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KTGROK NEEDS OUR VOTES -- This is BIG! She's a Top 10 Finalist in the Harlequin Writing Contest! VOTE DAILY!


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I know Katie is going to be too modest to start her own thread, but the book she wrote was just chosen as a TOP TEN FINALIST in a writing contest sponsored by Harlequin Books! :hurray:


Obviously, if she's going to win this thing, she is going to need lots and lots of votes, so I'm hoping every single one of us will vote for her every single day.


Here's where to go to vote for Katie's book: http://www.katiemeyer.net/2014/11/its-official-im-top-ten-finalist-in-so.html


PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE take a minute to vote -- Katie is an amazing writer and her book is EXCELLENT!!! If she wins the contest, she gets a TWO BOOK PUBLISHING CONTRACT, which is HUGE!!!



BTW, if people can keep bumping this thread for more votes, it would be great, because we can vote every day until the 10th. I really want her to win, because she is such a sweet person in addition to being an incredibly talented writer.


Congratulations on being in the Top Ten, Katie!!!


:party: :party: :party: :party:

Thought I'd quote Cat's original post with the link for this bump. I just voted again! :)

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I can't vote again yet because it hasn't been 24 hours since I last voted, but I'm going to keep trying!


Katie -- when will you know the results? The suspense must be driving you crazy!!!


They will contact the winner sometime tomorrow. So, I guess if I don't get a call, I didn't win. I will be jumping at every call tomorrow, for sure. And then they will announce on thursday. Whoever wins has to keep it a secret until then. 


and yes, I'm kind of a mess, lol. I'm eating too much, and not concentrating very well. I need to be working on the next book, but it's so hard to do that when I'm still so up in the air about this one. 

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I just cast my final vote!!!


Go, Kaaatie! Go, Kaaatie! Go, Katie, go Katie, go!

Imagine me doing a cheerleading/hip hop type combo!

/end dorky Mom dance & cheer


May we please get a video of this?   :D


They will contact the winner sometime tomorrow. So, I guess if I don't get a call, I didn't win. I will be jumping at every call tomorrow, for sure. And then they will announce on thursday. Whoever wins has to keep it a secret until then. 



But Kaaaaatieeeeeee...you can trust us with the secret!!!  We won't tell anyone!!!!  We promise!!!   :bigear:   :ph34r:



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LOL, I love you all, but not enough to spill a secret that could cost me a contract. You'll know as soon as possible though. And unfortunately, I have no idea if I'm even close to the top. That one Irish girl had the whole country of Ireland behind her, as far as I know. 


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LOL, I love you all, but not enough to spill a secret that could cost me a contract. You'll know as soon as possible though. And unfortunately, I have no idea if I'm even close to the top. That one Irish girl had the whole country of Ireland behind her, as far as I know. 


I guess you have a point about that contract... :D


Never underestimate the power of the Hive!     

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awesome! thank you!


By the way, is anyone here living in the Netherlands? I've gotten several views on my website from there, and realized it is likely one of you wonderful people.

That's me :blush:.


Although, I didn't manage to vote 12 times...so, maybe there is someone else voting too.

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When I woke up this morning, the very first thing I thought about was to wonder if Katie got a phone call.


Her book is so good that I'm sure it will be published even if she doesn't win the contest.


My hope is that Harlequin will publish all of the finalists' books, because it's so hard to keep waiting and hoping, and I'm sure all of the other authors are just as nervous as Katie is today, and they all put so much time, effort, and heart into writing their books and getting up the nerve to enter such a big contest.

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Just saw a tweet from an editor that they are still tallying votes. So I haven't been passed over yet. 


Don't they have computers for this stuff? We are all on pins and needles!


Again, I really think the Presents entry, from Ireland, has it nailed....between national news coverage and about 1 zillion facebook shares (shows shares on the website)...I gotta think she has it. But if not, if I get it, you all get the credit, absolutely, and will be mentioned in whatever blog post/press thingy/etc I do! 


Either way, go homeschoolers, go!


(I am going to go continue to try not to have a stroke. Redid my budget this morning, now going to clean the kitchen. I tried reading, but the sci fi book I'm reading takes too much brain power.)

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I thought it was top 2 get a contact. Did I get that wrong?


No, the top winner gets a two book contract. 


No one else wins anything. 


But...last year they ended up signing over a dozen new authors from the contest...so odds are still good. but as much as i know it is getting signed that matters, I'm still going to be on edge until I know who won. 

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I don't think so. As of about 90 minutes ago, they were stilly tallying. The Irish girl posted recently, like a few minutes ago, that she hadn't heard. Neither had another one that I thought was a strong contender. So...either it was another person, totally possible, or they are super late, or someone is a good actress on twitter. Either way, it's 6pm, and I am figuring I'm safe to start drinking. 

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No, the top winner gets a two book contract. 


No one else wins anything. 


But...last year they ended up signing over a dozen new authors from the contest...so odds are still good. but as much as i know it is getting signed that matters, I'm still going to be on edge until I know who won. 


Maybe it's like American Idol - sometimes the runners-up get the better deals.


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ack waiting is hard.  Congratulations on getting this far. Whether you win or lose tomorrow you still did something fantastic that not many will. I know you can't tell us whether or not you won but is it possible that you could come on here tomorrow and give us either a smiley or a frown? I mean you are just giving a smiley not anything else right?  Good luck and try to get some rest:)


ETA I am just kidding about the smiley :)

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