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Anybody want to play 'Name that Baby' again?!


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Let me start off by saying that hubby and I didn't agree on a name for our daughter until 2-3 days AFTER she was born! We made lists. We bickered and bartered. We scoffed and outright laughed at the each others choices...but did not come to a decision until we were out of time and then it just seemed natural:)


I do not really want to do that again, and my dd (almost 5) is very impatient for a name. She is really interested in Greek mythology and wants things like Hephaestus, Aristophanes (called Ares), and Heracles (called Harry Baby).

Daddy is British and likes traditional British names that are going to be problematic in this country. Things like Alfred, called Alfie or Alf. I had to show him who Alf was in this country, lol.


So, general guidelines to complicate things:

1) My dd''s name is Alexandria Isobel McCall with a 2 syllable last name. So we are looking for something equally...formidable (hubby says pretentious is a better word:). With lots of possibilities for shorter nicknames.

2) grandpa on both sides is Charles, so bonus if it gets used. Can be tossed in as a 2nd middle name, our family isn't going to get up in arms if nothing familial gets used at all:)

3) we have a slightly hippy bent so are open to all kinds of crazy possibilities if they meet the 1st criteria. Just have to have a 1st name that COULD pass the CEO/politician test should the kid be so inclined.

4) bonus points for first names that are multisyllabic but start with A or vowel sounds, but not an absolute necessity.

5) lastly, we love names with historical significance...especially scientists or mathematicians. Alexandria is named after the library, and has asked that we formally change her name to include Hypatia (she is already a math nerd!), and I am required to include it whenever I call her full name!


If you read all of that! And are still interested in playing, PLEASE help us out. So far we have Sebastian Charles X X, Maximillian Sebastian Charles X, and I like Atticus....of Alex's choices only Archimedes could even be a ugh possibility.

Any ideas?


ETA: It is a boy!

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Charles Frederick X or Charles Evariste X? -- Frederick as anglicized from Friedrich (Gauss) and Evariste is Galois's first name -- both mathematicians we love! :)


I love Atticus!


There was also a mathematician by the name of Augustine something or other.



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Charles Frederick X or Charles Evariste X? -- Frederick as anglicized from Friedrich (Gauss) and Evariste is Galois's first name -- both mathematicians we love! :)


I love Atticus!


There was also a mathematician by the name of Augustine something or other.

Ooh, Alex would absolutely go into raptures if we named this baby Fred:) She might even give up the little Kingie doll we made her.


Off to google obscure mathematician names....

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I used to have a dog named Atticus.  I had a neighbor who had a dog named Atticus.


Now that the book The Fault in Our Stars came out and was made into a movie, I think Augustus is a name that would be warmly received here in the US, but Augustus will always be a favorite of mine because one of my favorite novels is Lonesome Dove.  If you call a boy Beauregard (Bo) Augustus (Gus) you can call him "Bogus" for short.  Who could pass up an opportunity like that?

And stay firm on the Alf ban.

The best name ever is Agamemnon.  If you name your son Agamemnon he's just destined to become king of men. 


Where do you come down on Ulysses, Antinous, Aeneas and Tiresias in the Ancient Greek/Roman Literature department?

I also like Xavier pronounced (Ex-ay-vee-yer).

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Are you looking for boy names only? I like Atticus sebastian Charles, Viktor Atticus (my ds just put that, LOL), Orion Sebastian.

Yep, boy names. Sorry that wasn't clear, I edited the original post to clarify.


Adding Orion to the list to take to hubby!

I am stuck on Atticus too, in some form? Not much in the potential for nicknames but maybe that's okay. Alex chose Charlie Chicken randomly as her nickname when she was 2 and it still gets used!

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I used to have a dog named Atticus. I had a neighbor who had a dog named Atticus.


Now that the book The Fault in Our Stars came out and was made into a movie, I think Augustus is a name that would be warmly received here in the US, but Augustus will always be a favorite of mine because one of my favorite novels is Lonesome Dove. If you call a boy Beauregard (Bo) Augustus (Gus) you can call him "Bogus" for short. Who could pass up an opportunity like that?


And stay firm on the Alf ban.


The best name ever is Agamemnon. If you name your son Agamemnon he's just destined to become king of men.


Where do you come down on Ulysses, Antinous, Aeneas and Tiresias in the Ancient Greek/Roman Literature department?


I also like Xavier pronounced (Ex-ay-vee-yer).

I love the way you think!

And yes, both Agamemnon and Achilles have been discussed in this house. Alex suggested Acrisius but immediately abandoned it because she used her new vocabulary word to pronounce him pusillanimous, lol.


