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Joshua Duggar is getting married!

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I have to ask (in my complete ignorance and probably shameful stupidity), why isn't there a link to it on the Duggar's site? I understand letting them announce it themselves, but after the site was up why not link it (at least?)?????



BTW~ I think it is totally awesome. I am in awe of how organized she is...

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I was hoping someone else would ask, but alas it falls to me:


Who is this?


I clicked the link, and then the About Us, but the link was broken. Maybe I need to visit the site again and read more carefully.

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I feel really kind of creepy wanting to go look at their registry and wanting to click the links to their story, etc. But I guess that the family, once decided on doing something out of the ordinary, and allowing media access, has learned to accept.


Still, I know *we* are not crazies on the boards, but what happens when msm gets a hold of this and lots of crazies show up at the wedding? Just to get a glimpse of the huge family with all the children?

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What does he do for a living?

How old are they?

Does she work?

Why is she already listed as Anna (Keller) Duggar if they're not actually married yet?


Wow, they look sooooo young.

Not a criticism, just an observation.


Errr.....don't know the answers to those questions, Anj, but the website clearly tells us they're virgins.




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Ok I have read the whole thread and I think i know who this is. Is it one of the kids from that huge family? Also, are you ladies Duggar groupies or what??? :lol:



Yes, I think so. Isn't he the oldest?

And no, I"m definitely not a Duggar groupie. Nothing against them, but I don't watch the shows, visit the website, etc. It just feels to voyeuristic to me. I know lots of people hang on their every pregnancy, and they certainly are subject to a lot of media exposure, but although I know who they are, (and what her hair looks like! :D) I'm not into them enough to care about the gift registry.


To each his or her own, I guess.

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Ok I have read the whole thread and I think i know who this is. Is it one of the kids from that huge family? Also, are you ladies Duggar groupies or what??? :lol:


Yes, he is the oldest child from this family. I came across them quite by accident on the Discovery Channel one night and my two youngest are actually the "groupies" if that's what you want to call them. They just think the family is neat because they homeschool and, although my children know a whole of families who homeschool, they were completely thrilled to see one actually on TV!!:)


I've actually tired of them somewhat and I have to admit the mom's voice grates a tad on me - I guess I'm jealous 'cuz I am definitely not the soft spoken type. Her dh said that was one of the things that attracted her to him, so to each his own, I guess.


I do think they are a dear family though and that the parents are doing a great job raising all those precious kidlets. Not for me, but I have absolutely nothing against them.

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I wonder if she did that just because she's excited to be getting married - you know, how you scribble, "Mrs. Right" everywhere? :)


Gah, they look so young. But they certainly do look smitten with one another. They'll probably be married forever.


How many grandchildren will the Duggars have?!? I can't even imagine!


I had to go look at her registry list - did anyone else notice the 'one egg wonder' pan? She won't be needing that for long! :lol:


I hope they get some time to enjoy each other before the kids start coming. They're just so young (or they look it, anyway - I don't really know how old they are).


From the list of the curtains on her registry, it seems they've got a specific house already. Isn't the Duggar dad in real estate?

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18 kids. wow.....


I am really shocked that I haven't heard of them, especially with how much time we spend on the Discovery & TLC channels.


I won't be looking at their registry, but I will admit that I do love to be nosy and look at people's registries. I think it's interesting to see what people register for and the different tastes.


Thanks for the link.

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How many grandchildren will the Duggars have?!? I can't even imagine!


I had to go look at her registry list - did anyone else notice the 'one egg wonder' pan? She won't be needing that for long! :lol:




I saw the egg pan, and I can't tell you how tempted I am to buy it (Walmart will ship direct to those registered, right?) and have the note say "May this be of no use to you what so ever in the future."


I guess that might make me a groupy, huh?


I have to admit, I find the family strange. I disagree with them on a lot of things. But I also find them fascinating. I've become very interested in large families since discovering them, and that's led me to consider expanding our own.

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Errr.....don't know the answers to those questions, Anj, but the website clearly tells us they're virgins.


Now, I do think that's great, to save oneself for marriage. (But I laughed out loud when I saw your comment, Astrid.)


Say it loud, say it PROUD, I guess, right? ;-)

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Now, I do think that's great, to save oneself for marriage. (But I laughed out loud when I saw your comment, Astrid.)


Say it loud, say it PROUD, I guess, right? ;-)


Yes, see, that's what I was saying! There are virtually no details about their respective lives, except perhaps one of the most INTIMATE! LOL!


And I'm not knocking it by any means; I think it's great too. Just struck me as odd that so many were asking, "Who's Josh Duggar?" but we knew THAT about him! :-)



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Yes, see, that's what I was saying! There are virtually no details about their respective lives, except perhaps one of the most INTIMATE! LOL!


