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What is your dream job?


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Own a thriving used book store in an old Victorian house. I would live in part of the house and the store would be the rest of the house. It would be a cluttered mess, but everyone would love it. Creaky stairs, old faded rugs, a few stained glass windows, wing back chairs hidden in little alcoves behind the wooden shelves.


In the evenings, I would write books and be a published author. On the weekends, I would take pictures and have them published in magazines.

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All chamber music, all the time. We would be a happening force in my own town during the year, and would have a vibrant winter festival in China for 6 weeks. 


This job would include the ability to commission works from composers and a bi-annual chamber music competition. It would also include the kind of personal assistants who make these things happen with me signing off along the way. Like a boss. 

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I love the variety in all of these responses.


I really have no desire to enter the workforce full time either.  I just wish we had the finances so that dh and I could both follow our dreams and do a lot more charity type work.  Dh would love to start up a machinist/tool and die training program for at risk young adults.

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Own a thriving used book store in an old Victorian house. I would live in part of the house and the store would be the rest of the house. It would be a cluttered mess, but everyone would love it. Creaky stairs, old faded rugs, a few stained glass windows, wing back chairs hidden in little alcoves behind the wooden shelves.


In the evenings, I would write books and be a published author. On the weekends, I would take pictures and have them published in magazines.


Along the lines of your fantasy....If you are ever in Lyme Regis in the UK (where the harbor wall called The Cobb enters into Jane Austen's Persuasion and John Fowles The French Lieutenant's Woman), stay as we did at the The Sanctuary Second Hand Bookshop--and Bed and Breakfast. The two guest rooms and stairway up to them are completely lined in books.

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I'm one of the fortunate ones who can say I've had my dream jobs. Both of them actually. I wanted to be a teacher and I wanted to be a sahm. I taught school for 15 years - 2 elementary, 1 middle school (that was hard!) and 12 high school (my favorite). When I became pregnant, I retired from teaching and have stayed home ever since. We never intended to homeschool, but once we did, that drew both of my dream jobs into one (though there are times I question my sanity in making this decision LOL).


I'll be 60 when ds graduates next year. I don't want to have to go back to work, so I no longer have a dream job. My back pain would make it difficult for me to go to work on bad days. However, I've looked into volunteering. So far, I'm considering the local SPCA and Meals on Wheels.


Oh, and my dream job had I been born a century or two ago would have been to be a naturalist. Oddly enough, I never wanted to be a biologist in the current age. 



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My dream job has been to do what I do--sahm. However, from time to time I do wonder what I would do if I had to work, or what I might do when I've finished the homeschool 'job.' But I always run into the same thing I ran into when trying to choose a major for college--there are lots of things I would like to do a little bit, but nothing I want to do all the time. Things that at least theoretically appeal:


Bookstore owner/employee

Hospital volunteer who rocks sick babies

Professional college student (Like the widow mentioned above) I have a B.S. and a Master's. I don't want to get another degree, I just want to learn things and hang out with young adults.

TESOL professor

Coffeeshop listener to college students who need to talk to somebody

Volunteer to help immigrants get settled into their new life

Paid housewife :) 


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I am retired so this is from memory. My number one thing would be the people I work with. I have worked on projects with people I loved working with and knowing, people I respected and trusted, and I have worked on projects with the other kind of people. I am still in occasional contact with 2 or 3 people I worked with in 1978/1979. The next thing would be whether or not what I am doing is interesting to me and whether or not I am learning new things.  I have worked in companies that were well run and I have worked in companies that were run by incompetent idiots.  I worked as an Engineer, so what I wrote here is based on that kind of job.

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