Daddy is pretty serious when he suggests Maximus Aurelius...

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You got lots of suggestions already but... when I read that your 5 yo dd is impatient for a name, I thought she had not been named yet because you guys could not agree. :lol:


No it didn't take us QUITE that long! Although she was lovingly known as Cleo the Embryo and then Cletus the Fetus for far too long prior to her birth:)

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One hundred percent honesty here. The name I had in my head as i was reading your OP but hadn't gotten to the name options was Sebastian Charles! I like the name Atticus as well and think it goes well with Charles.


Sebastian is my number one choice if we have a boy but we won't know until the baby is born.

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I love the way you think!

And yes, both Agamemnon and Achilles have been discussed in this house. Alex suggested Acrisius but immediately abandoned it because she used her new vocabulary word to pronounce him pusillanimous, lol.


Daddy is pretty serious when he suggests Maximus Aurelius...

If we're going by character, I would nix Achilles and Agamemnon. Perhaps Hector? ;)

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Okay, I had a little time to play ... they look more "formidable" with two middle names, so I left them all that way.


Anderson (or Andrew) Charles Beckett McCall

Elliot Charles Henry McCall

Emmett William Charles McCall

Isaac Charles Benjamin McCall

Oliver Henry Charles McCall

Owen Charles Henry McCall

Isaac Charles Henry McCall

Henry Charles Beckett McCall

Niels Emerson Charles McCall

Ian Charles Emerson McCall

Nicholas Walter Charles McCall

Graeme Sebastian Charles McCall

Emerson David Charles McCall

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Ellison (Ellis for short)








Theodore (Theo or Teo for short)






St John (Brits pronounce it "sinjin")


Ellison Charles St John

Cassius Tarquin Charles

Jasper Tobias Charles

Theodore Charles Simeon

Milo Augustus Charles

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How about Hector? Hector Charles Lastname. Greek mythology, slightly old-fashioned, certainly not unknown in England and thus doesn't sound completely weird next to Charles.


I don't think Alfred is such a dealbreaker either. That show is, what, 30 years old? The little kids today won't have any clue that their classmate Alfie has a name from a puppet alien tv show. Or you can always call him Freddie instead, which would make both your husband AND your daughter happy. Or stick it in the middle position - Charles Alfred sounds much nicer than the other way around anyway. However, you should both know that Alfie is an very popular name for boys in England (and the UK generally) right now. If you a. avoid popular names and b. visit family there, have dual citizenship, etc. then it might be better to avoid it.


It's a pity you went with Alexandria for your girl, because Alexander Charles really satisfies all requirements, and that's just *waaaaaaaay* too matchy. But then she'd have to be somebody else, I guess, and you and your husband would have taken even longer to pick her name.

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I'm including names that are historical but not math/science-historical.  Bolding the ones that have a math/science connection.  


Abel (Niels Henrik Abel)

Adrian (form of Hadrian - Roman emperor)

Alaric (the Visigoth)

Albert (Einstein)

Augustus (Caesar; Augustine and August are derivatives)

Aurelius (Marcus)


Edmund (Spenser, Hillary, Pevensie)

Euclid (the geometer)


Irving (Washington, Berlin)


Oberon (fairy king)

Octavian/Octavius (Augustus Caesar again)

Orville (Wright)


Ulrich (Zwingli...I don't know what your religious background is)

Ulysses (Grant; form of Odysseus)

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I don't think Alfred is such a dealbreaker either. That show is, what, 30 years old? The little kids today won't have any clue that their classmate Alfie has a name from a puppet alien tv show.


Agree. There's a young man at our church in his mid-20's who is a huge ALF fan. (He says he discovered it accidentally when he was in high school.) But he says no one his age even knows who ALF is.


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Daddy is pretty serious when he suggests Maximus Aurelius...


Hee hee hee.  My brother, Travis, who was named after Col. Travis, was asked his name for a take out order at a local restaurant.  He said, "It's Trav.......wait a minute.  I can be anyone I want.......  It's Maximus." (All because Gladiator is one of his favorite movies.) When the cashier brought his order out she said in a perfectly monotone voice, "Order up, Maximus." He said even then it sounded awesome.  


My favorite quote from the movie is, "Maximus, you have a very big name."

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Hector is the name of older Mexican men in the SW US.


Angus is a type of beef in the SW US-I don't know about all over the US.

Hamish is the name of an annoying character in Disney's Alice in Wonderland with Johnny Depp.  (Disney movies tend to be known across the generations.) "Hamish has a blockage." is a line I remember clearly.


