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The "Temple of Barack Obama"

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LOL, well it does look like a temple, but they were probably going for a Washingtonian look. I thought moving his speech to that venue was brilliant, but yeah, I think for their own sake the stage needs to be toned down.


I agree, I think they were going for a federalist look. Jon Stewart asked Howard Dean this question and Dean looked pretty confused (although I think there was also an audio delay causing problems). I don't think Dean had made the connection between ancient architecture and the neo-classical look you see in most of the monuments in Washington.


As a member of a "Classical Education" forum, am I really supposed to get my panties in a twist (hey *anj*) because they chose a stage based on classical architecture???


Should I scorn the Federalists for doing the same in our Nation's capitol?


Or is this just plain silly?






Do you think he will wear a toga?


to-GA, to-GA!


Am I the only big Animal House fan here? I know it's a very silly movie.


I say NO OBAMA O8!!! Pride comes before a FALL!!!


This sort of thing makes me cranky.


If this should happen, would you want it to be Obama or McCain?


McCain or Obama? :D




I know where my vote would go...


A suggestion to this poster and others who state they "do not want to start a debate but..."then inflammatory ,divisive, partisan rhetoric follows . I am not buying it . It is a means to post inflammatory generally unfounded"facts" from a muckraking type of organization. I do not consider this to be contributing to intelligent, thoughtful discussion of the pertinent issues facing the voting public. By all means exercise your First Amendment rights but please do not be disappointed when the level of discourse being utilized does not change anyone 's mind regarding who is best suited for the highest office in our country.




And don't mention Hitler.


Wait, I just mentioned Hitler!







Sorry... everyone's just so serious around here lately...


Aw, the thread has now been Godwined (yes, I made it a verb).


They look Doric.. no fancy stuff at the top. A conservative choice.




PS, I had to remove some people's smilies to get this post through, sorry!

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Perhaps he'll save that for the inauguration...



Given his opinion of himself and his love of faux temples and presidential crests I suspect he will save the laurel leaves for his "coronation".


Should our children now all study David's Consecration of the Emperor Napoleon I and Coronation of the Empress Josephine.



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I am cracking up over this thread.


But as far as the topic goes- there is a major hurricane with it's eye on New Orleans, a crisis with Russia, a war in Iraq, an an economy that is going to s*** and they are talking about THIS on CNN. :rolleyes:


Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son.


yep. One MORE reason I don't watch the news any more :tongue_smilie:

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You've reference his inflated ego twice now that I've seen. Would you be so kind as to link to examples of his uppity-ness, or am I to be left guessing?


Well we can start with his temple as referenced in this thread, his quasi-presidential seal which had its own Latin Inscription, his web site that speaks of him as though he is some gift from the heavens.


His line during his St paul speech "I am absolutely certain that generations from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children that this was the moment when we began to provide care for the sick and good jobs to the jobless; this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal; this was the moment when we ended a war and secured our nation" .... come on give me a break.



Another quote "I have become a symbol of the possibility of America returning to our best traditions."
















Good enough?


No more guessing.


Sincerely pqr

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Well we can start with his temple as referenced in this thread, his quasi-presidential seal which had its own Latin Inscription, his web site that speaks of him as though he is some gift from the heavens.


His line during his St paul speech "I am absolutely certain that generations from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children that this was the moment when we began to provide care for the sick and good jobs to the jobless; this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal; this was the moment when we ended a war and secured our nation" .... come on give me a break.



Another quote "I have become a symbol of the possibility of America returning to our best traditions."
















Good enough?


No more guessing.


Sincerely pqr

I tried to rep you for this but the system wouldn't let me!! :iagree::iagree::iagree:

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I have to say, now that I've seen the photos, I'm kind of disappointed. ;) I really don't understand the furor, lol.


It's got columns. Like most of DC. So flippin' what? Obviously the idea is to allow the American public to see the candidate as "presidential", to picture the candidate as president. Was anyone expecting something *other* than marketing to be going on?


A little silly? Sure.


Worth getting worked up about? Oh. My. Heavens. :rolleyes:

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Well we can start with his temple as referenced in this thread, his quasi-presidential seal which had its own Latin Inscription, his web site that speaks of him as though he is some gift from the heavens.




OMG, Latin? No way. Well, there you have it. Who in the world reflects back to those dead white men, anyway? Surely no one here would do such a thing or approve of someone else doing that. And from a HARVARD man? Latin? Sheesh. How... elitist. (Quick, somebody phone dd and warn her to drop Latin III NOW!)


And *whispering* I think the reference to a "temple" was a little bit tongue in cheek. (But [pam whispers more quietly] I could be wrong.) Unless the whole notion of calling to mind someplace presidential, say, Washington DC, the White House, the Capitol, is uppity and elitist, this is more about where he wants to work than where he wants to be crowned King of the Hill.


It does serve a political purpose, though, to hint that Sen. Obama might be The One warned about near the "End of Time." Can we risk it? Probably not. There is a nuance aimed at evangelicals that is lost on the general population regarding these warnings, but the subtle hint is there. Let him that hath ears, let him hear and all that.


Sorry. The people you quoted sway me by calling Sen. Obama an egoist no more than do you. But I appreciate you letting me know where you got your notions. It does explain it. Thanks. (Really.)


