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Which LOTR character are you?

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took it twice, and I am Frodo both times. I do sort of identify with Frodo. you know...everyone else makes a mess and I have to clean it up, no privacy with "Sam" at my side every time I turn around, hairy feet...oh, wait, no, scratch the hairy feet. I DO NOT have Hairy Feet!!

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You know, I meant it in only the kindest way, thinking of your nobility of spirit and all that. Not the, uh, pride part.


You're totally one of my board heroes.


No, no, I'm weak.. the power of the ring is too much for me. I hang my head in shame. I'm having a hard time meshing it with Elinor Dashwood. :lol:

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I am Frodo twice. I too do not have hairy feet. Ok a couple of hairs on my big toes, but nothing like a Hobbit!!! :glare:


So does this mean that in the really important things I will remain true until the very last minute and luck will save me?:D I really wanted to be the pretty elf who took care of them. What was her name.

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The first one I was Legalos...the second Arwen.



BTW..Is there anyone else on here who was named after a LOTR character in real life? My real name is Arwen. I have actually met a Gandalf and an Aragorn (too bad this Aragorn didn't look like his screen counterpart...we could of had some....um, conversation :lol:).

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BTW..Is there anyone else on here who was named after a LOTR character in real life? My real name is Arwen. I have actually met a Gandalf and an Aragorn (too bad this Aragorn didn't look like his screen counterpart...we could of had some....um, conversation :lol:).


Oh, I love the name Arwen. In fact, it was on my short list of names for my youngest dd. :001_smile:

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The first one I was Legalos...the second Arwen.



BTW..Is there anyone else on here who was named after a LOTR character in real life? My real name is Arwen. I have actually met a Gandalf and an Aragorn (too bad this Aragorn didn't look like his screen counterpart...we could of had some....um, conversation :lol:).


A good friend's niece is named Eowyn

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