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The tree guys have been here for 7 weeks. Seven weeks. JAWM.


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They felled 5 trees in back... weeks ago. They have been pruning the same two trees in the front yard for the past several more weeks. 

I posted about the busted fence and electrical pole issue. They "fixed" those problems.


... but my golly, we're the running joke of the subdivision right now. We have had chippers and bucket trucks parked ON our lawn for almost 2 months. Some days they show, sometimes they don't. No, they haven't other jobs to go on... just "things" get in the way. *sigh* 

Their bucket truck thing completely blocked our house from Trick or Treaters on Halloween. 

To top it off, the main guy likes to go out of his way to pat himself on the back about how "nice" he is being. The contract stated that it was his responsibility to get rid of debris/limbs/etc... and he has dibs on the wood. He just stacks it on the side of the yard for anybody to pick up. Neighbor asked if he could have it for his son-in-law, who heats their house entirely with wood; Tree Guy said "sure - I don't use it, but I do not want to incur more labor time by taking it around back for you - and don't forget how nice I am by allowing you to have the wood"... and he showed the neighbor OUR contract. 

So we've been helping the neighbor (an older man) stack the wood in our shared driveway for his SIL to pick up. 


"I'm so kind to be helping you guys out!" <---- we hear something like this frequently

"This is such hard work - I'm a nice guy" <---- heard just as frequently


Want to know what the other companies estimated for time to fell the 5 back trees and prune the front two? A few days. 


This is solely a vent. I seriously am NOT a whiner. I give credit where it's due. I like people. I'm friends with everyone in the neighborhood. In fact, we hired this guy because he lives in our subdivision; he costs much more than others, but we like to "keep it local" when possible. Unfortunately the "I'm your neighbor" thing is thrown in our faces as well.


I'm tired. My children can't play in the yard (the huge, sharp edged truck is far too tempting for my youngest). Every time I go outside I'm accosted with "look at all of the wonderful work we've done!". I hide in my house. Most of the time the front yard has so much debris in it that I have a hard time taking the pup out to piddle. 



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Blocking your house for an extended period with their heavy equipment is terrible. I would be so mad if that happened to us on Halloween! I'd tell them that you need the work done by X date. What a hassle.

We HAVE told them that. Heck, THEY have told us that they'd be done by "x date"... but then it's pushed back, and back, and back - or they simply are no-shows for days.

Since the majority of the work has been done, I'm not sure there's anything we can do since we signed the contract.

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We HAVE told them that. Heck, THEY have told us that they'd be done by "x date"... but then it's pushed back, and back, and back - or they simply are no-shows for days.

Since the majority of the work has been done, I'm not sure there's anything we can do since we signed the contract.

Ream them on Yelp and Angie's List. See if that doesn't quicken their step. They are definitely overstaying their welcome. Warn others. :)


If you want to be really nice you can not write a review yet but just mention that you want to leave them a good review or be able to suggest them to a friend but your patience is wearing thin with all the cancellations and you need a firm end date ASAP with no more cancellations or you will be sure to let all your friends and neighbors know not to use their service.


What a total PITA for you. I hope they pack it up soon!

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Unfortunately he's made arrangements to do pruning work for neighbors on either side of us; of course touting what a fabulous job he does. These are neighbors we are very, very friendly with, and I feel put between a rock and a hard spot - "bad mouth" his "fabulous service", or warn the neighbors who are about to put out money for this. The other part of me says "they SEE how long he's been here", but then I realize that they may not know what he was doing here (i.e. maybe they assume we extended or added on services for the contract). 

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We had 17 trees taken down and 12 stumps ground in less than two weeks. I would be furious if I were you!

We are absolutely furious - but have no clue what to do as much of the work has been completed (we were preoccupied a bit because they started right when I was laid up after a surgery), and the contract was signed. 

