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Baby name help


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(I will delete this later on as it has my kid's names in it. Just fyi)


One of my pregnancy quirks is I like to have both names picked out before finding the gender. Due to being high risk we are having multiple high resolution ultrasounds to measure the uterine walls, so we likely will find out before 20 weeks. I am 13 now.


We have our boys name but the only girl's name that i like and my husband can tolerate is Elena. My grandmother's name was Helen, and his grandmother was Eleanor, so it seems like a nice tribute and seems to flow nicely with our other kid's names(Joshua and Olivia).


However, I want to spell it Elaina. I think it's easier to pronounce and flows with the other names.

My husband thinks it looks made up.


What say the hive?

And second question, I prefer a longer middle name with a shorter first name. DD's middle name is Katherine. Any suggestions for Elaina/Elena?


(I can't make a poll off my phone)

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I like the name a lot, I don't love the spelling Elaina.  But it's okay :)


I also like Helena (rhymes with Elaina) and Alana and Elaine.  Wow, now that I type it out, even "Elaine" looks unusual to me, and that's the typical spelling for that? so maybe Elaina isn't as unusual as my eye originally thought.  So--good name! :)  All good, IMO--



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Elaina seems like a normal very name to me. It would not surprise me at all to see it on a list or name tag or whatever. (Honestly, Elena seems a touch odd to my eye. It's one that seems a tiny bit made up, which it is, as a combo of two other names.) I would pronounce them differently though: "E-lay-na" vs "El-eh-na".

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The pronounciation is primarily why I'm leaning towards Elaina. I would pronounce Helena Helen-a, and i think a lot of people pronounce Elena as Ellen-a. Which is the proper pronounciation in some countries.


I was sort of thinking with the rise in popularity of Elliana it wouldn't look so strange in a few years.

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My parents wanted to name one of my sisters Elena in the early 70s, but they were moving a few weeks after she was born from a state where the name was familiar to one where they thought it wouldn't be pronounced correctly so they spelled it Alayna.  People still didn't always pronounce it correctly though.  I think either Elena or Elaina will end up with some mispronunciations (your spelled would get confused with Eliana, I think).  I personally like Elena better than Elaina.

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I'm not sure that I've ever seen either of those names as English names, though it's pretty. I've met a woman from Eastern Europe--not sure which country--named Elena, and I've seen it as a Spanish name. I don't believe I've seen the name Elaina before, though it must be real enough because my spell check isn't catching it :) I did know a non-hispanic, white-with-who-knows-what-ancestry American woman named Alaina, though (which my spell check tells me is wrong). I think I like the simplicity and clean look of Elena, though ... but I also can see it being mispronounced with the second "e" being long, too.


I think the name sounds nice with the middle name Rachelle, though again we get into mispronunciation issues, because I can see that being pronounced Rachel, whereas I mean it to be "Rah-SHELL."  Elena Rachelle / Elaina Rachelle. I'm sure others will have suggestions that I'd love as well, though.



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I'm not sure that I've ever seen either of those names as English names, though it's pretty. I've met a woman from Eastern Europe--not sure which country--named Elena, and I've seen it as a Spanish name. I don't believe I've seen the name Elaina before, though it must be real enough because my spell check isn't catching it :) I did know a non-hispanic, white-with-who-knows-what-ancestry American woman named Alaina, though (which my spell check tells me is wrong). I think I like the simplicity and clean look of Elena, though ... but I also can see it being mispronounced with the second "e" being long, too.


I think the name sounds nice with the middle name Rachelle, though again we get into mispronunciation issues, because I can see that being pronounced Rachel, whereas I mean it to be "Rah-SHELL." Elena Rachelle / Elaina Rachelle. I'm sure others will have suggestions that I'd love as well, though.

If it makes any difference, the maternal great grandmother she would be named after was from the Czech Republic. :-)

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If it were just you I'd say spell it how you want it.


But since it's you vs. husband I have to say that I think Elaina looks "creative" to me and Elena is, in my mind, the traditional spelling.


But I'm not a professional name etymologist or anything. Good luck. All those names are lovely.

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Also, Elaina Nicole

Elaina Anne

Elaina Joy

Elaina Grace

Elena Noelle (that's a lot of "l" and "eh" sounds, though)

Elena Rosemary (I don't know why that popped into my head.)

Elena Rose

Elena Ruth

Elena Christine

Elena Stephanie


I think the tricky part is that a lot of the longer names have an "a" or "e" sound on the end, and so I don't like them as much with Elena, since it ends with a vowel sound. And since it also starts with a vowel sound, I don't like it much with things like Elizabeth or Abigail.

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it would depend on what pronunciation you want.  Elena is a common Greek/Italian/Spanish/ etc version of Helen & I think it's commonly pronounced with short e's.  I know an Elena and she pronounces it  that way eh - leh - na   (like Helen without the H and add an a)

Elaina would be eh lay na to me.... 

I'd go either Elena or Eliana (which I pronounce el ya na)  or Elaine.

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The pronounciation is primarily why I'm leaning towards Elaina. I would pronounce Helena Helen-a, and i think a lot of people pronounce Elena as Ellen-a. Which is the proper pronounciation in some countries.


I was sort of thinking with the rise in popularity of Elliana it wouldn't look so strange in a few years.

I would actually pronounce Elena as E-lean-uh

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I've known local kids named Elena, Elaina, Alaina, and Laina, all pronounced with the long A emphasized. I would go with Elena if that is the traditional spelling for an ethnicity you wish to honor (like our former neighbors with a partial hispanic background). Personally I like Elaina equally well if capturing a particular culture isn't important. The spelling with the initial A (Alaina) always throws me a bit--takes my brain a second to figure out it's the same name.

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I have seen Elena before, but had to consider the pronunciation in my head for a moment. Elaina needed less processing time, but I hadn't seen that spelling before.


If you look at name popularity on the Social Security website (http://www.ssa.gov/oact/babynames/rankchange.html), Elena is higher than Elaina, but I was surprised at how high Elaina was for a name unfamiliar to me. Maybe it's up and coming?


Erica in OR

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Elaina Charlotte

Elaina Sophia

Elaina Margaret


Ooh, Elaina Sophia! Or Elena Sofia! Or however you chose to spell it--I think it's beautiful! Especially if you have a fun, flowing, vowel-y last name like "Carrera," but even if you have a more typical one. (But I do still like Elena Rachelle, too :) )

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