And I'm not knocking it by any means; I think it's great too. Just struck me as odd that so many were asking, "Who's Josh Duggar?" but we knew THAT about him! :-)




Interesting...I didn't read on the site that they are virgins? It did say that they are entering marriage with purity which certainly implies virginity but their home page says much more than that.


You learn that they are Christians, that they love and appreciate their parents, that they look forward to beginning a family, etc. The page also appears to be new and will have many more features as time comes.


From reading some of the posts, I thought the site might say, "Hi, we're Joshua and Anna. We are *virgins* and we're getting married. That. is. all.":lol:

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Interesting...I didn't read on the site that they are virgins? It did say that they are entering marriage with purity which certainly implies virginity but their home page says much more than that.


You learn that they are Christians, that they love and appreciate their parents, that they look forward to beginning a family, etc. The page also appears to be new and will have many more features as time comes.


From reading some of the posts, I thought the site might say, "Hi, we're Joshua and Anna. We are *virgins* and we're getting married. That. is. all.":lol:



OH CARP. *SIGH.* I guess I'm just not making myself very clear here lately. I'm so tired of repeatedly defending myself. Anj asked what they did for work, where she was from, etc. All the links on their page hadn't been set up yet, but their homepage did mention that detail. Dang it, I meant NOTHING BY IT. SERIOUSLY.


I'm sorry I said anything. Really..........Wow.


Let me just make this blanket statement, right here, right now, and then I"ll go away:






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This is going to sound cranky, and I have absolutely nothing against the Duggars at all, in any way. But, it grates on me when people (and I've seen this more than once) point out that they're getting marriage as virgins or getting married with "purity." What bugs me is that purity is so much more than physical restraint. Humans are humans, and I'm going to have a very difficult time believing neither of them has had a lustful or impure thought toward each other, ever.


But, maybe I'm just cranky over semantics. I applaud their commitment to abstaining from s*xual activity before marriage, but 1) is it necessary to advertise it and 2) is it really anyone's business, either way?


Besides my crankiness over that, I wish them the very best. :)

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Yeah, it kinda bugs me too. "Um, thanks, I didn't need to know that."


This is going to sound cranky, and I have absolutely nothing against the Duggars at all, in any way. But, it grates on me when people (and I've seen this more than once) point out that they're getting marriage as virgins or getting married with "purity." What bugs me is that purity is so much more than physical restraint. Humans are humans, and I'm going to have a very difficult time believing neither of them has had a lustful or impure thought toward each other, ever.


But, maybe I'm just cranky over semantics. I applaud their commitment to abstaining from s*xual activity before marriage, but 1) is it necessary to advertise it and 2) is it really anyone's business, either way?


Besides my crankiness over that, I wish them the very best. :)

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OH CARP. *SIGH.* I guess I'm just not making myself very clear here lately. I'm so tired of repeatedly defending myself. Anj asked what they did for work, where she was from, etc. All the links on their page hadn't been set up yet, but their homepage did mention that detail. Dang it, I meant NOTHING BY IT. SERIOUSLY.


I'm sorry I said anything. Really..........Wow.


Let me just make this blanket statement, right here, right now, and then I"ll go away:








I thought your comment was right on, and as a matter of fact, I thought the exact same thing when I read their page.


People really need to :chillpill:

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Hey, I understood you. :) It does seem odd for that to be one of the primary facts that you tell the general public about yourself. Sign of the times, I guess. Shrug. No personal detail is off limits, and virginity at marriage is so unusual that it must be announced.


OH CARP. *SIGH.* I guess I'm just not making myself very clear here lately. I'm so tired of repeatedly defending myself. Anj asked what they did for work, where she was from, etc. All the links on their page hadn't been set up yet, but their homepage did mention that detail. Dang it, I meant NOTHING BY IT. SERIOUSLY.


I'm sorry I said anything. Really..........Wow.


Let me just make this blanket statement, right here, right now, and then I"ll go away:






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Sorry I quoted you on a bad day, Astrid. I just didn't read their page the same way.



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This is going to sound cranky, and I have absolutely nothing against the Duggars at all, in any way. But, it grates on me when people (and I've seen this more than once) point out that they're getting marriage as virgins or getting married with "purity." What bugs me is that purity is so much more than physical restraint. Humans are humans, and I'm going to have a very difficult time believing neither of them has had a lustful or impure thought toward each other, ever.


But, maybe I'm just cranky over semantics. I applaud their commitment to abstaining from s*xual activity before marriage, but 1) is it necessary to advertise it and 2) is it really anyone's business, either way?


Besides my crankiness over that, I wish them the very best. :)

The entire website thing struck me as kind of odd. Almost like a marketing ploy. Listing the registry in a wedding announcement just seems to be tacky to me.