I think Lucystoner is right - mention a review or referrals. Especially since (after all), he keeps mentioning how he is "being so kind and gracious with us, so that he can become the go-to Neighborhood Tree Service". :P

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Wow--7 weeks! When we first moved into this house we needed some trees taken down. I think just 3. Some guys came in, took down the trees, no property damage, sliced and stacked the trunks, took away the debris--all in about 3 hours. Granted we didn't have stumps to grind down but . . . 7 weeks! That's crazy!

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Good grief. Our tree guys are FAST! They took down an enormous oak tree in my yard and had the tree loaded, the brush gone and the stump ground in about 3 hours. It's impressive considering how close the houses are and the trucks can't get into the yard. Of course, we do pay through the nose here.

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Unfortunately he's made arrangements to do pruning work for neighbors on either side of us; of course touting what a fabulous job he does. These are neighbors we are very, very friendly with, and I feel put between a rock and a hard spot - "bad mouth" his "fabulous service", or warn the neighbors who are about to put out money for this. The other part of me says "they SEE how long he's been here", but then I realize that they may not know what he was doing here (i.e. maybe they assume we extended or added on services for the contract).

Warn the neighbors. If you have had exceptionally bad service, it would be a disservice to the neighbors to not clue them in. Services like this live or die on word of mouth.


Usually people who are really nice and great at their job don't constantly have to say that. I had a locksmith out once who kept telling me how nice he was. Honestly, I was creeped out by the time he left! Being nice is also not a substitute for being reliable, diligent and expedient.

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Good grief. Our tree guys are FAST! They took down an enormous oak tree in my yard and had the tree loaded, the brush gone and the stump ground in about 3 hours. It's impressive considering how close the houses are and the trucks can't get into the yard. Of course, we do pay through the nose here.

Similar here. I had a big old, rotted maple overhanging the house -- down in an hour or two, used a bucket truck, all debris carted away.


Another giant, healthy maple with branches extending way over the roof. Had many big branches that were almost touching the roof removed, plus general stemming up and thinning -- took a couple of hours, with two guys climbing up, not accessible by bucket truck. All the wood was removed, and it was in a spot not accessible by truck.


I agree your people are unacceptable. Did you get an estimate?

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Have you paid them? It doesn't matter if you signed a contract. The contract is for a job & the job is not done. Give them a firm deadline & tell them if it's not done by __ date, you'll be paying only 50% of the fee to make up for the hassle you've had to go through.

Oh & I'd warn the neighbour.

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I wonder if he's using his truck for advertising in your neighborhood and isn't ready to give up free advertising. Is it positioned in such a way that traffic can see what company is doing such a "great" job? 


except- if they've been hanging around that long, the message I would take away is they aren't good enough to have enough business to actually keep them busy.  iow: they have too much time.

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The truck doesn't have the company name on it. It IS positioned directly on our front lawn and yes, many people have stopped. 

It definitely is not, however, good advertising for them. It's a very closely knit neighborhood and when I said that our yard is the running joke of the neighborhood, I meant that in a negative way, lol - people come over and crack jokes, or send me sympathetic eye rolls while they check their mail (not meant directed AT ME, but directed at the tree guys... "good think you aren't paying them by the hour!", etc).


They charged by project. They have been paid almost fully. They have no incentive to move their tushies. This was clearly a mistake on our end - we have never hired a tree service before. Obviously we should have done some more research, lol.

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except- if they've been hanging around that long, the message I would take away is they aren't good enough to have enough business to actually keep them busy.  iow: they have too much time.

I would generally agree with you, but some people might not consider that part and only think about the visibility of their truck. 

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Seriously it is beyond words. If they are "working" at the neighbors then the truck can park there for awile.

Did you know ahead if time that they would be parking there overnight?


Might take a phone chat with a lawyer to get some ideas on how to move them along. There is sbsutely no reason for them to be there for 7 weeks. None.