Jocelyn, Spencer, Tristan  and Cameron are common here.

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Alistair, Alasdair, Alexander, George, Dominic, Benedict, Ernest, Harry, Roy, Ewen, Ewan, Ruaraidh, Rory, Ruari, Bruce, Logan, Magnus, Oliver, Marcel, Freddie, Douglas, Owen, Cormac, Gregor, Gregory, Felix, Justus (pronounced with a 'y' sound, Aeneas, Ross, Tristan, Kieren, Kieran, Lachlan, Jamie, Brodie, Hamish, Sandy (also used as a shortening for Alexander).


From the boys' school list in Scotland.



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I seem to keep saying/mentioning this to other people, but if you go to www.behindthename.com, you can actually pick out masculine names, Ancient Greek names, English names, mythology names...you "name" it, they have it!  (Sorry, bad pun!)


Personally I like Charles as a first name, shortened to Charlie if it fits him.  I'd use Atticus as the middle name.  Even sounds good when you're yelling loudly down the hall when he's in big trouble:  "CHARLES ATTICUS XXXX, GET BACK HERE AND WIPE THAT JELLO OUT OF YOUR SISTER'S UNDERWEAR DRAWER!"  ;)



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  • 2 months later...

Kerileanne, are you still looking for a name for baby? I thought of you today and had to go searching to find this old thread. I remembered that Alex was named after the library (so cool). In my internet travels today I came across the Perseus Digital Library and immediately thought how cool it would be for your son to be named after a modern digital library. And of course Alex would probably be super excited about the Greek mythology ties. Alex and Percy -- so cute! So Perseus is my suggestion. Perseus Maximillian Charles X.



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Ooh, Alex would absolutely go into raptures if we named this baby Fred:) She might even give up the little Kingie doll we made her.



Now I just have to point out that Alfred can also have the nickname Fred...


And now someone downthread reminded me of the Alfie and Annie Rose books... :001_wub:


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Now I just have to point out that Alfred can also have the nickname Fred...


And now someone downthread reminded me of the Alfie and Anni Rose books... :001_wub:



Yes! We knew a Fred and it was at least a year before we learned his name was Alfred because his wife jokingly called him Fred-e-rick when she wanted to get his attention.

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Oliver means Peace.


Not exactly. In its modern "olive" spelling, it just means olive, which is associated with peace and friendship. (And the popularity of the name is complicated when you consider the mixing of French Olivier with pre-existing Germanic names which sounded similar but had no connection whatsoever.)




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Kerileanne, are you still looking for a name for baby? I thought of you today and had to go searching to find this old thread. I remembered that Alex was named after the library (so cool). In my internet travels today I came across the Perseus Digital Library and immediately thought how cool it would be for your son to be named after a modern digital library. And of course Alex would probably be super excited about the Greek mythology ties. Alex and Percy -- so cute! So Perseus is my suggestion. Perseus Maximillian Charles X.



Oh, I really like the idea:) I shall ask hubby tonight...


Thanks for thinking of me, and for reviving the thread! Here we are at 29 weeks, with a csection scheduled for 36, and hoping we make it that long...with no name agreement in sight:(

Hubby likes Aristotle Maximillian Charles at the moment...and told dd that if mom went for it she could nickname him Ares. I am totally under pressure:)

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So...panicking a bit.


I was admitted to Labor and Delivery this afternoon...hopefully everything will be fine and I will have several more weeks to think about names. In the meantime, anyone want to chime in on a few potentials? Bonus points for cool nicknames as these hugely long names may need it.


Atticus Maximillian Charles

Archimedes Sebastian Charles

Aristotle Maximillian Charles

William Frederick Charles

Maximillian Sebastian Charles

Edison Charles

Perseus Maxillian Charles


And a few other permutations I can't think of at the moment because I don't have anything with me here...further suggestions extremely welcome:)

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Most of those aren't really to my own taste, but if you like them that's the important thing. Of the list, the ones I really do like are William Frederick Charles and Maximillian Sebastian Charles. Names for a kid to grow into, that's for sure :)


Let's hope he doesn't come too early. I've got my fingers crossed.

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I hope everything is good with you and baby. I had several L&D trips and signs of early delivery with my second, but in the end he stayed put until almost his due date. It does ramp up the planning though!


I still like Perseus best on your list.


Blaise would make a nice middle name to go with it. Perseus Blaise Charles. Then you have ties to mythology, a mathematician, and a library!


Have you considered Leonardo? Cute nickname of Leo, and covers two mathematicians in one go (Fibonacci and da Vinci).

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