Maybe I'm too old school to appreciate it.

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These are total guesses but jftr I think that they announced they are getting married "in purity" because they were/are trying to encourage other young folk to do the same thing by pointing out that yes, indeedy, it can be done. They don't mention the difference between physical and mental purity because it would be impossible to know the thoughts and intents of the heart; they settled for announcing the physical part because that alone is very hard to achieve in this day and age. I don't think it I would announce that to the world, but I think the point was to set them up as example of "what to do" for those who follow their lives. When you are media personality your lives tend to be a bit more out there for public scrutiny - this nips any speculation in the bud.


As far as her name being presented as Duggar with her maiden name in parentheses, I think this may be a betrothal thing. I have often heard it said that in Bible times when a couple was engaged they were considered married for all intents and purposes. To become "unengaged" required a divorce decree.


Like I said, total guesses.

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The entire website thing struck me as kind of odd. Almost like a marketing ploy. Listing the registry in a wedding announcement just seems to be tacky to me.


Maybe I'm too old school to appreciate it.


Yes, to make it that public was rather unusual. I'm thinking there may have been a request for that from outsiders. There are a whole lot of people who really love this family and their kids, and I'm guessing that they would love to send a gift. I wouldn't think of it as a plea for presents but perhaps just a way to make it easy for others to bless them if they were already thinking of doing that.

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The entire website thing struck me as kind of odd. Almost like a marketing ploy. Listing the registry in a wedding announcement just seems to be tacky to me.


Maybe I'm too old school to appreciate it.


I find that odd, too, but I've seen it as a trend lately in couples I know who have been recently married. One site even had a Paypal link so you could just contribute cash as a wedding gift.:001_huh:

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As far as her name being presented as Duggar with her maiden name in parentheses, I think this may be a betrothal thing. I have often heard it said that in Bible times when a couple was engaged they were considered married for all intents and purposes. To become "unengaged" required a divorce decree.


Like I said, total guesses.


You have a point. I heard a speaker at a home school conference (and I wish I could remember who it was!) that advocated that upon betrothal, the two people go to the JOP and have a civil wedding, then go home to live with their parents until they finished school, or were actually ready to marry with the whole religious ceremony. That struck me as a *bit* obsessive or controlling or weird or something.

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I can see the grave mistakes I made as a mother-of-the-groom and new mother-in-law.


I wrote up that whole blog post about their wedding day and I forgot to include the link to their Target registry and I forgot to mention their state of purity. I will try to do better with my upcoming kids. I just know that my kids want me announcing THAT to the world!!!


Is it too late to go back and add that information now? It's only been two years.

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I can see the grave mistakes I made as a mother-of-the-groom and new mother-in-law.


I wrote up that whole blog post about their wedding day and I forgot to include the link to their Target registry and I forgot to mention their state of purity. I will try to do better with my upcoming kids. I just know that my kids want me announcing THAT to the world!!!


Is it too late to go back and add that information now? It's only been two years.


Go for it!:lol::lol::lol:

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They may have all the information out in the open in an effort to avoid questions. And yes, I can see people asking if they are/were virgins, and where they are registered. Besides they have a bunch of groupies :) who follow their every move. It can come across as crass, but honestly, I think it's just because it's stuff that's asked.


Also, I jsut went to their website and there is a link for people to RSVP. So the website is a way for guests to RSVP. When I am invited to something such as a wedding or baby shower, I alway want to know where they are registered. And it annoys me if it's not in the invitation.

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This is going to sound cranky, and I have absolutely nothing against the Duggars at all, in any way. But, it grates on me when people (and I've seen this more than once) point out that they're getting marriage as virgins or getting married with "purity." What bugs me is that purity is so much more than physical restraint. Humans are humans, and I'm going to have a very difficult time believing neither of them has had a lustful or impure thought toward each other, ever.


But, maybe I'm just cranky over semantics. I applaud their commitment to abstaining from s*xual activity before marriage, but 1) is it necessary to advertise it and 2) is it really anyone's business, either way?


Besides my crankiness over that, I wish them the very best. :)


Yes, in a society/media/etc. obsesssed with sex, someone needs to present an opposing viewpoint. We all hear what celebrity/athlete/politician this week IS having sex before/outside of marriage. He is a pseudo-celebrity, and I think it is great he uses that platform to promote purity.

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:chillpill:-ing, I guess...





I just assumed by Astrid's post that she had received neg. rep for her comments. I wasn't telling you to :chillpill: I honestly didn't think anything you said was wrong. I agree that they seem like great kids who love their parents, and more importantly, God. I did think it was a little odd that they declared their purity in their announcement and assumed they meant s*xually pure.


I'm sorry if I offended. You know me and I wouldn't want to hurt anyone's feelings! Just wanted to clear that up!! :grouphug:

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