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I'm betting he can't park  his equipment at his place.  Is there a HOA around where he lives?  Let him know that he has x amount of days and he must take all equipment off the property at night.  You are not a storage facility.  Around here, they are in and out in hours.  This is not his full time job, he works someplace else and is doing your job on the side.

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Sometimes it's hard to have a difficult conversation with conflict. Maybe write out what you need to tell them and practice? Or just write the owner a letter.


You have plenty of things to tell him are not ok. Taking over your yard so your kids can't use it for almost 2 months and counting, blocking your house on Halloween, taking way too long, damaging your grass, leaving all of their equipment 24/7, canceling on you.


Was this the lowest bid? One rule of thumb I have is to toss out the lowest and highest bids and then choose from the middle of the pack. A really low bid often means business isn't good for a reason or a lack of experience.

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Make him re-sod  your lawn.


Warn your neighbors.


He needs to be harrassed by you daily on this.


I had ten humongous trees removed from my yard this summer. The entire job was done in ONE DAY. That was felling the trees, stump-grinding, and full removal of all extraneous material.


After the first job, we had a major storm and lightning struck another large tree on our front lawn. The same tree service downed the tree right away because it was dangerous. The came back the very next day to grind the stump and remove the tree. It was very, very quick.

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Sometimes it's hard to have a difficult conversation with conflict. Maybe write out what you need to tell them and practice? Or just write the owner a letter.


You have plenty of things to tell him are not ok. Taking over your yard so your kids can't use it for almost 2 months and counting, blocking your house on Halloween, taking way too long, damaging your grass, leaving all of their equipment 24/7, canceling on you.


Was this the lowest bid? One rule of thumb I have is to toss out the lowest and highest bids and then choose from the middle of the pack. A really low bid often means business isn't good for a reason or a lack of experience.

No, it wasn't the lowest bid - it was the highest. We wanted to keep business in the neighborhood, given the option, and he lives in our subdivision.


There are no HOA rules in our subdivision preventing him from parking his equipment at his place... but knowing where he lives, I have no clue how he DOES store it at his residence, come to think of it.


I am certain he doesn't have another job - the random canceling is because of this appointment, or that, or he has another estimate to do, or he needed to be at the DMV... or whatever number of things :(

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No, it wasn't the lowest bid - it was the highest. We wanted to keep business in the neighborhood, given the option, and he lives in our subdivision.


There are no HOA rules in our subdivision preventing him from parking his equipment at his place... but knowing where he lives, I have no clue how he DOES store it at his residence, come to think of it.


I am certain he doesn't have another job - the random canceling is because of this appointment, or that, or he has another estimate to do, or he needed to be at the DMV... or whatever number of things :(


Many cities do have ordinances that prohibit you from parking on the grass, even if your HOA doesn't.

Contact your city code enforcement department and talk to them - ask them if they could cite you, so you can turn the citation over to the tree trimmer. It sounds like you don't want to be seen as the "bad guy" here, so this makes city code enforcement the bad guy. Most citations are such that first warning is free, then gives home owner x number of days to comply, so it shouldn't cost you anything. You can say, "Hey, buddy, you got me in trouble with the city.... Looks like ya got to move on..."

If you don't want to do that, ask a neighbor to file a complaint. Honestly, I can't believe your neighbors haven't complained to the city!

Otherwise, contact other departments within your city - town manager, environmental services, etc. Look at your town's website and go down the list of departments this could fall under and contact them. Have the city light a fire under him to get him to move on.


Or tell him straight up, "You have overstayed your welcome. We have hired another company to finish the job. Vacate our property now." Don't give him until tomorrow or 24 hours or a week, but now. He doesn't need to know if you really did hire someone else or who you hired or anything.


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Didn't show today. Well, not really. His laborer did, but only to clear some brush from the back that had fallen into the back road, that the neighbors were complaining about; he did nothing more. There is so much debris in the front yard, that I can't get to my mailbox without tripping. Not only is his bucket-truck parked in our front yard, but so is the pick up truck they use to move the debris, and the chipper. 

