was because I was GOING to wear maternity clothes - dangit! She's apparently quite the athlete and that isn't a little bit of a stretch.


She chose to go home to her doctor to have her special needs baby - well, ok. So? If her doctor allowed her to travel in the first place, there must have been some discussion of this before hand.


What else is there to this rumor? I'm just not seeing it.


ETA: I think it's very telling that when you google Sarah Palin pregnancy - all you get are bizarre celebrity gossip websites. Not even something with a reputation like the National Enquirer! LOL

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Reproductive rights are almost the number one thing (national-level) Republicans decide who will run on, certainly.


I don't think this is accurate. There is a vocal, passionate percentage of Republicans/conservatives who are one issue focused, but I don't believe that for the party at large at all. Many (less vocal) are fiscal conservatives, for example, or Libertarian leaning but chose not to waste time/money/votes on 3rd parties.


I think we represent a wide variety of issues and ..... um, a bit more credit. ;)

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First of all, logically, it is very unlikely that a teenager would have a baby with Down's Syndrome. The liklihood of that is a strong function of maternal age.


Secondly, I agree with Quiver about the 'experienced mom' thing. The better you know your body, the easier it is to know what is or isn't about to happen. And the airlines and most OB's do let you fly up to 4 weeks before your due date.


And lastly, this is SO none of my business. I just SO do not care. And I regret tremendously that the oldest daughter, in this lovely family, is being plagued with these kinds of disgusting rumors--true or not. FWIW, I don't find these rumors credible at all. But I really, really don't care whether they are or not. And no matter who the mother is, I'm glad that she decided to bring that baby into this world, Down's Syndrome and all.


I felt the same way about John Edwards, except that in that case I found the rumors quite credible. But I regret that they floated around and would just as soon not know this kind of stuff.



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Both of my pregnancies were very high risk. With each one I spent at least a week in ICU. I never went to the closest hospital for many reasons. The chief reason being that the closest hospital is an abortion mill. They get no money from us for any procedure. Also my doctor was a staunch prolife doctor that worked with high risk pgs and he did not practice at the closest hospital because it was an abortion mill. I can think of all kinds of reasons why she did not go to the closest hospital and find nothing odd about that.


22 years ago one of my younger sisters got pg out of marriage when she was a teen, my parents sent her to Tulsa OK to have the baby and tried to keep it hushed up. 16 years ago another of my teen sisters got pg out of marriage and she was not sent away and the pg was not hushed up, although my parents pressured us to adopt the baby. Mores in the church and in society about teen pgs had changed quite a bit in the 6 years between sisters getting pg. My dad was a minister, has pastored, taught seminary, and been a missionary. The first sisters pg was hushed up to help my parents reputation in the denomination my dad held papers with. I thought it was stupid then and voiced my opinion acordingly.


Yesterday I saw a film clip of Sarah Palin walking down a hall where her office is and I thought in the clip she was walking as if she was late in a pg when the ligaments on the pelvis begin to loosen in prep for the delivery or just delivered and the ligaments had not had time to tighten up. You know the wide stance waddle :blink: she did not look very big and I had a hard time telling she was pg but she had the waddle down.


I seriously doubt that in this day and age anyone would try and pull off what this rumor says. Teen pgs are not looked down on like they were in the past and something like this would leak like a sieve. So unless a reputable news agencies breaks this I would mark it up with the area 51, grassy knoll, and other such conspiracy theories. Of course I could be wrong but the clip of her walking down her office hall sure had the gait of pg gal in her last month or so or who had just delivered.


That is not even going into the fact that the odds of a down baby are in Sarah's favor.......

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One other more important thought about all of this is, if this were true I doubt very seriously that she would have passed the vetting process to be chosen as the VP running mate. During the vetting process they examine every area of the persons life very closely. Edwards got away with what he did as long as he did because he was a candidate but when some one is vetted they are looking for these types of skeletons so that they can rule out that person before hand. McCain and his folks have to much to loose to choose some one doing what this rumor states. I would wager that they knew about the rumor and check it out and Sarah passed because she is the mother.

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It's internet rumor. I didn't buy Edwards cheating on his wife for one minute until it was confirmed. I was blown away. I don't go for rumors. Period. And I do think debating another person's pregnancy is really low. Especially when reproductive rights are almost the number 1 things Democrats run on. It's low and tacky.



Many here are too young to remember Watergate I gather. Neither party is too low for gossip and dirty tricks. Both parties have mucked around in the gutters since the beginning. It's nothing new.

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