I do find it interesting how two (I would suppose) reasonable people can see events and quotes so absolutely differently, one as darning and one as inspiring or neutral. (I use the word darning because the word ****ing will be ***'d out. That awful, profane "d" word.)


And I forgot -- his website. Honestly, I think someone should email them and let them know that they really should tone down the "Barack should be president because he is the best candidate and here is why" rhetoric. It's excessive, that, and leading up to election day and all... (And someone should email Pam and tell her to tone down her sarcasm. I'm sorry about that. Sorta. Mostly.)

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You've reference his inflated ego twice now that I've seen. Would you be so kind as to link to examples of his uppity-ness, or am I to be left guessing?


Well, I've always assumed anyone running for the position of President must have pretty healthy self-esteem. I haven't seen anything that would indicate that Obama's is any healthier than other candidates'.

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Well, I've always assumed anyone running for the position of President must have pretty healthy self-esteem. I haven't seen anything that would indicate that Obama's is any healthier than other candidates'.


I have yet to meet one that does not think highly of him or herself. Very few unassuming politicians/rulers, ever! :lol:

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It does serve a political purpose, though, to hint that Sen. Obama might be The One warned about near the "End of Time." Can we risk it? Probably not. There is a nuance aimed at evangelicals that is lost on the general population regarding these warnings, but the subtle hint is there. Let him that hath ears, let him hear and all that.


Wow, that sailed totally over my head! It makes my wonder how much other coded language has escaped me in McCain's campaign...

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It does serve a political purpose, though, to hint that Sen. Obama might be The One warned about near the "End of Time." Can we risk it? Probably not. There is a nuance aimed at evangelicals that is lost on the general population regarding these warnings, but the subtle hint is there. Let him that hath ears, let him hear and all that.


Here is a vid for anyone who hasn't seen


When I saw the parting of the Red Sea thing, I didn't know it was possible to crack up and feel sick to one's stomach at the same time.



BTW- Pam, I vote for the sarcasm!

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Here is a vid for anyone who hasn't seen



When I saw the parting of the Red Sea thing, I didn't know it was possible to crack up and feel sick to one's stomach at the same time.



BTW- Pam, I vote for the sarcasm!

Here's a Time article about the ad.

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I'm not sure there's a whole lot more. But if I were trying to play to the worst fears of a demographic whose vote I could not be sure of, this is one way to go.


Well, after seeing the McCain ad, there's not much coded about it. I'm gobsmacked! The most astonishing thing of all is that it's a McCain ad, not a Swift Boat!!!


I've only been unplugged for about a week getting the school year up and going and look at all I've missed.


ETA: Ohh, it's from early August when I was enjoying the political farce of Hugo Chavez, that explains it.

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Here's a Time article about the ad.


Holy cow. Ok, I wasn't imagining things. Dh and I have discussed this, and he googled some, but he doesn't know the Left Behind imagery, so despite the fact that we certainly knew Tim and Beverly LaHaye before knowing Tim LaHaye was cool, he didn't really think much of it except for the "Just who does he think he is" factor. (And the fact that we own all LaHaye's books up to the time when he became mainstream popular -- does that bother anyone but me?) Dh *hates* discussing politics, so we avoid it and didn't get very far into this discussion.


But Fred Davis would definitely know what he was doing with this. Very clever. Sick that I'm confirming what I suspected. Surprised I haven't heard more about it.

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As a member of a "Classical Education" forum, am I really supposed to get my panties in a twist (hey *anj* :D) because they chose a stage based on classical architecture???


Should I scorn the Federalists for doing the same in our Nation's capitol?


Or is this just plain silly?



I totally agree.

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I'm not worked up about it, but I do think it is rather amusing. I think it was rather politically tone deaf for his campaign to not anticipate the fun Leno, Stewart, et al., are going to have with it.


I have to say, now that I've seen the photos, I'm kind of disappointed. ;) I really don't understand the furor, lol.


It's got columns. Like most of DC. So flippin' what? Obviously the idea is to allow the American public to see the candidate as "presidential", to picture the candidate as president. Was anyone expecting something *other* than marketing to be going on?


A little silly? Sure.


Worth getting worked up about? Oh. My. Heavens. :rolleyes:

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Funny. Isn't it the first time that our candidates are both senators?


I think that if they run they should have to give up their seats, not save them for later.


Oh, I soooo agree with this! Where else in the world can you campaign for a new job and still keep your old one??:D

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Well we can start with his temple as referenced in this thread, his quasi-presidential seal which had its own Latin Inscription, his web site that speaks of him as though he is some gift from the heavens.


His line during his St paul speech "I am absolutely certain that generations from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children that this was the moment when we began to provide care for the sick and good jobs to the jobless; this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal; this was the moment when we ended a war and secured our nation" .... come on give me a break.



Another quote "I have become a symbol of the possibility of America returning to our best traditions."
















Good enough?


No more guessing.


Sincerely pqr



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LOL, well it does look like a temple, but they were probably going for a Washingtonian look. I thought moving his speech to that venue was brilliant, but yeah, I think for their own sake the stage needs to be toned down.


All I can say at this point is that I'm glad it was such a monstrous stage, because my husband made incredible overtime last night taking it down. :D

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