I'm having DH call him when he gets in from the office. 

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He is using you for free storage, and making your yard a hazard in the process.  I'm glad your DH is going to call him.  


Please set very firm limits.  Give him 3 days to finish cleaning every last scrap of debris from your yard (far more than any tree company needs for 5 trees).  Tell him that if he doesn't complete the job in time, then you will be taking him to small claims court.  

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Take pictures.


With what you are describing, I would not be surprised if your yard needs serious landscaping when he gets his stuff off your lawn.


Frankly, you may need to sue him.


Taking pictures is not making a decision to sue, though. It's just quietly gathering evidence in case his bad behavior continues.

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If you would feel comfortable having your 5yo supervised by the equipment, I'd recommend a nap for the 2 year old and some play time on the equipment while the guys are around.  You could say something about how he just can't resist playing on them any longer and you don't see the harm ...  You could mention that you're setting up a play date with his friends as they've all been asking to play on the big trucks too.   Might help move them out of there.  Yes you're a free parking spot.

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Or tell him straight up, "You have overstayed your welcome. We have hired another company to finish the job. Vacate our property now." Don't give him until tomorrow or 24 hours or a week, but now. He doesn't need to know if you really did hire someone else or who you hired or anything.



I vote for this! For me it would be worth it to pay another company to come in and clean up. 


Yes, tell your neighbors of the poor service - they may not be aware that things aren't going as planned for you! 

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Take pictures.


With what you are describing, I would not be surprised if your yard needs serious landscaping when he gets his stuff off your lawn.


Frankly, you may need to sue him.


Taking pictures is not making a decision to sue, though. It's just quietly gathering evidence in case his bad behavior continues.

I hope any pipes in your yard aren't damaged. What a nightmare!

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If you would feel comfortable having your 5yo supervised by the equipment, I'd recommend a nap for the 2 year old and some play time on the equipment while the guys are around.  You could say something about how he just can't resist playing on them any longer and you don't see the harm ...  You could mention that you're setting up a play date with his friends as they've all been asking to play on the big trucks too.   Might help move them out of there.  Yes you're a free parking spot.

Well, when the guys ARE here, they are dropping very thick, heavy limbs from very high - definitely not something I can have the 5 year old around, lol. 

I am starting to wonder if we're free storage :P

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Does this mean that pretty soon you'll be starting a new thread called, "What should I get my tree guys for Christmas?"


It sounds like they'll practically be family by then!


(Sorry you're having trouble with them!)

Probably. Tony already said I couldn't invite him to Thanksgiving. I didn't even ask to invite him, lol.


To be fair to me, y'all, I'm not the one who hired him :P

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You have a habit of being way too nice!!!  I just looked and you were the same poster that was homeschooling the lady's daughter and you had a really hard time ending that relationship/job.  Both of these are you trying to help someone out...  I think you need to see your weakness.  You have to stand up to them.

I do see my weakness! That's why, when I realized I was feeling sorry for the guy (prosthetic leg, said people didn't want to hire him because of it, despite that he had all permits and a long-standing company, etc), I left the "who to hire" up to Tony. 

So, Tony did it?

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I was also thinking small claims court.  Of course it's easy for me to say here.  We once had our front steps replaced and it took eight weeks.  We'd see him around town working on other projects but not ours.  And he parked his big stupid truck in our driveway for days at a time and just left it.  Ugh.  



Does this mean that pretty soon you'll be starting a new thread called, "What should I get my tree guys for Christmas?"

It sounds like they'll practically be family by then!

(Sorry you're having trouble with them!)


Too funny!

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Not the same kind of tree cutting, but we had more than 10 acres of timber logged in way less time than that! I'd be frustrated too!


This is what I was thinking.  DH used to own a tree service, and the longest job he ever did took about a month of sun-up to sun-down working- and that was clearing three adjoining lots in the Wisconsin Northwoods- including stump removal. 

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